Harkins, Merski: U.S. Dept. of Energy’s investment in IRG Erie is a win-win for economy, environment

(Jul 24, 2024)

ERIE, July 24 – State Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, are supporting a conditional loan of up to $182.6 million from the U.S. Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, aimed at enhancing the operations of IRG Erie Inc. The loan is intended to fund the establishment of a plastics recycling plant in Erie, which will transform around 160,000 tons of post-consumer plastic waste annually into roughly 100,000 tons of recycled plastic. These materials are set to substitute virgin plastics. Moreover, the project is expected to generate 334 construction jobs, with 304 of these positions located at the Erie facility. “This substantial investment would catalyze the construction of a state-of-the-art plastics recycling facility, positioning Erie as a national leader in sustainable practices and innovation,” Harkins said. “The ripple effects of this project are profound, promising to create over 300 local jobs, drive economic growth, and significantly reduce our carbon footprint by recycling 160,000 tons of plastic annually. “I would like to extend my personal gratitude to the Biden-Harris administration for their investment in Erie. Their willingness to bring forward ideas that contribute to our economic growth while also safeguarding the environment is greatly appreciated,” Harkins added. Merski said, “This initiative is a beacon of hope for a cleaner, greener Read more


Benham, Harkins highlight new PBM law with Erie pharmacists

(Jul 22, 2024)

Lawmakers tout pharmaceutical industry reform to help patients, local pharmacies Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $700,000 awarded to increase availability of safe, affordable housing

(Jun 14, 2024)

ERIE, June 14 – Grant awards totaling nearly $700,000 have been awarded to entities with a focus on ensuring residents in Erie County have access to safe, affordable housing, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. These grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund. PHARE was established by Act 105 of 2010 to provide the mechanism by which certain allocated state or federal funds, as well as funds from other outside sources, would be used to assist with the creation, rehabilitation and support of affordable housing throughout the commonwealth. The local awards and recipients are as follows: $135,000 - GMA Development Group, LLC. $100,000 - City of Erie. $100,000 - Community of Caring. $100,000 - Erie DAWN. $100,000 - Mercy Center for Women. $75,000 - Erie County Department of Human Services. $50,000 - St. Martin Center, Inc. “Safe, affordable housing is more than just a basic human need; it is a critical foundation for the well-being of our families and the stability of our communities,” Harkins said. “These grants will foster environments where children can thrive in their educational pursuits, where health outcomes can improve due to reduced stress and better living conditions, and where the cycle of poverty can be broken as families are able to Read more


Harkins, Merski: $200,000 in grants secured to promote digital literacy

(Jun 13, 2024)

ERIE, June 13 – $200,000 in new funding was awarded to two Erie-based entities to enhance digital literacy, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s Digital-Literacy Grants Program, which awarded $4.9 million to 50 community-based organizations throughout Pennsylvania in this most recent round of funding. This grant program provides funding to organizations in communities that teach residents how to effectively navigate platforms used in the job-search process and the workplace, including digital fundamentals, digital citizenship, and understanding digital information – especially in communities lacking access to broadband infrastructure and high-speed internet. The local awards and recipients are as follows: $100,000 - Afghan Community of Erie Pennsylvania $100,000 - Gannon University “In our rapidly changing world, digital literacy skills are becoming an essential component of many careers,” Harkins said. “This new funding will ignite a digital literacy revolution, ensuring that every individual, regardless of age or background, has the tools and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly digital world.” Merski said, “These new resources will help bridge the digital divide, providing access and opportunities for all to Read more


Harkins, Merski: Over $100,000 secured for indigent defense in Erie

(Jun 10, 2024)

ERIE, June 10 – A total of $102,023 in new funding was awarded to Erie to bolster indigent defense, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency’s newly enabled Indigent Defense Advisory Committee. The new grant program aims to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of indigent defense services in Pennsylvania. This will be achieved by recruiting and retaining staff, improving data collection and reporting, providing necessary training, professional development and technical assistance, and addressing any other needs identified by the county in collaboration with indigent defense service providers. “In a monumental step forward, our commonwealth has affirmed its commitment to justice for all by awarding significant grant funding to bolster indigent defense,” Harkins said. “This investment gets us one step closer to our goal of ensuring that every citizen, regardless of financial standing, has access to fair representation in our legal system.” Merski said, “We celebrate this achievement not as a victory for a few, but as a foundational pillar in our pursuit of a more equitable society. “Let us continue to work together to uphold the right to counsel as a basic human right, unwavering in our dedication to Read more


