Judiciary Bills
HB 36, Printer's Number 15
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, in Office of State Inspector General, further providing for definitions and for powers, purpose and duties. - Judiciary, March 17, 2025 - This bill authorizes enforcement officers employed by the Office of State Inspector General to carry firearms in the performance of their official duties after completing basic firearm training.
HB 378, Printer's Number 334
An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for factors to consider when awarding custody. - Judiciary, March 17, 2025 - This bill streamlines the Child Custody Determination Factors.
Labor & Industry Bill
HB 274, Printer's Number 374
An Act amending the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, in compensation, providing for eligibility related to domestic violence. - Labor & Industry, February 05, 2025 - This bill provides for unemployment for survivors of domestic abuse if they must quit their jobs for safety reasons.
Transportation Bill
HB 333, Printer's Number 432
An Act amending the act of June 22, 1931 (P.L.594, No.203), referred to as the Township State Highway Law, adding a route in Dauphin County and in York County. - Transportation, March 17, 2025 - This bill amends the Township State Highway Law to add a route in Dauphin County.
Veterans Affairs & Emergency Prep. Bill
HB 304, Printer's Number 257
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, providing for veteran of Korean Armed Forces. - Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness, March 17, 2025 - This bill grants full recognition and benefits of veterans under Pennsylvania law to naturalized citizens within the Commonwealth who served in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces during the Vietnam War.
HR 2, Printer's Number 33
A Resolution recognizing March 25, 2025, as "National Medal of Honor Day" in Pennsylvania. - Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness, January 29, 2025
HR 8, Printer's Number 97
A Resolution recognizing the month of September 2025 as "Alopecia Areata Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania. - Health, February 03, 2025
HR 11, Printer's Number 147
A Resolution recognizing the month of June 2025 as "Lipedema Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania. - Health, February 03, 2025
HR 23, Printer's Number 270
A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study and make recommendations on implementing location-based pay for State government employees. - State Government, February 05, 2025
HR 28, Printer's Number 317
A Resolution designating March 26, 2025, as "Bangladesh Day" in Pennsylvania. - State Government, February 05, 2025
HR 30, Printer's Number 337
A Resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct a cost analysis study of an early retirement proposal for members of the State Employees' Retirement System and the Public School Employees' Retirement System. - State Government, February 05, 2025
HR 31, Printer's Number 338
A Resolution recognizing the week of March 9 through 15, 2025, as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania. - Health, March 17, 2025
HR 33, Printer's Number 340
A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2025 as "Limb Loss Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania. - Health, March 17, 2025
HR 37, Printer's Number 344
A Resolution designating March 13, 2025, as "K9 Veterans Awareness and Services Day" in Pennsylvania. - Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness, February 05, 2025
HR 40, Printer's Number 364
A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2025 as "Dyslexia Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania. - Health, March 17, 2025
HR 44, Printer's Number 388
A Resolution recognizing the month of March 2025 as "National Social Work Month" in Pennsylvania. - Professional Licensure, February 04, 2025
HR 45, Printer's Number 389
A Resolution recognizing March 17, 2025, as "St. Patrick's Day" in Pennsylvania and celebrating the involvement of Irish Americans in the American War of Independence. - Tourism, Recreation & Economic Development, February 04, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Community & Economic Development - House Chamber Main Capitol
LOCATION: House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Revenue - House Chamber Main Capitol
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Transportation - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - -State Police - House Chamber Main Capitol
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Community Colleges - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - State-Related Universities - House Chamber Main Capitol
Friday, February 21, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Health Public Budget Hearing - Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Office of the Fire Commissioner -
Monday, February 24, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Education - House Chamber Main Capitol Viewing Room - 60 EW Main Capitol Bldg.
LOCATION: House Chamber Main Capitol Viewing Room - 60 East Wing Main Capitol Bldg.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of State - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Labor & Industry - House Chamber Main Capitol Viewing Room - 60 EW Main Capitol Bldg.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Office of the Attorney General - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Agriculture - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Judiciary - House Chamber Main Capitol
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Enviornmental Protection Department of Conservation & Natural Resources - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Aging - House Chamber Main Capitol
Monday, March 3, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Corrections Board of Probation & Parole - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Public Utility Commission - House Chamber Main Capitol
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Human Services - House Chamber Main Capitol Viewing Room - 60 EW Main Capitol Bldg.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Department of Insurance and PENNIE - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Pennsylvania Treasury - House Chamber Main Capitol
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Public Budget Hearing - Office of the Auditor General - House Chamber Main Capitol
Public Budget Hearing - Governor's Office of the Budget/Executive Offices - House Chamber Main Capitol
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
HR 39 - Representative FREEMAN
Co-Sponsors: Webster, Hill-Evans, Venkat, Isaacson, Brennan, Giral, Probst, Sanchez, Kenyatta, Cepeda-Freytiz, Vitali, Merski, Pielli, Otten, Mcneill, Sappey, Schlossberg, Carroll, Khan, Howard, Reichard, Mayes, Hanbidge, Steele, Guenst, Hohenstein, Neilson, Donahue, Warren, Rivera, D. Williams, Green,Samuelson
Enacted: False
Passed House: True
Passed Senate: False
Vote: (202-0)
A Resolution commemorating the life and contributions of James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr., and extending condolences on his passing.
