Here in Montgomery County, officials just announced the launch of a new COVID-19 hotline for general questions about COVID-19 and the vaccine, with updates on vaccine supply and distribution. Read more
My office has been receiving a steady flow of calls and emails regarding the COVID-19 vaccination rollout, and I can certainly understand the concern and frustration shared by many at this time. Read more
In my role as a legislator, and in my life as a father, husband, son, friend and neighbor, I stand proudly as an ally as this country strives for equality, for fairness, and for equity. Read more
This event will be held outside. Face masks and adherence to social-distance practices are required. Candles and hot cocoa will be available, and attendees are encouraged to bring handmade posters. Read more
I watched with my two young daughters as the first woman in our nation’s history was sworn into office as Vice President – and the first person of color to serve in that role. Read more
Weekly email also includes latest updates on COVID-19 vaccinations. Read more
“I am encouraged by these assignments, and I am very much looking forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to help the people of Pennsylvania, local businesses and municipalities push forward during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and political unrest,” Sanchez said. “These committees, I feel, are a great fit for me, and I am confident in our collective ability to achieve progress for the greater good of the commonwealth.” Read more
In the wake of what occurred this week in our nation’s capital, it is impossible not to reflect on the events that transpired. Peaceful assemblies for protest are part of the American way of expressing our collective voices, yet what we saw on Wednesday was an act of terror. Read more
Sanchez has supported the local college’s effort to secure funding from this program, which helps colleges and universities implement strategies to raise awareness about sexual violence and prevention, as well as instructs survivors about the reporting process and the resources available to them. Read more
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, among the priorities Sanchez said he will focus on in the new term are ensuring accessible and affordable health care for all and economic recovery, as well as social justice, including the demand for action for gun safety, and protecting citizen rights when it comes to equality and the environment. Read more
“Taking care of our local waterways is critical for our environment and for our community as a whole,” said Sanchez, D-Montgomery. “I’m pleased to help with this continued investment in the Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership to support clean, healthy waterways in our community and beyond.” Read more
Thank you, all, for your collective sacrifice, for your goodness, for giving me your trust and the responsibility to represent you in Harrisburg. While staying safe and healthy, I hope you’re able to enjoy a warm holiday season, and let’s all work together for a fabulous new year! Read more
“Green spaces that allow people an opportunity to experience the natural world, to learn about nature, our ecology and how vital conservation is, are invaluable,” Sanchez said. “Meadowbrook Farm is one of those beautiful spaces that allows us to make the connection with our environment, and when you see the beauty in our environment, you can’t help but want to preserve it. I’m grateful the commonwealth has made this investment in Meadowbrook Farm for all to enjoy.” Read more
Pa. state Rep. Ben Sanchez highlights the positivity from the people in his legislative district, offers well wishes for the holidays and a promise to keep fighting for what's right. Read more
“As somebody who lives in this community with my wife and three children, plus countless other family, friends and neighbors, securing this funding for PFAS remediation at North Hills was a significant accomplishment.” Read more
Remember, local business and restaurant owners and employees are sacrificing for the greater good right now, and we should do everything in our power to thank them while also ensuring their own health and safety. Read more
These problems are not caused by one person or one entity. They are ours to own collectively. And, for us to eventually rise above it and kick COVID to the curb, sacrifice of varying degrees is required by all. And those sacrifices are painful. They’re not easy. They’re not fun. And, when we’ve already been sacrificing since March, our collective patience continues to wear thin. Read more
“This project will create connections between public transit, schools, parks, businesses and neighborhoods, enhancing the safety and recreational opportunities for the areas served,” said Sanchez, whose 153rd Legislative District includes Abington Township. “In addition to improving transportation quality and walkability throughout the area, this project will be improving stormwater management systems to help reduce the impact of potential flooding in our area.” Read more
Our collective responsibility in this remains plainly stated: We wear masks whenever we leave home. We wash our hands regularly and thoroughly. We stay home as much as possible. And we avoid gathering with large or even small groups. Read more
“These children and their families were denied the right to seek asylum under Trump administration policies that federal courts have since ruled were unlawful. If your office completes plans to deport these families, they face likely death or torture in their home country,” the lawmakers wrote. “Family detention goes against our most fundamental values as a society. And it is unconscionable to not correct this injustice.” Read more
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