Guzman: Higher Education for Latinos

(Mar 23, 2023)

At a House Appropriations Committee budget hearing, Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman addresses the issue of underrepresentation of Latino communities on college campuses and how we can implement methods to change this. Latinos are the fastest growing demographic in the commonwealth, with 1.5 million Latinos in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s losing the competitive battle against states like New York, Maryland, and New Jersey when it comes to tuition cost. It’s time to make college more affordable for all. Read more


Guzman Addresses Undocumented Students

(Mar 22, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman addressed leaders of Pennsylvania's community colleges regarding their policies toward undocumented students and in-state tuition. Read more


Guzman Explains Importance of Appropriations Committee

(Mar 22, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman explained the importance of the House Appropriations Committee to the budget and lawmaking process in Pennsylvania. Read more


Guzman Speaks with Education Acting Secretary Mumin

(Mar 22, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman speaks with Pa. Department of Education acting Secretary Khalid Mumin about violence in schools and the Shapiro Administration's plans to address it. Read more


Guzman Discusses Education in Budget Hearings

(Mar 22, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman recapped Monday's House Appropriation Committee budget hearing. Read more


Pennsylvania lawmaker proposes temporary electronic medical marijuana cards

(Mar 20, 2023)

In a memo to House members on Monday, State Representative Manuel Guzman Jr. (D-Berks) says his office has received calls regarding the timeline for medical cannabis identification card renewals. Read more


Guzman Hosts Community Meeting on Gun Violence

(Mar 17, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman hosted a community meeting to address the growing threat of gun violence in the city of Reading. Guzman says bringing law enforcement and the community together to have a discussion is just the first step in combating this complex issue. Read more


¡Visite nuestra oficina!

(Mar 16, 2023)

Juntos lograremos que Reading sea un lugar más seguro El miércoles, tuvimos una discusión significativa con la policía y los líderes comunitarios en el Olivet Boys & Girls Club. Fue un gran primer paso para encontrar soluciones reales al creciente problema de la violencia armada en nuestra ciudad. Juntos lograremos que Reading sea un lugar más seguro. ¡El 275 aniversario de la Ciudad de Reading! Ayer marcó un hito importante para la Ciudad de Reading. ¡Estamos celebrando su 275 aniversario! Mi colega, la representante Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, y yo tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar un reconocimiento al alcalde Eddie Moran para dar inicio a la celebración. Me siento orgulloso de ser parte de las festividades de cumpleaños de la ciudad, pero también parte de su crecimiento. Estoy enfocado en traer fondos y recursos a la ciudad y en promover legislaciones que puedan garantiza una mejor calidad de vida en nuestra comunidad. Fomentando las oportunidades de empleo Ayer tuve la oportunidad de visitar Rose Factory. Aprendí sobre las necesidades de esta empresa y de un plan para expandir sus operaciones. También exploramos formas de colaborar en beneficio de la comunidad. Mi objetivo es aumentar la fuerza laboral en Read more


A Reading mother tells a panel that she has seen the outcome of violence from both sides

(Mar 16, 2023)

Wednesday’s community meeting, organized by state Rep. Manny Guzman, was about searching for answers and looking for options to quell the violence that has claimed too many young lives in cities across the U.S. Read more


Community meeting in Reading focuses on gun violence prevention

(Mar 15, 2023)

State Representative Manny Guzman was joined by law enforcement officials from the local, state and federal level Wednesday night for a community meeting to discuss gun violence prevention in the City. Read more


Reading officials discuss ways to limit gun violence

(Mar 15, 2023)

State Rep. Manny Guzman, Berks County District Attorney John Adams and Reading Police Chief Richard Tornielli were among those in attendance. Read more


¡Visite nuestra oficina!