HR 35 - Representative MATZIE
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, Harkins, Sanchez, Guenst, Kenyatta, Malagari, Giral, Burgos, Donahue, Neilson, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Schlossberg, Green, Madden, Cepeda-Freytiz, Probst, Greiner, Reichard, Mentzer, Zimmerman, Heffley, Gillen, Shaffer, Khan,Madsen
Vote: (199-3)
A Resolution designating March 9, 2025, as "Charter Day" and Pennsylvania's 344th birthday in Pennsylvania.
HR 22 - Representative SOLOMON
Co-Sponsors: Marcell, Freeman, Venkat, Sanchez, Khan, Kuzma, Giral, Staats, M. Mackenzie, Mcneill, D. Miller, Malagari, Kenyatta, Gillen, Donahue, Neilson, Reichard, Rapp, Brennan, Hill-Evans, Howard, Mentzer, Zimmerman, Steele, Gallagher, Frankel, Schlossberg, Green, Madden, Cerrato, Waxman, Shaffer, Fleming, Kazeem, Webster, Scheuren,Madsen
A Resolution recognizing January 27, 2025, as "International Holocaust Remembrance Day" in Pennsylvania.
HR 12 - Representative SMITH-WADE-EL
Co-Sponsors: N. Nelson, Parker, Fleming, Abney, Bellmon, Burgos, Carroll, Cepeda-Freytiz, A. Brown, Cephas, Curry, Dawkins, Giral, Green, Guzman, J.Harris, K.Harris, Hill-Evans, Kazeem, Kenyatta, Khan, Krajewski, Madsen, Mayes, Mcclinton, Powell, Rabb, Scott, Venkat, D. Williams, Young, Hanbidge, Mcneill, Vitali, Freeman, Brennan, Waxman, Samuelson, Probst, Pielli, Fiedler, Guenst, Sappey, Mentzer, Neilson, Cerrato, Sanchez, Gallagher, Haddock, Donahue, Steele, Borowski, Schlossberg, Ciresi, O'mara, Deasy, D. Miller, Boyd, Isaacson, Shusterman,Webster
Vote: (198-4)
A Resolution recognizing the month of February 2025 as "Black History Month" in Pennsylvania.
Laid On The Table
HB 325 - Representative PASHINSKI
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Harkins, Hill-Evans, Giral, Kenyatta, Cepeda-Freytiz, Haddock, Khan, Ciresi, Fleming, Samuelson, Pielli, Freeman, Rader,Green
Passed House: False
An Act amending the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in taxation by school districts, further providing for school district tax notices.
HB 183 - Representative DAWKINS
Co-Sponsors: Brennan, Harkins, Waxman, Pielli, Isaacson, Mcneill, Giral, Freeman, Sanchez, Khan, Otten, Malagari, Kenyatta, Donahue, Neilson, Hill-Evans, Howard, Ciresi, Hohenstein, Schlossberg, Daley, Green, Cepeda-Freytiz, Cerrato,Mayes
An Act amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known as the Workers' Compensation Act, in liability and compensation, further providing for schedule of compensation.
HB 308 - Representative HARKINS
Co-Sponsors: Mehaffie, Giral, Probst, Isaacson, Hill-Evans, Pielli, Freeman, Khan, Mcneill, Brennan, Venkat, Fiedler, Howard, Neilson, Cerrato, Cepeda-Freytiz, Sanchez, D. Miller, Daley, Haddock, Donahue, Benham, Samuelson, Warren, Ciresi, O'mara,Deasy
An Act providing for workplace health and safety standards for public employees; providing for powers and duties of the Secretary of Labor and Industry; establishing the Pennsylvania Occupational Safety and Health Review Board; providing for workplace inspections; and imposing penalties.
HB 118 - Representative YOUNG
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Hanbidge, Giral, Haddock, Parker, Harkins, Neilson, Howard, Hill-Evans, Shusterman, Kenyatta, Donahue, Frankel, O'mara, Cerrato,Green
An Act amending the the act of October 24, 2012 (P.L.1209, No.151), known as the Child Labor Act, further providing for penalties.
HB 424 - Representative B. MILLER
Co-Sponsors: Freeman, Greiner, Khan, Hamm, Mentzer, Ciresi, Zimmerman, James, Flick, Banta, Reichard, T. Jones,Kozak
An Act amending Titles 45 (Legal Notices) and 65 (Public Officers) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in legal advertising, providing for redundant advertising on Internet by political subdivisions or municipal authorities; and, in open meetings, further providing for public notice.
HB 369 - Representative FREEMAN
Co-Sponsors: James, Malagari, Giral, Haddock, Cepeda-Freytiz, Sanchez, Borowski, Powell, Steele, Hill-Evans, Donahue, Vitali, Ciresi, Fleming, Kenyatta,Green
An Act amending Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in land banks, further providing for definitions.
HB 209 - Representative BOROWSKI
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Sanchez, Hill-Evans, Haddock, Cepeda-Freytiz, Cerrato,Green
An Act amending the act of May 1, 1933 (P.L.103, No.69), known as The Second Class Township Code, in ordinances, further providing for ordinances.