Harkins applauds nearly $66K grant awarded to JFK Senior Center

(May 14, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 14 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, announced today that a $65,589 grant has been awarded to the John F. Kennedy Senior Center in Erie. This award was one of 45 competitive grant awards for Senior Community Centers throughout 26 counties within the commonwealth. The grant funding is appropriated by the General Assembly with proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery. “This grant award is not just an investment in the center; it's an investment in the heart and soul of our community, ensuring that our older residents live their lives with the dignity, joy, and companionship they have earned,” Harkins said. “These funds will significantly enhance the quality of life for our esteemed elders, providing them with more opportunities for social interaction, learning, and wellness. “Our seniors have contributed immeasurably to the fabric of our society, and it is only fitting that we support them in their golden years.” For more information on other services and programs benefiting older Pennsylvanians, visit the Department of Aging’s website . Read more


Harkins, Merski: $1.4 million awarded to install ADA-compliant sidewalks, ramps in Erie

(Apr 26, 2024)

ERIE, April 26 – A total of $1.4 million in new funding was awarded to the City of Erie to install ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. This money will go toward the revamping of areas within the city that currently lack accessible sidewalks for those living with a disability. Additionally, this funding will also include the installation of high visibility crosswalks and signage. “The grant awarded for the construction of ADA-compliant sidewalks is not just an infrastructure improvement—it's a statement that we value every member of our community,” Harkins said. “These sidewalks are a step towards ensuring that individuals with disabilities can navigate our city with the same ease and independence as everyone else,” Merski said. “This project exemplifies our dedication to creating a world where limitations are recognized and accommodated, not ignored or overlooked.” The grants were awarded through the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside and administered by the state Transportation Department. The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside provides funding for projects and activities defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $1.4 million secured to bolster safety, mental health resources in Erie schools

(Apr 26, 2024)

ERIE, April 26 – New funding of nearly $1.4 million will be earmarked to improve safety, security, and mental health supports for students and staff at schools across Erie, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. “These additional grant dollars showcase our dedication to creating an environment where every student can learn without fear, and where mental health support is not a luxury, but a given,” Harkins said. “This funding will enable us to equip our schools with the necessary tools to nurture a generation that is both academically accomplished and emotionally resilient,” Merski said. “These grants represent not just a monetary investment, but a profound commitment to the well-being and future of our children.” More about the funding, which was awarded through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, is available here. This most recent round of funding completes the $155 million school safety grants program package appropriated in the bipartisan 2023-24 state budget and issued by the School Safety and Security Committee in January 2024. Read more


Merski, Harkins: $710,000 in funding secured to improve water quality

(Apr 25, 2024)

ERIE, April 25 – A $471,795 low-interest loan and a $238,205 grant from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority will further efforts to improve water quality in Erie County, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski, both D-Erie, announced today. "Investing in water infrastructure it is a critical cornerstone for our future prosperity,” Merski said. “Every dollar spent on water systems generates a manifold return in economic vitality, public health and environmental sustainability.” “I stand firmly behind the commitment to ensure that every community has access to clean, safe and reliable water,” Harkins said. “Securing this funding reinforces our dedication to building smarter water systems that can withstand the challenges of the 21st century.” The lawmakers said the project will involve the replacement of existing wrought iron service lines, decreasing potential lead contamination in the system and reducing water loss due to pipe leakage. Pennvest specializes in funding sewer, storm water and drinking water projects across Pennsylvania. Pennvest’s low-cost financial assistance helps make the water that is consumed every day by thousands of Pennsylvanians safe to drink. Read more


Harkins, Merski: Nearly $700,000 secured to improve broadband access in Erie County

(Apr 19, 2024)

ERIE, April 19 – The availability of reliable, high-speed broadband access across Erie County received a big boost thanks to funding from the Broadband Infrastructure Program totaling nearly $700,000, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski announced today. The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority which aims to expand the availability of high-speed internet for all Pennsylvanians in an effort to close the digital divide. “It is our duty to bridge the digital divide and invest in infrastructure that will carry our commonwealth into a future where everyone can thrive in a digitally connected society,” Harkins said. “In today's rapidly evolving world, the availability of high-speed internet is not just a convenience, it is a vital resource that fuels innovation, education and economic growth,” Merski said. The full list of recipients through this round of funding is available here. Additional funding from Windstream Pennsylvania LLC will bring total project funding to over $920,000. Read more


