Hill-Evans announces over $4.5M in state and federal funding for low-income housing initiatives and domestic violence shelters

(Aug 17, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 17 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, announced $4,553,479 in total funding initiatives through the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency that would go towards local homeless prevention, low incoming housing, and domestic violence shelters. Funding was awarded through the PHFA board in cooperation with Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement. “This amount of money will lead to a huge development project that will ultimately create low-income housing that our homeless population has a better chance of affording when they do start to get back on their feet,” Hill-Evans said. “We have seen during this pandemic just how critical these resources are, and I’m happy to see such an investment to improve the lives of some of the less fortunate in our district. In addition to this, funding will go to services to help our seniors stay in their homes, as well funding for the YWCA of York, which is the only provider of free services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking in York County. These funds are crucial to keep these nonprofit services running and to keep up with demand during these difficult times.” The funding is awarded as follows: Homes at Thackston Park II: $1.25M in tax credits, $1.7M awarded from PennHOMES, and $1.1M in PHARE/HTF funding. This would go towards the new Read more


Legislative Update: Housing Highlights

(Aug 13, 2020)

Not just in this time when incomes have been hit hard for individuals and our economy has slumped, but always my constituents need assurances in the housing market and between them and their landlords. Our homeless populations also need a helping hand. There are bills in the state legislature to fulfill our promises as lawmakers to our constituents whether home buyers, homeowners, renters, landlords, or homeless. Read more


Legislative Update: Human Services

(Aug 06, 2020)

As you in the 95th legislative district get back on your feet, maintain your small businesses, transition back to work, and possibly enter into a different phase of life for your family security, I hope you know the legislature does have bills to uplift, catch, and protect you in times of need. We need your advocacy to get these bills put up for vote before the end of the term. If you are interested in the Human Services Sector, please help us advocate for these bills. Read more


House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold third hearing on Police Reform Wednesday in Capitol

(Aug 03, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 3 – State Rep. Mike Sturla, D-Lancaster, and state Rep. Stephen Kinsey, D-Phila., announced today that the House Democratic Policy Committee and the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus will hold its third hearing on police reform. The hearing will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6 in Room G-50 Irvis Office Building in the Capitol Complex. The media and public are invited to watch the livestream at www.pahouse.com/live . Requested by state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, HDPC Chair Sturla and PLBC Chair Kinsey said this hearing will focus on the York region. Testifiers and members will participate in person and remotely. Testifiers will include: Police Commissioner Osborne (Moe) Robinson , City of York Police Department. Police Chief Timothy Damon , York Area Regional Police Department and president of York County Chief of Police Association. Bishop Carl Scott , Bible Tabernacle Christian Center and former president of Black Ministers Association of York County. Pastor Dr. Ramona Kinard , Wheatfield Church of the Living God and BMAYC vice president. Senior Pastor Bill Kerney , Covenant Family Ministries and BMAYC president. Rev. Aaron Anderson , CEO of Logos Academy and BMAYC member. Following the hearing, testimonies and full hearing video will be posted at www.pahouse.com/policycommittee . ### Read more


Legislative Update: Clean and Green Legislation

(Jul 24, 2020)

Starting this week for the next several weeks, I will be highlighting legislation that is introduced, sitting in committee, and at risk of not being taken up for a vote without your advocacy. This week I will be highlighting Clean and Green Legislation . I know that my vote on a recent bill has upset some environmental advocates that stand with me, so I want to start out by giving those that support our environment the opportunity to advocate first. After looking at these bills, if you support the legislation please contact the committee chairs by clicking on their names and urging them to put the bill up for vote in their committee. The House Consumer Affairs Committee holds the following bills. It is chaired by Representatives Brad Roae and Robert Matzie . HB531 would allow for community solar incentives. Participants could subscribe to a portion of an offsite solar project and receive credit on their electricity bill for the power produced, just as if the panels were on their roof. Currently many constituents lack the ability to participate in Pennsylvania’s growing solar economy, including: Renters, those in an apartment building, have a shaded or otherwise inappropriate roof for solar, property owners who are uncertain of their length of tenure. This bill removes an existing policy and market barrier, allowing for much greater participation. HB1195 would modernize Read more


