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Philadelphia House Delegation Reacts to I-95 Collapse Emergency

PA House Democrats Deliver: Safer, healthier, more equitable communities

(Dec 29, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 29 – As the House majority in 2023, the Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus advanced measures to keep communities safer, healthier and make them better places to live for all residents. First, House Democrats championed legislation to strengthen public safety, including keeping 911 services operational, making Pennsylvania roadways safer for drivers and pedestrians, and recruiting more law enforcement professionals. 911 Centers serve residents and first responders 24/7/365 -- often during times of emergency. When funding for 911 Centers was at risk, House Democrats fought for a plan to secure funding to enable them to continue to serve the public and make improvements to the 911 system. Communities across Pennsylvania are struggling to fill police officer positions , but a plan introduced by Rep. Dan Williams, D-Chester, will update some outdated standards used to assess applicants that have made recruiting municipal police officers more difficult and imbalanced statewide. “Vacancies in local police departments hurt our communities and put us all at risk,” Williams said. “This measure will give our local police departments a tool to help solve their vacancies but is only a piece of the puzzle as we need to do more.” This comes after an announcement earlier this year that the Pennsylvania State Police was removing its college credit requirement on a trial basis to attract more Read more


Neilson applauds state budget’s allocation for Education Improvement Tax Credit

(Dec 14, 2023)

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania General Assembly increased funding to $150 million for the state’s Education Improvement Tax Credit, which provides tax breaks to businesses that contribute monetary donations to scholarships or other educational funds throughout the state. State Rep. Ed Neilson, chair of the House Transportation Committee, applauded the funding to expand access to quality education for all students and families in the commonwealth. “A strong education is the foundation of setting students and their families up for success,” Neilson said. “The EITC allows children and families not only financial relief, but endless opportunities to invest in their education and futures.” “Opportunity is a promise that we should always make to our children,” he continued. “As our future leaders, we need to use every tool to set them up for a thriving and equitable society.” Read more


Speed cameras will stay on Roosevelt Boulevard and be expanded to other parts of the city under Pa. bill

(Dec 13, 2023)

Authorization for a trial of the camera, which began operation on Roosevelt Blvd. in 2020, was set to expire Monday, Dec. 18. The bill also makes permanent the state’s use of automated speed enforcement in highway work zones. Read more


House passes H.R. 279 to extend emergency disaster proclamation for I-95

(Dec 12, 2023)

Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 279 , authored by state Rep. Anthony Bellmon, D-Phila., to further extend the emergency disaster proclamation for I-95 and allow work to rebuild the overpass that collapsed due to fire to continue. “The I-95 bridge collapse has had a major effect on Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the entire northeast United States,” Bellmon said. “We must extend the governor’s emergency declaration to ensure the bridge gets the proper reconstruction it needs so that we don’t witness another catastrophe happen to it, and so travelers can be safe driving on it.” Last June, a tanker truck carrying gasoline lost control as it attempted to exit the highway. It caught fire after the crash causing the north and southbound lanes of I-95 to require reconstruction for an undetermined amount of time. Gov. Josh Shapiro declared a disaster emergency proclamation on June 12, the day after the accident. The first extension was contained in S.R. 136, introduced by state Sen Jimmy Dillion, which extended the proclamation until Nov. 1. That was followed by another extension by offered by state Rep. Pat Gallagher, H.R. 197. The disaster declaration allows the state to continue to access emergency funding and follow streamlined rules for repair work. “I am thankful for my House and Senate colleagues for making the reconstruction of I-95 a priority this legislative session.” Said Read more


Pennsylvania House considers road use fee for EV owners

(Dec 12, 2023)

The proposed electric vehicle fee would replace the alternative fuels tax on electricity, but only for electricity used to charge a vehicle at the owner’s legal residence. The bill would also forgive any unpaid alternative fuel tax owed prior to the new fee taking effect. Read more


Legislators Reach Across the Aisle to Speed Up Road Projects

(Nov 14, 2023)

“It can take five to 10 years to get a road or bridge constructed using current state government practices,” added state Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., majority chairman of the House Transportation Committee. Neilson was the prime sponsor of the bill. “It was a pleasure to work with Rep. Struzzi on this much needed legislation,” Neilson said. “It shows that great things can happen when we work together.” Read more


Pa. lawmakers approve declaration to aid repair work for I-95 bridge collapse

(Oct 25, 2023)

Article on Rep. Gallagher's emergency declaration resolution's adoption in the Pennsylvania Senate. Read more


Neilson applauds Biden administration’s historic investment in Pennsylvania for hydrogen production

(Oct 13, 2023)

State Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., who serves as chairman of the House Oil and Gas Caucus, applauded the Biden Administration’s announcement today that two hydrogen hub projects in Pennsylvania were selected to receive a portion of $7 billion in federal grants to accelerate the domestic market for low-cost, clean hydrogen. “I was proud to stand next to President Biden today as he made this historic announcement,” Neilson said. “I want to thank the Biden Administration for not only choosing Pennsylvania but investing in our future.” Biden and Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm announced today at an event in Philadelphia that a total of seven regional hubs have been awarded $7 billion as part of the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, signed by Biden in 2021. Two of the selected regional hubs will serve Pennsylvania. The first regional hub is the Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Hub located in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. The project will receive up to $750 million in federal grants, enabling it to create more than 20,000 jobs for residents in those states. The other project located in Pennsylvania is the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub . In addition to Pennsylvania, it will also include West Virginia and Ohio. This hub will receive up to $925 million in federal grants, which will create approximately 21,000 jobs. “This federal investment will bring thousands of family sustaining, union jobs to Pennsylvania and the greater Read more


Neilson applauds funding increase for public transit across Pennsylvania

(Oct 04, 2023)

I recognize the important link between a robust public transit system and economic opportunity for the commonwealth,” Neilson said. “Millions of people use public transit to take them to work, school and everywhere in between – investing in public transit is also investing in the people of Pennsylvania, ensuring that they can get anywhere they need to go, even in rural areas Read more


Neilson speaks on extending, expanding automated speed enforcement programs

(Oct 03, 2023)

H.B. 1284 would update the School Bus Stop Arm Camera program which allows school districts to install cameras on school buses to capture vehicles that illegally pass a school bus with its red lights on and stop arm extended. This bill would extend PennDOT’s temporary regulations scheduled to expire on Oct. 24 and make multiple technical improvements to the program. Read more


Neilson’s plan to give cities greater authority over off-road vehicles passes House

(Oct 02, 2023)

“The safety of our residents and visitors is paramount. HB1338 empowers cities to take decisive action to protect pedestrians, motorists, and the overall well-being of their communities,” Neilson said. Read more


Pennsylvania lawmakers consider data privacy bill

(Sep 18, 2023)

In a March memoranda prior to bill’s introduction, the HB 1201’s prime sponsor, state Rep. Ed Neilson said that consumers have a right to data privacy and to know how their information is being used online.“In the near future, I intend to reintroduce legislation that gives consumers rights when it comes to their personal data and requires certain businesses to protect consumer privacy and limit the collection of consumer data,” Neilson said in March. Read more


Pa. House panel examines consumer data privacy bill

(Sep 18, 2023)

The Commerce Committee looked at House Bill 1201 aimed at protecting consumers’ digital privacy, allowing them to access their personal information that’s been collected, giving them legal rights to decline or opt out of the sale of their personal information and banning the sale of all private information for consumers under age 16.HB1201 sponsored by Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, would give the state attorney general authority to enforce a digital privacy law. Read more


Neilson: PA Needs New Ideas For Funding Transportation

(Sep 14, 2023)

Throughout the trip, we all agreed that transportation is a nonpartisan issue – a people issue – that must be addressed. The lack of funding to fix our infrastructure in a timely manner before roads and bridges become a safety concern is a real problem from one end of the state to the other. Read more


State Grant Programs Open For Application (09/05/2023)

(Sep 05, 2023)

PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Regional Policing Assistance Program Who May Apply: Applicants for the Regional Policing Assistance Program may be any municipality – a city, borough, township, home-rule municipality, or county. Applicants may also be a public or quasi-public body, or its representative, duly authorized to act on behalf of one or more municipalities. All applications must be accompanied by fully executed Articles of Agreement or an Intergovernmental Agreement that establishes a Regional Police Department. Use: Funding will support efforts in establishing or expanding regional police departments that would improve the following: uniformity and consistency of enforcement across municipalities; recruitment; distribution and deployment of police personnel; training and personnel efficiency; career enhancement opportunities; enhanced professionalism; and reduction of costs. Funds: A total of approximately $1,000,000 in federal funds is being announced to support this initiative. Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 for the formation of a new regional police department or up to $50,000 for the expansion of an existing regional police department by adding a chartered municipality(ies). Application Deadline: September 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Legal Standing Video Read more


Neilson rallies successful effort to keep I-95 work on schedule, continues to check on reconstruction progress

(Jul 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, July 3 – State Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., led a last-minute effort on Friday to enact legislation allowing Interstate 95 reconstruction work to continue by extending the governor’s emergency proclamation before it expired. After a truck tanker caught fire and the extreme heat caused a portion of I-95 to collapse, Gov. Josh Shapiro issued an emergency proclamation on June 12 to acquire federal emergency funds and cut through red tape to expedite the rebuilding of the collapsed road. Due to a 2021 constitutional amendment, the governor’s proclamation would have expired after 21 days, July 3, unless the General Assembly voted to extend it. Neilson said this limitation on proclamations was enacted to stop supposed overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The emergency declaration was due to expire today, July 3, which would have brought the entire project to a halt and could have jeopardized the federal funding needed to complete it in an expedited manner,” Neilson said. The House of Representatives previously adopted Neilson’s H.R. 154 on June 26, which would have extended the governor’s emergency declaration by one year to give the Shapiro administration enough time and resources to complete the permanent reconstruction. However, the Senate never considered it. As time was running out and it appeared that budget negotiations would continue beyond the Read more


