House passes Hill-Evans resolution to recognize the “Week of the Young Child”

YORK, April 18 – The second week of April is now recognized as Week of the Young Child in Pennsylvania, after the House yesterday voted 102-98 to adopt a resolution introduced by state Rep. Carol Hill-Evans, D-York.

Established by advocates for children in 1971, the national observance aims to focus public attention on the needs of young children – newborns through age 8 – and their families, as well as the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

“They may not be able to vote for us, but young children are a major component of any elected official’s constituency, and we must advocate for them as if our candidacy depends on them,” Hill-Evans said.

Noting increased efforts to ban books and weaken public education, Hill-Evans said she and her colleagues are concentrating on passing legislation to ensure all children in Pennsylvania have access to high-quality early education and healthcare.

“We know that whatever a child goes through in their early years has a lasting impact on their success later in life,” Hill-Evans said. “Would you rather live in a community where people grew up with their basic needs met, or where families struggle to feed, clothe, and educate their children?”

The lawmaker echoed the call of the National Association for the Education of Young Children – the world's largest early childhood education association and founder of Week of the Young Child -- to plan how we, as citizens of a community, of a state, and of a nation, will better meet the needs of all young children and their families.
