McClinton Thanks Pa. Teachers on #WorldTeachersDay

(Oct 05, 2022)

On this World Teacher’s Day, Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton thanks teachers across the Commonwealth for their commitment to strengthening the young minds that will build a brighter future for all. Read more


McClinton: Getting a College Degree Shouldn’t Break the Bank

(Oct 01, 2022)

Earning a college degree can be a milestone in life. A degree can increase lifetime earnings, boost civic participation and, some studies show, even lead to better health and wellbeing outcomes. But the cost to go to college has skyrocketed – up 169% in the past four decades according to a report from Georgetown University. When the cost to go to college and earn a degree is so expensive, it makes it out-of-reach for too many people in our community. Further, because of predatory practices used by some for-profit institutions, some students leave school without completing their degree, but are still saddled by exorbitant college debt. There is help. Even if you have already graduated. In August, President Biden and Vice President Harris announced a student loan debt plan to provide student debt relief to working- and middle-class families. The Biden-Harris plan will provide debt relief for up to 43 million Americans by cancelling $20,000 in debt to Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 to non-Pell Grant recipients. To qualify, you must earn less than $125,000 per year or less than $250,000 as a household. This program is targeted to provide relief to the people who need it most. While we wait for more details, people with college loan debt can sign up to receive a notification when information is available at . For people thinking about pursuing college but don’t know if they can afford it, the Pennsylvania Higher Read more


State Grant Programs Open For Application

(Sep 26, 2022)

Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Regional Policing Assistance Program Who May Apply: Applicants for the Regional Policing Assistance Program may be any municipality – a city, borough, township, home-rule municipality, or county. Applicants may also be a public or quasi-public body, or its representative, duly authorized to act on behalf of one or more municipalities. All applications must be accompanied by fully executed Articles of Agreement or an Intergovernmental Agreement that establishes a Regional Police Department. Use: Funding will support efforts in establishing or expanding regional police departments that would improve the following: uniformity and consistency of enforcement across municipalities; recruitment; distribution and deployment of police personnel; training and personnel efficiency; career enhancement opportunities; enhanced professionalism; and reduction of costs. Funds: A total of approximately $1,000,000 in federal funds is being announced to support this initiative. Applicants may apply for up to $150,000 for the formation of a new regional police department or up to $50,000 for the expansion of an existing regional police department by adding a chartered municipality(ies). Application Deadline: September 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Legal Read more


McClinton announces $260,000 for Yeadon Borough to address local flooding issue

(Sep 20, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20 – Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton announced today that Yeadon Borough has been selected for a $260,000 grant for watershed restoration along Blunston Run. McClinton helped secure the grant which was approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority and will be funded through the Watershed Restoration and Protection Program. “I’m so pleased that Yeadon will receive the funding needed to improve the stability of Blunston Run and reduce the flooding issues that have grown worse after each rain fall,” McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware said. “With this one investment we’re improving the quality of life in our community and we’re helping to protect our environment long term.” The funding will help restore a stream bank and protect utility infrastructure that has been exposed along Blunston Run, a tributary of Cobbs Creek. Restoring the section will address flooding between Allen Drive and Karen Drive in Yeadon that is affecting a public pool property, neighboring residential properties, and an apartment building, as well as reduce thousands of pounds of sediment annually. McClinton added that the project will help reconnect the floodplains, stabilize the streambank to control erosion, reduce the waterway’s speed along the banks with habitat improvements, protect existing trees, and enhance vegetation. The CFA is an independent state Read more


Leader McClinton on WDAS with Patty Jackson, Sept. 15, 2022

(Sep 15, 2022)

Leader McClinton on WDAS with Patty Jackson talking election deadlines and voting integrity. Read more


Bizzarro, House Dems urge action on clean pre-canvassing legislation

(Sep 14, 2022)

With just seven legislative session days left before the General Election on November 8, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie) and other House Democrats are calling on Harrisburg’s Republican leaders to pass a clean pre-canvassing bill. Read more