HB 162 - Representative MAJOR
Co-Sponsors: Neilson, Pickett, Khan,Stender
An Act amending Title 11 (Cities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in taxation, further providing for tax levies.
HB 409 - Representative KOSIEROWSKI
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Venkat, Donahue, Sanchez, Freeman, Neilson, Rabb, Warren, Giral, Probst, Steele, Otten, D. Williams, Mayes, Kenyatta, Guenst, Merski, Boyd, Curry, Green,Webster
An Act amending the act of October 24, 2018 (P.L.719, No.112), known as the Patient Test Result Information Act, further providing for definitions, for test results and for duties of Department of Health.
HB 157 - Representative RAPP
Co-Sponsors: Frankel, Twardzik, Sanchez, Zimmerman, Venkat, Howard, Khan, Cutler, Greiner, Hill-Evans, Freeman, Pickett, Webster, Green, Borowski,Hanbidge
An Act providing for grant awards to entities in rural counties and designated medically underserved areas to pay for the education debt of practitioners employed at the entity.
HB 60 - Representative BOROWSKI
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Venkat, Guenst, Pielli, Probst, Sanchez, Howard, Khan, Cepeda-Freytiz, Shusterman, Donahue, Hill-Evans, Cerrato, Green, Greiner, Curry, Boyd, Hanbidge,Grove
An Act amending the act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700, No.699), known as the Pharmacy Act, further providing for permit to conduct a pharmacy.
Presented To The Governor
HB 324 - Representative CEPEDA-FREYTIZ
Co-Sponsors: Steele, Pashinski, Kenyatta, Hill-Evans, Sanchez, Probst, Giral, D. Williams, Boyd, Khan, Green, Waxman, T. Davis, Madsen,Webster
Passed Senate: True
An Act amending the act of April 6, 1956 (1955 P.L.1429, No.466), referred to as the Poultry Technician Licensure Law, further providing for collection of samples, for technician requirements, for licensure, for powers and duties of Secretary of Agriculture and for blood sample restrictions.
Re-Committed To Appropriations
HB 240 - Representative BENNINGHOFF
Co-Sponsors: Flick, Hohenstein, M. Jones, Kauffman, Kenyatta, Neilson, Pickett, Rowe, Scheuren, Shusterman, Smith, Haddock,Fleming
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for qualifications for school bus driver endorsement.
HB 111 - Representative CURRY
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Cepeda-Freytiz, Hill-Evans, Freeman, Inglis, Probst, Giral, Ciresi, Pielli, Khan, Malagari, D. Williams, Shusterman, O'mara, Green, Daley, Mayes, Boyd,Fleming
An Act prohibiting discrimination in certain life insurance policies based on certain drugs.
HB 33 - Representative FRANKEL
Co-Sponsors: Pielli, Giral, Khan, Hill-Evans, Howard, Sanchez, Ciresi, Twardzik,Green
An Act amending the act of April 17, 2016 (P.L.84, No.16), known as the Medical Marijuana Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions; in practitioners, further providing for practitioner registration; in medical marijuana controls, further providing for electronic tracking and for laboratory; and, in Medical Marijuana Advisory Board, further providing for advisory board.
HB 439 - Representative MAYES
Co-Sponsors: Mcclinton, Smith-Wade-El, D. Miller, Madden, Venkat, Guzman, Hill-Evans, Markosek, Kenyatta, Mcneill, Powell, Schlossberg, Rabb, Kazeem, Waxman, Brennan, Haddock, Pielli, Steele, Khan, Bernstine, Hanbidge, Giral, Sanchez, Boyd, Hohenstein, Benham, Curry, Otten, Abney, Cephas, N. Nelson, Carroll, Bellmon, Samuelson, T. Davis, D. Williams, Malagari, Parker, Briggs, A. Brown, Burgos, Scott, Cepeda-Freytiz, Krajewski, Shusterman, Cerrato, Borowski, Fiedler, Mcandrew, Probst, Davidson, Guenst, Salisbury, Fleming, Daley, Webster, Rivera, Kosierowski, Green, O'mara,Madsen
An Act amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, further providing for definitions.
Referred To Appropriations
HB 492 - Representative DEASY
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Powell, Hill-Evans, Mcneill, Neilson, Sanchez, Daley, Steele, Hanbidge,Madden
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in fiscal supplements to statutory programs, repealing provisions relating to regulation of rodeos or rodeo-related events.
Referred To Children And Youth
HB 524 - Representative GIRAL
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Sanchez, Probst, Pielli, Mcneill, Steele,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act requiring child-care centers to install video camera surveillance systems; and conferring powers and duties on the Department of Human Services.
Referred To Consumer Protection, Technology And Utilities
HB 518 - Representative C. WILLIAMS
Co-Sponsors: Hanbidge, Pielli, James, Staats, Pickett,Armanini
An Act amending the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, further providing for definitions and for unlawful acts or practices and exclusions.
HB 507 - Representative HANBIDGE
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Pielli, Howard, Ciresi, Sanchez, Shusterman, Freeman, Cepeda-Freytiz, O'mara, Fleming, Webster, Cerrato,Green
An Act providing for the testing and labeling of baby food and for prohibited levels of toxic heavy metals in baby food; and imposing duties on the Department of Health.
