McClinton helps community complete 2020 Census and apply for mail-in voting while supplying free PPE

(Sep 21, 2020)

State Rep. Joanna McClinton continues her efforts to put her neighbors first by connecting them with the critical resources needed to vote, get counted in the census and make it through the COVID-19 pandemic safely. "With Election Day less than two months away, the 2020 census deadline just days away and the challenges created by the coronavirus felt every day, I want to make sure the residents of the 191st Legislative District have access to the tools and information they need to stay ahead of these major events all while protecting themselves and their family from the ongoing health crisis," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. McClinton said she teamed up with a number of community partners for her Curbside Resource Fair this past Friday outside her Philadelphia office, where more than 50 participants received free masks, hand sanitizer and other wellness materials; vote-by-mail applications; and the chance to complete the 2020 census ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline. "Being counted in the census isn't just about filling out a form but making sure our home gets its fair share of federal funds to invest in strengthening schools, roads, health care and assistance programs that many of the individuals I serve depend on to survive," McClinton said. "I am fortunate to work with local leaders who help make this resource fair and others like it happen." McClinton Read more


McClinton, Gauthier and Williams Provide Update on Cobbs Creek Parkway Pedestrian Safety Efforts

(Sep 16, 2020)

In the wake of Avante Reynolds’ tragic and senseless death, we attended a meeting convened by officials from PennDOT and the Philadelphia Streets Department to discuss pedestrian safety improvements along Cobbs Creek Parkway. Our offices would like to share the information that we received in that meeting with our communities. PennDOT will be making changes in the immediate future, and we are grateful for that — but we also believe these changes are deeply insufficient to reduce the alarming number of crashes, injuries, and deaths along the Parkway. Within the next month, PennDOT will be funding and installing multiple improvements. They will add rumble strips along the center lanes along the Parkway from Girard Avenue to Baltimore Avenue, which cues drivers to slow down if they are veering or driving too fast. This is a new style of rumble strip technology which minimizes noise and nuisance to neighboring residents. At appropriate locations between Delancey Street and Florence Avenue, PennDOT will install ‘lane separators,’ slightly-raised blocks shaped like curbs with plastic delineators that will be placed diagonally across portions of the center lanes where driving is not permitted. These will provide further physical barriers to people driving into the portions of the road with the double yellow lines, where driving should not be taking place. Finally, at a number of locations, PennDOT will reduce lane widths, add pedestrian crossing markings, Read more


McClinton distributes free school supplies to more than 250 families in need

(Sep 14, 2020)

With the new school year underway, state Rep. Joanna McClinton isn't letting the coronavirus stop her from helping students succeed in class and adapt to the changes brought on by the pandemic. "Families need our support now more than ever, especially when it comes to making sure our young people have access to a quality education," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "This means connecting them with the tools they need to learn in a safe environment." McClinton hosted back-to-back school resource fairs at the Darby Recreation Center and outside her office in Philadelphia last Thursday and Friday, where she teamed up with local organizations to distribute free backpacks filled with school supplies, including notebooks, folders, pens, erasers and earphones to more than 250 families in need. "Our priority must be to put all people first, which includes our students and teachers," McClinton explained. "As COVID-19 continues building barriers, I am committed to working with my colleagues in Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Delaware County to knock them down by securing resources to protect Pennsylvanians during this health crisis and ultimately move the commonwealth forward." McClinton thanked her community partners for helping to make both events possible, which comprised: William Penn School District. Aetna. Health Partners Read more


Philly Courts Temporarily Halt Evictions

(Sep 11, 2020)

As House Democrats fight to pass their Safe at Home legislation to help protect homeowners, renters and small "mom and pop" landlords, court officials in Philadelphia have put a hold on residential evictions in the city until Sept. 23. Read more


McClinton calls on Senate to reform election bill and prevent disenfranchisement of voters ahead of November election

(Sep 03, 2020)

With exactly two months until the general election, state Rep. Joanna McClinton today called on the state Senate to reform legislation that would lead to voter suppression and prevent Pennsylvanians from casting their ballot safely. "This is arguably one of the biggest elections in our nation's history, and we have a responsibility as legislators to pass laws that ensure all Pennsylvanians have the tools to let their voices be heard without worry," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "Mail-in voting is a safe and secure way to vote amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and we should be concentrating on strengthening this process. Instead, the majority party, who decides on what we vote on, is focusing on hindering it with proposals that would cause confusion and create barriers." According to McClinton, H.B. 2626, which passed the House yesterday without her support, would make unnecessary, last-minute changes to mail-in voting and the election process, including measures to: Give counties less time to count ballots. Shorten the time period in which voters can request a mail-in ballot. Ban secure ballot drop boxes. Lift the county residency restriction on which party officials may observe inside polling places, raising concerns about voter intimidation and violence on Election Day. "With an influx of mail-in ballots in the June primary election, Read more


