Featured News

Young announces nearly $60,000 in grants for environmental education

Young applauds $30 million in federal funding for Philadelphia International Airport

(Mar 03, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, March 3 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., applauded the Biden Administration’s announcement of nearly $1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to 99 airports across the country, including $30 million for upgrades at Philadelphia International Airport. The $30 million, split between two $15 million grants, will fund a portion of the Terminal Energy Optimization Program. The first $15 million will replace and upgrade pre-condition air units and ground power units at 25 gates. The second $15 million will improve accessibility in the terminal, funding the construction of terminal restrooms, adult assisted care, mother's rooms and service animal relief areas. “A competitive country in the global economy is one that has good infrastructure it maintains and upgrades when necessary. I am pleased to see that the president’s administration understands this reality and is doing something about it,” Young said. “This grant funding will help Philadelphia to continue to be the economic hub it has been since its founding.” Lean more about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law here . Read more


Young Works to Include Youth in #America250PA Celebration

(Feb 01, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Regina Young joined her colleague state Rep. Jared Solomon to speak to students at Gilbert Spruance Elementary School about the importance of America’s upcoming 250th birthday. Young said she wants young people to have a better understanding of where we came from as a nation and to get them thinking about what part they play in America’s future. Read more


Young releases statement on FDR Park meeting

(Jan 27, 2023)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., said today she is both heartened and dismayed by the events of Thursday night’s meeting to discuss the future of, and improvements being made at, FDR Park. “The goal of the meeting was to hear from the constituents and inform them of the progress being made in developing the master plan for FDR Park,” Young said. “That’s why it is unfortunate that outside groups felt the need to bus in protestors to disrupt the event, who screamed and yelled profanities unbecoming of civil debate and rude to the community that makes up the 185th Legislative District. “We understand cultural competency matters and social context matters in all situations. That is why there were over 400 people in attendance and four interpreters for attendees. “The development of this park and other green spaces is vital to ensuring that Black and brown children in Philadelphia have access to safe and green spaces — a necessity of childhood far too often made unavailable. “I appreciate the many families who came to lend their voices and opinions to the meeting. Any time their voices are heard, it’s a good thing. In that sense, I think the meeting was a success. “I promise that we will continue to take into account the opinions of the constituents and will make FDR Park a positive place for Read more


Young: Over $100k secured for Delaware Estuary work

(Jan 12, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 12 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., today announced that the Department of Environmental Protection had awarded $106,601 in funds from its Growing Greener grant program to improving the health of shorelines in the Delaware Estuary. The funding will go toward advancing the application of living shorelines in the tidal freshwater prism of the Delaware Estuary by increasing the footprint of freshwater mussel sub-tidal living shoreline at Bartram’s Garden. The work will be based on the results of previous endeavors and will acquire permits for intertidal components of a full habitat mosaic design at Bartram’s Garden “Nurturing the health of our waterways and shorelines is vital to both our community and the local economy,” Young said. “Securing our environment is securing our future.” Growing Greener is the largest investment of state funds in the state’s history to address environmental concerns. Read more


Young announces signature rectification legislation

(Dec 29, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 29 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., announced today that she intends to introduce legislation in the 2023-24 legislative session that would require county boards of election to notify voters if their ballot signature does not match the signature on file. This legislation would allow voters to the opportunity to prove their identity and affirm that their signature on a ballot is accurate. “Signatures vary over time. And we should not allow something as mundane as this to disenfranchise voters who want to make their voice heard,” Young said. “The current practice of throwing out a ballot over signature discrepancies with no measure of rectification just doesn’t make sense and only serves to silence the will of the people.” Read more


PTRR Application Deadline Dec. 31st

(Dec 01, 2022)

The December 31st deadline to apply for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program is fast approaching and Pa. state Rep. Regina Young’s office is ready to walk you through the application process. Many older and disabled adults living in Pa. are eligible for rebates on property taxes or rent paid in 2021. To see if you qualify or for help applying, call Rep. Young’s district office at 215-952-3376. For more information or to apply online, check out www.mypath.pa.gov Read more


Young announces $1 million in funding for local project

(Nov 21, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 21 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., announced today that $1 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant funds will be going to a project in her district. The city of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation will receive $1 million for the SEPTA Platforms Renovation project, which will improve and repair the deficient condition of several SEPTA platforms and canopies at Philadelphia International Airport. The funding will also go toward modernizing the platforms to enhance user experience for SEPTA riders coming through the airport. “SEPTA is an integral part of the Philadelphia experience and I applaud the investment in making it the best experience possible,” Young said. Read more