Referred To Education
HB 495 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Khan, Probst, Hill-Evans, Schlossberg, Ciresi, Cepeda-Freytiz, Otten, Kenyatta,Green
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in charter schools, further providing for enrollment.
Referred To Energy
HB 515 - Representative CAUSER
Co-Sponsors: Pickett, Greiner, Stambaugh, M. Brown, Banta, James, Hamm, Warner, Cooper, Kauffman, Stender, Kuzma, Rapp, Rowe, Barton, Smith, Zimmerman,Bashline
An Act prohibiting restrictions on household appliances by Commonwealth agencies and municipalities; and providing for civil actions authorized.
Referred To Environmental And Natural Resource Protection
HB 522 - Representative MERSKI
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Hill-Evans, Pielli, Hohenstein, Khan, Harkins, Otten, Webster, Kenyatta, Waxman, Giral,Madden
An Act authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection, in consultation with the Department of General Services to lease certain submerged lands within Erie County and associated wind, water and solar resources for the assessment, development, construction and operation of utility scale offshore wind, solar or kinetic energy generation facilities; providing for collection of certain lease and royalty payments; establishing the Lake Erie Large-Scale Energy System Development Fund; and providing for distributions and transfers from the fund.
HB 514 - Representative CAUSER
Co-Sponsors: Pickett, Banta, James, Hamm, Rapp, Rowe, Smith,Zimmerman
An Act amending Title 58 (Oil and Gas) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in development, providing for brine.
Referred To Finance
HB 511 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Giral, Pielli, Probst, Hill-Evans, Schlossberg, Freeman, Fleming, Howard, Cerrato, Cepeda-Freytiz, Hohenstein, Kenyatta,Green
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for exemptions and special provisions relating to payment of real property taxes.
Referred To Game And Fisheries
HB 508 - Representative PROBST
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Sanchez, Giral, Khan, Brennan, Howard, Daley, Otten,Green
An Act establishing the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Program and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Grant Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Referred To Gaming Oversight
HB 520 - Representative DELOZIER
Co-Sponsors: Pickett, Ciresi, Gallagher, Roae,Rowe
An Act amending the act of December 19, 1988 (P.L.1262, No.156), known as the Local Option Small Games of Chance Act, providing for social card games and tournaments.
HR 60 - Representative KHAN
Co-Sponsors: Harkins, Mcandrew, Webster, Waxman, Giral, Hill-Evans, Sanchez, Neilson, Donahue, Green,Malagari
A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on sports betting in this Commonwealth, including recommended methods to further regulate the industry in order to reduce problem gambling behaviors, gambling debt and the exposure of children to sports betting advertisements.
HR 52 - Representative HARKINS
Co-Sponsors: Diamond, Khan, Giral, Freeman, Burgos, Hill-Evans, Sanchez, Conklin, Donahue, Schlossberg, Neilson, Deasy, Cepeda-Freytiz, Dougherty,Waxman
A Resolution designating the month of March 2025 as "Problem Gambling Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania and recognizing the month of March 2025 as "National Problem Gambling Awareness Month."
Referred To Health
HB 493 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Sanchez, Venkat, Pielli, Khan, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Freeman, Gallagher, Fleming, Otten, Kenyatta, Green,Warren
An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in general provisions, repeals and effective date, providing for acute care mental health bed registry and referrals.
Referred To Housing And Community Development
HB 516 - Representative OWLETT
Co-Sponsors: Takac, Hamm, Smith, Pickett, Rowe, Cook, Ciresi, Zimmerman, Bashline, Krupa,Gillen
An Act amending the act of November 10, 1999 (P.L.491, No.45), known as the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, in preliminary provisions, further providing for definitions.
Referred To Human Services
HB 494 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Sanchez, Haddock, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Otten, Brennan, Kenyatta,Green
An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, providing for departmental powers and duties as to small personal care homes; and imposing penalties.
Referred To Intergovernmental Affairs And Operations
HB 513 - Representative DAVANZO
Co-Sponsors: James
An Act providing for Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinate System, for notation requirements and for duties of State Geospatial Coordinating Board; and making a repeal.
Referred To Judiciary
HB 521 - Representative DELOZIER
Co-Sponsors: James, Lawrence,Schlegel
An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in alimony and support, further providing for alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses.
HR 59 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Vitali, Sanchez, Rivera, Giral, Hill-Evans, Khan, Daley, Cepeda-Freytiz,Green
A Resolution designating November 1, 2025, as "State Correctional Institution Day" in Pennsylvania.
HR 58 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Giral, Khan, Hill-Evans, Rabb, Cepeda-Freytiz, Hohenstein, Kenyatta,Green
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to pass a constitutional amendment that provides that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude may be imposed as a punishment for a crime.