Enough is enough: stopping gun violence takes a collaborative effort that must put children first

(Sep 03, 2020)

It may seem impossible, but Rep. Joanna McClinton explains in her latest op-ed the actions needed to stop the senseless gun violence plaguing Philadelphia. Read more


McClinton calls on legislature to pass proposals to protect homeowners, renters and small landlords

(Aug 31, 2020)

With Gov. Tom Wolf's moratorium on foreclosures and evictions set to expire today, state Rep. Joanna McClinton is calling for immediate action on legislation to help protect homeowners, renters and small "mom and pop" landlords survive the COVID-19 pandemic. "As the coronavirus continues, so do the struggles of countless families fighting financially to keep their heads above water. The governor's moratorium has allowed so many Pennsylvanians to keep a roof over their heads during this health crisis," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "As we return to Harrisburg tomorrow for legislative session, our top priority must be to extend this critical lifeline." McClinton joined her House Democratic colleagues in unveiling legislation to extend the moratorium as well as other proposals to: Expand and protect the Rent & Mortgage Assistance Program. Allow tenants who fell behind on rent due to COVID-19-related job losses or slowdowns to get back to good payment standing by waiving late fees on payments. Ensure low-income renters and homeowners in debt have qualified legal representation in disputes with landlords and management companies. Make sure small "mom and pop" landlords who own, manage and, in many cases, live in smaller rental Read more


McClinton brings community residents, leaders, and police together to address recent surge in gun violence

(Aug 28, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28 – Less than a week after a 23-year-old man was shot and killed in broad daylight, state Rep. Joanna McClinton brought community residents, leaders and law enforcement together Thursday night to address the recent surge in gun violence. “No one should fear for their life when they leave their home or be scared to let their child go outside to play,” said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “However, when a person is gunned down in the middle of the day in our neighborhood, how can you not be alarmed? The gun violence is out of control, and it’s our responsibility to be proactive to stop the bloodshed.” Individuals from across the neighborhood joined McClinton for the outdoor conversation along Christian Street that included city councilmembers and the 18 th Police District, along with officials from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and state Sen. Anthony Williams’ office. “Stopping this culture of killing and strengthening public safety must include a collaborative effort involving elected officials, law enforcement, local leaders and the people who live here – especially our young people,” McClinton explained. “Gun violence is a community problem that requires a community solution.” McClinton added a critical step to reducing crime is by getting children on the right path from the beginning. She is currently working on legislation Read more


McClinton Rallies For Commutations

(Aug 28, 2020)

Pa. House Democratic Chair Rep. Joanna McClinton joined advocates for those seeking commutations to make a case for change in how cases are decided. This action comes shortly before the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons begins public hearings in September. Read more


Police Reform Working Group issues statement on House Republican Policy hearing on law enforcement; calls for further legislative action

(Aug 27, 2020)

The Police Reform Working Group, a collection of local and state elected officials and advocates, issued the following statement in response to a Pennsylvania House Republican Policy Committee hearing on law enforcement interactions with the community:“We appreciate the House Republican Policy Committee shining a light on how law enforcement interacts with communities around the state. This is a necessary discussion that is long overdue and it’s encouraging to hear presenters today acknowledge that police reform is necessary. Read more


McClinton announces more than $234,000 in funding to help improve school services for students who need it most during COVID-19 pandemic

(Aug 25, 2020)

Ahead of the upcoming school year, state Rep. Joanna McClinton announced today that $234,068 in grant funding is going to help local school districts improve educational services for students who need it most during the COVID-19 pandemic. "With the ongoing challenges created by the coronavirus, schools need our support now more than ever," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "This funding adds to our efforts to connect students with the tools they need to learn in a safe environment during this health emergency." According to McClinton, these state resources are part of the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Funds and have been awarded to the following in the School District of Philadelphia: Add B. Anderson School: $60,522. Motivation High School: $38,655. Penn Wood High School in the William Penn School District also received $134,891. Today’s announcement is part of an approved $17 million to help 220 local education agencies, including school districts throughout the state, that are designated for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act . The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act authorizes governors to determine the educational use of GEER Funds. Read more


Be Counted, Childcare Available During Digital Learning and Other Important Updates

(Aug 21, 2020)

Check out my latest update for information about Access Centers that will be available for students during digital learning, voting by mail and how long you have to respond to the 2020 Census. Read more


McClinton helps distribute free PPE and other important resources to 150 families amid COVID-19

(Aug 21, 2020)