Presented by PHEAA: Covering the Gap: Pieces of the Puzzle to Help Pay Your Education Bill

(Jul 20, 2020)

Since this is the season when families focus on how they will cover education costs, they may be looking for additional information. PHEAA, represented by Linda Pacewicz and Daniel Wray of PA Forward, is offering a series of one-hour webinars on the topic of Covering the Gap. These webinars emphasize best practices (such as seeking grants and scholarships first), reminds families about additional resources (such as payment plans), and touch on private/alternative loans as a last resort. The discussion will also include the basics of credit: what is a credit score, what factors impact a credit score, how can a credit score be improved, etc. Please register below for one or more of these informative presentations and have your questions answered. Date/Time: July 21st Tuesday, 6:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/21 Tuesday 6:30 pm webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 090 4408 Password 1234 Date/Time: July 28th Tuesday, 6:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/28 Tuesday 6:30pm webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 734 7232 Password 1234 Date/Time: July 29th Wednesday, 12:00 PM/Noon Eastern Daylight Time Invitation and registration link: 7/29 Wednesday, 12:Noon webinar or Call-in Toll Number (US/Canada) 1-650-479-3207 Access code: 127 434 1185 Password 1234 Date/Time: August 4th Tuesday, Read more


RACP Application Window is Now Open

(Jul 13, 2020)

Today, the Governor’s Budget Office opened the application window for the 2020 Round 1 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP). The application window will remain open until Wednesday, August 12, 2020. As a reminder, RACP is a two-step application process . The first step is to be authorized in a Capital Budget Itemization Act, like the one that was just enacted on July 1 (SB905). Only projects that have been authorized in the most recent Capital Budget Itemization Act or in any other Capital Budget Itemization Act from the past 10 years may apply for RACP funding. A list of projects for which an application may be submitted can be found here: Itemized Project Eligible for Funding (Excel). The second step in the process is to apply to the Governor’s Office of Budget when an application window opens, like the one that opened today. If an entity applied to the RACP program in the past, the entity must still submit a new application in order to be eligible for this round. Applications do not rollover to future rounds. After the Office of Budget reviews the applications, the governor will make the final determination of which projects will receive RACP funds. Please note that RACP is a highly competitive grant program. Inclusion in a Capital Budget Itemization Act does not guarantee the project will be funded, nor at the amount requested. All projects must go through this competitive application process. To apply during the Read more


Hill-Evans applauds adoption of police reform bills in House Judiciary Committee

(Jun 16, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 16 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today applauded the adoption of two police reform bills by the PA House Judiciary Committee, H.B. 1841 and H.B. 1910. “When we took the rostrum last week in Harrisburg, we were saying enough is enough,” Hill-Evans said, referring to a protest by PA Legislative Black Caucus members and other legislators last week that halted the House’s regular voting session. “Because we spoke up, change is happening. It pains me that it takes the death of so many innocents in order to enact change, but my hope is that their deaths will continue to inspire us to keep doing work that protects the people of the commonwealth. We keep hearing that these are examples of a ‘few bad apples’ in our police force. What people don’t seem to remember is the full saying, ‘a few bad apples spoil the barrel’. In our law enforcement, there is no room for error. Not when it results in the loss of innocent life.” An amended, H.B. 1910 would require the training of police officers to identify and report suspected child abuse to also include a provision addressing the use of deadly force. A change to the bill that won support was to require the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission to develop in-service training, including annual instruction on the use of force, de-escalation, and harm-reduction techniques and biennial instruction Read more


Hill-Evans celebrates Supreme Court decision on LGBTQ+ discrimination

(Jun 16, 2020)

