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McClinton announces $3 million state grant for ACANA

HARRISBURG, Dec. 31 – House Democratic Leader Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware, along with state Reps. Jordan Harris and Malcom Kenyatta, both D-Phila., announced this week that the African Cultural Alliance of North America was awarded a $3 million state grant for a development project.

“The project being undertaken by ACANA is important in so many ways for the residents of the entire area, and we need to ensure organizations like this are funded for much-needed projects,” McClinton said. “We are in a very difficult time now and we can’t let their projects fall by the wayside. They provide services for our Black and Brown communities that are often out of reach but so very necessary. I was happy to work with my colleagues, Representatives Harris and Kenyatta, to make this happen and appreciate Governor Wolf’s recognizing the importance of projects like this throughout the commonwealth.”

ACANA will erect an anchor facility for economic development and cultural needs in Southwest Philadelphia. The Africa Center will be a multi-story building to house community space, office space, retail space and community health services. In future phases, it is anticipated that ACANA will construct three additional floors of a market-rate residential tower.

ACANA is a nonprofit organization that serves African and Caribbean immigrants by providing access to social and legal services, community development programs, health services, organizing African arts and culture events, and other services.

“The African Cultural Alliance of North America is a vital partner in serving the Black and Brown communities who often struggle with access to services such as health care, legal consultations and community development,” Harris said. “The alliance also serves to bring festivals and art shows featuring Black and Brown musicians and artists to our community, highlighting the tremendous cultural achievements that continue to enrich Philadelphia and our nation. I’m incredibly appreciative to Governor Tom Wolf and his administration for seeing the value in this project and making this tremendous award.”

“ACANA serves as an all-inclusive cultural and informational hub for countless residents from the global African diaspora,” Kenyatta said. “I am thrilled to see this funding go toward ensuring ACANA is equipped with the tools to continue their advocacy work for this diverse community.”

The grant money is part of the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, a commonwealth grant program that is administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement programs.