“The Child and Dependent Tax Credit enhancement is not only about fiscal policy and numbers – it’s lifechanging support for families, empowering them to succeed in fulfilling careers without the financial burdens,” said state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila. “It stands as a testament to Democrats’ commitment to empowering families, ensuring that every child's potential is nurtured, and every family's journey is marked by opportunity and shared success." Read more
PHILADELPHIA, April 12 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the organization praises the election of JoAnne Epps as acting president of Temple University and that it remains closely monitoring the transformative efforts of the Special Committee of the Board. “We are pleased with the appointment of Epps as acting president. The board of trustees made this election by unanimous vote, and it is certainly a clever decision,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “Epps has a proven track record of excellency, unparalleled leadership and expertise. We are looking forward to our collaboration. “We are celebrating this appointment, and we are taking action in favor of the university. Our goal is to help protect the stability of the institution.” On the same note, state Rep. Joseph C. Hohenstein, delegation secretary, highlighted some of the qualities that makes Epps an exceptional choice. "JoAnne Epps has my full support as the new interim president of Temple University," Hohenstein said. "She's spent over half of her life there teaching and making a true difference in young individuals’ lives right here at Temple. We're grateful that she has chosen to put her retirement on hold while the university finds its feet." Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, delegation treasurer, pointed out that he has known JoAnn Read more
HARRISBURG, April 11 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta and Danilo Burgos, both D-Phila., Jessica Benham, D-Allegheny, and Jamie Flick, R-Lycoming/Union, are introducing legislation to protect the right of marriage equality against further high court cases that could erode that right and to clean up the statute to be in line with the U.S Supreme Court case of Obergefell v. Hodges . Marriage was only recently extended to same-sex couples across the United States. While numerous states had previously recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry, it was the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015, that made it clear that marriage, and all its privileges and responsibilities, should be available to all. Despite the landmark ruling, and same-sex marriage being legal in Pennsylvania, the commonwealth, as well as many other states, retain outdated, unconstitutional and unnecessary sections of law that prohibit marriage equality. This legislation would update Pennsylvania’s current laws by repealing the section of law that only recognizes marriage as being between a man and woman. Kenyatta, who serves as co-chair of the Pennsylvania LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, said it’s important for the statue of Pennsylvania’s law regarding marriage to reflect Obergefell v. Hodges. “As the first openly LGBTQ person to get married during their tenure in the General Assembly, I know how special it is, to not Read more
Following the resignation of Temple University’s president and months of controversy, key stakeholders reflect on how the university got here and where it should go next. Rep. Kenyatta was one of those stakeholders quoted in this article. Read more
HARRISBURG, March 31 – In an effort to protect the safety of all Pennsylvanians and provide the commonwealth’s law enforcement officials the tools that they need to protect residents, state Reps. Morgan Cephas and Malcom Kenyatta, both D-Phila., introduced House Bill 777, that would ban the manufacturing, sale, and possession of ‘ghost gun’ parts in the commonwealth. “Without necessary regulations of these firearms, individuals ineligible to possess firearms under state and federal law would easily be able to get their hands on these deadly weapons,” Cephas said. “We urge support for this Gun Ghost legislation in order to ensure the safety of our friends, families and neighbors. We must ban the production and distribution of these firearms.” Kenyatta explained that while these devices should already be illegal under current federal law, it falls on members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to act and protect Pennsylvanians from the danger these firearms pose to public safety. “Ghost guns are one of the main drives of gun crimes in our city — they are unaccountable and too frustratingly simple to obtain,” Kenyatta said. “Putting an end to the gun violence crisis in our city means getting serious about ghost guns. Ending the runaway gun crimes on our streets is my number one priority. Now is the time to get these weapons out of our community.” Rep. Cephas has also Read more
HARRISBURG, March 31 – State Reps. Jessica Benham, D-Allegheny; Izzy Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster; and Malcom Kenyatta, D-Phila., have introduced legislation (H.B. 575) to protect minors from conversion therapy. “There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that tells us efforts to change an individual’s sexual identity through so-called ‘therapy’ causes serious harm to their mental health,” said state Benham, who co-chairs the PA LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus. “It is shameful that in 2023 Pennsylvania still allows the abhorrent practice known as conversion therapy to occur, and I am looking forward to outlawing it to protect and affirm LGBTQ+ youth across our Commonwealth.” “Conversion therapy is anti-gay bias masquerading as science,” said Smith-Wade-El. “This abusive practice has caused immense harm on patients, including depression, trauma, drug use, homelessness and suicide. It reinforces the idea that there is something psychologically wrong with LGBTQ people because of their sexual identity. It’s long past time that PA joins 20 other states and the District of Columbia in banning this abhorrent practice to protect the physical and psychological well-being of LGBTQ minors.” The legislation, the Protection of Minors from Conversion Therapy Act, seeks to address harms associated with conversion therapy by prohibiting a mental health professional from engaging in this archaic treatment with an Read more
