Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock visited Riverside Elementary East in Moosic to announce the statewide kickoff of the United States of Readers program for students in Pennsylvania. Haddock was instrumental in securing state funding to bring the program to Pennsylvania and says it will empower schools, teachers and families to encourage young students to become readers. Read more
Pa. House Majority Education Committee Chairman Rep. Peter Schweyer hosts his first episode of Ed Talks, highlighting the amazing work of educators across Pennsylvania and discussing new ideas to improve all aspects of education. Today's guest is Sharif-El Mekki, CEO of the Center for Black Educator Development. Read more
State Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski today expressed serious concern over UGI Utilities proposed nearly 11% rate hike, which would significantly increase natural gas bills for families and businesses across the region. Read more
Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. Read more
State Rep. Jeanne McNeill said the Office of the State Fire Commissioner awarded almost $111,000 to help firefighters and EMS providers in her district. Read more
“This is just the first step in the budget process and there’s a lot of work to be done over the next few months so that we can get a good product that helps all Pennsylvanians.” Haddock said. Read more
"We should be doing everything we can as a state to encourage economic development and improve quality of life in all municipalities, big and small,” said Freeman. Read more
Kosierowski said the bill aims to strike a balance between patient’s right to access their health information with the important role of providers to provide context helping patients understand the implications of their results. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Tarah Probst says Governor Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal for 2025-26 continues moving the commonwealth in the right direction to truly become the powerhouse that she believes it can be with further investments in education, seniors, workforce development, housing, and so much more. Read more
“Gov. Shapiro presented a budget that continues to build on our commitment to do right by Pennsylvania’s students. Further, these investments help to take pressure off property taxes for homeowners and small businesses," Schlossberg said. Read more
State Rep. Kyle Mullins, D-Lackawanna, today announced grant funding of $351,725 for outdoor recreation and flood-mitigation projects in the 112th Legislative District. Read more
Here are the latest grant opportunities that are open for applications. Read more
Two state grants totaling $225,000 today were awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority for projects in Wilson Borough and Easton, announced state Rep. Robert Freeman. Read more
“This project will create an important recreational and transportation corridor along the Lackawanna River starting at Railroad Street in Dickson City and continuing north to Eagle Lane,” Kosierowski said. Read more
“Each of these projects will deliver a significant improvement for the communities they involve,” Haddock said. Read more
State Rep. Jeanne McNeill said $140,000 in grants were awarded today by the Commonwealth Financing Authority for projects in her legislative district. Read more
As concerns mount about the future of healthcare rights in America, Pa. House Majority Whip Rep. Mike Schlossberg vows to keep fighting for Pennsylvanians. In a joint press conference with Pa. Senate Democrats Schlossberg said #PAHouseDems are already working to protect and expand people’s rights to get the healthcare that they need. Read more
Chair of the House Central PA Delegation state Rep. Manny Guzman joined colleagues to hold an information session with heads of Tec Centro from across the Commonwealth to hear about what they can do to help their organizations succeed and continue to provide job training opportunities for their communities. Guzman says that as technology continues to evolve, we need to make sure that folks have the tools they need to grow and thrive in their new careers. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Jim Haddock joined Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Rick Siger and local officials for a tour highlighting recent investments to revitalize downtown Pittston. Haddock played a key role working with the Shapiro administration to secure state funding for a variety of projects that will bring more businesses, jobs, and tax revenue to the city. Read more
"I am happy that my office was able to work with Stroudsburg Little League officials to find this important funding that will allow so many young kids to have great facilities to play and practice on,” said Probst. Read more
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