(Mar 10, 2023)

Mi integración a cuatro comités de la Cámara de Representantes Me siento honrado por la oportunidad de trabajar en los comités de Apropiaciones, Supervisión de Juegos, Control de Licores y Licencia Profesional. Cada una de estas asignaciones abordará problemas importantes que enfrenta nuestra comunidad. Estoy listo para trabajar y aceptar en su totalidad los desafíos que traerán estas asignaciones. Puedo asegurarles a todos los residentes de Pensilvania que seguiré luchando por legislaciones que pueda garantizar el bienestar de nuestro estado. A medida que nos dirigimos hacia negociaciones presupuestarias, espero con especial interés tomar decisiones vitales ahora en mi papel como miembro del Comité de Apropiaciones. Este comité desempeña un papel fundamental en la formulación de recomendaciones para asuntos presupuestarios y fiscales y está intrínsecamente involucrado en el proceso presupuestario anual. El discurso presupuestario del gobernador Shapiro El plan de gastos que present el gobernador Josh Shapiro cubre los problemas más críticos que afectan nuestra comunidad. Mis colegas y yo dimos la bienvenida a esta primera propuesta de presupuesto del gobernadora con gran satisfación. Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus praises the selection of McClinton as new House Speaker

(Mar 07, 2023)

“Speaker McClinton has paved the way for future Speakers. Her work has already opened the door to diversity and to inclusion. This is a historic triumph,” Burgos said. Read more


¡Visite nuestra oficina!

(Mar 03, 2023)

Día Nacional de la lectura Ayer jueves, como parte de las festividades por el Día Nacional de la Lectura, tuve el placer de viajar a través de libros con estudiantes de la Escuela 13 y la Primaria Green y ¡nos lo pasamos de maravilla! Hojear un libro ha sido uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos desde que era un niño. Hablemos de seguridad pública y de violencia armada Reducir la violencia armada y fortalecer la seguridad pública son la máxima prioridad en mi agenda. Acompañame el miércoles 15 de marzo, para discutir este importante tema que tiene un impacto devastador en la vida de nuestros amigos y familiares. Celebración del 179 aniversario de la Independencia Dominicana El lunes tuvimos el placer de levantar y de ondear nuestra bandera en alto. Rendimos homenaje a nuestra cultura y sus contribuciones a Pensilvania, un estado al que más de 99,000 dominicanos consideran su hogar. Nuestro aporte a este país ha trascendido la discriminación y los prejuicios. Nos hemos posicionado en las esferas más importantes de la nación. Contra todas las probabilidades, seguimos luchando y prosperando, esto es parte nuestra naturaleza. Read more


Guzman Proudly Celebrates Dominican Independence Day

(Feb 28, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman, alongside several colleagues, celebrated the 179th anniversary of independence for the Dominican Republic. As a proud Dominican-American, Guzman reflected on the triumphs and struggles that Dominicans have faced but promised a renewed commitment to continue to fight for a better future and justice for all in the Commonwealth. Read more


PA House celebrates the 179th anniversary of Dominican independence

(Feb 27, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 27 – State Reps. Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., and Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz and Manny Guzman, both D-Berks, today showcased their pride for the tri-color flag of the Dominican Republic during a festive event held in the state Capitol Rotunda commemorating the 179th anniversary of Dominican independence. The lawmakers honored their roots with a two-part celebration that included a news conference and reception, and the participation of House Speaker Mark Rozzi and Majority Leader Joanna McClinton, among other legislators. “We want to emphasize that regardless of the holiday marked in our calendars, every time we get the chance to speak in the House chamber or take action, we are proudly representing our heritage and working in the best interest of our people,” Burgos said about the event that showcased a vibrant display of allusive ornaments, traditional dishes and souvenirs. “This joint effort pays tribute to our rich culture and contributions to Pennsylvania, a state that more than 99,000 Dominicans regard as their home. Our input to this country has transcended discrimination and prejudice. We have positioned ourselves across the most important spheres of the nation against all the odds and yet we keep thriving, we keep fighting, which is in our nature,” Guzman said. Cepeda-Freytiz highlighted the contributions of five small business owners from Berks County who were awarded with citations on behalf of all three Read more


Harrisburg honors Dominican Independence Day with three Dominicans elected in the State House

(Feb 27, 2023)

“What’s gonna happen from here on out, and I’ve said this before, is that our opportunities as [the] Latino bloc here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are only gonna increase,” said Guzmán, introducing then Rep.-elect Cepeda-Freytiz. Read more


¡Visite nuestra oficina!

