¡El presupuesto estatal invierte más dinero en nuestras escuelas!

(Jul 12, 2024)

¡ El presupuesto estatal invierte más dinero en nuestras escuelas ! Estoy orgulloso de lograr una gran victoria para mi comunidad que traerá una gran inversión que traerá $41 millones adicionales al Distrito Escolar de Reading y $2.7 millones al Distrito Escolar Governor Mifflin. El bienestar de sus hijos y su educación son mi prioridad. Feria de Recursos para el Regreso a Clases Reserva la fecha para asistir a una Feria de Recursos para el Regreso a Clases. Este evento familiar, en colaboración con el Alcalde Eddie Moran, se llevará a cabo de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. el viernes 16 de agosto en 644 Penn Street. ¡No querrás perderte este evento! ¡Esta feria contará con obsequios de mochilas, cortes de pelo y muchos otros recursos y útiles escolares gratuitos! Oportunidades para retirados ¡Descubra formas de trabajar mientras está jubilado! Visite PA CareerLink para explorar una variedad de programas diseñados para personas mayores de Pensilvania que buscan reincorporarse a la fuerza laboral. Línea de ayuda para veteranos Los veteranos que necesitan apoyo pueden llamar, enviar Read more


Guzman: Reading on the verge of victory as it continues moving forward in its quest to get a CRIZ designation

(Jul 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, July 12 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, announced today that the city of Reading is a step closer to achieving its goal of obtaining a City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ) program designation. Guzman, the driving force behind this monumental effort, explained that the General Assembly opened the application process for the program on Thursday. He is confident that the city’s administration will present an unbeatable application. “We are now at a critical juncture, and I feel optimistic. I commend the tremendous progress that the City of Reading has made,” he said. “Years of relentless efforts at both the city and state levels have positioned Reading on the verge of victory. As a legislator and proud resident of the city, it is exhilarating to be part of this transformative endeavor.” Guzman, who serves as chairman of the Central Pennsylvania Delegation in the PA House, has been instrumental in getting the CRIZ language approved. He underscored the transformative potential of this designation for the city. “The city of Reading is poised to ignite innovation and transform neglected areas into dynamic hubs of progress,” Guzman declared. “We urgently need new investors; we must incentivize current business owners and invigorate the city’s workforce. This state-sponsored program is a vital component of a Read more


Marginalized communities and America’s financial system [opinion]

(Jul 05, 2024)

From my work representing a large Latino community in the Pennsylvania House, I know that Latino communities in this state and all over the country need credit access to establish credit histories, build wealth, get a small business loan or secure credit lines to finance their education. Read more


Conozca dos programas de alimentos que pueden ayudar a su familia

(Jul 03, 2024)

Les deseo un Feliz Día de la Independencia junto a sus familiares. Mi oficina en el distrito estará cerrada mañana con motivo del feriado. Combatiendo el acoso en las escuelas de Pensilvania La semana pasada, tuve el honor de unirme a colegas, familias y activistas en un evento en el Capitolio estatal que tuvo como objetivo renovar los esfuerzos legislativos para la aprobación de leyes contra el acoso. H.B.1293 aborda las políticas contra el acoso escolar en las escuelas de Pensilvania. Sun Bucks Un nuevo programa que beneficiará a su familia Este año, Pensilvania lanzará SUN Bucks, el programa EBT de verano de Pensilvania, un nuevo programa de beneficios de comestibles que brinda a los hogares un pago único de $120 por cada niño elegible para comprar alimentos mientras no hay clases. Los beneficios se pueden utilizar en los minoristas locales participantes para comprar alimentos. Muchos niños obtendrán estos beneficios automáticamente, pero algunos hogares deberán solicitarlos. Los beneficios se agregarán a una tarjeta SNAP/TANF EBT existente o a una tarjeta Summer EBT recién emitida. SUN Bucks es el nuevo programa EBT de verano de Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Jul 02, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Local Share Account: Monroe County Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development agencies, or redevelopment authorities within Monroe County or the five contiguous counties to Monroe (Carbon, Lackawanna, Northampton, Pike, and Wayne). Use: Public interest projects, community improvement projects, economic development projects, or roadway improvement projects. Funds: Funded by gross terminal revenues of certain licensed gaming facilities. Application Deadline: September 30, 2024 More information: DCED Website Local Share Account: Category 4 Facilities Program (Berks, Cumberland, Westmoreland, and York Counties) Who May Apply: Municipalities, counties, redevelopment authorities, or economic development agencies in a county hosting a Category 4 licensed gaming facility. Use: Projects in the public interest. Funds: Funded by gaming revenues from Category 4 licensed facilities. Application Deadline: September 30, 2024 More information: DCED Website Local Share Account: Luzerne County Who May Apply: All Luzerne County municipalities and the Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority. Use: Projects in the public interest. Funds: Funded by 2% of gross terminal revenues of certain licensed gaming facilities. Application Deadline: September 30, 2024 More information: DCED Website Local Read more


¡Conozca un nuevo programa que beneficiará a su familia!

