Featured News

House passes Kinkead bill to support dairy farmers

(Jun 11, 2024)

“This bill would help a lot of small daily farms that are struggling to survive,” said Kinkead, D-Allegheny. Read more


Waxman, prison-reform advocates push to make Scandinavian unit permanent fixture statewide

(May 21, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 21 – Today, state Rep. Ben Waxman, D-Phila., was joined by multiple prison-reform advocates for a Capitol news conference to discuss State Correctional Institute Chester’s Scandinavian unit, also known as “Little Scandinavia.” Little Scandinavia is a pilot project modeled after prisons in Scandinavia, where the core values are safety, transparency and innovation, with a focus on normality and reintegration into the community upon release. The unit provides a quiet environment where residents live in single-person cells with a shared kitchen surrounded by outdoor green space and plants. Waxman spoke on the importance of permanently funding this unit so that it can become a fixture at state correctional facilities across Pennsylvania. “It's time for a shift in how we handle corrections in PA. Little Scandinavia isn't just a program, it's a new horizon in rehabilitation and human rights. This model focuses on transformative care, not just incarceration. In the next state budget, I will strongly advocate for us to include funding that would make the Scandinavian Unit a permanent fixture in our state’s corrections system.” Bryan Widenhouse, senior policy associate for Families Against Mandatory Minimums, stated his belief that Little Scandinavia can help lower the recidivism rate in Pennsylvania. "For decades I sat in prison and listened Read more


Kinkead welcomes $150,000 for PrimeTime Senior Center

(May 15, 2024)

Lottery funds awarded for ADA improvements Read more


Rep. Kinkead, Sen. Williams announce $300K+ for new sidewalk in Ross

(Apr 26, 2024)

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to fund Browns Lane sidewalk connector Read more


New Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Apr 25, 2024)

Below are multiple state grant programs that are currenctly open for application. Please contact my office if you have questions. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: National Incident-Based Reporting System Compliance Efforts Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street railway police, airport authority police, and county park police. Use: Funds for the proposed program shall be used to improve reporting of crime statistics by upgrading technology infrastructure to report incident-based crime data to the FBI’s NIBRS. Funds: $10 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding is available. PCCD expects to fund approximately 50 grants with budgets not to exceed $200,000 over the two-year project period. Application Deadline: June 13. 2024 More information: PCCD Website Department of Environmental Protection: Growing Greener (Watershed Restoration and Protection) Plus Program Who May Apply: Incorporated watershed associations, counties, county conservation districts, council of governments, tax-exempt corporations under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, educational institutions, or municipal authorities. Use: Projects that reduce nonpoint source pollution—especially nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution from agricultural and stormwater runoff. The Department is particularly interested in design and Read more


House passes Kinkead resolution to study PA crime and justice codes

(Apr 12, 2024)

The Joint State Government Commission would establish a bipartisan task force to study the PA Crimes Code, Sentencing Code, Judicial Code, and all statutes, consolidated and unconsolidated, that carry a criminal penalty for language that is duplicative, inconsistent, unenforceable, carries improper offense grading, or is outdated for modern society under a concurrent resolution introduced by state Rep. Emily Kinkead that the PA House passed on Tuesday. Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Apr 02, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Transportation: Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancements Grant Program (ARLE Program) Who May Apply: Local governments, planning organizations, or Commonwealth agencies. Use: Eligible uses include, but are not limited to, roadway safety, mobility, and capacity upgrades, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, local technical assistance program projects, and traffic signal improvements. Funds: PennDOT anticipates $32 million available with the intent of funding worthwhile projects that can be completed at a relatively low cost. Application Deadline: A pre-application scoping form is required to be submitted by April 30, 2024. Feedback will be provided by May 31, 2024. The application period will be open from June 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024. More information: PennDOT Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program Who May Apply: Counties Use: Funds for the proposed program must be used to support restrictive conditions that are imposed as part of a county probation sentence and may be used for needed drug and alcohol-related services, and mental health treatment and supportive services for eligible individuals Funds: Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds in the FY 2024-25 budget. Application Deadline: May 1, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Department of Community and Economic Development: Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Mar 28, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program Who May Apply: Counties Use: Funds for the proposed program must be used to support restrictive conditions that are imposed as part of a county probation sentence and may be used for needed drug and alcohol-related services, and mental health treatment and supportive services for eligible individuals Funds: Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds in the FY 2024-25 budget. Application Deadline: May 1, 2024 More information: PCCD Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Agriculture: Farm Vitality Planning Grant Who May Apply: Farmers, prospective farmers, and others may apply. Use: Strategic business planning to expand or diversify farms or support transition of ownership. Funds: $500,000 in funding is available. Grants shall not exceed $7,500. Application Deadline: Applications will be received until funds are exhausted. More information: Pennsylvania Bulletin Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Recruitment Incentives for Law Enforcement Who May Apply: Local law enforcement agencies, campus or university police, railroad or street railway police, airport authority police, and county park police. Use: Funding is explicitly to support Act 120 training and recruitment activities for law enforcement officers that will take place between Oct. 19, 2023 and June 30, 2025. Funds: $14 million in Read more


