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Fiedler: Tearing Away Women's Rights

(Jul 08, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler says it's outrageous that any lawmaker would insert themselves into a decision that should be made between a pregnant person and their doctor. Tearing away the rights of women and pregnant people will not end abortion; it will only make abortion dangerous. Read more


Fiedler issues statement on budget

(Jul 07, 2022)

HARRISBURG, July 7 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., today issued this statement calling the state budget "a mixed bag" for working people: “I'm glad we’ve actually passed a state budget , but I have mixed feelings about what was included -- and what was not -- prioritized in the spending plan.” “On the bright side, there is $850 million more in the budget for K-12 basic education funding, with the School District of Philadelphia receiving a much-needed $200 million dollar increas e. There is also money for a new $125 million dollar program to help people make needed improvements to their homes. We also increased funding for violence prevention, which is crucial to saving lives and reducing gun violence in Philadelphia and across the commonwealth. These funds will make a difference in the lives of Philadelphia's children and families. “Unfortunately, this budget also includes big giveaways to corporations, to private schools AND, at the same time , no dedicated funding for improvements to toxic school buildings. The state brought in over $48 billion last year in revenue, but we plan to spend less than $43 billion next year. Th is doesn’t make sense when families are struggling to pay for housing, child care, elder care, student loans, food and gas.” Video of Fiedler’s response to the budget can be found here: (4) Fiedler: Mixed Bag Budget - Read more


After Roe, we know what the Pa. GOP will do, says Rep. Fiedler

(Jun 29, 2022)

In Pennsylvania, abortion remains safe and legal, for now. But none of us should count on the GOP majority in the state House to defend our rights or our bodies. Read more


Fiedler: Challenges Planning a Family

(Jun 28, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler is a mother and knows firsthand the challenges that face parents when they plan to raise children. She believes that the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is going to be disastrous for many families. She says this decision takes away a pregnant person’s right to make choices about their own body. Read more


Fiedler: We Need a Childcare Revolution

(Jun 27, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler is ready for a childcare revolution. She knows that affordable childcare is essential to a child's welfare, the economy, and the entire family. She is working to invest more money in children, their care, and education to lift society as a whole. Read more


Environmental, re-entry, and recycling funding opportunities

(Jun 21, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Assessing Racial & Ethnic Disparities (R/ED) in PA’s Criminal Justice System (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Higher education institutions (public/not-for-profit), nonprofit organizations, and for-profit institutions (i.e., consulting firms). Use : To develop and implement a statewide research initiative to identify current R/ED levels using quantitative methods, understand potential drivers using qualitative methods, and make recommendations to chart a path forward. Funds : Up to $250,000. Application Deadline : July 12, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victim Advocacy – School District of Philadelphia (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply: Organizations that provide direct services to crime victims and may be operated by a non-profit organization or public (governmental) agency, or a combination of such agencies or organizations. Use : To support students and their families who are victims of violence within the School District of Philadelphia. Funds : Up to $375,000 over three years. PCCD expects to fund one (1) applicant over a three-year project period. Application Deadline : Read more


Fiedler speaks out against bill to cut corporate taxes

(Jun 13, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 13 – Today, state Representative Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., spoke against H.B. 1960, which would cut corporate taxes in Pennsylvania by 30%. She said the bill would leave small businesses and individuals who pay their taxes to foot the bill. Fiedler said the cost of a corporate tax cut is high: state revenue would be reduced by $600 million next year. “We should be investing every dollar we can in schools, parks, libraries, child care, and programs and services right in our neighborhoods. This GOP trickledown economics plan would help big corporations avoid paying taxes — but not help families across my district and local businesses who pay their taxes.” Fiedler offered her remarks at a Capitol news conference hosted by the PA Budget and Policy Center. She said as the legislature debates the budget, she is standing with workers and calling on large corporations to pay their fair share after making record-breaking profits. “Families are feeling the rising cost of groceries, gas and baby formula. It’s appalling to me that our state would consider giving a big tax break to mega corporations right now. These bills will reduce state revenues by over $600 million next year. These funds should be going to education, parks, libraries, housing, child care, and health care -- not big corporations and the very richest Pennsylvanians.” She pointed out that while House Republicans claim corporate taxes are too high Read more