(Jun 28, 2024)

Licencias de conducir para todos Defiendo a los latinos, la justicia, los inmigrantes y formas eficientes de impulsar la economía y fortalecer las comunidades en todo el estado. Es por eso que he estado abogando con orgullo por el avance de una legislación (H.B.769) que aprobaría licencias de conducir para todos los residentes de Pensilvania, independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Proporcionar acceso a licencias fomentaría la rendición de cuentas, la participación económica y la seguridad, entre muchos otros beneficios. Sun Bucks PA Aprenda sobre un nuevo programa que beneficiará a su familia Este año, Pensilvania lanzará SUN Bucks, el programa EBT de verano de Pensilvania, un nuevo programa de beneficios de comestibles que brinda a los hogares un pago único de $120 por cada niño elegible para comprar alimentos mientras no hay clases. Los beneficios se pueden utilizar en los minoristas locales participantes para comprar alimentos. Muchos niños obtendrán estos beneficios automáticamente, pero algunos hogares deberán solicitarlos. Los beneficios se agregarán a una tarjeta SNAP/TANF EBT existente o a una tarjeta Summer EBT recién emitida. Read more


¡Aproveche el Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano para niños!

(Jun 21, 2024)

El programa de tecnología de conectividad digital ¡Ahora aceptando solicitudes! El período de solicitud para el nuevo Programa de Tecnología de Conectividad Digital ya está abierto hasta el lunes 19 de agosto de 2024. El Programa de Tecnología de Conectividad Digital de $20 millones distribuirá computadoras portátiles a instituciones comunitarias para ayudar a conectar a los residentes de Pensilvania que carecen de tecnología digital. Para llenar una solicitud haga clic aquí. Quién puede postularse: bibliotecas, escuelas comunitarias, municipios, organizaciones de capacitación laboral, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y otras instituciones comunitarias ancla. Uso: Adquisición de tecnología de conectividad digital que facilite el acceso a Internet de banda ancha y promueva la alfabetización digital y la formación de habilidades. Fondos: $20 millones en dinero federal ARP están disponibles para este programa. Application Deadline: August 19, 2024 More information: DCED Website Consejos de seguridad para sus viajes de verano ¡Los calurosos días de verano ya están aquí! Si planea salir de la ciudad, descargue las siguientes aplicaciones móviles de Pensilvania para mantenerlo a usted y a su Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment, Technology, and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jun 20, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Broadband Development Authority: COVID-19 ARPA Capital Projects Fund Digital Connectivity Technology Program Who May Apply: Libraries, community schools, municipalities, workforce training organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and other community anchor institutions. Use: Acquisition of digital connectivity technology that facilitates broadband internet access and promotes digital literacy and skills training. Funds: $20 million in federal ARP money is available for this program. Application Deadline: August 19, 2024 More information: DCED Website Department of Agriculture: Very Small Meat and Poultry Processor Program Who May Apply: Applicants must meet the federal definition of a very small meat and poultry processing operation and currently be operating under a grant of inspection or planning to get a grant of inspection upon completion of project. Use: Grant reimbursement is available for eligible costs associated with meeting the requirements to obtain a grant of inspection, opening a new very small meat and poultry processing operation, expanding the capacity of a current very small meat and poultry operation, or a combination of those purposes. Funds: Funding is limited to no more than $100,000 per applicant. Application Deadline: August 2, 2024 More information: PDA Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus praises Biden administration executive order on immigration

(Jun 18, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 18 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus today applauded the Biden administration’s executive action allowing certain undocumented spouses and children of United States’ citizens to apply for lawful permanent residency without leaving the country. The action will provide legal status and protections for about 500,000 American families and roughly 50,000 noncitizen children of immigrants under the age of 21 whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen. Under current federal law, an undocumented person who enters the U.S. and marries a U.S. citizen must first request parole before applying for legal residency. That process might require them to leave the country, upending their careers and families and creating uncertainty about whether they would be authorized to reenter. PLLC members said today’s action allows those spouses to apply for residency without needing to leave the U.S., bringing hope and relief to hundreds of thousands in the country and here in Pennsylvania. PLLC Chair Danilo Burgos, D-Phila., praised President Joe Biden for his action. “Today’s executive action represents a significant step forward in the fight for a more fair and equitable immigration system. By protecting hundreds of thousands of our immigrant neighbors and their families, the president is reinforcing the principles of humanity and fairness,” Burgos said. PLLC Read more


¡Consigue una pasantía remunerada en mi oficina en el distrito 127!

