Rep. Mike Schlossberg's Biography
Representative Schlossberg is committed to a strong and vibrant Pennsylvania serving the best interests of people, not special interests. He knows what we all know: Pennsylvania works best when workers are paid a fair wage, have good health care, live in a safe and affordable home, and can save some money for education and a secure retirement. Representative Schlossberg is a champion for world-class education, regardless of zip code, for all our children through early childhood learning, neighborhood schools and career, technical and higher education. For the 2023-2024 Legislative Session, he was elected Majority Caucus Chair by his colleagues and continues to serve as a co-chair for the House Mental Health Caucus. In prior sessions, Representative Schlossberg was the Democratic Caucus Administrator and Chair of the Northeast Regional Delegation.
Since taking office, Representative Schlossberg has proven to be an effective legislator, serving the needs of Parkland and Allentown and fighting for the values important to Pennsylvanians. In prior sessions, Representative Schlossberg’s proposals to increase mental health services for first responders and Rape Survivor Child Custody and Support legislation were also approved by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf. He was also instrumental in the transportation funding legislation approved during the 2013-2014 Legislative Session and signed by Governor Tom Corbett, helping to secure significant investments for the Lehigh Valley’s roads, bridges and mass transit.
In 2014, with the death by suicide of Robin Williams in the news, Representative Schlossberg shared his own struggles with depression and anxiety in an op-ed in the Morning Call. His story set forth a very public conversation about mental health and stigma which has become a central focus for Representative Schlossberg. As a result, he co-founded the House Mental Health Caucus in 2015, served as a keynote speaker at various conferences, advanced legislation in the General Assembly, and has traveled to Washington, D.C. to help Congresswoman Susan Wild’s efforts to enact federal legislation to improve mental health care access across the country. Representative Schlossberg was also appointed to the Mental Health & Justice Advisory Committee for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and was named co-chair of the Suicide Prevention Task Force by Governor Wolf. Recently, Schlossberg accepted an invitation to join the National Task Force on Workforce Mental Health Policy at the National Conference of State Legislatures.
To address Pennsylvania’s mental health care crisis, Representative Schlossberg laid out his agenda, “HOPE for PA,” in 2022. This plan would invest $100 million in public safety by creating safe and healthy communities, improve care by addressing provider and capacity shortages and help more people through training, education, and outreach. Shortly after, Governor Wolf signed the 2022-2023 budget approving an additional $100 million in federal funding to improve mental health care in Pennsylvania. Representative Schlossberg was then appointed to the Behavioral Health Commission on Adult Mental Health, which was tasked with creating a strategy to allocate those funds.
Representative Schlossberg’s wife, Brenna Schlossberg, is a teacher in the Allentown School District. They have a son in middle school and a daughter in elementary school. The family is complete with rescue dogs, Lexi and Chrissy. Born and raised in Livingston, New Jersey, Representative Schlossberg moved to Allentown to attend Muhlenberg College. Prior to being elected to the House of Representatives in 2012, he worked for the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, helping small businesses with technology and social media. He also served as a member of Allentown City Council.