HR 57 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, Vitali, Neilson, Hohenstein, Giral, Sanchez, Schlossberg, Kinkead, Howard, Burgos, Khan, Shusterman, Freeman, Kenyatta, Donahue, Hill-Evans, Frankel, O'mara,Green
A Resolution designating the month of June 2025 as "Gun Violence Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
HB 498 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Khan, Hohenstein, Sanchez, Giral, Hill-Evans, Powell, Fleming, Fiedler, Howard, Kinkead, Otten, Cerrato, Daley, Ciresi, Conklin, Deasy, Steele,Green
An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in protection from abuse, further providing for emergency relief by minor judiciary.
HB 491 - Representative PIELLI
Co-Sponsors: D. Williams, Howard, Giral, Hill-Evans, Burgos, Sanchez, Guenst, Khan, Otten, Cerrato,Green
An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in juvenile matters, providing for concurrent jurisdiction on military installations.
HB 490 - Representative WAXMAN
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, Khan, Giral, Sanchez, Pielli, Hanbidge, Hill-Evans, Haddock, Schlossberg, O'mara, Isaacson, Otten,Green
An Act amending Titles 2 (Administrative Law and Procedure) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in depositions and witnesses, further providing for confidential communications to news reporters; and making editorial changes.
Referred To Labor And Industry
HB 519 - Representative DELOZIER
Co-Sponsors: Smith
An Act amending the act of November 10, 1999 (P.L.491, No.45), known as the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, in training and certification of inspectors, further providing for training of inspectors.
Referred To Local Government
HB 510 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Sanchez, Fiedler, Khan, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Otten, Kenyatta, Deasy, O'mara,Green
An Act amending the act of July 10, 1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the Municipalities Financial Recovery Act, in receivership in municipalities, further providing for powers, duties and prohibited actions.
HB 509 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Sanchez, Fiedler, Khan, Hill-Evans, Ciresi, Otten, Kenyatta, Deasy, O'mara, Green,Gillen
Referred To State Government
HR 56 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Pielli, Sanchez, Schlossberg, Steele, Cerrato, Cepeda-Freytiz, Ciresi,Waxman
A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the current utilization of poll workers, polling places, voting compartments and voting machines to determine the best course of action in order to minimize the time investment required to vote and ensure that the average time required to vote does not promote inequities based on geography, economic status, race, gender or other relevant factors.
HR 55 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Pielli, Probst,Sanchez
A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study on the feasibility of computational redistricting in Pennsylvania.
HB 499 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Pielli, Venkat, Probst, Sanchez, Khan, Schlossberg, Borowski, Steele,Cerrato
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots, for date of application for absentee ballot, for envelopes for official absentee ballots and for voting by absentee electors and providing for secure ballot return receptacles; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots, for date of application for mail-in ballot, for approval of application for mail-in ballot, for envelopes for official mail-in ballots and for voting by mail-in electors.
HB 497 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Otten, Hill-Evans, Probst, Pielli, Giral, Sanchez, Neilson, Boyd,D. Williams
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, providing for corporate political contributions; and imposing penalties.
HB 496 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Kinkead, Fiedler, Giral, Waxman, Sanchez, Hohenstein, Cerrato,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act amending Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provisions relating to inmate confinement, providing for voter registration.
Referred To Tourism, Recreation And Economic Development
HR 54 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Vitali, Sanchez, Giral, Hill-Evans, Haddock, Hohenstein, Khan, Ciresi, Freeman, Delloso, Kenyatta, O'mara, Zimmerman,Green
A Resolution designating the month of October 2025 as "William Penn Landing Site in Chester Month" in Pennsylvania.
HB 489 - Representative WAXMAN
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Khan, Hill-Evans, Hohenstein, Harkins, Cepeda-Freytiz, Powell, Bellmon, Otten,Green
An Act establishing the Public Arts Grant Program and the Public Arts Fund; conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of Community and Economic Development; and making a transfer.
Referred To Transportation
HB 517 - Representative OWLETT
Co-Sponsors: Krupa, Staats, Smith, Pickett, Venkat, James,Kauffman
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for issuance and content of driver's license.
Referred To Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness
HB 512 - Representative KAZEEM
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Haddock, Pielli, Sanchez, Mcneill, Khan, Probst, Hill-Evans, Freeman, Fleming, Ciresi, Howard, Cerrato, Cepeda-Freytiz, Hohenstein, Kenyatta,Green
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in veterans' temporary assistance, further providing for amounts of assistance.
Removed From Table
HB 378 - Representative HANBIDGE
Co-Sponsors: Briggs, Khan, Mayes, Kenyatta, Sanchez, Hill-Evans, Giral, Burgos, Cepeda-Freytiz, Malagari, Donahue, Otten, O'mara, Cerrato, Green, Shusterman,Abney
An Act amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for factors to consider when awarding custody.
HB 333 - Representative MEHAFFIE
Co-Sponsors: Kuzma
An Act amending the act of June 22, 1931 (P.L.594, No.203), referred to as the Township State Highway Law, adding a route in Dauphin County and in York County.
HB 304 - Representative CERRATO
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Hanbidge, Solomon, Krupa, Cepeda-Freytiz, Venkat, Guenst, Sanchez, Borowski, Gallagher, Khan, Daley, Haddock, Steele,Curry
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, providing for veteran of Korean Armed Forces.
HB 36 - Representative CONKLIN
Co-Sponsors: Pielli, Hill-Evans, Brennan, Harkins, Kuzma,Delloso
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, in Office of State Inspector General, further providing for definitions and for powers, purpose and duties.