(Jun 14, 2024)

Una manifestación en favor de la equidad en las escuelas El jueves, en calidad de Presidente de la Delegación Central de Pensilvania, tuve el placer de unirme a mis colegas, los representantes estatales, Ismail Smith-Wade-El y Justin Fleming, para enfatizar la relevancia crítica del proyecto de ley H.B. 2370. Se trata de una legislación innovadora, que fue aprobada por la Cámara el lunes, que garantizaría la equidad en la forma en que se financian las escuelas públicas en todo el estado de Pensilvania. Extiendo mi más sincero agradecimiento a todas las organizaciones, estudiantes, maestros, defensores y residentes que se unieron a nosotros en esta impactante manifestación por la igualdad en la educación. Visita al Capitolio estatal del Alcalde Eddie Moran Siempre es un gran honor dar la bienvenida al alcalde de Reading, Eddie Moran, al Capitolio estatal. Esta semana, discutimos los objetivos compartidos destinados a mejorar la calidad de vida en la ciudad de Reading. Continuamos dando pasos firmes hacia un importante conjunto de objetivos que nos ayudarían a desbloquear infinitas posibilidades de progreso para la ciudad, entre otras, una designación de Zona de Revitalización y Mejoramiento de la Ciudad (CRIZ). Read more


Central PA Delegation to champion fair funding for schools at Millersville rally

(Jun 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 12 – The Pennsylvania House Central Pennsylvania Delegation today announced that the group will raise its voice on behalf of chronically underfunded schools along with advocate groups, educational organizations, legislators, community leaders, students, lawyers, and parents tomorrow, Thursday, June 13. MEDIA COVERAGE IS INVITED. State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, who serves the 49 th Legislative District where the event will take place, indicated that the rally which will begin at 10 a.m. Thursday at Millersville University’s Pucillo Gymnasium, 125 Pucillo Dr., Millersville, is aimed at reinforcing the need to secure sustainable funding for public schools. “This rally will be a loud and clear call to action for colleagues on both side of the aisle and the Senate,” he said about the rally organized in coordination with PA Schools Work, a nonpartisan statewide movement that advocates on behalf of public schools. “We are determined to secure the $1.1 billion increase in Basic Education funding, as projected by Gov. Josh Shapiro in his 2024-25 budget proposal,” Smith-Wade-El added. “Now, following the House passage of a unprecedent $5.1 billion bill that fulfills the recommendations of a bipartisan Basic Education Funding Commission to end funding disparities, we need to make sure that this bill crosses the finish line. Read more


Guzman praises new significant funds to be allocated for the Reading and Governor Mifflin School districts

(Jun 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – State Rep. Manny Guzman, D-Berks, today praised the House passage of H.B. 2370 that would ensure fairness in the way that public schools across the state are funded and help close the historical financial gaps for Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts, located within his legislative district. Guzman, who also serves as chair of the Central Pennsylvania Delegation, said that under the current proposal, Governor Mifflin School District would see an additional $19.6 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of $4,670 per student, while the Reading School District would be welcoming an additional $271 million to address chronic underfunding and property tax relief over seven years, a boost of more than $15,000 per student. “This is a massive victory for the Reading and Governor Mifflin school districts and an immense satisfaction for me as legislator,” Guzman said. “This win comes as the outcome of relentless individual and collective efforts focused on addressing inequities in funding,” he added. “Not only we are providing equity to every single student in the state, but we are also reducing the taxpayer burden. This plan provides $3.7 billion in saving to taxpayers over seven years to public schools. “This bill also would make thorough adjustments to laws governing cyber charter schools The wins Read more


Central PA Delegation to host a rally on basic education funding

(Jun 07, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 7 – Leaders of the PA House Central Pennsylvania Delegation today announced that they will host a rally on Basic Education funding at Millersville University in coordination with PA Schools Work, a nonpartisan statewide movement that advocates on behalf of public schools. The event will emphasize the need to secure a $1.1 billion increase in Basic Education funding, as projected by Gov. Josh Shapiro in his 2024-25 budget proposal. The rally, that will be led by state Reps. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster, and Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, chairman of the Central PA Delegation, will include the participation of students, teachers, legislators, lawyers, education advocates and community leaders, among others. WHAT : Rally on Basic Education Funding WHEN : 10 a.m. Thursday, June 13 WHERE : Millersville University , Pucillo Gymnasium (Parking Lot area),125 Pucillo, Dr., Millersville, PA 17551 Read more


¡Es tiempo de asegurar una educación equitativa para todos!

