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Ciresi introduces legislation to prevent gift card scams

Feb. 5 update: Relief for families, workers and businesses; vaccination update

(Feb 05, 2021)

The PA Legislature is working across the aisle to deliver important relief for families, workers and businesses. Here are some of the latest developments. Read more


Ciresi celebrates passage of COVID-19 relief package, vows to continue push for more assistance for restaurants, local businesses

(Feb 05, 2021)

Ciresi said he is especially pleased with the funding to help restaurants, hotels and theaters – and the people who work there – as he’s been consistently working to allocate additional funding to these struggling industries. The legislation establishes a $145 million Hospitality Industry Recovery Program to support hotels, restaurants, bars and taverns that suffered a decline in revenue in 2020. Read more


Ciresi's statement in response to Gov. Wolf's budget proposal

(Feb 04, 2021)

I am grateful to see a bold commitment to education, especially addressing the long-time inequities in how our state has funded K-12 education that were disproportionately affecting our communities. Read more


Jan. 29: COVID-19 Vaccination Pre-Registration & Help For Struggling Businesses

(Jan 29, 2021)

This week, my email starts with a short video update in which I share some of my frustration over the rollout of vaccinations in Pennsylvania. Read more


Ciresi: Struggling Small Businesses Need Our Help

(Jan 28, 2021)

At a House Commerce Committee meeting, Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi brought up the fact that several of his proposals to help struggling small businesses have not received a vote on the House floor. His Republican colleagues, as you will watch in this video, were not pleased to re-visit this uncomfortable reality. Read more


Jan. 22 update: Latest Updates on Unemployment Compensation and COVID-19 Vaccinations

(Jan 22, 2021)

Plus, news on state grants, fighting to protect renters and homeowners, and the latest 422 traffic updates. Read more


Jan. 15 update: New committee and leadership assignments; MLK Day on Monday

(Jan 15, 2021)

Weekly email also includes some traffic updates for U.S. 422. Read more


Ciresi appointed to Education Committee, highlights goals for term

(Jan 14, 2021)

“I am grateful to be given the opportunity to serve on the Education Committee and look forward to working on many important priorities, including achieving real fair funding for education, charter school reform, comprehensive education reform, cost savings and shared services, and more.” Read more


Ciresi named vice chair of Policy Committee

(Jan 12, 2021)

“I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Policy Committee, now as one of its vice chairs,” Ciresi said. “The committee’s policy agenda is one that will help us lead the way out of this pandemic and create a better, stronger economy for all Pennsylvanians. I look forward to working on these important issues – the work we were sent to Harrisburg to do – with my fellow committee members.” Read more


Jan. 8 update: A week of mixed emotions

(Jan 08, 2021)

Weekly email features updates on COVID-19 and vaccinations, a regional rail service proposal, commercial driver licenses, unemployment compensation and more. Read more


Ciresi Works to Put People Before Politics

(Jan 08, 2021)

In his ongoing efforts to put people before politics, Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi joined his colleagues in pushing to pass proposals to ensure they can give the communities they represent a voice in Harrisburg. Read more


Ciresi highlights completion of PennDOT study on Reading-Philadelphia rail service

(Jan 07, 2021)

Ciresi has long been a proponent of returning rail service to Berks and western Montgomery counties. Passenger rail service operated from Philadelphia to Reading starting in the mid-1800s and lasting until its suspension in 1981 during SEPTA’s transition to an all-electric network. Read more


Ciresi Sworn In for 2nd Term, Lays Out Priorities

(Jan 06, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi officially began his second term in office after being sworn in for the 2021-22 legislative session. He explains how he will continue putting hardworking families first. Read more


Ciresi sworn in to begin second term as state representative

(Jan 05, 2021)

Among the priorities Ciresi said he will focus on in the new term are relief for small businesses and restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, restoring passenger train service to Royersford and Pottstown, enacting education reform, and fighting for property tax relief. Read more


Dec. 30 update: Grants Continue Pottstown Progress

(Dec 30, 2020)

