Lawmakers discuss future of artificial intelligence during House Majority Policy hearing

(Feb 13, 2024)

Artificial intelligence was the topic of vast discussion at a House Majority Policy Committee hearing Tuesday morning, including how it’s already impacting everyday life and what comes next. Read more


York tour highlights tourism, economic development in region

(Nov 02, 2023)

“It’s so rewarding to see iconic national brands that call Pennsylvania home,” said Policy Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, who represents portions of Erie County. “The origin stories of these companies is inspiring in that many of them started as small local business with small dreams, and these companies just blossomed into a business that holds a national footprint in the industry. Being able to visit and talk to representatives of companies throughout York helped hammer home to lawmakers the numerous positive aspects local businesses can offer to our communities that go way beyond job creation.” Read more


Union health center offers services for workers and their families

(Oct 25, 2023)

“We saw firsthand how the union has taken the proactive step of delivering fundamental needs for its workers and their families,” said event co-host Ben Sanchez, who represents portions of Upper Dublin Township and surrounding municipalities. “For over a century, we’ve stood up for unions because of the tireless work they do to improve the lives of workers in our communities, and with the opening of this facility we witnessed yet another example of their dedication.” Read more


Committee tours, discusses pedestrian safety options in Delco

(Oct 24, 2023)

“Communities thrive when pedestrian safety improves,” said state Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, who hosted the policy event and represents Media and surrounding municipalities in Delaware County. “When we have safe streets, we increase the number of environmentally friendly transportation options. If people can walk with their children down Main Street or in the neighborhood, they can drop into stores and parks they might have missed if they had been in their car – and we reduce the number of cars on clogged roadways. Pedestrian safety is a win for everyone.” Read more


Symposium examines how nonprofits can maximize their missions

(Oct 12, 2023)

“Navigating government programs can be a frustrating experience for anyone attempting to access a service for the first time,” Salisbury said. “I saw a unique opportunity to bring experts into the room to speak directly to nonprofit organizations and explain the process. The ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible, and today we had a chance to illustrate how organizations can work with government to expand the amazing work they are already doing throughout our neighborhoods and communities.” Read more


Nonprofit Symposium

(Oct 11, 2023)

Submitted presentations from Nonprofit Symposium hosted by Rep. Abigail Salisbury on Oct. 12, 2023. Read more


Hearing Explores Troubling Increase in Book Bans

(Oct 06, 2023)

HARRISBURG, PA − October 6, 2023 – State Senator Katie Muth (D-Chester/Montgomery/Berks), chair of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee, and state Rep. Ryan Bizarro (D-Erie), chair of the House Majority Policy Committee, joined Senator Amanda Cappelletti (D-Montgomery/Delaware) and Rep. Paul Friel (D-Chester) to co-host a public hearing in Harrisburg yesterday on the impact of censorship and book bans in public and school libraries. The hearing, held at the State Capitol, featured three panels of testimony that included perspectives from educators, parents, and policy experts who discussed the rise in book bans across the Commonwealth and the country. “Book bans are part of a fear mongering, hate-filled, discriminatory, national political agenda that is taking aim at our public schools and libraries across the nation and here in our Commonwealth. All students – no matter what they look like, how they identify, where they are from, or who they love – deserve to see themselves or discover themselves in stories told in books – and book bans strip that freedom away,” Muth said. “Book bans and censorship are part of a greater movement to whitewash history and silence already marginalized and minority communities – and we need our all elected officials to stand up for free speech and protect all of our children from any attack that threatens their ability to thrive and be who they are.” The American Read more


Freedom to Read: The Unsettling Increase of Censorship in our Libraries and Schools

(Oct 04, 2023)

As chairs of their respective Policy Committees, Senator Katie Muth and Rep. Ryan Bizarro will join Senator Amanda Cappelletti and Rep. Paul Friel to co-host a public hearing on Thursday, October 5 to address the alarming trend of book banning in public and school libraries across the Commonwealth. The hearing will feature expert testimony that focuses on educational and economic impacts of book bans as well as the tactics used by interest groups to target and ban specific books. You can watch the hearing live here: Read more


PA House Democrats Deliver

(Oct 04, 2023)

PA House Democrats Deliver for Everyone, including People of Color, Veterans, Women and Workers. Read more


Democrats Deliver for Veterans

(Oct 04, 2023)

Democrats Read more


Democrats Deliver for Everyone

(Oct 04, 2023)

Democrats Deliver for Everyone. Read more


Democrats Deliver for Workers

(Oct 04, 2023)

Democrats Deliver for Workers. Read more


Democrats Deliver for Women

(Oct 04, 2023)

Democrats Deliver for Women. Read more


Democrats Deliver for Pennsylvania

(Oct 04, 2023)

Democrats Deliver for Pennsylvania. Read more


PA House Delivers for Pennsylvania

(Sep 28, 2023)

The PA House in just nine months has passed more than 150 bills to support workers, families, children, people of color, people with disabilities and homeowners. Read more


Policy Committee hears testimony on concerns in Latino community

(Sep 15, 2023)

“I learned so much from our panelists this morning, and I appreciate the work they are doing in our communities – specifically breaking down the stigma associated with mental health and particularly with the mental health needs of our children,” Speaker Joanna McClinton said. “So I appreciate all of our testifiers who are working to help people with challenges and needs. They placed a spotlight directly on the need for more services because of the positive impact they have in our communities in Philadelphia as well as throughout the entire state.” Read more


Latino Pennsylvania - Contributions and Concerns

(Sep 15, 2023)

Submitted testimony for House Majority Policy Committee hearing for Friday, Sept. 15, 2023 in Philadelphia on Latino Pennsylvania - contributions and concerns. Read more


Caregiver workforce crisis discussed in latest House Majority Policy hearing

(Sep 14, 2023)

People living with disabilities, their caregivers and advocates testified about the current caregiver workforce crisis to members of the House Majority Policy Committee during a hearing Thursday afternoon. Read more


Hearing: The Caregiver Workforce Crisis

(Sep 14, 2023)

On Thursday, Sept. 14 , the Policy Committee will host a hearing on the caregiver workforce crisis from a consumer’s point of view. This hearing, hosted by Rep. Joe Hohenstein (D-Phila.), is part of Hohenstein’s 2023 Disability Summit. During the hearing, members will hear testimony from people with disabilities, their caregivers, and advocates on the current state of the caregiver workforce, and what can be done to better support it. The hearing will begin at 3 p.m. at the Temple University Student Center, 1755 N. 13 th St., Philadelphia, PA 10122 . Watch live: Read more


Disability Summit: Caregiver Workforce Crisis

(Sep 13, 2023)

Submitted testimony for the House Majority Policy Committee hearing on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023 on the caregiver workforce crisis. Read more