Merski, Harkins: Nearly $80,000 awarded to fight veteran hunger, food insecurity

(Apr 12, 2024)

“The sacrifices our veterans made were never small ones," Harkins said. "They risked their lives and gave up precious time with loved ones to protect and defend our nation. Some faced trauma and still live with the after-effects. I am deeply grateful for their courage and selflessness, and also thankful for the funding that will help make their lives a bit easier.” Read more


Erie lawmakers announce nearly $70K investment for Gannon University

(Apr 10, 2024)

“The new funding will allow Gannon students to team with local manufacturers on innovative projects that will yield new industry methods and techniques,” said state Rep. Pat Harkins, who represents portions of the city of Erie as well as Lake Erie and Lawrence Park townships. “It’s the kind of work that will shape progress in the region and keep Erie business and industry highly competitive – both here at home and globally. I’m excited to see what the future will bring, and I’m thankful to DCED and to our state and local partners who helped bring this funding home.” Read more


Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins tout $835,000 grant for violence intervention and prevention efforts

(Mar 27, 2024)

Erie County has been awarded grant funding to help bolster public safety and violence prevention efforts, state Reps. Ryan Bizzarro, Bob Merski and Pat Harkins, all D-Erie, announced Wednesday. Read more


Harkins applauds Flagship Niagara League, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission’s agreement on continued partnership

(Mar 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, March 25 – In a move that will continue a longstanding Erie legacy, the Flagship Niagara League’s Board of Directors voted to move forward with becoming the associate group for the Erie Maritime Museum, state Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, announced today. While a few underlying issues, such as the future of the Lettie G. Howard and other FNL sailing programs, still need to be addressed, Harkins expressed optimism that another organization with a shared vision will continue the proud tradition of these programs. “This teamwork-oriented approach ensures the story of Erie’s rich history continues to be told,” said Harkins. “Preserving and maintaining key relics, such as the U.S. Brig Niagara, is critical in our collective quest of understanding the framework of our region’s history. “This ongoing collaboration will allow for diverse, interactive educational experiences for visitors that highlight key events like the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. I am ecstatic this endeavor will continue benefiting the wonderful people of the Greater Erie community.” Read more


Harkins: Lawrence Park Township awarded $80,000 to develop financial management plan

(Mar 14, 2024)

“Having a five-year financial management plan in place can be extremely helpful for township officials when it comes to community planning,” Harkins said. “It’s a road map that can guide decision making and help them develop strategies, identify priorities, pinpoint new opportunities and assess possible risks." Read more


Harkins re-appointed as member of Great Lakes Commission

(Mar 07, 2024)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, D-Erie, announced today that he has been re-appointed by Gov. Josh Shapiro to serve as a member on the Great Lakes Commission. “I’m excited to continue serving on this esteemed commission, which works in unison across eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces to advocate for shared priorities,” said Harkins. “The Great Lakes are a tremendous environmental and economic asset, and a part of my duties on the commission is balancing the use and development of the Great Lakes while preserving their natural beauty. “I wanted to thank Governor Shapiro for entrusting me to continue the excellent progress we have made on the commission, and I look forward to working alongside my colleagues as we champion the upward trajectory of the Great Lakes Region.” Harkins has served on the Great Lakes Commission since 2018. Read more


Winter 2024 Newsletter

(Feb 26, 2024)

Winter 2024 Newsletter Read more


Harkins, Merski: Over $190,000 secured for Erie fire, EMS

(Feb 16, 2024)