I am incredibly proud of everything that's been happening with Pottstown's revitalization, and I know that seeing these three projects happen will have a transformative effect on the borough and continue the great momentum that we're seeing. Read more


Ciresi announces $3.5 million in RACP grants for Pottstown redevelopment, Laurel House

(Dec 23, 2020)

"As a strong believer in Pottstown's potential, I have long been championing state support for redevelopment efforts there," Ciresi said. "This landmark investment in these important projects will transform vacant and underutilized properties, creating jobs and continuing the remarkable progress we've already seen in Pottstown." Read more


Ciresi surpasses $15 million in grant funding for his district in 2019-20 term

(Dec 23, 2020)

“Securing financial assistance for the people and businesses of this district is a responsibility I take very seriously. Finding the funding has been especially crucial this year during the COVID-19 pandemic, and during the 2021-22 term, I will continue my commitment to push for additional small business and restaurant grants as well as additional district funding for education, transportation infrastructure and redevelopment.” Read more


Lawmakers eye struggling restaurant industry for relief

(Dec 22, 2020)

“If the roof on your house is collapsing, and you have the money for an emergency, you use it. This is the emergency,” Rep. Ciresi said. Read more


Reps. Ciresi, Davis reintroduce legislation to provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants

(Dec 18, 2020)

“It was disappointing that, with over 50 co-sponsors, a bill aimed at providing direct relief to our state’s most landmark institutions failed to receive consideration while we still had CARES Act money,” Ciresi said. “But Rep. Davis and I rolled up our sleeves, improved this legislation and are hopeful this version will earn consideration. Because, at the end of the day, it’s the people who work at and own our local restaurants, bars and catering halls who need this assistance, and they need it as soon as possible.” Read more


Dec. 18 update: Ensuring Bars & Restaurants Get the Relief they Deserve

(Dec 18, 2020)

I've teamed with Rep. Tina Davis on legislation we're introducing, Montco has restarted a grant program, and I am promoting gift cards as a way to help. The food service industry needs our support. Read more


Feb. 5 update: Relief for families, workers and businesses; vaccination update
Feb 05, 2021

Ciresi celebrates passage of COVID-19 relief package, vows to continue push for more assistance for restaurants, local businesses
Feb 05, 2021

Ciresi's statement in response to Gov. Wolf's budget proposal
Feb 04, 2021

Jan. 29: COVID-19 Vaccination Pre-Registration & Help For Struggling Businesses
Jan 29, 2021

Ciresi: Struggling Small Businesses Need Our Help
Jan 28, 2021

Jan. 22 update: Latest Updates on Unemployment Compensation and COVID-19 Vaccinations
Jan 22, 2021

Jan. 15 update: New committee and leadership assignments; MLK Day on Monday
Jan 15, 2021

Ciresi appointed to Education Committee, highlights goals for term
Jan 14, 2021

Ciresi named vice chair of Policy Committee
Jan 12, 2021

Jan. 8 update: A week of mixed emotions
Jan 08, 2021

Ciresi Works to Put People Before Politics
Jan 08, 2021

Ciresi highlights completion of PennDOT study on Reading-Philadelphia rail service
Jan 07, 2021

Ciresi Sworn In for 2nd Term, Lays Out Priorities
Jan 06, 2021

Ciresi sworn in to begin second term as state representative
Jan 05, 2021

Dec. 30 update: Grants Continue Pottstown Progress
Dec 30, 2020

Ciresi announces $3.5 million in RACP grants for Pottstown redevelopment, Laurel House
Dec 23, 2020

Ciresi surpasses $15 million in grant funding for his district in 2019-20 term
Dec 23, 2020

Lawmakers eye struggling restaurant industry for relief
Dec 22, 2020

Reps. Ciresi, Davis reintroduce legislation to provide financial relief to local bars, restaurants
Dec 18, 2020

Dec. 18 update: Ensuring Bars & Restaurants Get the Relief they Deserve
Dec 18, 2020