In her ongoing effort to help keep her communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, state Rep. Joanna McClinton helped distribute free personal protective equipment to 150 families today. "The coronavirus has certainly created roadblocks, and as a public servant, I have a responsibility to do whatever is in my power to help my neighbors overcome these obstacles by connecting them with the tools they need to make it through this health crisis safely," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. McClinton partnered with Gateway Health, Philadelphia Gas Works and Oak Street Health to give away masks, hand sanitizer and gloves, along with voter registration applications and information about state resources outside her Philadelphia office on South 60th Street. "Whether it's handing out PPE or boxes of food, securing these types of life-saving supplies isn't done alone and takes a collaborative effort," said McClinton. "I am blessed to have such strong relationships with community partners who share my dedication to put the needs of residents in the 191st Legislative District first." McClinton previously helped distribute PPE to residents at: Presbyterian Apartments. Paschall Senior Apartments and Hardy Williams Veterans Housing Center. Walnut Park Plaza . Read more


McClinton joins St. Joseph's Preparatory School to distribute free groceries to families in need

(Aug 20, 2020)

Free groceries went to neighbors in need in Southwest Philadelphia today thanks to a collaborative effort involving state Rep. Joanna McClinton and St. Joseph's Preparatory School. "The COVID-19 pandemic continues creating obstacles for families already struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "We have a responsibility to provide our most vulnerable neighbors with the resources they need so they can provide for their loved ones. That's what today's grocery giveaway was all about, and I am fortunate to have community partners like St. Joseph's Preparatory School to help make events like this possible." The group distributed more than 250 food boxes to approximately 100 people at the corner of 60th St. and Baltimore Ave., which included bread, frozen chicken, canned goods, pasta and milk. The groceries were provided by the Caring for Friends organization. "St. Joseph's Prep is proud to partner with state Representative McClinton to continue our mission of 'Men for Others,' as we increase our impact within the City of Philadelphia and surrounding communities," said Erick Woods, Associate Campus Minister for Ignatian Service at St. Joseph's Preparatory School. "The Prep looks forward to another opportunity to work with state Representative McClinton and her team." Just Read more


Summer 2020 Newsletter

(Aug 18, 2020)

From COVID-19 resources and how to vote by mail to relief opportunities for homeowners, renters and local business owners, you'll find the information you need in my latest newsletter. Read more


McClinton helps secure $378,000 grant to make critical sewer system updates in Yeadon Borough

(Aug 17, 2020)

State Rep. Joanna McClinton announced today a $378,820 state grant she helped secure to continue much needed updates to Yeadon Borough's sewer system. McClinton said the resources will be used to replace defective sanitary sewer main and street laterals on Yeadon Avenue, from Cedar Avenue to just south of Whitby Avenue. "This is great news for Yeadon," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "Aging infrastructure can lead to long-term consequences. This funding is critical in helping ensure the quality of our communities and the health and safety of our neighbors." McClinton pointed out the funding was made available through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) PA Small Water and Sewer grant program and will cover nearly 85-percent of the $445,671 project. "I will continue fighting in Harrisburg to bring these types of state investments back to the 191st Legislative District that ultimately benefits local residents and their families while aiding in moving our neighborhoods forward," explained McClinton. In 2018, McClinton announced $424,641 in CFA funding to assist with replacing sewer lines along West Providence Road and Yeadon Avenue. PA Small Water and Sewer grants help fund small water, sewer, storm sewer and flood control infrastructure projects with a price tag between $30,000 and $500,00. Read more


Local Businesses Can Apply Now for Next Round of COVID-19 Relief Funds

(Aug 11, 2020)

The second round of the COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance grant program is open for applications and will remain open until Aug 28. This program awards grants of up to $50,000 to small businesses that have been economically impacted by COVID-19, with a specific focus on historically disadvantaged businesses. Small businesses interested in this program must apply through a participating Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and can visit for resources, including an application preparation checklist and eligibility details. As a reminder, if you applied for this program during the first round but did not receive a grant, you do not need to reapply – your application will simply roll over. Read more


Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters

(Aug 07, 2020)

HARRISBURG (August 7, 2020) – Today, a group of state lawmakers from Delaware County called for District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer to investigate violence and intimidation aimed at Black Lives Matter supporters during a march in Ridley Township on Saturday, August 1 st . State Sens. Tim Kearney and Anthony Williams as well as State Reps. Leanne Krueger, Margo Davidson, David Delloso, Brian Kirkland, and Joanna McClinton signed the letter, which details how peaceful protesters were met with violence and intimidation by a group of counter-protesters. The letter calls for Delaware County’s District Attorney to investigate the counter-protesters’ actions and the Ridley Township Police Department’s response. “I was proud to participate in the Black Lives Matter protest and stand with people of all races and all ages against systemic racism,” said Sen. Tim Kearney . “But I was disturbed by the hate and intimidation that I witnessed firsthand from counter-protesters. We are better than that. We need to make sure our community feels safe when peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.” “I join others across our community in expressing horror that this demonstration of love and support for Black lives was met by a menacing group with a mission to taunt and intimidate peaceful protesters,” said Rep. Leanne Krueger . “Instead of actively protecting the First Amendment rights of our Read more