House passes Kinkead prison reform bill

(Mar 27, 2024)

Legislation would ensure essential documents for formerly incarcerated people Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Mar 13, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commonwealth Financing Authority: Public School Facility Improvement Grant Who May Apply: School entities, defined as a school district or an area career and technical school. Use: Facility improvement projects, including but not limited to roof repair/replacement, heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, plumbing systems, window repair/replacement, health and safety upgrades, and accessibility projects. Funds: $100 million in total funding is available. Grant requests shall not exceed $5 million per eligible improvement project. School entities may submit more than one application, but no school entity shall receive more than 20% of the total funding available. Application Deadline: May 31, 2024 More information: CFA Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program Who May Apply: County governments and non-profit victim service agencies are eligible to apply. Faith-based organizations may be eligible to apply under certain circumstances. Use: Funds may be used to support cross-system, collaborative efforts to respond to victims of violence against women crimes. This includes, but is not limited to, personnel and benefit costs associated with specialized units in law enforcement or core direct victim services, supplies and operating expenses related to the STOP project, equipment necessary for implementation, and training or professional development. Funds: A total of $12 Read more


Grants available as of Tuesday, Feb. 27

(Feb 27, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Tutoring Program for Adults Grant Who May Apply: School districts, intermediate units, area career and technical centers/vocational-technical schools, community colleges, literacy councils, local libraries, community-based organizations, any other educational entity recognized by the Secretary of education for providing appropriate and effective adult or family literacy programs. Use: Funds may be used to provide adult literacy education for eligible adults, family literacy education for eligible parents and children, training for volunteer adult literacy education instructors, and administration, support services for learns, and outreach activities. Funds: $1.084 million in funds is expected to be awarded. Application Deadline: March 20, 2024 More information: PDE Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Assessing Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice System Who May Apply: Institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, or for-profit institutions. Organizations must have experience, expertise, and credibility to conduct key project deliverables associated with this funding announcement. Use: To pay for expenses directly related to the activities, management and coordination of the project, to provide stipends/compensation for individuals contributing to qualitative research activities, for other costs necessary for project implementation. Funds: Read more


Grant Programs Open for Application: Conservation, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Feb 12, 2024)

Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications, as of Feb. 8, 2024. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: CDFI Network Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program Who May Apply: Small businesses that are at least 51% owned and operated by disadvantaged individuals that historically lacked access to financial services (as defined by the U.S. Treasury), generate annual revenues of less than $1 million, employ 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees, have been negatively impacted by COVID-19, and have been in operation on or before March 17, 2020. Use: Funds may be used for, but not limited to, working capital, inventory, equipment, safety and security equipment, marketing, and costs to support the ongoing operation of the business. Funds: $10.5 million in federal ARPA funds are available for grants that will range from $2,500 to $10,000. Application Deadline: Feb. 23, 2024 More information: CDFI Network Website Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: All-Terrain Vehicle and Snowmobile Program Who May Apply: Municipalities, non-profit organizations, and for profit organizations Use: Planning, acquisition, development, rehabilitation, or equipment purchase for ATV and/or snowmobile trails and facilities, ATV and/or snowmobile educational programs. Funds: Funding comes from the ATV Management Read more


Kinkead introduces resolution to recognize International Day of Women and Girls in Science

(Feb 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 9 – A resolution to officially recognize Feb. 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science has been introduced by state Rep. Emily Kinkead. “Celebrating women scientists like Rachel Carson, Marie Curie and Hedy Lamarr is essential to inspiring the next generation of women leaders in STEM,” Kinkead said. “Establishing the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in our state would provide a great opportunity to highlight the significant contributions women have made to the field, which continue to be undermined and ignored. We need to do more to make women and especially young girls feel welcome and included in this field and that’s what this resolution is all about.” Kinkead, who earned a B.S. in biology at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, said that women only hold about one-third of existing research positions in STEM and that encouraging more diverse viewpoints in science has been proven to greatly expand innovation. The resolution ( H.R. 295 ) was unanimously reported out of the House Tourism and Economic and Recreational Development Committee on Feb. 5. Read more


