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House passes bipartisan Donahue bill to invest in site development

(1 day ago)

Today, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation sponsored by state Rep. Kyle Donahue by a vote of 137-65. Read more

Freeman bill to create state poet laureate passes PA House

(1 day ago)

“Poetry is a literary art form widely celebrated by the United States and 47 states by designating an official poet laureate," Freeman said. Read more

Madden Bill to Better Address Alzheimer's Disease Passes House

(1 day ago)

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden, Chair of the House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee, discusses her bill which would create a permanent Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD) office and establish an advisory committee, both within the Department of Aging, to better coordinate resources across state agencies to help those living with Alzheimer's and Dementia. Read more

PA House passes Madden Alzheimer’s bill

(Jun 27, 2024)

“For too long, our seniors living with ADRD have not been prioritized. We can and must do better for our seniors and the loved ones who care for them,” Madden said. Read more

House committee OKs Freeman bill to redevelop vacant factories

(Jun 27, 2024)

"Repurposing an old factory or mill for retail, office or arts space, or transforming them into apartments, encourages economic development and improves the quality of life of a community," Freeman said. Read more

Probst Supports Bill for More Local Control Over Development

(Jun 26, 2024)

At a House Local Government Committee meeting, Pa. state Rep. Tarah Probst speaks in support of legislation that would give local municipalities more tools and resources to address the impact of large construction projects. Probst voiced her frustration with PennDOT over the local impact of the Interstate 80 construction in her district and supports the additional accountability the bill would add.  Read more

Schlossberg bill to plan for regional growth approved by House committee

(Jun 26, 2024)

“Growth makes our excellent schools and thriving economy possible, along with the balance of urban, suburban and rural settings in our region. Unmitigated growth — growth without adequate planning — may enhance aspects of our economy, but typically at a tremendous cost,” Schlossberg said. Read more

Madden Co-Hosts 7th Annual Women’s Expo

(Jun 26, 2024)

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden co-hosted her 7thannual Women’s Expo, her second alongside Rep. Tarah Probst in Stroudsburg, PA. Madden is proud to hold events such as this that bring the community together. Read more

House Labor and Industry Committee approves Donahue contractor bill

(Jun 25, 2024)

Today, the state House Labor and Industry Committee approved legislation (H.B. 2360) introduced by state Rep. Kyle Donahue that would establish a construction contractor verification system. Read more

Probst Co-Hosts Her Second Women’s Expo

(Jun 25, 2024)

PA state Rep. Tara Probst co-hosted her second Women’s Expo with Rep. Maureen Madden in Stroudsburg, PA. Probst looks forward to hosting many more times as events like this are so important to keeping residents informed about resources available to them. Read more