PennDOT's proposal to expand I-80 will kill our tax base and lead to an increase in the borough tax, the school tax and the library tax. This would be devastating to our residents and business owners. Read more
“As former mayor of Stroudsburg, I know the important roles that emergency responders play in our communities. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for the services they provide during our time of need. These grants will enable them to buy needed equipment, acquire necessary training and improve their facilities,” said Probst. Read more
Read my Winter 2024 Newsletter Read more
State Rep. Tarah Probst continues the fight for changes to the planned expansion of Interstate 80 through the Stroudsburg area as the project's first phase looms closer. Read more
Pa. state Rep. Tarah Probst discusses Governor Shapiro's budget address and the many targeted investments that would help move Pennsylvania forward. From education to health care and infrastructure, Probst says this budget proposal is a win for the commonwealth. Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 2 – After Punxsutawney Phil made his prognostication about the weather today, state Rep. Tarah Probst took the time to call attention to the state’s ‘other’ Groundhog Day -- how the state funds cyber charter schools at the expense of traditional public schools. Read more
HARRISBURG, Jan. 22 – Today, on the 51st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Roe v. Wade , state Rep. Tarik Khan, D-Philadelphia, hosted a news conference at the state Capitol announcing the introduction of legislation regarding abortion rights. Rep. Khan was joined by fellow legislators and abortion-rights advocates. The legislation aims to remove unnecessary obstacles to safe abortion access by eliminating the requirement that abortion facilities meet the same regulations as ambulatory surgical centers. It would also remove the excessive mandate that abortion providers maintain admitting privileges or have transfer agreements at hospitals, which only blocks access to care. The legislators who have also prime-sponsored Khan’s bill are state Reps. La'Tasha D. Mayes, D-Allegheny; Mary Jo Daley, D-Montgomery; Mary Issacson, D-Phila.; Gina H. Curry, D-Delaware; Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester; Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester; Tara Probst, D-Monroe/Pike; Heather Boyd, D-Delaware; Liz Hanbidge, D-Montgomery; Leanne Krueger, D-Delaware; and Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Philadelphia. "As a nurse, I know that restrictive abortion laws do not lower abortion rates — they just make them less safe," Khan said. "We must remove any unnecessary requirements from facilities that provide this care. Our bill increases access to safe abortion by increasing people's access to safe abortion Read more
How to get involved in public hearings regarding Community Utilities of Pennsylvania proposed rate increase. Read more
Watch the BRC-TV13 story. Read more
PennDOT responds to the request to make changes to the I-80 expansion project Read more
Grants available as of Tuesday, Jan. 9 Read more
Download my 2024 Capitol Scenes Calendar. Read more
NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Human Services: OCDEL Keystone STARS Continuous Quality Improvement Who May Apply: Eligible childcare providers will be notified via an eligibility letter from their Early Learning Resource Center. Providers must meet the requirements outlined here . Use: Staff qualifications and professional development, early childhood education programs, partnerships with families and communities, leadership and management, and accreditation costs. Funds: Grant amounts vary by provider. Grant funding comes from $12 million of federal Childcare Development Fund funds. Application Deadline: Feb. 15, 2024 More information: Keystone STARS Website Department of Transportation: State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) Incentive Program Who May Apply: To be eligible for STIC Incentive funding, the STIC or other equivalent task force, committee or group must be formally established with a charter, include public and private members, meet regularly, and comprehensively consider sources of innovation. Use: The State Transportation Innovation Council Incentive Program provides funding to help STICs foster a culture of innovation and make innovations standard practice in their states. Examples of allowable activities include but are not limited to: developing standards and specifications; developing training to facilitate widespread use of innovation, developing Read more
Understanding that the PUC’s role means considering the public interest of any such decision, our Delegation respectfully asks that common sense and pragmatism are at the forefront of any verdict in response to such excessive rate-increase requests. Read more
Members of our Northeast Delegation and our hardworking staff have heard loud and clear the frustration and fear from residents in our respective communities about requests from Pennsylvania American Water Co. and Community Utilities of Pennsylvania to sharply raise their rates. Read more
“I am always thankful when communities that I represent are able to reap the benefits of state grant programs that otherwise might be spent elsewhere in Pennsylvania," Probst said. Read more
“At first I was thinking, like, why?” Democratic Rep. Tarah Probst of Monroe County, said Tuesday. “But then you’re right — the year of women. As you know, women’s rights are being taken away left and right and by doing this, we’re empowering women in general.” Read more
There are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. Read more
At a news conference at his Scranton office Monday morning, Cartwright and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Scranton, joined with state and local leaders to celebrate their recent announcement of a major milestone in bringing the Amtrak passenger rail service back between Scranton and New York City. Read more
State Representative Tarah Probst has advocated reworking the I-80 expansion in the Poconos since she started her term as Mayor of Stroudsburg eight years ago. Read more
A petition organized by Rep. Probst to scale back the expansion of Interstate 80 already has more than 2,000 signatures. Read more
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