(Feb 24, 2023)

La Cámara de Representantes ha hecho su trabajo, ahora le toca actuar al Senado ¡Otro obstáculo en nuestros esfuerzos para garantizar justicia para los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual infantil ha sido despejado! Los sobrevivientes merecen justicia. La Cámara de Representantes de PA ha hecho su trabajo, ahora le toca al Senado hacer lo justo y actuar para proteger a los sobrevivientes. Mantengo una promesa pública con los sobrevivientes de seguir luchando por ellos. Más oportunidades en el campo de la salud ¡Tengo buenas noticias! Me complace anunciar que Berks County Workforce Development Board se asociará con Greater Reading Chamber Alliance y Reading Area Community College (RACC) para lanzar una nueva Asociación de la Industria de Greater Reading Healthcare Connections para ayudar a preparar a las personas para puestos como asistentes de salud en el en el hogar, asistentes de enfermería certificados, enfermeras prácticas con licencia y otros trabajos en demanda para ayudar a aliviar la escasez de personal en los hospitales. Aprende sobre el Mes de la Historia Negra Te exhorto a que aprendas sobre temas importantes que afectan a Pensilvania con respecto a las comunidades negras y su historia, ahora en el Mes de la Historia Negra. Reúne a Read more


Guzman praises $176,155 in grants awarded to the Berks County Workforce Development Board

(Feb 24, 2023)

READING, Feb. 24 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, today announced that the Berks County Workforce Development will receive $176.155 in grant funding to improve nursing career opportunities. The grant was awarded through the state Department of Labor and Industry’s Nursing Pathway Apprenticeship Industry Partnership. The Berks County Workforce Development Board will partner with the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance and Reading Area Community College to launch a new Greater Reading Healthcare Connections Industry Partnership, with a focus on creating strategies for employers to develop career pathways, establishing industry credentials to education partner(s), and designing and implementing a registered-apprentice-home-health-aide-to-LPN career pathway. “This is great news for our county and all of Pennsylvania because we cannot deny that there is an alarming lack of health care workers in hospitals and health care facilities. We urgently need to find efficient ways to boost opportunities in this essential field,” Guzman said. “This investment will help prepare individuals for many important roles. Another significant aspect that I must highlight, as Latino, is that these programs are aimed to help individuals in underserved communities who speak English as a second language, minorities and individuals that sadly are facing colossal barriers when it comes to finding employment.” Read more


Berks Co. House Democrats congratulate Workforce Board on state grant

(Feb 22, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 22 – Three state lawmakers in Berks County are congratulating the Berks County Workforce Development board for receiving a Nursing Pathway Apprenticeship Industry Partnership Program award of $176,155 from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. This grant program, as part of the COVID-19 Nursing Workforce Initiative and funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, blends the registered apprenticeship and industry partnership models and is designed to address the many workforce challenges in communities most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the money, the Berks County Workforce Development Board will partner with the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance and Reading Area Community College to launch a new Greater Reading Healthcare Connections Industry Partnership, with a focus on creating strategies for employers to develop career pathways, establishing industry credentials to education partners, and designing and implementing a Registered Apprentice Home Health Aide to LPN career pathway. “Sincere congratulations are in order for the Workforce Development Board, whose application to the program reflected the need and vision for more pathways into nursing, for our area,” said House Speaker Mark Rozzi. “Kudos to all of the people who worked to show why the Reading area is a premier place for investing state dollars.” “With this development, more people will be able to choose a career in the nursing field Read more