House Democrats rally support for legislation to aid PA’s workers

(Sep 13, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 13 – House Democrats called on their legislative counterparts today to advance several measures that would improve workers’ conditions in the commonwealth. With limited days remaining in the legislative session, Democrats highlighted the need to act on legislation that would boost workers’ earnings, offer workplace protections, allow for paid sick leave, and help workers save for retirement. “Working class families are the backbone of our communities,” Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, said. “While this year’s state budget delivered help for many of these families, there are still Pennsylvanians who don’t earn what they deserve, can’t take a day off to care for a sick loved one, or save for retirement. We can’t advance as a state if we leave workers and their families behind.” This week, House Democrats will introduce a worker misclassification bill. By misclassifying employees as “contractors” employers deprive workers of wages, workplace health and safety, and unemployment protections. It amounts to tax fraud and costs the commonwealth millions of dollars in lost revenue annually. Many of the measures House Democrats highlighted have been languishing in Republican-led committees for more than a year, despite having bipartisan and broad public support. Among the measures legislators touted are the Family Care Act ( H.B. 1200 ), which would Read more


House Democrats call for action on labor, wage issues as session end nears

(Sep 13, 2022)

Frustrated by a lack of action on everything from raising the state’s minimum wage to establishing a paid family leave program for Pennsylvania workers, Democrats in the state House called on Republican leaders to hold votes on a series of bills they say would be a boon for the commonwealth’s workers. Read more


Violence Intervention and Prevention, Transportation, and Local Law Enforcement Funding Opportunities

(Sep 13, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Commonwealth Financing Authority: Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF) (Funding Source: Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund) Who May Apply : Allegheny County Municipalities, Authorities (Redevelopment, Municipal or Industrial), Councils of Government, Non-Profit Organizations, Trusts and For Profit Organizations. Use : To support community and economic development projects in Allegheny County. Funds : Awards between $150,000 and $500,000. Application Deadline : September 23, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Traffic Signal Technologies Grant Program (Funding Source: Motor License Fund) Who May Apply : Municipalities. Use : To install and maintain traffic signal technologies. Funds : Varies by award. This is a reimbursement grant with no matching funds required. Application Deadline : September 30, 2022 More Information : Click on . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Grant Program (Funding Source: American Rescue Plan Act Funds) Who May Apply Read more


Serving the Community -- read my fall 2022 newsletter to constituents

(Sep 07, 2022)

I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with so many of you at community events like the Cobbs Creek Trail Day and theTyhir Barns basketball game. Read my latest newsletter for more information on what's happening at home and in Harrisburg. Read more


Good News for Homeowners and Renters

(Sep 01, 2022)

Finding affordable housing is a challenge for many people in our community. Rising rents, costly improvements to older homes, and a lack of available units has led to a housing crisis here – not just in West Philly, but all over Pennsylvania. Many families are stuck spending more than half of their income just to pay for housing! This means that sometimes families are forced to make hard choices and skip buying necessities like food or medication, and certainly can’t save for an emergency. Read more


Wolf visits Southeast Delco school to laud school funding during his administration

(Aug 25, 2022)

DARBY TOWNSHIP – Gov. Tom Wolf paid a visit to the Kindergarten Center of the SouthEast Delco School District on Thursday afternoon to call attention to his administration’s efforts to invest $3.7 billion in taxpayer funding into public education during his eight years in office. Read more


Philly domestic violence victims can now get free Amazon Ring doorbells — despite lingering privacy concerns

(Aug 04, 2022)

Domestic violence victims in Philadelphia will now have access to free Ring doorbells through the city’s leading domestic violence service provider. Read more


McClinton praises Supreme Court ruling on Act 77 as win for PA voters & voting access

(Aug 02, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 2 -- PA House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton released the following statement today after the PA Supreme Court affirmed that no-excuse mail-in voting is legal and constitutional in Pennsylvania: “Republican attempts to roll back bipartisan improvements in our election law - improvements that eased access and allowed for greater participation - have been thwarted. Mail-in voting is a safe and secure way that millions of Pennsylvanians have used to exercise their right to vote since the legislature passed the law in 2019. Looking ahead, I will continue to champion measures like the K. Leroy Irvis Voting Rights Protection Act, to further improve access and security, while restoring public faith in our election system and our local election officials.” Read more


