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Now open for applications: Homeowner assistance, nonprofit security, Act 13, and clean energy funding opportunities

(Feb 08, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Clean Energy Workforce Development Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Pennsylvania local workforce development board. Use : To assist the department with the creation of programs designed to engage and support businesses in the clean energy sector. Funds : Grants up to $500,000. Application Deadline : March 14, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Workforce-Development/grants/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Nonprofit Security Grant Program (Funding Source: Nonprofit Security Grant Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofits. Use : To enhance security and protect from hate crimes. Funds : Grants awards from $5,000 to $150,000. Application Deadline : March 2, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.pccd.pa.gov/schoolsafety/Pages/Non-Profit-Security-Grant-Fund.aspx . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Endowment Act – Direct Victim Service Organizations Grant Program (Funding Source: Monetary Penalty Endowments Trust Fund) Who May Apply : Direct victim service organizations. Use : To support residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have been child victims of sexual Read more


Now open for applications: Violence prevention, economic development, and learning center funding opportunities

(Feb 02, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: Violence Intervention & Prevention Technical Assistance Project (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Institutions of higher education (public and/or not-for-profit only), nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations. Use : To support the design, launch, and management of a new Statewide Community of Practice technical assistance, training, and capacity-building initiative. Funds : Grants up to $750,000 over a two-year project period. Application Deadline : March 10, 2022 More Information : Click on https://egrants.pccd.pa.gov/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development: Statewide Local Share Account (Funding Source: State Gaming Fund) Who May Apply : Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, economic development agencies, redevelopment authorities, and non-profits (if they partner with any of the previous entities) . Use : To support projects that improve the quality of life of individuals in the commonwealth. Funds : Grant awards between $25,000 and $1,000,000. Application Deadline : March 15, 2022 More Information : Click on https://dced.pa.gov/programs/local-share-account-lsa-statewide/ . Pennsylvania Read more


Funding available for community improvements and more through the LSA program

(Dec 08, 2021)

Funds are available for economic development, neighborhood revitalization, community improvement and other public interests projects. Funding is provided by a portion of the City's slot machine operation fees. Read more


Now open for applications: Recycling, RACP, and disaster relief funding opportunities

(Nov 03, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victims Rights Law Enforcement Video Project (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who Can Apply : Any entity that can provide this service. Use : To develop a 5-minute video that can be presented during the Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) training. Funds : Up to $25,000. Application Deadline : October 26 More Information : Click on https://www.pccdegrants.pa.gov/Egrants/Public/OpenAnnouncements.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grant ( Funding Source: Recycling Fund) Who May Apply : Counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, home rule municipalities, councils of governments, consortiums or similar entities established by two or more municipalities. Use : To fund costs associated with developing and implementing a recycling program. Funds : 90% funding of approved recycling program costs, up to $350,000. Financially distressed communities may receive up to 100% funding of approved costs, not to exceed $350,000. Application Deadline : October 29 (this program has re-opened for applications). More Information : Click on Read more


Pennie's Open Enrollment Period is now open

(Nov 03, 2021)

The 2022 Open Enrollment Period for Pennsylvanians seeking health insurance coverage through Pennie is now open (as of Monday, Nov. 1) and will remain open through Jan. 15, 2022 . Pennie connects customers with financial aid and helps them shop for, compare and purchase health insurance. Nearly everyone qualifies for savings because of the American Rescue Plan. Pennie was created through legislation in 2019, moving Pennsylvania from the federal-based exchange to a state-based marketplace, which helped residents save hundreds – and, in some cases, thousands – of dollars on health insurance. Customers may see additional savings when enrolling in a 2022 Pennie plan because of the American Rescue Plan, according to state Rep. Tony DeLuca , Democratic Chairman of the House Insurance Committee. If you have questions, Pennie has answers via its FAQ page . Visit Pennie.com or call 1-844-844-8040 for more information. While open enrollment continues through Jan. 15, 2022, the last day to enroll for coverage starting Jan. 1 is Dec. 15, 2021 . Visit the Pennsylvania Insurance Department website for more information on how to get health insurance. Read more


Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities

(Nov 03, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Labor & Industry: Digital Literacy and Workforce Development Grants (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Local workforce development boards, non-profit agencies (community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, etc.) or small businesses meeting certain criteria (see program guidelines). Uses : To provide digital literacy classes emphasizing career development skills, including digital fundamentals, digital job seeking, digital citizenship, and digital information. Funds : Grants of up to $45,000 each. Application Deadline : December 21 More Information : Click on https://www.dli.pa.gov/Businesses/Workforce-Development/grants/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: State Clean Diesel Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding and State Mitigation Trust - Volkswagen Emissions Settlement) Who May Apply : Pennsylvania Businesses, Incorporated Nonprofits, State, Local, or Tribal Government Agencies, Air Quality or Transportation Organizations, Metropolitan or Rural/Regional Transportation Planning Organizations, and Federal Government Agencies. Uses : Diesel emission reduction projects, including, but not limited to: verified exhaust controls; engine upgrades and certified remanufacture systems; verified idle reduction technologies; certified engine Read more


LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners

(Nov 01, 2021)

As winter approaches and we prepare to spend even more time indoors, utility bills are only going to get more expensive. Additionally, we know that the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn have made it difficult for many to keep up with home energy bills. No Pennsylvanian should ever have to worry that their heat will be shut off during the coldest and darkest months of the year. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) that provides assistance for home heating bills so Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. LIHEAP helps some of the commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens — children, older Pennsylvanians, people with disabilities, and low-income families — make ends meet. Anyone who may need help, or anyone who has loved ones or neighbors who could benefit from this program, is encouraged to apply for LIHEAP today. APPLY FOR LIHEAP LIHEAP FACTS How do I apply for LIHEAP? Depending on preference, different options are available to apply for LIHEAP: Apply online: Pennsylvanians can apply at www.compass.state.pa.us . Paper applications: Call the LIHEAP Helpline at 1-866-857-7095 to request a paper application. Paper applications can also be downloaded from the DHS LIHEAP web page . County Assistance Office (CAO) services are available if clients Read more


LIHEAP now accepting applications for 2021-22

(Oct 21, 2021)

With winter just around the corner, PA House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton wants to let you know that the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is now accepting applications for 2021-22. The program can provide a one-time cash grant – which does not have to be repaid – ranging from $200 to $1,000 based on household size, income, and fuel type. Crisis grants are also available for emergency situations like broken heating equipment, lack of fuel, imminent shut-off of services, and similar situations. You can find more information about eligibility requirements and how to apply here . If you need help applying or having questions about LIHEAP, please contact McClinton's office: (215) 748-6712 . Read more


Now open for applications: Pre-disaster mitigation, vaccine outreach, and boating funding opportunities

(Oct 20, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency: Building Resilient Infrastructure & Communities (replaces Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant) (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Local governments with a FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan are eligible to apply to PEMA as sub-applicants. Individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for funds directly; however, an eligible local government entity may apply for funding on behalf of individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations. PEMA will be the statewide applicant to FEMA on behalf of eligible sub-applicants. Use : Pre-disaster mitigation activities to reduce risk from future hazard events, while also reducing reliance on federal funding in future disasters. A federal disaster declaration is not required. Funds : Federal cost-share is 75 percent. Application Deadline : Letters of Interest (required step) must be sent to PEMA by 5pm October 15, 2021. Completed applications to PEMA are due 5pm November 19, 2021. More Information : Click on https://www.pema.pa.gov/Grants/BRIC/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency: Flood Mitigation Assistance (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Local governments may apply to PEMA as sub-applicants. PEMA will be the statewide Read more


Summer 2021 Newsletter

(Sep 01, 2021)

Read my Summer 2021 Newsletter now! Read more


Resolution calling for National Infrastructure Bank introduced in Pa. House

(Jun 30, 2021)

HARRISBURG, June 30 – State Reps. Ed Neilson, Mary Jo Daley, Eddie Day Pashinski and Joe Ciresi announced the introduction of a resolution urging Congress to establish a National Infrastructure Bank to repair, enhance and revolutionize the country’s infrastructure while creating 25 million living-wage jobs. "Throughout my entire professional career, I have been deeply rooted in the labor sector," Neilson, D-Phila., said. "I know the value of those jobs to the people who work in them, and I know how vital those jobs are to our economy and the well-being of our communities. Right now, our commonwealth's infrastructure is in crisis. A National Infrastructure Bank would allow us to support various industries , create jobs and address the issue of our aging and deteriorating infrastructure." The NIB would be a separate institution from the Federal Budget, set up as a government-sponsored lending, deposit-money bank, and capitalized with existing treasuries held by the public sector – not new tax dollars. According to the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank, this process of using government-backed private capital to finance these most-needed projects has been successfully used to restore our country’s economic stability four times throughout the U.S. history. Legislation – H.R. 3339 – has been introduced in Congress to create this NIB but has not yet been voted on. In Pennsylvania, H.R. 113 – with Read more


A list of grant opportunities available right now

(Jun 30, 2021)