(Jun 07, 2024)

¡Es tiempo de asegurar una educación equitativa para todos! Acompáñame en una manifestación a favor de una financiación justa para nuestras escuelas. Asiste a este evento el jueves 13 de junio a las 10 a. m. en el gimnasio Pucillo de la Universidad de Millersville. Un reconocimiento al corage y servicio ejemplar Fue un inmenso honor dar la bienvenida a la Cámara de Representantes al ex sargento de la policía del Capitolio de los EE. UU., Aquilino Gonell, y al oficial Harry Dunn, quienes fueron reconocidos por su servicio ejemplar, su valentía y su acto de bondad hacia los demás. Gonell y Dunn ayudaron a proteger el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos de una turba de personas durante la insurrección del 6 de enero de 2021. Junio es el Mes del Orgullo La semana pasada, tuve el placer de ayudar a iniciar el Mes del Orgullo en Reading con una ceremonia de izamiento de la bandera en City Park. La celebración de un mes de duración nos recuerda la búsqueda continua de igualdad, justicia e inclusión ante la ley para la comunidad lesbiana, gay, bisexual, transgénero y queer. Junio también es un momento para reconocer todos los logros de la comunidad LGBTQ. Se ha extendido la fecha límite para la solicitud Read more


It's time for equitable education for all!

(Jun 06, 2024)

State Rep. Manuel Guzman, chairman of the Central PA Delegation and State Rep. Ismail Smith-Wade-El, in coordination with PA Schools Work, invite you to rally in support of underfunded schools. Come out and stand with legislators and advocates in support of the Basic Education Funding Commission's 7-year plan to fairly fund public education in the Commonwealth. WHAT : Rally on Basic Education Funding WHEN : 10 a.m. Thursday, June 13 WHERE : Millersville University , Pucillo Gymnasium (Parking Lot area), Millersville, PA 17551 Read more


La fecha límite para aplicar al Programa de reembolso de impuestos sobre la propiedad/alquiler ha sido extendida hasta diciembre 31

(May 31, 2024)

Conferencia sobre el impacto de los inmigrantes en la industria agrícola de Pensilvania La semana pasada, en mi rol de vicepresidente del Caucus Latino Legislativo de Pensilvania, me uní a mis colegas para participar en una mesa redonda en Gettysburg. Esta importante mesa redonda en la que se analizó el impacto de la inmigración en las comunidades rurales y la industria agrícola, contó con la participación del Secretario de Agricultura de Pensilvania, Russell Redding, líderes comunitarios y defensores de los trabajadores inmigrantes. Gettysburg es, sin lugar a dudas, un claro ejemplo de lo que se puede lograr cuando una comunidad rural recibe y trata con respecto a los inmigrantes. Se ha extendido la fecha límite para la solicitud del Programa de reembolso de impuestos sobre la propiedad/alquiler Se ha extendido la fecha límite para la solicitud del Programa de reembolso de impuestos sobre la propiedad/alquiler. Mi equipo y yo podemos ayudarle a completar la documentación necesaria y a obtener un reembolso por los impuestos a la propiedad o los alquileres que pagó durante 2023. Para obtener más información, llame a mi oficina al (610) 376-1529. ¡Las Read more


Guzman on Gettysburg Roundtable Discussion

(May 28, 2024)

Pa. state Rep. Manny Guzman joined colleagues from the Pa. Legislative Latino Caucus to host a roundtable discussion with community leaders and migrant worker advocates on how immigration is having a positive impact on rural communities. Read more


Ahora será más fácil convertirse en supervisor de tasadores de bienes raíces en Pensilvania

(May 24, 2024)