ERIE, Feb. 16 – Erie County fire and EMS departments are getting a boost thanks to a slew of grants administered by the Office of State Fire Commissioner, state Reps. Pat Harkins and Bob Merski announced today. The lawmakers, both D-Erie, said the funding from the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grant Program will be utilized to upgrade necessary equipment for both fire and EMS services. “Erie’s firefighters and paramedics, many of whom are volunteer, embody the spirit of selfless public service,” Harkins said. “They willingly dedicate their time to keeping our communities safe, and aiding them in reducing operational expenses is a good government initiative that everyone can support.” “Our dedicated first responders risk their lives every day to protect our communities from fires, accidents, and other emergencies,” Merski said. “They deserve our gratitude and our assistance, and we thank the commonwealth for recognizing the vital role of our volunteer fire and EMS departments and for investing in their future." Recipients in the 1 st and 2 nd Legislative Districts received a combined total of $191,794 in grant funding. These recipients include: Brookside Fire/EMS: $30,006. City of Erie Fire Department: $16,951. Emergycare, Inc.: $15,000. Fairfield Hose Company VFD: $14,034. Harborcreek Fire/EMS: $30,201. Kul Hose Company Read more


Lawmakers announce nearly $160,000 to support technical schools

(Feb 08, 2024)

“This grant funding will help our region’s tech schools ensure students have state-of-the-art equipment while simultaneously offering individuals the opportunity to strengthen their skill set and prepare to excel in a competitive job market,” state Rep. Pat Harkins said. Read more


Harkins: Legislative Audit Advisory Commission accepts audit of General Assembly’s 2023 finances

(Feb 07, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 7 – State Rep. Pat Harkins, majority chairman of the bicameral Legislative Audit Advisory Commission, announced that the commission met Tuesday and accepted the independent audit of the General Assembly’s finances for 2023. Harkins, D-Erie, said that as majority chairman, he will continue to ensure the commission fulfills its responsibility of keeping the public informed about the General Assembly’s finances. “Ensuring continued transparency of the budgets and finances of the General Assembly is fundamental to good government,” Harkins said. “Being the majority chairman provides me with unique insight as we continuously strive to keep the public fully informed about the finances of the Pennsylvania House and Senate. “Working aside Representative Dunbar has made my transition to majority chairman of the commission seamless, allowing us to focus on delivering this constitutionally mandated report. I thank him for his unwavering dedication to ensuring government is working effectively and efficiently. In addition, I would like to personally thank Gregory Jordan for volunteering countless hours of his time throughout the last several years as a public member of the commission. Gregory’s dedication to the commission’s obligations exemplifies what it means to be a public servant.” Harkins said the audit the commission reviewed – conducted by the independent Read more


Harkins, Merski: U.S. Dept. of Energy’s investment in IRG Erie is a win-win for economy, environment
Jul 24, 2024

Benham, Harkins highlight new PBM law with Erie pharmacists
Jul 22, 2024

Harkins, Merski: Nearly $700,000 awarded to increase availability of safe, affordable housing
Jun 14, 2024

Harkins, Merski: $200,000 in grants secured to promote digital literacy
Jun 13, 2024

Harkins, Merski: Over $100,000 secured for indigent defense in Erie
Jun 10, 2024

Harkins applauds nearly $66K grant awarded to JFK Senior Center
May 14, 2024

Harkins, Merski: $1.4 million awarded to install ADA-compliant sidewalks, ramps in Erie
Apr 26, 2024

Harkins, Merski: Nearly $1.4 million secured to bolster safety, mental health resources in Erie schools
Apr 26, 2024

Merski, Harkins: $710,000 in funding secured to improve water quality
Apr 25, 2024

Harkins, Merski: Nearly $700,000 secured to improve broadband access in Erie County
Apr 19, 2024

Merski, Harkins: Nearly $80,000 awarded to fight veteran hunger, food insecurity
Apr 12, 2024

Erie lawmakers announce nearly $70K investment for Gannon University
Apr 10, 2024

Bizzarro, Merski, Harkins tout $835,000 grant for violence intervention and prevention efforts
Mar 27, 2024

Harkins applauds Flagship Niagara League, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission’s agreement on continued partnership
Mar 25, 2024

Harkins: Lawrence Park Township awarded $80,000 to develop financial management plan
Mar 14, 2024

Harkins re-appointed as member of Great Lakes Commission
Mar 07, 2024

Winter 2024 Newsletter
Feb 26, 2024

Harkins, Merski: Over $190,000 secured for Erie fire, EMS
Feb 16, 2024

Lawmakers announce nearly $160,000 to support technical schools
Feb 08, 2024

Harkins: Legislative Audit Advisory Commission accepts audit of General Assembly’s 2023 finances
Feb 07, 2024