YORK, June 16 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today applauded the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County in support of LGBTQ+ workplace protections. “This decision reaffirms what we’ve all known for a long time: that discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation is wrong,” Hill-Evans said. “Now, we have the legal standing to prove and enforce it. By deciding that civil rights law barring sex discrimination in the workplace applies to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, millions of Americans can live freely and feel better protected in the workplace. We must do everything we can to help our family, friends and neighbors in the LGBTQ+ community feel welcomed in the workplace.” In a 6-3 decision, United States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote: “Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an employer to rely on an employee’s sex when deciding to fire that employee. We do not hesitate to recognize today a necessary consequence of that legislative choice: An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law.” For more information, contact Hill-Evans’ office at (717) 848-9595. ### Read more


Hill-Evans thanks Wolf for moving York County to Green Phase

(Jun 05, 2020)

YORK, June 5 –State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today thanked Gov. Tom Wolf after an announcement that York County will be officially moving into the Green Phase officially on Friday, June 12, 2020. "We have all done our part and patiently waited as the data has been collected over the last few months,” Hill-Evans said. “I want to thank the residents of York County for all of their hard work to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Now, we are finally entering into the Green Phase. I am happy to see our county strategically reopening when it is safe for public health, although there is still much more left to be done. This is not a full return to business as usual, and we must remain diligent in our social distancing while we start to reopen businesses and lift the stay-at-home order.” The Green Phase eases most restrictions by lifting the stay-at-home and business closure orders to allow the economy to strategically reopen while continuing to prioritize public health. While this phase will facilitate a return to a “new normal,” it will be equally important to continue to monitor public health indicators and adjust orders and restrictions as necessary to ensure the spread of disease remains at a minimum. Work and Congregate Settings Restrictions Continued Telework Strongly Encouraged. Businesses with In-Person Operations Must Follow Updated Business and Building Safety Requirements . Read more


Hill-Evans issues statement on racial injustice cases and protests

(Jun 03, 2020)

YORK, June 3 –State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today issued the following statement in response to a string of high-profile deaths not limited to George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Antwon Rose. Eric Garner. Michael Brown, Jr. Tamir Rice. Walter Scott. Alton Sterling. Philando Castile. "We are tired. Tired of having to repeat ourselves over and over again that our lives matter,” Hill-Evans said. “The list of loved ones taken from us due to the poor judgment and needless violent actions of some law enforcement agents hired to protect our communities is unfortunately nothing new. The roots of racism and injustice for people of color run deep. We must continue to work tirelessly to dismantle the systemic racism already built within our power structures. “No longer are we willing to sit quietly by. We are waking up and speaking out. I applaud those marching and protesting for equal treatment and a fair justice system. The oppression that has faced our communities has gone on for far too long. We must continue to insist on better behavior and non-violent solutions from each and every member of law enforcement. “With that said, I am focused on solutions. My colleagues in the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus ha ve legislation that can fix our criminal justice system and heal our communities. As an example of such legislation, I am looking forward to advancing a bill that would create a special independent Read more


Hosting a Zoom Meeting with Dr. Rachel Levine and Barbers, Hair and Nail Salons

(May 22, 2020)

It has just been confirmed that PA Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine will join me and hair and nail salons and barbers in the 95th District on a Zoom meeting Saturday, May 23 at 1:30 p.m. Questions must be submitted ahead of time and additional questions will be answered as time permits. This is the first step in communicating concerns and sharing ideas for these small business owners to reopen safely. Please see the Zoom Meeting Information below. It can also be found on my Facebook and Twitter (@RepHillEvans). Please submit advanced questions at RepHill-Evans@pahouse.net by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 22. Topic: Discussion with Barbers, Hair Salons, Nail Salons Time: May 23, 2020 1:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78217122342?pwd=WDBKcVg2V2pUeWZ1ZTIzUkhiQ0cwQT09 Meeting ID: 782 1712 2342 Password: 0HJrtc Read more


Pennsylvania Launches Program for People Who Exhaust Their Unemployment Compensation Benefits

(May 18, 2020)

Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Jerry Oleksiak today announced the launch of Pennsylvania's Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program to provide an additional 13 weeks of benefits to people who exhaust their regular unemployment compensation (UC). PEUC is included in the new federal unemployment compensation benefits provided by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act . Pennsylvania has implemented all programs under the new CARES Act and paid out nearly $7.4 billion in total unemployment benefits since mid-March. Important information about the extended benefits program follows and has also been emailed or mailed via the United States Postal Service to all individuals who potentially qualify for PEUC. Eligibility You are eligible for PEUC if you: Are unemployed between March 29 through December 26, 2020; Have exhausted your regular state or federal benefits with week ending July 6, 2019 or later; Are currently not eligible for state or federal unemployment benefits; and Are able and available to work and actively seeking work, except for COVID-19-related reasons including illness, quarantine, or "stay at home" orders. How to Receive PEUC If you have an open UC claim but exhausted all of your benefits, the 13 additional weeks Read more


Relocation of WellSpan COVID-19 Community Testing Center to New Site

(May 18, 2020)

Starting May 18th, WellSpan Health will be relocating one of their COVID-19 Community Testing Centers from the York Fair Expo Center to the top parking deck of the Greenway Tech Building, located at 540 S. George St. This location brings a centralized service to our community members that may need COVID-19 testing. For the safety of our community members, parking will be restricted in the area during the hours of tent operation. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Parking will be restricted on S. George St. southbound from Maple St. to Boundary Ave. We understand this parking restriction may come as an inconvenience, so WellSpan Health will allow Community members to use their lot on Cleveland Avenue. For more information on COVID-19 from WellSpan Health, click here . Read more


Hill-Evans applauds York County residents for determination in helping county move to yellow phase of reopening

(May 15, 2020)

YORK, May 15 – On the heels of Gov. Tom Wolf’s announcement that York County will move to the yellow phase of the reopening process on Friday, May 22, state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, thanked the 95th District and all York County residents for their determination and dedication in helping slow the spread of COVID-19. “It’s a tremendous honor to represent the residents of the 95th Legislative District and I thank them and all York County residents. We have followed the strong leadership of our top state officials, County commissioners, and municipal officials in practicing social distancing and doing our part to help reopen our economy safely. Our entire county has shown a willingness to take the hard steps to protect ourselves and our communities by working together and doing what we know to be right. “Our residents deserve a tremendous amount of credit for following the science and data, as well as the advice of our health experts throughout this pandemic. I fully understand the frustration and anxiety this situation has brought. Now we must all remain steadfast. Our adherence to the recommendations is how we successfully flattened the curve. Adherence is how we’ll successfully move to the next phase. During the coming week, our businesses will be making arrangements to safely reopen and put protections in place to ensure employees and customers can safely return. “As we move Read more


Hill-Evans responds to calls for reopening York prematurely

(May 12, 2020)

YORK, May 12 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, today responded to a group of representatives gathering to call for reopening York County before the official transition from Red Phase to Yellow Phase. “I share in the frustrations of my constituents who have lost a job, lost working hours, or lost customers,” Hill-Evans said. “However, to open quickly, without the approval of our scientific community, would allow the virus to extend this economic hardship, diminish the hard-fought gains we worked so hard on to flatten the curve, and lead to the needless loss of lives. “I do not take this extended economic hardship lightly. It is understandable for business leaders and local officials to be frustrated. But to be clear, businesses who ignore public health measures put their entire operation at risk. Businesses could lose their workforce, and families could lose loved ones. Reopening prematurely will lead to nothing but further prolonging the economic crisis. “We are having frequent discussions with our health officials and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine to ensure that we are matching up with the criteria of the Health Department and the governor’s Stay-at-Home orders. As we move ever closer to the metrics that will take us from red to green, I will continue to listen to the science and expertise of our city health officials to make sure every life is considered, and that the Read more


Coronavirus Updates

(Apr 02, 2020)