From support for local businesses to job training, there are a number of grant funding opportunities in Pennsylvania. Here's a look at what's available right now: STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Driving PA Forward Level 2 EV Charging Rebate Program (Funding Source: State Mitigation Trust - Volkswagen Emissions Settlement) Who May Apply : Business, charitable organizations, incorporated nonprofits, local government entities, school districts, and other entities. Use : Rebates for Level 2 EV charging equipment for public use at government owned property, public use at non-government owned property, non-public use at work places, non-public use at multi-unit dwellings. Funds : Maximum rebates of $4,000 per plug for full public access and networked charging projects, $3,500 per plug for multi-unit dwelling projects and $3,000 per plug for all other eligible projects, including workplace charging. Application Deadline : First come, first-served. More Information : Click on https://gis.dep.pa.gov/drivingpaforward/ . Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Children’s Trust Fund (Funding Source: Children’s Trust Fund) Who May Apply : Any organization operating in Pennsylvania that provides direct services and meets the criteria in this Request for Applications (“RFA”) is eligible to apply. Use : To support community-based child abuse and neglect Read more


Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities

(Jun 17, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol: Pregnancy Support Services (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Community service providers able to serve pregnant and postpartum women with stimulant or opioid misuse issues. Single County Authorities (county drug and alcohol offices) and Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) licensed treatment providers are not eligible to apply. Use : To provide pregnancy support services or make referrals to aid pregnant and postpartum women with opioid use disorder. Funds : Approximately 10 to 12 grants up to $600,000 each will be awarded for 18-month projects. Application Deadline : July 13 at 12 PM. More Information : Click on https://www.ddap.pa.gov/DDAPFunding/Pages/Funding-Opportunities.aspx . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency: 2021-22 PA Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Competitive Funding (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Privately operated residential facilities, community-based providers, and juvenile probation offices that are not currently PACTT Affiliates. Use : To develop programs in the following PACTT service areas that adhere to PACTT Standards in order to gain affiliate status: core programming; academic instruction; work related services; and job skills training. Funds : Grants of up to $20,000. No Read more


Now open for applications: Broadband and community project funding opportunities

(Jun 15, 2021)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Commonwealth Financing Authority: Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Program ( Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Any nongovernmental entity with the technical, managerial, and financial expertise to design, build and operate a high-speed broadband service infrastructure within Pennsylvania. Use : Acquisition, construction, equipment, and site preparation costs associated with the deployment of high-speed broadband infrastructure to unserved areas, which are geographic areas in which households or businesses do not have access to at least 25 megabits per second downstream speeds and 3 megabits per second upstream speeds. Funds : Grants up to $1 million or 75% of the total project costs, whichever is less. Applicant must commit its own private capital to fund at least 25% of the total project cost. Funding from other federal, state or local government grants or other subsidies can be used to finance the project but will not be considered to be part of the private capital requirement. Application Deadline : September 24 More Information : Click on https://dced.pa.gov/programs/unserved-high-speed-broadband-funding-program-uhsb/ . OTHER PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful/The GIANT Company: 2021 Healing the Planet Grant Program ( Funding Source: Private Funds) Read more


College affordability: Tips to help you get a higher education

(Jun 14, 2021)

Pennsylvania ranks 48th, or third worst, in the United States at funding colleges, technical schools and universities. So how can someone who wants a higher education afford to get it? My staff and I are happy to help. Here’s some information to get you started. Planning for college If you’re thinking about college and looking for ways to pay for your education, you will want to fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA . FAFSA is what determines someone’s eligibility for federal student aid, like federal grants, work-study and loans. It typically takes about 30 minutes to complete the application, which can be done online at www.fafsa.ed.gov , and it’s totally free. You must complete a FAFSA each school year. If you have completed a FAFSA in the past, most of your information will roll-over automatically. You should fill out your FAFSA as soon as possible. You can apply as early as Oct. 1 the year before you start college . The deadline is June 30 the year after for when you are applying. But the sooner you apply, the better to meet your school deadlines and receive aid for the start of the school year. Many states and colleges have earlier deadlines for applying for state and institutional financial aid. You can find your state’s deadline at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa#deadlines . Items you may need in order to complete your FAFSA: Federal Student Aid ID Social Security Read more


National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes

(May 06, 2021)

In 2021, we have the chance to build back better using the same tool used by great presidents of the past, with an even better America emerging in the face of national tragedy and challenges. Read more


Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th

(Apr 23, 2021)

