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Young announces nearly $60,000 in grants for environmental education

2023-24 State Grant and Resource Guide

(Feb 15, 2024)

2023-24 State Grant and Resource Guide Read more


Young announces nearly $140,000 in Coastal Zone Grants

(Jan 29, 2024)

State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, announced that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection recently awarded $139,595 in Coastal Resources Management Program grants to two projects in her Southwest Philadelphia district. Read more


Young announces $45,000 Alternative Fuels Grant

(Jan 22, 2024)

State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, announced that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has awarded $45,000 from the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant Program to Herr Foods, Inc. located in Southwest Philadelphia. Read more


McClinton, Young and Williams applaud $250,000 for Bartram Garden Trail

(Jan 16, 2024)

“I'm thrilled that the John Bartram Association is getting this funding for increased trail amenities within Bartram's Garden,” said Young, D-Phila./Delaware. “This is a gem for our communities in Southwest Philadelphia, providing wide open green space, agricultural opportunities and a peaceful respite tucked in the boundaries of our city. As a member of the House Tourism and Economic and Recreational Development Committee, I'm always proud to promote and invest in these unique locations in our community.” Read more


Young announces more than $900K in funding for art, sewer and water projects in Philadelphia and parts of Delaware County

(Dec 20, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 20 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Delaware/Phila., today announced more than $915,000 in state funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority. The projects range from water and sewer improvement projects to arts and culture organizations. “As a state representative, it’s crucial that we advocate for funding of this nature whenever possible,” Young said. “These are important projects that will make a difference in our community, which is why my office has and will continue to advocate for similar projects and funding when the opportunities arise.” The grants were awarded to the following: $425,000 to Colwyn Borough for the replacement of a sanitary sewer pipe in the borough. $400,000 to Tinicum Township for the replacement of the Jansen Avenue water main. $16,279 to EgoPo Classic Theater for marketing costs for the performing arts center. $76,814 to John Bartram Association to fund operating costs for its public garden. Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, D-Delaware/Phila., who previously represented Bartam Gardens, echoed Young’s remarks and noted the importance of maintaining public spaces. “Bartram’s Garden is a community treasure in southwest Philadelphia,” McClinton said. “It is a place where neighbors and families can gather to relax, connect, learn, and explore. These dollars can help maintain Read more


Young: PA Students Deserve Safer, #BetterSchools

(Oct 31, 2023)

PA state Rep. Regina Young and her colleagues in the PA House Democratic Caucus are fighting to expand the teaching pool, reduce class sizes, and clean up toxic schools. Read more


Young releases statement on Philadelphia police officer killed Thursday at PHL

(Oct 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 13 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., today released the following statement in response to the shooting death of a Philadelphia police officer Thursday night at the Philadelphia International Airport: “This senseless act of violence took away a husband, a father, a friend. When does it stop? I’d like to send my condolences to the family of the officer who was killed Thursday night and I’m praying for a quick recovery for the other officer who was also shot during this incident,” Young said. “We need to do better – all of us. This is our city, and these are our neighbors. The loss of life experienced in the place we call ‘home’ is unprecedented. And it needs to stop. Violence never has and never will be the answer. Yet we continue to experience this sorrow. “My office remains committed to doing whatever necessary to put a stop to the gun violence in Philadelphia. We will continue to reach as many neighbors as possible to spread this message and turn the tide on what seems to be a daily occurrence these days. “My heart, again, goes out to the family of the officer who lost his life Thursday night. They will continue to remain in our prayers.” Read more


Young Prays for Mindfulness, Mental Health

(Sep 26, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Regina Young offers her opening prayer for the Pa. House. Young asks that she and her colleagues be reminded of their purpose as legislators and be given the mindfulness, mental health, and humanity to represent the people of the Commonwealth. Read more


Philadelphia Sees Slight Rise in Number of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients; Recommends Residents Take Sensible Precautions

(Aug 31, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA—The Philadelphia Department of Public Health notified Philadelphians of a slight rise in the number of patients with COVID-19 in local hospitals. The Health Department advised residents to take sensible precautions in anticipation of a possible continued rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 over the coming months. There are currently a total of 60 patients in local hospitals with a confirmed COVID-19 infection. This is the first time that number has been over 50 since the spring. However, that number is still far below where we were at this point in the last three years. Residents are encouraged to: Stay home if you are sick Check your supplies of at-home COVID-19 tests, hand sanitizer, and high-quality masks (available at the Health Department’s resource hubs and upcoming school events) Test yourself or get tested if you don’t feel well Consider wearing a mask when you are in crowded indoor public places If you test positive for COVID-19 and are high risk, talk with your doctor about Paxlovid or other antiviral medications “In 2023, living with COVID-19 is a bit like living with the potential for severe storms,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole. “Fortunately, we no longer need to put our lives on hold or miss out on important events. But we do need to stay aware of the virus and to be a bit more careful when we see signs of an increase in Read more