Grants available as of Tuesday, Jan. 30

(Jan 30, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Environmental Protection: Small Business Advantage Grant Who May Apply: For-profit businesses registered to do business in Pennsylvania with 100 or fewer full time equivalent employees. Use: To install equipment/material resulting in energy efficiency improvements or pollution prevent, natural resource or energy conservation, reduction of environmental contamination from air emissions and water effluents, or to develop and apply environmental improvement technologies and methods. Funds: DEP expects to award approximately $1 million in grants. Application Deadline: March 22, 2024, or until program funds are exhausted. More information: DEP Website Department of Health: WalkWorks Grant Who May Apply: Municipalities and metropolitan and rural planning organizations. Use: Funds will be available to applicants to assist with the development of a plan, which will identify and prioritize projects related to modes of active transportation with an emphasis on walking, biking, using a wheelchair, and public transit. Funds: Funding will depend on the number of applications received and the amounts requested. Application Deadline: March 22, 2024 More information: DOH Website Liquor Control Board: Reducing Underage Drinking and Dangerous Drinking Grant Who May Apply: School districts, including trade and technical schools, institutions of higher education, municipal representatives, nonprofit and for-profit Read more


NEWLY LISTED GRANT PROGRAMS: Cultural, Educational, Environmental, Public Safety, and Redevelopment

(Jan 17, 2024)

Commission on Crime and Delinquency: School Safety and Security Grant Program Who May Apply: School districts, intermediate units, area career and technical schools, charter schools, cyber charter schools, regional charter schools, approved private schools, chartered school for the education of the deaf or the blind, private residential rehabilitative institutions, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, and approved vendors. Use: Municipalities, law enforcement and approved vendors are limited to apply to provide school security personnel services within schools. Schools can apply for programs that address safety and security, including but not limited to, safety and security assessments, conflict resolution or dispute management strategies, school-wide positive behavior support, school-based diversion programs, peer help programs, classroom management, training, and more. Funds: A total of $32,179,000, which includes $26,345,000 from the $50 million allocated for the School Safety and Security Grant Fund and $5,834,000 allocated from the FY23-24 Targeted School Safety Grant Program, is being announced to support this initiative. Application Deadline: February 29, 2024 More information: PCCD Website Commission on Crime and Delinquency: School Mental Health Grants Who May Apply: School Districts, Intermediate Units, Area Career and Technical Schools, Charter Schools, Regional Charter Schools, and Cyber Read more


Kinkead celebrates $525,000 for community projects

(Jan 16, 2024)

Gaming grants fund local recreation, infrastructure Read more


Grant Memo: Cultural, Health, Environmental, Public Safety, Transportation, and Redevelopment Opportunities

(Jan 03, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Human Services: OCDEL Keystone STARS Continuous Quality Improvement Who May Apply: Eligible childcare providers will be notified via an eligibility letter from their Early Learning Resource Center. Providers must meet the requirements outlined here . Use: Staff qualifications and professional development, early childhood education programs, partnerships with families and communities, leadership and management, and accreditation costs. Funds: Grant amounts vary by provider. Grant funding comes from $12 million of federal Childcare Development Fund funds. Application Deadline: Feb. 15, 2024 More information: Keystone STARS Website Department of Transportation: State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Incentive Program Who May Apply: To be eligible for STIC Incentive funding, the STIC or other equivalent task force, committee or group must be formally established with a charter, include public and private members, meet regularly, and comprehensively consider sources of innovation. Use: The State Transportation Innovation Council Incentive Program provides funding to help STICs foster a culture of innovation and make innovations standard practice in their states. Examples of allowable activities include but are not limited to: developing standards and specifications; developing training to facilitate widespread use of innovation, developing memoranda of agreement; preparing a report summarizing the lessons Read more


House passes Kinkead bill to support dairy farmers
Jun 11, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
May 29, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
May 23, 2024

Waxman, prison-reform advocates push to make Scandinavian unit permanent fixture statewide
May 21, 2024

Kinkead welcomes $150,000 for PrimeTime Senior Center
May 15, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Environmental, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
May 14, 2024

Rep. Kinkead, Sen. Williams announce $300K+ for new sidewalk in Ross
Apr 26, 2024

New Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Apr 25, 2024

House passes Kinkead resolution to study PA crime and justice codes
Apr 12, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Apr 02, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Mar 28, 2024

House passes Kinkead prison reform bill
Mar 27, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Educational, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Mar 13, 2024

Grants available as of Tuesday, Feb. 27
Feb 27, 2024

Grant Programs Open for Application: Conservation, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Feb 12, 2024

Kinkead introduces resolution to recognize International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Feb 09, 2024

Grants available as of Tuesday, Jan. 30
Jan 30, 2024

NEWLY LISTED GRANT PROGRAMS: Cultural, Educational, Environmental, Public Safety, and Redevelopment
Jan 17, 2024

Kinkead celebrates $525,000 for community projects
Jan 16, 2024

Grant Memo: Cultural, Health, Environmental, Public Safety, Transportation, and Redevelopment Opportunities
Jan 03, 2024