Neilson moves quickly to continue I-95 reconstruction as budget negotiations break down

(Jun 30, 2023)

State Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., moved quickly today to pass legislation to help repair Interstate 95 by extending Gov. Josh Shapiro’s emergency declaration before it expires in the coming days. After a truck tanker caught fire and the extreme heat caused a portion of I-95 to collapse, Shapiro issued an emergency proclamation on June 12 to acquire federal emergency funds and cut through red tape to expedite the rebuilding of the collapsed road. Due to a 2021 constitutional amendment, the governor’s proclamation expires after 21 days (on July 3) unless the General Assembly votes to extend it. Neilson said this limitation was enacted to stop supposed overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. “It will cause problems for the entire region if we don’t extend the proclamation,” Neilson said. “It will halt the reconstruction efforts and cause unnecessary delays in rebuilding this critical bridge.” The House Transportation Committee, chaired by Neilson, unanimously approved S.R. 136, introduced by state Sen. Jimmy Dillon, whose district includes the collapsed portion of I-95. Dillon’s bill originally extended the governor’s emergency declaration by one year to give the administration enough time and resources to complete the permanent reconstruction. However, it was amended by the Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee to only extend it to Nov. 1, 2023. It passed the Senate on June 28. Read more


Neilson’s automated speed enforcement legislation passes PA House

(Jun 30, 2023)

Legislation authored by state Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Phila., chair of the House Transportation Committee, that would renew and expand automated enforcement programs throughout Philadelphia, passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today with bipartisan support. House Bill 1284 would eliminate the December 2023 expiration date of the Automated Speed Enforcement Program along Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia. It would also expand the ASE program to all roads in Philadelphia, contingent on PennDOT’s approval and the city’s adoption of a local ordinance and make necessary improvements to the ASE program. The ASE program on Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia, first implemented in June 2020, uses cameras to detect and record motorists exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 miles per hour or more along the boulevard. Crashes along Roosevelt Boulevard have declined by 36% since speed cameras were deployed, while total crashes in the rest of the city, where there are no speed cameras, have only declined by 6%. According to the Philadelphia Parking Authority, the ASE program has reduced speeding along Roosevelt Boulevard by a staggering 95%. Finally, and most importantly, Neilson said, the bill would protect schoolchildren on their walks through busy school zones by making fixes to the current law that authorizes school districts to use automated school bus stop-arm cameras and establishing a five-year pilot program for speed cameras in active Read more


An electric vehicle fee in Pa. touted as ‘best path forward’

(Jun 30, 2023)

“We must recognize the fact that our country is at the beginning stages of changing gas-powered vehicles to electric vehicles,” Rep. Ed Neilson, D-Philadelphia, said. “We need to be certain that our roads and bridges can still be maintained, repaired, and replaced … we can no longer depend on gas taxes to be the sole source of funding to maintain our infrastructure and roadways.” Read more


Pa. House votes to extend I-95 disaster proclamation until next June

(Jun 28, 2023)

A resolution that would extend to next June Gov. Josh Shapiro’s emergency disaster declaration issued in the response to the collapse of a bridge on I-95 in Philadelphia passed the state House of Representatives. Read more


PA House Democrats Deliver: Safer, healthier, more equitable communities
Dec 29, 2023

Neilson applauds state budget’s allocation for Education Improvement Tax Credit
Dec 14, 2023

Speed cameras will stay on Roosevelt Boulevard and be expanded to other parts of the city under Pa. bill
Dec 13, 2023

House passes H.R. 279 to extend emergency disaster proclamation for I-95
Dec 12, 2023

Pennsylvania House considers road use fee for EV owners
Dec 12, 2023

Legislators Reach Across the Aisle to Speed Up Road Projects
Nov 14, 2023

Pa. lawmakers approve declaration to aid repair work for I-95 bridge collapse
Oct 25, 2023

Neilson applauds Biden administration’s historic investment in Pennsylvania for hydrogen production
Oct 13, 2023

Neilson applauds funding increase for public transit across Pennsylvania
Oct 04, 2023

Neilson speaks on extending, expanding automated speed enforcement programs
Oct 03, 2023

Neilson’s plan to give cities greater authority over off-road vehicles passes House
Oct 02, 2023

Pennsylvania lawmakers consider data privacy bill
Sep 18, 2023

Pa. House panel examines consumer data privacy bill
Sep 18, 2023

Neilson: PA Needs New Ideas For Funding Transportation
Sep 14, 2023

State Grant Programs Open For Application (09/05/2023)
Sep 05, 2023

Neilson rallies successful effort to keep I-95 work on schedule, continues to check on reconstruction progress
Jul 03, 2023

Neilson moves quickly to continue I-95 reconstruction as budget negotiations break down
Jun 30, 2023

Neilson’s automated speed enforcement legislation passes PA House
Jun 30, 2023

An electric vehicle fee in Pa. touted as ‘best path forward’
Jun 30, 2023

Pa. House votes to extend I-95 disaster proclamation until next June
Jun 28, 2023