Spring 2024

(Jun 10, 2024)

Click here to read Rep. Burns' latest newsletter. Read more


Burns brings DCED secretary to Johnstown for walking tour

(Jun 04, 2024)

“We talked about the need for a grocery store downtown, a new public safety building and the removal of hundreds of blighted properties in our neighborhoods,” Burns said. “We visited the old Ideal Market building, which is now vacant and for sale, and the recently vacated Rite-Aid pharmacy building.” Read more


Burns: $200,000 grant headed to Brownstown Borough

(May 24, 2024)

“They came to me explaining the situation, and I made it a priority, because we can get more bang for the buck by working in tandem with the gas company and water authority to create efficiencies,” Burns said.Burns, D-Cambria, said since the gas company was planning to replace its lines, he quickly embraced the idea of having the water company do its own line replacement at the same time because, “Working together stretches everyone’s dollar further.” Read more


Burns: $650,000 coming to Cambria County for 4 projects

(May 22, 2024)

“These grants will help support the growth and stability of neighborhoods and communities, and these are investments I wholeheartedly support,” said Burns, D-Cambria.•East Conemaugh received $50,000 for its Main and Greeve streets demolition project.•Ebensburg received $50,000 for its façade improvement project.•Johnstown received $50,000 for its façade improvement program for 2023-24.•Pittsburgh Gateways Corp. received $500,000 for the Pitt-Johnstown Future Works at the Jupiter Building, 430 Main St., Johnstown. Read more


Burns: $300,000 grant to repave Franklin Borough main roads

(May 20, 2024)

“I told them places like Franklin Borough tend to be forgotten about. But I’m not going to let them be forgotten about,” Burns said. “I encourage the little municipalities to apply for this stuff, and help them apply, and thus they’re getting more money.” Read more


Johnstown Senior Center receives $52,829 competitive state grant

(May 15, 2024)

This award was one of 45 competitive grant awards for Senior Community Centers throughout 26 counties within the commonwealth. The grant funding is appropriated by the General Assembly with proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery. Read more


Burns to host annual Senior Fair Friday, May 31 at the Bottle Works

(May 14, 2024)

State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria, will host his annual Senior Fair for Cambria County’s senior citizens from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, May 31 at the Bottle Works, 411 Third Ave., Johnstown. Read more


Burns: $25,000 grant awarded West Hills Regional Fire Department

(May 13, 2024)

“I went to their annual banquet and talked to the chief and several members about their needs, and we were able to get them this grant,” said Burns, D-Cambria. “As a result, they will be able to do their jobs more efficiently – and more safely.” Read more


Burns commends Johnstown officials who scuttled JHA request

(May 09, 2024)

Burns, D-Cambria, said the votes to deny a Johnstown Housing Authority request cast by Mayor Frank Janakovic, Deputy Mayor Michael Capriotti and Councilwoman Marie Mock mean the city will not be a co-applicant on the JHA’s application for a $500,000 federal planning grant. Read more


Burns: Johnstown leaders should reconsider pricey Central Park redo

(May 09, 2024)

EBENSBURG, May 9 – Noting that removing residential blight, building a new police/fire station and bringing a grocery store downtown are far more impactful projects, state Rep. Frank Burns wants Johnstown City Council to reconsider spending $6 million to $8 million to completely redesign Central Park. Read more


Burns: $50,000 state grant delivered for repairing Brownstown VFC building

(May 09, 2024)

“They contacted our office for help to repair their building,” Burns said, “And we got them what was needed to prevent further water damage.” Read more


Burns: $100,000 grant to mitigate Nanty Glo Borough flooding

(May 08, 2024)

Burns, D-Cambria, said he pursued state help for the 2,500-person borough to address an immediate problem, but also as part of a long-range upgrade plan. Read more


Burns: $47,200 grant for Cambria Twp. VFC to buy new EMS vehicle

(May 06, 2024)

“I had a meeting in Colver with several members of the fire company and when they showed me the condition of their emergency vehicle, I knew we didn’t have much time to waste,” Burns said. “Their vehicle was having serious electrical issues and would randomly stall out and shut down. Read more


Burns: $20,850 grant buys tasers for West Hills Regional Police Dept.

(May 02, 2024)

Burns, D-Cambria, began working to acquire the tasers with former police Chief Ed Fisher, meeting to discuss the severity of need and then devising a plan that successfully secured Harrisburg funding. Read more


Burns: Imhoff resignation is telling

(Apr 30, 2024)

Another piece on the Johnstown elites’ chess board is on the move, with other moves certain to follow, with the unexpected resignation of city manager Ethan Imhoff, who turned in his resignation 27 months after being handed the job – and just three months after being awarded a second two-year contract with a yearly salary increase to $137,500. Read more


Letter to PUC re: First Energy proposed rate increase

(Apr 29, 2024)

Letter to PUC re: proposed rate hike by FirstEnergy Read more


Letter to PUC re: First Energy proposed rate increase

(Apr 29, 2024)

Letter to PUC opposing the proposed rate hikes by FirstEnergy, which would increase rates for Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn customers. Read more


Burns announces more than $1.2 million in safety, security grant funding for area schools

(Apr 26, 2024)

“No child should have to worry about their safety at school, nor should parents have to worry about their kid’s safety either,” Burns said. “Schools should be places of learning where students can be free to achieve their full potentials. I’ve fought in the past for funding for our schools, and I am committed to continuing to do so.” Read more


Burns opposes proposed Peoples Gas increase

(Apr 25, 2024)

“This rate hike would unfairly strap a financial burden on residents who can least afford to pay it,” Burns wrote. “In my district, many residents are older and on fixed incomes, or struggle generally to make ends meet. Even before surging inflation rates over the last two years hiked the price of everyday goods, Johnstown was labeled the poorest small city in Pennsylvania. My constituents simply cannot bear a rate increase of this magnitude.” Read more


Burns votes for transparency in campaign spending

(Apr 18, 2024)

“I’m all for the public’s right to know,” Burns said. “That’s why I’ve been fighting Vision 2025, the Johnstown Housing Authority and others – to ensure the public knows what’s happening in their community so they can have their say. This is no different. Read more