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Young announces committee assignments for 2025-26

Will resume notable appointment to House Appropriations Committee

HARRISBURG, Jan. 13 – State Rep. Regina Young, D-Phila./Delaware, announced that she has been assigned by House leadership to serve on five standing House committees for the 2025-26 legislative session. Young will serve on the Appropriations, Education, Game & Fisheries, Labor & Industry, and Tourism, Recreation & Economic Development committees in the state House of Representatives.

“Standing committees are the backbone of the legislative process, so I look forward to working with these vital committees to focus on legislation that will improve quality of life for all Pennsylvanians,” Young said.

“Continuing to serve on the House Appropriations Committee as a majority member is a real privilege that I don’t take lightly. The opportunity to be directly involved in deliberating on crafting the state budget with state agencies and legislative leaders is an honor, and a benefit for our communities in South and Southwest Philadelphia and Delco.

“I appreciate the trust that Speaker McClinton and Leader Bradford have placed in me, and the importance placed on our region, with all of my committee assignments.”

All standing committees will hold a reorganization meeting to begin their work in the near future. The House is currently scheduled to be back in session beginning on Jan. 27.

The 185th Legislative District is comprised of areas in South and Southwest Philadelphia, along with Tinicum Township and Colwyn Borough in Delaware County.