Eliminando barreras para personas que deseen convertirse en supervisors de tasadores de bienes raíces en Pensilvania Me complace compartir que el miércoles di un paso de avance el proceso de eliminar las barreras para que los residentes de Pensilvania que desean convertirse en supervisores de tasadores de bienes raíces. Mi legislación HB 2220, aprobada por la Cámara de Representantes y ahora en camino al senado, permite a las personas en la industria mejorar sus habilidades con más facilidad a medida que avanzan sus carreras en esta área. Agilizar el proceso de contratación y capacitación de tasadores de bienes raíces ayudará a abordar la escasez de tasadores calificados en Pensilvania y tendrá también un impacto positivo en nuestra economía. Creo que es fundamental educar y capacitar a personas en industrias exigentes como la tasación de bienes raíces para promover una economía local competitiva. Mi misión es fomentar una fuerza laboral diversa, equitativa y calificada en Pensilvania. ¡Consiga un empleo como maestro! ¡Haga una diferencia y ayude a cubrir la escasez de maestros en el estado! Conviértase en maestro. Hay más de una forma de convertirse en maestro certificado en Pensilvania. Explore la mejor Read more


House passes Guzman bill to lower barriers to become real estate appraiser supervisor in Pennsylvania

(May 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – The PA House today passed legislation ( H.B. 2220 ) that would remove barriers for Pennsylvanians who want to become a real estate appraiser supervisor in the state. The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Manuel Guzman , D-Berks, would allow real estate appraisers-in-training to work with multiple supervisors and in more types of properties to gain more experience. It also lowers the years of experience an appraiser must have to supervise trainees from five to three. “I am proud to see the unanimous passage of my bill, and I cannot wait to see it cross the finish line,” Guzman said. “I’m glad to help appraisers acquire better experience and training to reduce inconsistencies in appraised home values. “This bill also helps remove barriers to the profession and allows people in the industry to ‘skill up’ more easily as their career progresses,” he added. Guzman highlighted workforce development is one of his top priorities. “I believe it’s critical to educate and train individuals in demanding industries like real estate appraisal to advance a competitive local economy. I have made it my mission to foster a diverse, equitable and skilled workforce in Pennsylvania,” he said. Read more


Guzman welcomes $104,000 in state funding for senior community centers

(May 15, 2024)

READING, May 15 – State Rep. Manuel Guzman, D-Berks, today announced $104,759 in state funding to improve resources and services for older adults in the 127 th Legislative District that he serves. The announcement of the grants took place Tuesday at the Berks Encore Reading Center in Berks County, one of this year’s competitive grant recipients. Guzman joined Jason Kavulich, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, Berks community leaders and the Berks County Area Agency on Aging to welcome the grant. “This significant investment will certainly enrich the lives of our growing senior population,” Guzman said. “This funding will be used for upgrading facilities and towards enhancing nutrition services, among other necessities. I am glad to make a difference in our seniors’ lives,” he added. The center’s grant will be used for capital improvement and renovations. Forty-five senior community centers from 26 counties across the Commonwealth received one of the department’s 2023-24 competitive grants that combined, totaled $2 million. The grant funding is appropriated by the General Assembly with proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery. Read more


¡El presupuesto estatal invierte más dinero en nuestras escuelas!
Jul 12, 2024

Guzman: Reading on the verge of victory as it continues moving forward in its quest to get a CRIZ designation
Jul 12, 2024

Marginalized communities and America’s financial system [opinion]
Jul 05, 2024

Conozca dos programas de alimentos que pueden ayudar a su familia
Jul 03, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Jul 02, 2024

¡Conozca un nuevo programa que beneficiará a su familia!
Jun 28, 2024

¡Aproveche el Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano para niños!
Jun 21, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment, Technology, and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jun 20, 2024

Pennsylvania Legislative Latino Caucus praises Biden administration executive order on immigration
Jun 18, 2024

¡Consigue una pasantía remunerada en mi oficina en el distrito 127!
Jun 14, 2024

Central PA Delegation to champion fair funding for schools at Millersville rally
Jun 12, 2024

Guzman praises new significant funds to be allocated for the Reading and Governor Mifflin School districts
Jun 10, 2024

Central PA Delegation to host a rally on basic education funding
Jun 07, 2024

¡Es tiempo de asegurar una educación equitativa para todos!
Jun 07, 2024

It's time for equitable education for all!
Jun 06, 2024

La fecha límite para aplicar al Programa de reembolso de impuestos sobre la propiedad/alquiler ha sido extendida hasta diciembre 31
May 31, 2024

Guzman on Gettysburg Roundtable Discussion
May 28, 2024

Ahora será más fácil convertirse en supervisor de tasadores de bienes raíces en Pensilvania
May 24, 2024

House passes Guzman bill to lower barriers to become real estate appraiser supervisor in Pennsylvania
May 22, 2024

Guzman welcomes $104,000 in state funding for senior community centers
May 15, 2024