Featured News

Ciresi introduces legislation to prevent gift card scams

National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes

(May 06, 2021)

In 2021, we have the chance to build back better using the same tool used by great presidents of the past, with an even better America emerging in the face of national tragedy and challenges. Read more


Commerce Committee Passes Ciresi COVID-19 Small Business Bill

(May 05, 2021)

Even as we move closer to getting back to normal, Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi says we still need to support the businesses that struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic so they can keep open or re-open their doors. Read more


April 30 update: Let’s Kick COVID-19 to the Curb by Keeping Up with Vaccines

(Apr 30, 2021)

Please continue to practice social distancing and wear face coverings in public places and when within six feet of people from outside your household. Read more


April 23 update: Trappe Improvements, Election Info & Traffic Updates

(Apr 23, 2021)

Good grant news for Trappe, plus some key dates to remember ahead of the May 18 election, and the latest from U.S. 422. Read more


Ciresi: PA Rescue Plan Will Lead to Good Paying Jobs

(Apr 22, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi highlights the benefits of the House Democrats’ PA Rescue Plan, from expanding healthcare access, to job training opportunities and improved telehealth capabilities. Read more


Ciresi announces $250K for Trappe sidewalk improvements

(Apr 21, 2021)

“Problems such as deteriorating sidewalks and a lack of pedestrian street crossings will be addressed through this funding,” Ciresi said. “A safe and modern sidewalk system would improve walkability through the historic district’s downtown; enhance connectivity to local businesses, recreational attractions and historic landmarks; and build a stronger image of an already outstanding community.” Read more


COVID-19 Vaccine Opportunities

(Apr 20, 2021)

My staff and I have been compiling COVID vaccine opportunities, and I wanted to share our most recent list. Read more


April 16 update: Determined to Restore Regional Rail Service

(Apr 16, 2021)

We would not do this if we felt like our efforts are destined to end in disappointment. Our vision of restoring service that ceased in 1981 is alive and well. Read more


Ciresi: Time is now to commit to Reading-to-Philadelphia rail service restoration

(Apr 14, 2021)

The “excuse” train has terminated its run. Let’s get this done and enhance the vitality of our region. Read more


Expansion of passenger rail has potential to boost Pa. economy, improve statewide commutes

(Apr 13, 2021)

"What we learned today is critical to making wise decisions about infrastructure and what is involved to bring much-needed improvements to transportation in many parts of the state, especially in Pottstown, Royersford and other stops on the potential Reading-to-Philadelphia corridor that I've long been working to resurrect." Read more


April 9 update: School funding, government transparency & traffic updates

(Apr 09, 2021)

Weekly email also includes a message from the Greater Valley Forge TMA and news of a new vaccine site in Pottstown. Read more


Ciresi spotlights $20M in federal funding to help local schools reopen

(Apr 09, 2021)

"This funding provides a significant boost to getting students and school faculty safely back on a familiar path, and addresses student learning loss and other educational needs that may have come up over the past year.” Read more


Ciresi Calls for Transparency and Disclosure

(Apr 08, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi said when public dollars are spent on outside legal counsel in Harrisburg, taxpayers have the right to easily access this information. It's why he support s this basic principle of good government and transparency. Read more


Ciresi grateful for announcement of Pottstown vaccination clinic

(Apr 07, 2021)

The new clinic in Pottstown opens at 9 a.m. Friday at Bethel Community Church of Pottstown, 575 N. Keim St., and will be open six days a week. Read more


Rep. Joe Ciresi: Pa. charter school law is old and broken — and it’s time we fix it

(Apr 05, 2021)

We can save taxpayers a quarter-billion dollars each year and make our current system better, and there’s a plan to do that — the Charter School Reform Act of 2021, H.B. 272. Read more


March 31 update: Phase 1B and 1C vaccine eligibility opening soon!

(Mar 31, 2021)

This will allow more people to make appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine. Also, beginning TODAY, targeted frontline workers and first responders can begin making appointments for their vaccination. Read more


RSVP here: Walking with Joe!

(Mar 31, 2021)

Strap on your walking shoes and let's go! Read more


Ciresi resolution urges HHS to send more vaccine to PA

(Mar 29, 2021)

“Because of vaccinations, many are envisioning a return to a sense of normalcy. But to truly get there, we need the federal government to supply sufficient doses of the available vaccines.” Read more


March 26 update: Honoring our Vietnam War Veterans

(Mar 26, 2021)

Weekly email also includes info on solar investments, rental and utility assistance, the PA Rescue Plan, and traffic updates. Read more


March 19 update: Making Progress in COVID-19 Vaccination and Mitigation

(Mar 19, 2021)

Plus an upcoming virtual wellness symposium, the latest news from Harrisburg, an unemployment compensation update, and 422 road closures. Read more


National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would rebuild, replace and revolutionize Pa.’s and nation’s infrastructure without raising taxes
May 06, 2021

Commerce Committee Passes Ciresi COVID-19 Small Business Bill
May 05, 2021

April 30 update: Let’s Kick COVID-19 to the Curb by Keeping Up with Vaccines
Apr 30, 2021

April 23 update: Trappe Improvements, Election Info & Traffic Updates
Apr 23, 2021

Ciresi: PA Rescue Plan Will Lead to Good Paying Jobs
Apr 22, 2021

Ciresi announces $250K for Trappe sidewalk improvements
Apr 21, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Opportunities
Apr 20, 2021

April 16 update: Determined to Restore Regional Rail Service
Apr 16, 2021

Ciresi: Time is now to commit to Reading-to-Philadelphia rail service restoration
Apr 14, 2021

Expansion of passenger rail has potential to boost Pa. economy, improve statewide commutes
Apr 13, 2021

April 9 update: School funding, government transparency & traffic updates
Apr 09, 2021

Ciresi spotlights $20M in federal funding to help local schools reopen
Apr 09, 2021

Ciresi Calls for Transparency and Disclosure
Apr 08, 2021

Ciresi grateful for announcement of Pottstown vaccination clinic
Apr 07, 2021

Rep. Joe Ciresi: Pa. charter school law is old and broken — and it’s time we fix it
Apr 05, 2021

March 31 update: Phase 1B and 1C vaccine eligibility opening soon!
Mar 31, 2021

RSVP here: Walking with Joe!
Mar 31, 2021

Ciresi resolution urges HHS to send more vaccine to PA
Mar 29, 2021

March 26 update: Honoring our Vietnam War Veterans
Mar 26, 2021

March 19 update: Making Progress in COVID-19 Vaccination and Mitigation
Mar 19, 2021