Reported As Committed
HR 40 - Representative ORTITAY
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, Conklin, M. Mackenzie, Heffley, Khan, Marcell, Haddock, Neilson, Delloso, Merski, Ciresi, Freeman, Fleming, Otten, Reichard, Hohenstein, Metzgar,Hanbidge
A Resolution recognizing the month of October 2025 as "Dyslexia Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
HR 33 - Representative MATZIE
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, D. Miller, Deasy, Harkins, Sanchez, Malagari, Giral, Burgos, Neilson, Hill-Evans, Howard, Schlossberg, Green, Madden, Cepeda-Freytiz, Mayes,Hanbidge
A Resolution recognizing the month of April 2025 as "Limb Loss Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.
HR 31 - Representative MATZIE
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, D. Miller, Steele, Deasy, Sanchez, Harkins, Mcneill, Malagari, Kenyatta, Giral, Burgos, Donahue, Neilson, Hill-Evans, Gallagher, Schlossberg, Green, Madden, Cepeda-Freytiz, Cerrato, Pickett, Bernstine, Cook, Reichard, Heffley,Hanbidge
A Resolution recognizing the week of March 9 through 15, 2025, as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week" in Pennsylvania.
Third Consideration And Final Passage
HB 261 - Representative PICKETT
Co-Sponsors: Warren, Venkat, Vitali, Khan, Sanchez, Sappey, Samuelson, Malagari, Kenyatta, Donahue, Burgos, Neilson, Brennan, Hill-Evans, Gallagher, Schlossberg, Daley, Cepeda-Freytiz, Shaffer, Webster,Fleming
An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, in casualty insurance, further providing for conditions subject to which policies are to be issued and for group accident and sickness insurance; and, in community health reinvestment, further providing for definitions.
HB 77 - Representative VENKAT
Co-Sponsors: Mihalek, Pashinski, Sanchez, Kuzma, Khan, Neilson, Pielli, Hill-Evans, James, Haddock, Schlossberg, Frankel, Shusterman, Otten, Malagari, Guenst, Probst, Cepeda-Freytiz, Howard, Cerrato, Green, Webster, Madsen, Fleming,K.Harris
Vote: (150-52)
An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in food protection, further providing for definitions, providing for food allergy awareness and further providing for powers of department.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
HR 16 - Representative MATZIE
Co-Sponsors: Inglis, Venkat, O'mara, Schlossberg, D. Williams, Freeman, Giral, Hill-Evans, Hanbidge, Cepeda-Freytiz, Mcneill, Haddock, Cerrato, Hohenstein, Merski, Sanchez, Conklin, Pickett, Reichard, Green, Heffley,Daley
Vote: (197-5)
A Resolution designating February 2, 2025, as "Rheumatoid Awareness Day" in Pennsylvania.
HB 427 - Representative STAATS
Co-Sponsors: Hamm, Marcell, Conklin, Pickett, James, Ciresi, Powell, Mentzer, Labs, Rowe, Solomon,Gillen
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, providing for burial benefits.
HB 412 - Representative HAMM
Co-Sponsors: Pickett, Cutler, Pielli, Kenyatta, Kuzma, Ciresi, Zimmerman, Daley,Gillen
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Pennsylvania National Guard, further providing for association group life insurance for Pennsylvania National Guard.
HB 166 - Representative BONNER
Co-Sponsors: Khan, Pielli, Burgos, Staats, Delloso, Green, Warren,Hanbidge
An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in sentencing, further providing for sentencing procedure for murder of the first degree.
HB 484 - Representative BIZZARRO
Co-Sponsors: Guenst, Probst, Sanchez, Malagari, Kenyatta, Donahue, Schlossberg, Daley, Green,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in disposition of abandoned and unclaimed property, further providing for certificate of finder registration, for notice and publication of lists of property subject to custody and control of the Commonwealth under this article, for income accruing after payment or delivery, for deposit of funds, for determination of claims, for penalties and for interdepartmental cooperation and providing for annual report.
HB 460 - Representative DALEY
Co-Sponsors: Mayes, Pielli, Malagari, Giral, Hohenstein, Cepeda-Freytiz, Steele, Hill-Evans, Howard, Khan, Sanchez, Fleming, Otten, Kenyatta, Deasy, Cerrato,Green
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in certification of teachers, further providing for child abuse recognition and reporting training; and, in terms and courses of study, providing for child abuse awareness and prevention.
Referred To Communications And Technology
HB 486 - Representative HEFFLEY
Co-Sponsors: James,Pickett
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in primary and election expenses, further providing for advertising.
HB 485 - Representative MARKOSEK
Co-Sponsors: Venkat, Giral, Sanchez, Otten, Malagari, Kenyatta, Hill-Evans, Hohenstein, Schlossberg, Daley, Green, Madden, Cepeda-Freytiz, Borowski,Mayes
An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in boards and offices, providing for Office of Information Technology.