Young Can Help with Your LIHEAP Application

(Nov 02, 2022)

Winter is almost here and that means higher energy and heating bills. Pa. state Rep. Regina Young wants you to know that there is help available. Contact one of her district offices for information and assistance in applying for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. You can also go to LIHEAP.com for more information. Read more


Young announces additional $4 million in funding for local projects

(Oct 31, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., announced today that an additional $4 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant funds will be going to two projects in her district. “I’m enthused to see the continued investments in our community,” Young said. “Projects like these ensure that we have the tools necessary to uphold our commitment to build better schools, better jobs and a better community.” The projects receiving grant funding are: $3 million to Rhoads Industries for the Rhoads Industries Building 57 Defense Manufacturing Facility II project, which will help with the further development of a state-of-the-art renovation to Building 57 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard to deliver an in-demand manufacturing center for both government and commercial purposes. The project will specifically enhance the facility to handle the needs of the U.S. Navy Submarine Program by upgrading security, engineering presence, ability to handle material and ship completed modules. $1 million to the City of Philadelphia, Department of Commerce, Division of Aviation, for Wetlands Mitigation at FDR Park 2. This project will create wetlands at FDR Park to mitigate the impacts of airfield improvements by excavating soil and debris, grading, improving the drainage system, removing invasive species, planting and establishing wetland vegetation. Read more


Young: $8.75 million in state grants awarded to local projects

(Oct 27, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila., today announced that four local projects will receive more than $8.75 million in state grant funding. “The projects these grants fund will have an immense impact on our community and will serve to lift our friends and neighbors by improving the very infrastructure used in everyday life,” Young said. “These grants are an investment in the people that make up the fabric of District 185.” The grants awarded include: $5 million to Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refining and Marketing LLC for Bellwether District South Philadelphia Revitalization for Industrial Growth Phase 1, which is a comprehensive redevelopment of The Bellwether District. The improvements include earth moving to raise portions of the site out of floodplains and facilitate future goals of the program to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to the eventual economic hub. $1.5 million to the Fairmount Park Conservancy for FDR Park - Picnic and Play Phase I, which will enable the conservancy to complete its multitude of upgrades. The updated site will include a new shared park road with parking and bike lanes, associated green stormwater management and ADA-accessible pathways and parking. The new utilities will run the gamut, including water and wastewater lines, electrical service, lighting and broadband. There will also be concessions and vending space, gender neutral Read more


This Week in Harrisburg and Around the District

(Oct 03, 2022)

Plus, Sankofa Harvest Fest on Oct. 16 Read more


Young: What will it take for action in the PA General Assembly?

(Oct 03, 2022)

As a mother of children who attend public schools and travel by three modes of transportation, as a wife of a black man who also travels throughout the city for work and as a woman of color who is often the only person in the room who looks like me – something that I notice all the time when traveling throughout the commonwealth, I want to say that I understand the concerns that plagues our streets in and around Philadelphia. I know the mental and emotional toll of not being able to exhale until everyone, myself included, is home safe. That’s when I breathe a sigh of relief and give thanks for another day of making it home safely. This is one of the reasons why my role as a legislator is so important. I can speak from the disenfranchised community perspective because I was born and raised in it – a community that is often frustrated by the politics of how systems work. My team in my district office is often afraid for their children and families – like me, they see firsthand the inaction of the House Republicans. With that being said, it is disheartening to see how some of my colleagues are attempting to grey the area when it comes to portraying their “concerns” regarding Philadelphia. Despite controlling the legislature for nearly 30 years, Republicans have done next to nothing of substance to help curtail gun violence in Pennsylvania. I have witnessed firsthand how proposed legislation cannot even be heard by the full Read more


Summer 2022 NEWSLETTER

(Sep 21, 2022)

Newsletter Read more


Young announces grant for Colwyn Borough

(Sep 21, 2022)

State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, said she is proud to announce that Colwyn Borough will receive $110,000 to convert the basin at 5 th Street and Ellis Avenue into a bio-retention basin. “We only have one planet to live on,” Young said. “It is a huge undertaking, and we need to make every possible step to protect it. I am always proud to bring back money to the district that makes such a positive impact on both our community and environment.” These Watershed Restoration and Protection funds, provided through the Commonwealth Financing Authority, can be used for projects which involve the construction, improvement, expansion, repair, maintenance or rehabilitation of new or existing watershed protection Best Management Practices. The Commonwealth Financing Authority was established in 2004 to administer Pennsylvania's economic stimulus packages. The CFA holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania's economic growth. Read more