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced that the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application portal will reopen on Saturday, April 24. Updated documents and guidance will be available today (Friday, April 23rd) by clicking here . This is a grant program established by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act. The program includes over $16 billion in grants to shuttered venues, and is administered by SBA’s Office of Disaster Assistance. Eligible applicants may qualify for grants equal to 45% of their gross earned revenue , with the maximum amount available for a single grant award of $10 million. $2 billion is reserved for eligible applications with up to 50 full-time employees. Eligible entities include: Live venue operators or promoters. Theatrical producers. Live performing arts organization operators. Museum operators. Motion picture theater operators (including owners). Talent representatives. Other requirements of note: Must have been in operation as of February 29, 2020. Venue or promoter who received a PPP loan on or after December 27, 2020, will have the SVOG reduced by the PPP loan amount. Read more


March 9 email: A COVID-19 community vaccine site is coming to our area and others are opening around Philly

(Mar 09, 2021)

A COVID-19 community vaccine site is scheduled to open in the 174th Legislative District the week of March 22, while other sites are opening elsewhere in Philly. Read more


State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications: Feb. 16 Update

(Feb 18, 2021)

STATE GRANT PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Hemp Promotion, Education and Export Promotion Matching Grant Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofit agricultural product promotion and marketing organizations. Use : Projects aimed at increasing sales, export or consumer awareness of Pennsylvania hemp products. Eligible projects may include regional or national promotion. Funds : Reimbursement grants up to 50% of project costs. The minimum matching grant is $1,000. A total of $253,000 will be available statewide. Application Deadline : March 5 More Information : See the February 13, 2021, PA Bulletin at Pennsylvania Bulletin (pacodeandbulletin.gov) . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Fund ing ) Who May Apply : State and local organizations, producer associations, academia, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders. Use : Projects that will increase visibility and competitiveness of the state’s horticultural specialty crops including fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, culinary herbs and spices, medicinal plants and nursery crops. Funds : Requests may be made for a minimum of $20,000, provided the amount reasonably represents the cost of the Read more


Improving rail, roads, waterways, technology could fuel jobs and public safety efforts

(Feb 17, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 17 – Economic recovery, job creation, improved infrastructure and statewide development could benefit from a $4 trillion National Infrastructure Bank as discussed at today’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing. The committee heard testimony and held a roundtable discussion on how implementation of the National Infrastructure Bank would help the state improve broadband access, address transportation needs and invigorate the economy. “We’re in need of a revolutionary approach to addressing technological and public safety needs. Invoking the National Infrastructure Bank would have impacts that reach every community of this state,” Policy Committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro said. State Rep. Ed Neilson, co-host of today’s hearing, added, “If we have an opportunity to bridge the digital divide for both cities and rural areas, we must take it. Ultimately, our future depends on this investment. We can improve the trajectory of our economic recovery, help develop a workforce for the future and be a leader in both.” Macroeconomist Alphecca Muttardy noted that every $1 invested via the National Infrastructure Bank could generate a $3 to $7 return and that .09 cents of every dollar would go back to the state government in revenues. This return would help repay the low-interest loans used to fund projects. Stanley Forczek, an infrastructure expert having previously served Amtrak, highlighted that Read more


Now open for applications: Homeowner assistance, nonprofit security, Act 13, and clean energy funding opportunities
Feb 08, 2022

Now open for applications: Violence prevention, economic development, and learning center funding opportunities
Feb 02, 2022

Funding available for community improvements and more through the LSA program
Dec 08, 2021

Now open for applications: Recycling, RACP, and disaster relief funding opportunities
Nov 03, 2021

Pennie's Open Enrollment Period is now open
Nov 03, 2021

Now open for applications: Workforce development, clean diesel, and DC fast charging funding opportunities
Nov 03, 2021

LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners
Nov 01, 2021

LIHEAP now accepting applications for 2021-22
Oct 21, 2021

Now open for applications: Pre-disaster mitigation, vaccine outreach, and boating funding opportunities
Oct 20, 2021

Summer 2021 Newsletter
Sep 01, 2021

Resolution calling for National Infrastructure Bank introduced in Pa. House
Jun 30, 2021

A list of grant opportunities available right now
Jun 30, 2021

Now open for applications: Pregnancy support, career/technical training, museum, library and vaccine funding opportunities
Jun 17, 2021

Now open for applications: Broadband and community project funding opportunities
Jun 15, 2021

College affordability: Tips to help you get a higher education
Jun 14, 2021

National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes
May 06, 2021

Shuttered Venue Operators Grant portal reopens Saturday, April 24th
Apr 23, 2021

March 9 email: A COVID-19 community vaccine site is coming to our area and others are opening around Philly
Mar 09, 2021

State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications: Feb. 16 Update
Feb 18, 2021

Improving rail, roads, waterways, technology could fuel jobs and public safety efforts
Feb 17, 2021