Fiedler: Don’t Give Big Corporations a Tax Break

(Jun 13, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler opposes big corporate giveaways and is calling on the legislature to close the tricky tax maneuvers that big corporations use, like the Delaware Loophole, to avoid paying taxes. Last month, she was one of just eight Democrats–eight!--in the PA House to vote against HB1960, which would cut corporate taxes in Pennsylvania by 30% and leave small businesses and individuals who pay their taxes, to foot the bill. The cost is high: state revenue would be reduced $700 million next year — funds that should be invested in schools, parks, libraries, child care right in our neighborhoods! Fiedler is standing with those workers and asking large corporations to pay their fair share after record breaking profits. Read more


Home and community-based services, crisis intervention, and archival records care funding opportunities

(Jun 01, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Quality Improvement Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : An entity enrolled with the Department’s OLTL as a Medical Assistance provider type 59 and have a signed OLTL-HCBS Waiver Agreement and be actively rendering services to participants in the CHC or OBRA waiver programs or both as of the date of May 1, 2022. Use : To help HCBS providers implement projects to improve the quality of services provided to individuals in the CHC and the OBRA waiver programs. Funds : Up to $40,000 in funding. Application Deadline : December 31, 2022 or until funds are expended. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Work Force Support Grant (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Certified child care providers. Use : To support the work force of DHS certified child care providers. Funds : Amounts vary by award. Application Deadline : June 17, 2022. More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2022 Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy and Implementation Program Read more


Krajewski, Fiedler call for funding parks, recreation centers in PA

(Apr 14, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 14 – State Reps. Rick Krajewski and Elizabeth Fiedler introduced the Pennsylvania Recreational Infrastructure Revitalization Act this week. The bill, which is in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives awaiting a vote, would allocate $500 million from American Rescue Plan funds to repair and invest in parks and recreational spaces throughout the state. Krajewski and Fiedler said that they believe that this funding is important to improve community safety and well-being. “The young people and community of West and Southwest Philadelphia deserve a park and recreation center where they can safely play, recreate, meet, learn and have fun,” Krajewski said. “With gun violence ravaging our communities, we need to invest in our public spaces to allow at-risk youth to enjoy community and leisure.” During the pandemic, the usage of parks and recreational spaces increased by 20%. Parks and recreation centers are valuable public resources that provide opportunities for children, youth and families to play and recreate. Research finds that well-designed and -maintained urban parks can reduce gun violence, improve safety, and keep residents healthier, while poorly designed and maintained parks lead to more crime, according to the bill’s co-sponsorship memo. “Parks are a valuable part of our communities. It gives people a place to be outside, exercise and socialize,” Fiedler said. “As the usage of parks Read more


Cephas, Tartaglione announce $25.6M in funding for maternal, child health

(Apr 14, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, April 14 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas and state Sen. Christine Tartaglione, along with fellow lawmakers and the Wolf administration, today announced $25.6 million in American Rescue Plan funding to be allocated for a new maternal and child health initiative in Pennsylvania. The funding announcement also coincides with Black Maternal Health Week, April 11-17 . “With the promise in this funding, we are putting money into solving maternal mortality and working to address the social determinants of health that contribute to the crisis we are experiencing across Pennsylvania," Cephas said. “The administration’s opting Pennsylvania into extended Medicaid was a major move to start solving part of the crisis now, as well. That program began April 1, and the initiatives we’re announcing today are going to reach millions of more birthing parents and children through doula services, targeted services, healthy eating pilot programs and lead remediation.” “Our democratic counterparts in the US House and Senate sent Pennsylvania billions of dollars in the American Rescue Plan to reinvest to strengthen our commonwealth,” Tartaglione said. “We cannot let the historic opportunity afforded to us pass without making life-changing and crucially needed investments in historically disinvested communities. The allocation of this grant money will help Temple Woman’s and Infant’s Hospital finally open Read more


Fiedler attends Children’s Playhouse for DHS visit

(Apr 05, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, April 5 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., joined Department of Human Services Acting Secretary Meg Snead Monday in a visit to Children’s Playhouse in Fiedler’s district. The legislator and acting secretary toured classrooms and met with teachers and children. They joined with Damaris Alvarado of Children’s Playhouse to celebrate the vital work of early childhood educators as part of the Month of the Young Child and highlighted Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposal to provide direct funding to Pennsylvanians for child care and other essential needs. “Child care work is vital to child development, to supporting working parents, and to strong communities ,” Fiedler said. “ It was great to welcome Acting Secretary Snead to our district and advocate for this important funding.” Photos can be found here . Read more