HB 463 - Representative MATZIE
Co-Sponsors: Burgos, Venkat, Steele, Mayes, Giral, Harkins, Flood, Schlossberg, Pielli, Brennan, Mcneill, Sanchez, Guenst, Hanbidge, Hill-Evans, Fleming, Kenyatta, Khan, M. Jones, Ciresi, Donahue, Gallagher, Samuelson, James, Daley, Neilson, Deasy, Fiedler, Green, Madden, Cepeda-Freytiz, Grove,Warren
An Act amending the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law, prohibiting speculative ticketing acts or practices.
HB 201 - Representative CIRESI
Co-Sponsors: Marcell, Freeman, Donahue, Merski, Guenst, Haddock, Hill-Evans, Hanbidge, Major, Cerrato, Cepeda-Freytiz, Sanchez, Fiedler, Green, D. Williams, Khan, Curry, Pielli, Shaffer, Webster,T. Davis
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in intermediate units, further providing for powers and duties of the intermediate unit board of directors and for capital subsidy.
HB 190 - Representative ORTITAY
Co-Sponsors: Freeman, Reichard, Ciresi, Green, Khan, Sanchez, Madsen, Webster,T. Davis
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school health services, providing for eating disorder awareness and education.
HB 480 - Representative BIZZARRO
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Venkat, Probst, Sanchez, Hanbidge, Cerrato, Khan, Schlossberg, Rivera,Green
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in charter schools, providing for full-time cyber education program offered by school district.
HB 477 - Representative Mcneill
Co-Sponsors: Cepeda-Freytiz, Burgos, Hill-Evans, Giral, Khan, Probst, Pielli, Rivera, Sanchez, Neilson, Schlossberg, Otten, Krupa, Borowski, Haddock,Gillen
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in nomination of candidates, providing for background checks for candidates for school district office.
HR 53 - Representative MERSKI
Co-Sponsors: Khan, Rabb, Giral, Neilson, Sanchez, Pielli, Hill-Evans, Harkins, Green, Hanbidge, Burgos, Waxman, Webster,Steele
A Resolution directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a study regarding the feasibility and potential benefits of the development of offshore hydropower, solar and wind renewable energy generation systems on Lake Erie.
HB 465 - Representative FRIEL
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Hill-Evans, Giral, Burgos, Green,Madden
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in school finances, providing for commercial property tax redistribution.
HB 461 - Representative DALEY
Co-Sponsors: Curry, Mayes, Hill-Evans, Probst, Giral, Sanchez, Guenst, Hanbidge, Donahue, Hohenstein, Schlossberg, Otten, Khan, Shusterman, Green,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act providing for Commonwealth funding safety and transparency.
HB 469 - Representative HOWARD
Co-Sponsors: Pielli, D. Williams, Giral, Hill-Evans, Burgos, Sanchez, Guenst, Khan, Otten, Cerrato,Green
An Act amending the act of August 5, 1977 (P.L.181, No.47), entitled "An act providing for the acceptance by the Governor of jurisdiction relinquished by the United States to the Commonwealth over lands within the Commonwealth's boundaries," further providing for general provisions and for procedure relating to concurrent jurisdiction over military installations.
HB 483 - Representative STAMBAUGH
Co-Sponsors: Hamm, James, Kauffman, Pickett, Grove, Rowe, Zimmerman,Gillen
An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in firearms and other dangerous articles, further providing for sale or transfer of firearms.
HB 464 - Representative DAVIDSON
Co-Sponsors: Mayes, D. Miller, Hill-Evans, Otten, Freeman, Probst, Pielli, Guenst, Khan, Carroll, Sappey, T. Davis, Howard, Madden, Cerrato, Sanchez, Waxman, Daley, Haddock, Donahue, Schlossberg, Deasy, Boyd, Curry,Shusterman
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for courts to be open and suits against the Commonwealth.
HB 462 - Representative DAVIDSON
Co-Sponsors: Mayes, D. Miller, Hill-Evans, Otten, Freeman, Probst, Pielli, Guenst, Khan, Carroll, Sappey, T. Davis, Howard, Cerrato, Sanchez, Waxman, Daley, Haddock, Donahue, Schlossberg, Deasy, Boyd, Curry,Shusterman
An Act amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in limitation of time, further providing for infancy, insanity or imprisonment; in matters affecting government units, further providing for exceptions to sovereign immunity and for exceptions to governmental immunity; and making a repeal.
HB 470 - Representative HOWARD
Co-Sponsors: Khan, Pielli, Hill-Evans, Waxman, Fiedler, Freeman, Schlossberg, Giral, Kenyatta, Mayes, Cerrato, Sanchez,Donahue
An Act providing for meal breaks or rest periods for employees; and imposing penalties.
HB 466 - Representative M. MACKENZIE
Co-Sponsors: Greiner, Kauffman, Staats,Mentzer
An Act amending the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the Public Employe Relations Act, in definitions, further providing for definitions; and, in scope of bargaining, providing for political contributions.
Referred To Liquor Control
HB 467 - Representative DEASY
Co-Sponsors: M. Jones, Staats, Venkat, Hill-Evans, Freeman, Steele, Mcneill, Khan, Cerrato, Fee, Sanchez, Otten, Warren, Giral, D. Williams,James
An Act amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, in licenses and regulations, liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages, further providing for sales by liquor licensees and restrictions, for retail dispensers' restrictions on purchases and sales, for breweries and for unlawful acts relative to liquor, malt and brewed beverages and licensees.