McClinton, Young applaud $400K for Schuylkill Banks expansion

(Aug 29, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 29 – Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton and state Rep. Regina Young, both D-Phila./Delaware, are applauding a new $400,000 investment to extend the Schuylkill Banks trail in southwest Philadelphia. “Extending the Schuylkill Banks trail not only further beautifies our city but helps us build healthier and stronger communities by creating a safe place for neighbors to meet up, exercise and enjoy the outdoors, while also connecting communities along the river and providing additional transportation options,” McClinton said. “This project promotes wellness and connects people, neighborhood to neighborhood,” Young said. “We’re so excited about this funding and the benefits it presents to our community. The Schuylkill Banks trail is a vital resource in our city, and my office looks forward to its completion in the near future.” The lawmakers said that the funding, awarded by the Shapiro administration to local nonprofit Schuylkill River Development Corp., will be used to acquire the land to extend the Schuylkill Banks trail approximately 3,400 feet south from the area of 61st Street to Passyunk Avenue, providing a safe and reliable transportation system to more residents. SRDC is working to transform the Schuylkill Banks into a thriving greenway to spur economic development, connect vibrant neighborhoods and improve public health for local Read more


PA House passes bill increasing penalties for child labor violations

(Jun 30, 2023)

“Here in Pennsylvania, we must make it clear: there will be penalties for exploiting the state’s children,” said Young. Read more


PA House passes legislation to increase penalties for Child Labor Act violations

(Jun 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 28 – A bill ( H.B. 1354 ) sponsored by state Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., that would increase the penalties for employers found to be violating Pennsylvania’s Child Labor Act passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today by a vote of 180-23. The legislation would increase the penalties for Child Labor Act violations from $500 to $1,000 for initial violations. The fine for repeat violations would be raised from $1,500 to $3,000. “We cannot have companies thinking that violating Child Labor Act laws is just the cost of doing business here in the commonwealth,” Young said. “There are efforts in state legislatures across the country to weaken child labor laws, and this comes at a time when the U.S. Department of Labor reported a 283% increase in child labor law violations between 2015 and 2022. Here in Pennsylvania, we must make it clear: there will be penalties for exploiting the state’s children.” The bill now goes to the Pennsylvania Senate for consideration. Read more


Pennsylvania House Labor & Industry Committee votes on minimum wage increase and child labor protection legislation

(Jun 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, June 13 – During a voting meeting Tuesday, the Pennsylvania House Labor and Industry Committee reported three pieces of legislation, H.B.1333 , H.B.1354 and H.B.1500 , out of committee and to the House floor. H.B.1500 would increase the minimum wage in Pennsylvania from $7.25 to $11 per hour effective Jan. 1, 2024; $13 per hour effective Jan. 1, 2025; $15 per hour effective Jan. 1, 2026 and indexed to inflation after. There would be annual cost-of-living increases beginning in 2027. The bill also sets the minimum wage for tipped workers at 60% of the hourly minimum wage. This is companion legislation to S.B.743 , introduced by Sen. Dan Laughlin, chair of the Senate Republican Policy Committee. “The minimum wage in Pennsylvania has been stuck at $7.25 since 2009, which is far too long. It’s not livable or viable and leaves us far behind our neighboring states,” state Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., majority chairman of the House Labor and Industry Committee said. “The people of the commonwealth deserve fair compensation for their work, and this is a step in that direction. But make no mistake, this is a compromise. If it was entirely up to Democrats, we would begin with a higher minimum for working people, because that’s what we believe in — people.” H.B.1354, sponsored by Rep. Regina Young, would increase the penalties for Child Labor Act Violations from $500 to $1,000 for Read more


Young Preparing Educators for Urban Schools

(Jun 08, 2023)

As a former educator, Pa. state Rep. Regina Young knows the importance of a quality education and how that begins with quality teachers. Young introduced a House Resolution aimed at the creation of urban teaching programs to inform potential educators on the experience of teaching in an urban setting. This will recruit and retain good teachers for city schools that will help ensure students have qualified educators that share their experience. Read more


Young celebrates $80,000+ awarded to two local senior centers

(May 18, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, May 18 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., announced today that two area senior centers will receive more than $80,000 combined in state funding for capital improvements and renovations. Southwest Senior Center is set to receive $44,116, and St. Edmond Senior Community Center is set to receive $36,274. “This funding will enable these centers to update and renovate their facilities and continue to offer our seniors quality care,” Young said. “It is so important that we look out for, and take care of, our older adult populations and ensure they can thrive as pillars of our society.” The funding for both Southwest Senior Center and St. Edmond Senior Community Center was awarded by the state Department of Aging under the 2022-2023 Senior Community Center Grant program. Funding for that program comes from the Pennsylvania Lottery and the local awards were part of a larger $2 million package awarded to senior centers throughout the state announced Wednesday. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation meets with members of Philadelphia City Council Committee on Education to discuss school facilities