VIDEO: McClinton Joins CNN State of the Union to Continue Fight to Defend Reproductive Rights

(Jul 18, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton appears on CNN's State of the Union to discuss access to abortion and reproductive rights in Pennsylvania. Read more


Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities

(Jul 18, 2022)

Read about the latest grant programs open for applications. Read more


Vice President Harris joins House & Senate Democrats to protect the rights of citizens

(Jul 17, 2022)

Harris traveled to Philadelphia Saturday to meet with more than three dozen state House and Senate Democrats, plus members of the state’s congressional delegation, to join the lawmakers in a call to action and to discuss the relentless effort of right-wing extremists to take away rights, starting with the right to abortion and reproductive health care. Read more


VIDEO: When You Silence Us, You Silence Millions of Pennsylvanians!

(Jul 15, 2022)

Pa. House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton fights back against the latest attack by extremists in Harrisburg to take away reproductive rights. Read more


PA House Democratic leaders praise Wolf executive order protecting patients seeking safe abortion & reproductive care

(Jul 12, 2022)

“Today’s executive order safeguarding access to abortion makes it clear that Pennsylvania values all people and will stand up to defend their rights. Governor Wolf’s action signifies that Pennsylvania is a place where abortion is health care and must remain safe, legal and available to all people. We applaud the Governor for taking action to ensure that no one is harmed for accessing reproductive health care. We are proud to work with him on keeping abortion care standards in place.” Read more


House Democratic Leaders Blast Last-minute Effort to Politicize Women’s Access to Abortion, Implement Voter ID

(Jul 08, 2022)

Pennsylvania House Democratic Leaders released the following statement regarding Republican lawmaker’s last-minute attack on Pennsylvania women and voters before breaking for the summer recess. Read more


McClinton Thanks Pa. Teachers on #WorldTeachersDay
Oct 05, 2022

McClinton: Getting a College Degree Shouldn’t Break the Bank
Oct 01, 2022

State Grant Programs Open For Application
Sep 26, 2022

McClinton announces $260,000 for Yeadon Borough to address local flooding issue
Sep 20, 2022

Leader McClinton on WDAS with Patty Jackson, Sept. 15, 2022
Sep 15, 2022

Bizzarro, House Dems urge action on clean pre-canvassing legislation
Sep 14, 2022

House Democrats rally support for legislation to aid PA’s workers
Sep 13, 2022

House Democrats call for action on labor, wage issues as session end nears
Sep 13, 2022

Violence Intervention and Prevention, Transportation, and Local Law Enforcement Funding Opportunities
Sep 13, 2022

Serving the Community -- read my fall 2022 newsletter to constituents
Sep 07, 2022

Good News for Homeowners and Renters
Sep 01, 2022

Wolf visits Southeast Delco school to laud school funding during his administration
Aug 25, 2022

Philly domestic violence victims can now get free Amazon Ring doorbells — despite lingering privacy concerns
Aug 04, 2022

McClinton praises Supreme Court ruling on Act 77 as win for PA voters & voting access
Aug 02, 2022

VIDEO: McClinton Joins CNN State of the Union to Continue Fight to Defend Reproductive Rights
Jul 18, 2022

Housing, Public Health Infrastructure, and Clean Energy Funding Opportunities
Jul 18, 2022

Vice President Harris joins House & Senate Democrats to protect the rights of citizens
Jul 17, 2022

VIDEO: When You Silence Us, You Silence Millions of Pennsylvanians!
Jul 15, 2022

PA House Democratic leaders praise Wolf executive order protecting patients seeking safe abortion & reproductive care
Jul 12, 2022

House Democratic Leaders Blast Last-minute Effort to Politicize Women’s Access to Abortion, Implement Voter ID
Jul 08, 2022