Referred To Professional Licensure
HB 482 - Representative MARKOSEK
Co-Sponsors: Burgos, Freeman, Harkins, Sappey, Donahue, Giral, Sanchez, Guenst, Venkat, Hanbidge, Hill-Evans, Khan, Hohenstein, Daley, Shusterman, Deasy, Green, Madden,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to join the Interstate Compact; providing for the form of the compact; and imposing additional powers and duties on the Governor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Compact.
HB 475 - Representative Mcneill
Co-Sponsors: Sanchez, Hill-Evans, Giral, Freeman, Kenyatta,Madden
An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, in licensing of health care facilities, providing for dialysis centers.
HB 488 - Representative M. BROWN
Co-Sponsors: Kauffman, Marcell, Cooper, Rowe,Bashline
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in disposition of abandoned and unclaimed property, further providing for claim for property paid or delivered.
HB 487 - Representative KHAN
Co-Sponsors: D. Miller, Green, Venkat, Fiedler, O'mara, Sanchez, Probst, Hohenstein, Giral, Cepeda-Freytiz, Hill-Evans, Neilson, Delloso, Fleming,Otten
An Act amending Title 62 (Procurement) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in source selection and contract formation, further providing for supplies manufactured and services performed by persons with disabilities.
HB 481 - Representative BIZZARRO
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Probst, Sanchez, Guenst, Haddock, Donahue, Warren, Malagari,Green
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for proposal of amendments by the General Assembly and their adoption.
HB 479 - Representative BIZZARRO
Co-Sponsors: Freeman, Frankel, Hill-Evans, Giral, Venkat, Otten, Khan, Sanchez, Mayes, Parker, Hanbidge, Cerrato, Schlossberg, Haddock, Donahue, Malagari, D. Williams, Waxman, Deasy, O'mara,Green
An Act amending Title 25 (Elections) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in voter registration, further providing for methods of voter registration, providing for same-day voter registration and further providing for preparation and distribution of applications.
HB 478 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Sanchez, Donahue, Guenst, Schlossberg, Cepeda-Freytiz,Ciresi
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, further providing for disqualifications for service as election officer.
HB 476 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Sanchez, Donahue,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in district election officers, providing for master list of prospective clerks of election and for clerk of election vacancies and further providing for vacancies in election boards, appointment, judge and majority inspector to be members of majority party and minority inspector to be member of minority party.
HB 474 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Pielli, Sanchez,Donahue
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in county boards of elections, further providing for powers and duties of county boards.
HB 473 - Representative WEBSTER
Co-Sponsors: Hill-Evans, Giral, Pielli, Sanchez, Guenst, Schlossberg, Steele,Cepeda-Freytiz
An Act amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, in voting by qualified absentee electors, further providing for applications for official absentee ballots; and, in voting by qualified mail-in electors, further providing for applications for official mail-in ballots.
HB 468 - Representative RABB
Co-Sponsors: Giral, Steele, Sanchez, Kenyatta, Mcneill, Freeman, Haddock, Cerrato,D. Williams
An Act designating the first Monday in February each year as Emancipation Day in this Commonwealth.
HB 291 - Representative DALEY
Co-Sponsors: Maloney, Neilson, Khan, Venkat, Hill-Evans, Fiedler, Cook, Donahue, James, Giral, Waxman, Solomon, Krajewski, Sanchez, Brennan, Steele, Schlossberg, Frankel, Parker, Ciresi, Hohenstein, Shaffer, T. Davis,Webster
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in rules of the road in general, further providing for additional parking regulations.
HB 60
Amendment 5 - Filed By Representative Walsh
HB 157
Amendment 9 - Filed By Representative Frankel
HB 162
Amendment 40 - Filed By Representative Freeman
HB 409
Amendment 31 - Filed By Representative Krupa
HB 439
Amendment 65 - Filed By Representative Fink
Monday, February 3, 2025
HB 333
Amendment 30 - Filed By Representative Benninghoff
HB 410
Amendment 32 - Filed By Representative Neilson
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
HB 33
Amendment 7 - Filed By Representative Twardzik
Amendment 13 - Filed By Representative Frankel
HB 309
Amendment 20 - Filed By Representative Burns
Monday, January 27, 2025
HB 190
Amendment 6 - Filed By Representative Curry
Master Roll Call
Uncontested Calendar
HB 439 A65, Amendment Vote Motion Toion TO Suspendend RULES
HB 439 A65, Amendment Vote
150 YEAS 52 NAYS 0 LVE
HR 35, Resolution Vote
HR 22, Resolution Vote
HR 12, Resolution Vote
171 YEAS 31 NAYS 0 LVE
HR 16, Resolution Vote
161 YEAS 41 NAYS 0 LVE
183 YEAS 19 NAYS 0 LVE
155 YEAS 47 NAYS 0 LVE
HR 26, Resolution Vote
HR 9, Resolution Vote
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Elect Speaker
101 YEAS 101 NAYS 1 LVE
HR 1, Resolution Vote
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Hours of Operation - Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. & Friday, 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
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