Nearly $32K awarded to CTCs in West to Southwest Philly to support safe return to learning

(Aug 06, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 6 – Students West to Southwest in the legislative district of state Rep. Joanna McClinton will return to learning in a safer environment thanks to pandemic relief funding meant to help schools implement safety plans for students and staff. According to McClinton, Continuity of Education and Equity Grants were awarded to William L. Sayre High School ($8,178) and the Southwest Leadership Academy Charter School ($23,700 ) in her legislative district. The funding comes from the federal CARES Act and authorizes governors to determine the educational use of these relief funds. Continuity of Education and Equity Grants provide funding to support effective continuity of education programs such as summer and other expanded programming and industry credential assessments for students enrolled in career and technology centers negatively impacted by COVID-19 mitigation. “COVID-19 has put numerous and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in front of us each and every day,” McClinton said. “It has derailed education and career readiness in ways we have yet to fully grasp. I am grateful there are grants like this available to help our career schools stay focused on educating our young people in the safest way possible. And, I will continue to work in my capacity as a legislator and advocate to collaborate on ways to ease the burden our community, state, nation and world are facing as we battle this deadly virus.” According Read more


McClinton joins local police to distribute free gun locks to help secure firearms and protect children

(Jul 31, 2020)

As part of her ongoing efforts to promote gun safety, state Rep. Joanna McClinton is taking action to help secure firearms and protect children. She joined the 18th Police District of Philadelphia Thursday to distribute more than 50 free gun locks to West Philadelphia residents at the 60th Street Station. "Too often, we hear about a child shooting themselves or someone else after getting their hands on a gun at home that an adult thought was safely stored away," said McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. "Gun locks are potentially life-saving and can help avert these kinds of tragedies by preventing a young person from being able to pull the trigger." McClinton said the group also handed out a plethora of state resources. "This would not have been possible without Capt. Matt Gillespie and Community Relations Officer Shamssadeen Baukman who are dedicated to serving our communities. I am proud to work with them along with other local law enforcement to provide our neighbors with tools that help ensure their safety and the safety of their loved ones," McClinton explained. "In the meantime, my colleagues, and I will continue fighting in Harrisburg to pass legislation to strengthen our gun laws and keep firearms out of the hands of children." One of the proposals McClinton supports is a bill Read more


McClinton helps community complete 2020 Census and apply for mail-in voting while supplying free PPE
Sep 21, 2020

McClinton, Gauthier and Williams Provide Update on Cobbs Creek Parkway Pedestrian Safety Efforts
Sep 16, 2020

McClinton distributes free school supplies to more than 250 families in need
Sep 14, 2020

Philly Courts Temporarily Halt Evictions
Sep 11, 2020

McClinton calls on Senate to reform election bill and prevent disenfranchisement of voters ahead of November election
Sep 03, 2020

Enough is enough: stopping gun violence takes a collaborative effort that must put children first
Sep 03, 2020

McClinton calls on legislature to pass proposals to protect homeowners, renters and small landlords
Aug 31, 2020

McClinton brings community residents, leaders, and police together to address recent surge in gun violence
Aug 28, 2020

McClinton Rallies For Commutations
Aug 28, 2020

Police Reform Working Group issues statement on House Republican Policy hearing on law enforcement; calls for further legislative action
Aug 27, 2020

McClinton announces more than $234,000 in funding to help improve school services for students who need it most during COVID-19 pandemic
Aug 25, 2020

Be Counted, Childcare Available During Digital Learning and Other Important Updates
Aug 21, 2020

McClinton helps distribute free PPE and other important resources to 150 families amid COVID-19
Aug 21, 2020

McClinton joins St. Joseph's Preparatory School to distribute free groceries to families in need
Aug 20, 2020

Summer 2020 Newsletter
Aug 18, 2020

McClinton helps secure $378,000 grant to make critical sewer system updates in Yeadon Borough
Aug 17, 2020

Local Businesses Can Apply Now for Next Round of COVID-19 Relief Funds
Aug 11, 2020

Delaware County lawmakers call for investigation into violence against Black Lives Matter supporters
Aug 07, 2020

Nearly $32K awarded to CTCs in West to Southwest Philly to support safe return to learning
Aug 06, 2020

McClinton joins local police to distribute free gun locks to help secure firearms and protect children
Jul 31, 2020