Guidance from Wellspan The Emergency Department has guidelines on when to call them with respect to COVID-19: If you are experiencing a serious healthcare emergency – such as heart attack, stroke, severe shortness of breath, confusion, or major traumatic injury – call 911. If you are not experiencing a serious healthcare emergency, and you think you need to be tested or have symptoms of COVID-19 - the Emergency Department is NOT the best place to get care. It is best to use the Coronavirus Online Assessment Tool available at WellSpan.org/Coronavirus : https://www.wellspan.org/coronavirus & https://www.wellspan.org/coronavirus-en-español/ OR Call your primary care provider OR If you don’t have a primary care provider, call WellSpan’s Coronavirus Information Hotline toll-free at (855) 851-3641 OR If you don’t have a primary care provider, contact WellSpan Online Urgent Care , go to WellSpan Online Urgent Care appointment. Enter “COVID19” coupon code to waive costs. What to do if you get COVID-19 ? Financial ability should not be a barrier to COVID-19 testing or medical care. If you have insurance, Medicare or Medicaid, WellSpan will collect your insurance coverage information, but will not bill or collect any deductible, co-insurance, or any other payment for the screening, Read more


Stay-At-Home Order for York County: Offices Closed

(Mar 31, 2020)

York County is now under the Stay-At-Home order issued by Governor Tom Wolf. This Stay-At-Home order is extended until April 30 th . My office will not be open to the public until at least after the Stay-At-Home order is lifted and the House has allowed us to. If you have any questions or concerns for the office, leave a voicemail at (717) 848-9595 or for more detailed inquiries email RepHill-Evans@pahouse.net . My staff and I will NOT be able to assist with our usual functions of Property Tax/Rent Rebates, PennDOT work, or other related work until the office is open again. We hope to be open in May. If you would like more information on how our state is responding to the coronavirus, COVID-19, click here . Read more


Governor Wolf Announces Financial Assistance Available to Small Businesses

(Mar 25, 2020)

Today, Governor Tom Wolf announced that new funding is available to help small businesses impacted by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, through a new program under the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority’s (PIDA) Small Business First Fund, the COVID-19 Working Capital Access Program (CWCA). Read more


UPDATED 2:00 PM, March 24, 2020 - Life-Sustaining Business FAQs

(Mar 25, 2020)

Please see the following guidance on what constitutes a life-sustaining business, per Gov. Tom Wolf, updated at 2 p.m. March 24, 2020: UPDATED 2:00pm, March 24, 2... by Governor Tom Wolf on Scribd Read more


Hill-Evans announces over $4.5M in state and federal funding for low-income housing initiatives and domestic violence shelters
Aug 17, 2020

Legislative Update: Housing Highlights
Aug 13, 2020

Legislative Update: Human Services
Aug 06, 2020

House Democratic Policy Committee-PA Legislative Black Caucus to hold third hearing on Police Reform Wednesday in Capitol
Aug 03, 2020

Legislative Update: Clean and Green Legislation
Jul 24, 2020

Presented by PHEAA: Covering the Gap: Pieces of the Puzzle to Help Pay Your Education Bill
Jul 20, 2020

RACP Application Window is Now Open
Jul 13, 2020

Hill-Evans applauds adoption of police reform bills in House Judiciary Committee
Jun 16, 2020

Hill-Evans celebrates Supreme Court decision on LGBTQ+ discrimination
Jun 16, 2020

Hill-Evans thanks Wolf for moving York County to Green Phase
Jun 05, 2020

Hill-Evans issues statement on racial injustice cases and protests
Jun 03, 2020

Hosting a Zoom Meeting with Dr. Rachel Levine and Barbers, Hair and Nail Salons
May 22, 2020

Pennsylvania Launches Program for People Who Exhaust Their Unemployment Compensation Benefits
May 18, 2020

Relocation of WellSpan COVID-19 Community Testing Center to New Site
May 18, 2020

Hill-Evans applauds York County residents for determination in helping county move to yellow phase of reopening
May 15, 2020

Hill-Evans responds to calls for reopening York prematurely
May 12, 2020

Coronavirus Updates
Apr 02, 2020

Stay-At-Home Order for York County: Offices Closed
Mar 31, 2020

Governor Wolf Announces Financial Assistance Available to Small Businesses
Mar 25, 2020

UPDATED 2:00 PM, March 24, 2020 - Life-Sustaining Business FAQs
Mar 25, 2020