Now open for applications: Transportation, recovery housing, and public health funding opportunities

(Apr 05, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT): Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Program (Funding Source: State, Federal, & Private Funding) Who May Apply : Private companies. Use : To develop innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : April 30, 2022 More Information : Click on . FEDERAL PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial Ethnic Minorities (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Public and private non-profit entities . Use : To provide training and education around the risks of substance use and HIV/AIDS, as well as the integration of a range of services for individuals with HIV/AIDS. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : May 2, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)/Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED): Pennsylvania’s Recovery Housing Read more


2022 Spring Newsletter

(Mar 08, 2022)

Newsletter includes mobile office hours, photos from around the district and grants awarded. Read more


Now open for applications: Homeowner assistance, nonprofit security, Act 13, and clean energy funding opportunities

(Feb 07, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry: Clean Energy Workforce Development Grant (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : Pennsylvania local workforce development board. Use : To assist the department with the creation of programs designed to engage and support businesses in the clean energy sector. Funds : Grants up to $500,000. Application Deadline : March 14, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Nonprofit Security Grant Program (Funding Source: Nonprofit Security Grant Fund) Who May Apply : Nonprofits. Use : To enhance security and protect from hate crimes. Funds : Grants awards from $5,000 to $150,000. Application Deadline : March 2, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Endowment Act – Direct Victim Service Organizations Grant Program (Funding Source: Monetary Penalty Endowments Trust Fund) Who May Apply : Direct victim service organizations. Use : To support residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who have been child victims of sexual Read more


184 Winter Newsletter

(Feb 07, 2022)

Newsletter includes information for voting in the May Primary Election, what's been occurring around our district and grants that have been awarded to our district. Read more


Policy Committee explores wrongful imprisonment in Pennsylvania

(Jan 19, 2022)

The House Democratic Policy Committee's Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People explored exonerations in Pennsylvania and steps the legislature can take to support those who have been wrongly incarcerated by the criminal justice system. Read more


Whitman groups get $25,000 in state dollars to support students, families and seniors

(Jan 12, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 12 -- State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., announced an exciting state investment in her district. She worked with Whitman Council Inc., in partnership with Sharswood Elementary School and Murphy Recreation Center, to invest $25,000 in state grants to support seniors, and students, as well as many neighbors’ housing and utility needs. Rep. Fiedler worked to secure a $25,000 grant to support Whitman Council, a Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) that serves the South Philadelphia community by working with seniors and families to address various needs including rent rebates, assisting first-time homebuyers, utility assistance, property tax freeze for senior citizens, LIHEAP/PACE and mortgage foreclosure outreach. “I am so excited to announce that these state grant dollars are being invested right here in our district to support seniors, students and families! Whitman Council is a bedrock for the community and has helped so many seniors, working and low-income families throughout this pandemic keep the roof over their head and put food on the table,” Rep. Fiedler said. Whitman Council is partnering with two local community groups to invest the funds to help local students, families and seniors. Maryanne Daniels from Whitman Council said the group helps hundreds of people every month, and is committed to working with other community stakeholders. “We distributed roughly $17,000 Read more


Fiedler partners with local groups to provide food during holiday season

(Jan 11, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 11 – State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., recently partnered with local groups to provide delicious food to seniors citizens and families across the district. D ozens of holiday hams and groceries were provided to seniors from the South Philadelphia Older Adult Center, and to children and their families from the Discovery Place Pre-School, thanks to IBEW Local 98 and ACME . The effort helped South Philly neighbors put delicious holiday food on their table at the end of a tough year. Fiedler said, “This tradition of holiday giving is particularly meaningful as we end such a difficult year, full of hardship and loss, and continue to struggle through challenging times.” Fiedler also noted that the collaboration brought full holiday tables and joy to many neighbors. Read more


South Philly District Update E-Newsletter

(Dec 23, 2021)

Stay up-to-date on the latest in South Philly and Harrisburg Read more