Young presented $60,000 check to Mt. Zion CME Church

(Sep 19, 2022)

State Rep. Regina Young presented $60,000 in state funding to Pastor Alfred S. Parker, Jr. on behalf of Mt. Zion CME Church in Sharon Hill. “This funding will go a long way towards helping the individuals and families that need it the most in and around Sharon Hill,” Young said. “I’m always happy to help give back to the community in the most helpful ways possible.” "We are so grateful to receive this blessing, which will benefit the Mount Zion Food Bank Ministry and all the families in the communities we serve,” Parker said. The funding comes from the Department of Community and Economic Development. Read more


GRANT MEMO: Youth Agriculture, Urban Agriculture, and Watershed Cooperative Funding Opportunities

(Aug 30, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation, cooperatives or any other legal entity. Use : To support projects that grow agricultural infrastructure in urban food deserts to improve access to fresh, local food and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, community-building, and for people to become social entrepreneurs. Community gardens are eligible projects. Funds : $2,500 micro grants or up to $50,000 for collaboration grants. Application Deadline : September 16, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Funding/Farmbill/Pages/Urban-Ag-Grant.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Very Small Meat and Poultry Processor Reimbursement Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation or any other legal entity. Use : To support the development and expansion of current or future very small meat and poultry processing operations. Funds : Grants are limited to no more than $100,000 per applicant. Application Deadline : September 26, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Funding/Farmbill/Pages/Very-Small-Meat-Processor-Grant.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Agriculture and Youth Grant Program Read more


What's at stake by not voting...

(Jul 14, 2022)

What's at stake by not voting on Nov. 8 Read more


State Rep. Regina Young’s Statement on Pa. Budget

(Jul 08, 2022)

State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware said she is satisfied that the budget includes a large increase in education funding, for the school districts in her legislative district and throughout the commonwealth. William Penn School District received an increase of $4.8 million, a 19% increase from last year’s budget, while Southeast Delco School District gained a $5.6 million increase, which is a 29% increase from the previous year. Philadelphia School District received an increase of $189.3 million, a 14% increase from last year. “I’m happy to see that the budget prioritized education as a fundamental part of our budget,” Young said. “Education is the building block to a sound future, and I’m thankful of my colleagues who helped pass this budget – taking children’s needs into account.” The General Appropriations budget bill must now be passed in the Senate before going to Gov. Tom Wolf’s desk for his signature. Read more


State Rep. Regina Young holds District Appreciation Day

(Jun 02, 2022)

State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, held a day of gratitude for residents in her legislative district. More than 100 people showed up to the event, which featured opportunities for people to connect with important state government services and benefits. There were also businesses and other agencies there, such as PECO and the Philadelphia Housing Authority, to help community members navigate their way to programs to help improve their quality of life. Constituents also were able to meet Young and her office staff, as Young introduced herself and listened to the concerns of the community. “I want you all to understand that I am not greater, I’m not better, I’m not more important than any of you that are here,” Young said. “We are all created equal, and we’re in this together. Teamwork makes the dream work.” ### Read more


Young secures $7 million for FDR Park, Navy Yard projects

(Apr 25, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 25 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, today announced that her district will receive $7 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grants. “I’m ready to put your tax dollars back to work on redevelopment projects that matter deeply to you,” Young said. “I’m most excited about the improvements coming to FDR Park, and with this funding, we are sure to get a state-of-the-art welcome center and over 30 acres of majestic wetlands. In addition, Navy Yard and Philly Shipyard workers should see safety and training facility upgrades to help them feel protected on the job. These improvements will drastically improve many of our daily lives.” The program grants will be distributed to: Fairmount Park Conservancy for Phase II of the Welcome Center at FDR Park. This $2 million project will convert a historic stable and guardhouse into a public-facing welcome center. The 5,500-square-foot guardhouse will be renovated into shared co-working space for community organizations that deliver park programming; the 3,600-square-foot courtyard into a one-stop shop for park users with restrooms, a staffed information center, and equipment rentals; and the 4,000- square-foot stables restored into a cafe and 6,700-square-foot event space overlooking Pattison Lagoon. These include utilities, such as new water, wastewater, electric, and data lines. The City of Read more