(May 01, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, May 1 – In light of yet another school closing due to environmental hazards, the Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the institution held a discussion with the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Education to help address the school closings impacting hundreds of students. The meeting was prompted after a sixth school building, Universal Vare Charter School, closed Friday after asbestos was found in the building. All affected schools have shifted to virtual learning. The finding comes as the result of a districtwide inspection prompted by the discovery of asbestos in Building 21, located in West Oak Lake. That building was shut down March 1. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas said the delegation is concerned about the ongoing situation of schools having to close, and said the delegation considered the reunion the first step in evaluating strategies and prevention measures with the school district and the board of education. “ Years of disinvested in the schools has led to this upsetting situation; underfunding has taken a toll on these buildings. This is disruptive and frustrating for the parents and students that now have been thrown into a state of disarray,” Cephas said. “We are proposing solutions, but we also have questions and concerns that we need to clarify before we go into budget negotiations. We must wonder, are there other schools slated Read more


Young Questions State Police Diversity, Recruitment

(Mar 28, 2023)

White men currently comprise 86% of the Pa. State Police force compared to only 7% people of color. In a House Appropriations Committee budget hearing, Pa. state Rep. Regina Young asked the State Police Commissioner about their efforts to build diversity. Read more


State funding for local projects

(Mar 27, 2023)

“Infrastructure is vital to the health of the local economy,” Young said. “When you invest in infrastructure you invest in the community. I’m incredibly pleased to see this funding go to so many wonderful and useful projects throughout the city.” Read more


Young: Over $2.4 million secured for local projects

(Mar 17, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, March 17 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., announced today that more than $2 million in funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority will go toward helping fund local infrastructure projects. “Infrastructure is vital to the health of the local economy. When you invest in infrastructure you invest in the community,” Young said. “I’m incredibly pleased to see this funding go to so many wonderful and useful projects throughout the city.” The projects receiving this money include: $100,000 to the City of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation for ADA improvements at terminals A-F at the Philadelphia International Airport. $100,000 to the City of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation for South Commercial Road Rehabilitation at the Philadelphia International Airport. $350,000 to Olde Yankee Inc. for the Schuylkill River port improvement project, which will rehabilitate the marine terminal along the river. $100,000 to Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp. for the Blossom at Bartram streetscape improvements project. $617,100 to Tinicum Township for replacement of the sludge heather at the Tinicum Township wastewater treatment plant. $599,719 to PIDC Financing Corp. for Blossom at Bartram, which will help with improvements to pedestrian safety Read more


Young Excited to See Education, Childcare in Budget Address

(Mar 07, 2023)

House Appropriations Committee Secretary Pa. state Rep. Regina Young reacted to Govenor Josh Shapiro's budget address. Young was excited to hear education, mental health, childcare and property tax rebates were among the Governor's top priorities. Read more


2023-24 State Grant and Resource Guide
Feb 15, 2024

Young announces nearly $140,000 in Coastal Zone Grants
Jan 29, 2024

Young announces $45,000 Alternative Fuels Grant
Jan 22, 2024

McClinton, Young and Williams applaud $250,000 for Bartram Garden Trail
Jan 16, 2024

Young announces more than $900K in funding for art, sewer and water projects in Philadelphia and parts of Delaware County
Dec 20, 2023

Young: PA Students Deserve Safer, #BetterSchools
Oct 31, 2023

Young releases statement on Philadelphia police officer killed Thursday at PHL
Oct 13, 2023

Young Prays for Mindfulness, Mental Health
Sep 26, 2023

Philadelphia Sees Slight Rise in Number of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients; Recommends Residents Take Sensible Precautions
Aug 31, 2023

McClinton, Young applaud $400K for Schuylkill Banks expansion
Aug 29, 2023

PA House passes bill increasing penalties for child labor violations
Jun 30, 2023

PA House passes legislation to increase penalties for Child Labor Act violations
Jun 28, 2023

Pennsylvania House Labor & Industry Committee votes on minimum wage increase and child labor protection legislation
Jun 13, 2023

Young Preparing Educators for Urban Schools
Jun 08, 2023

Young celebrates $80,000+ awarded to two local senior centers
May 18, 2023

Philadelphia House Delegation meets with members of Philadelphia City Council Committee on Education to discuss school facilities
May 01, 2023

Young Questions State Police Diversity, Recruitment
Mar 28, 2023

State funding for local projects
Mar 27, 2023

Young: Over $2.4 million secured for local projects
Mar 17, 2023

Young Excited to See Education, Childcare in Budget Address
Mar 07, 2023