Hill-Evans appointed to Chesapeake Bay Commission
Rep. Carol Hill-Evans March 30, 2023 | 8:59 AM
YORK, March 30 – State Rep. Carol Hill-Evans announced today she has been appointed by Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton to serve on the Chesapeake Bay Commission for the 2023-24 Legislative Session.
The CBC is tasked with coordinating state legislative and policy action among Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia to restore the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It also serves as a liaison to the U.S. Congress on policy and budgetary matters related to the watershed’s restoration.
“I’m honored to join the commission and help continue its 40-year record of achieving strong restoration results,” Hill-Evans said. “Coordinating such expansive and intricate remediation efforts is a challenge I’m eager to take on. The Chesapeake and its tributaries are vital to all of us, from the beauty and recreation they offer to the myriad ways they support our economy.”
Hill-Evans is among the 21 members who comprise the CBC. Each partnering state is represented by seven members: five state legislators, a citizen representative and the cabinet secretary responsible for managing the state’s natural resources.
The commission was established in the early 1980s after a study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found it was in serious environmental decline, experiencing a rapid loss of wildlife and aquatic life. The primary source of the degradation was identified as excess nutrient pollution from factories, fossil fuel power plants, cars, farms and wastewater treatment plants.
More information about the CBC is available at its website: www.chesbay.us.