PHILADELPHIA, March 30 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today announced that the organization is aggressively working on key actions that will boost prevention efforts and regulate reckless gun access in the commonwealth as part of a strategic plan to put a halt on the gun violence crisis that is assaulting the city. Philadelphia House Delegation Chair Morgan Cephas, who was not able to attend today’s news conference, explained earlier that the delegation was implementing a strategic plan to put a halt on the gun violence crisis that is assaulting the city. “Ending gun violence is a top priority for us. We're approaching this with a multi-pronged strategy, working closely with our state and city stakeholders. We cannot wait any longer to take action. Gun violence is preventable,” Cephas said. Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, explained that the institution has also formed a strong alliance with gun control advocacy groups in order to amplify efforts to combat gun violence. “Gun violence is not a responsibility that pertains to one person or one organization, this is a task for all of us,” Burgos said. “Public safety is everyone's responsibility. We are grateful to count on the powerful input of organizations like CeaseFire PA and Every Murder is Real, but also families of victims and survivors of gun violence who are incessantly raising awareness about this issue,” Burgos said. On Read more
HARRISBURG, March 27 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed its position on the challenges faced by the city following the Delaware River pollution incident occurred Friday when 81,000 gallons of acrylic latex polymer were spilled in the river by a chemical processing plant. “We are relieved to say that Philadelphia’s water remains safe to drink -- that it has not been impacted by the chemical spill caused as a result of equipment failure at a Trinseo PlC plant,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “This opens a door to adjustments and an exhaustive reevaluation of our emergency plan when it comes to critical situations like the one we experienced this past weekend. “The Pennsylvania Constitution guarantees the right to pure water for all Pennsylvanians. While it appears we may have avoided an environmental catastrophe in this situation, our city and state must be prepared for potential disasters in the future,” Cephas said about the spill that happened Friday in Bucks County. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, emphasized that as the city moves forward, the Philadelphia House Delegation will diligently collaborate with city officials to improve the emergency response to similar health threats. “We have been closely monitoring the situation and we know that that this incident has raised concerns with our residents. We want to make sure that they know that public Read more
PHILADELPHIA, March 21 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., announced that three local projects in his legislative district have been awarded a combined $652,857 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to invest in infrastructure. The awarded projects are: $500,000 to PIDC Financing Corporation on behalf of the Caring People Alliance to rehabilitate the community pool and the supporting infrastructure at the R.W. Brown Boys & Girls Club. $100,000 to PIDC Financing Corporation on behalf of The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard to purchase a traveling medical unit. The proposed project will purchase a recreational vehicle and transform it into a mobile assessment unit to diagnose and treat opioid use disorder. $52,857 to PIDC Financing Corporation on behalf of North Broad Renaissance to purchase two sidewalk sweepers . The sidewalk sweepers will allow for the expansion of NBR's Clean and Safe program. The sweepers will operate six days per week to clean 4 miles of sidewalks on North Broad Street between Spring Garden Street and Germantown Avenue. “Infrastructure is an area that my district, and the entire city of Philadelphia, desperately needs addressed,” Kenyatta said. “With it being such an important issue, I was very pleased to see more than $600,000 in state funding awarded to address it in my district. The three projects that were awarded this funding will be Read more
Our delegation structure allows us to resourcefully cover all critical areas of Philadelphia, as we advance legislation to improve the lives of working families. We want to make sure that we as delegation get a precise pulse from our city and foster a sense of community with our neighbors. Read more
“Hate speech and anti-trans rhetoric are becoming more and more frequent. To see it occur, and be essentially authorized, on the campus of a great institution like Pitt, is truly despicable and heartbreaking,” Kenyatta said. “Colleges should be a safe place for students to learn, grow and prepare for their futures, not a place for bigotry and hate. I expect Pitt and all colleges across the commonwealth to do better by their trans students.” Read more
PHILADELPHIA, March 13 – Temple University Graduate Student Association has come to an agreement with Temple University on a ratified agreement on a new contract. TUGSA members have been on strike for six weeks fighting for a living wage and much more. State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., who represents the legislative district that Temple’s part of, and is an alum of the school, organized a rally in support of TUGSA in February. He issued the following remarks on the agreement: “TUGSA members help make Temple University the great institution that it is, and so it was right and just for them to demand fair pay and benefits. Temple will be a better place because they choose to agree to a fair deal and be on the right side of this issue,” Kenyatta said. “I am incredibly proud of the TUGSA members, who stood together over the past six weeks. It’s truly amazing to see the righteous and courageous stance they took finally pay off.” Here are some details about what TUGSA won in this ratification: Wages: TUGSA won a significant initial bump and raises in subsequent years over the life of the contract. TUGSA also eliminated the unequal pay-tier system: all teaching and research assistants will receive the same pay regardless of their academic discipline. Dependent Care: TUGSA won a partial subsidy for dependent health care. This is a first in TUGSA’s 20-year Read more
HARRISBURG, March 10 – State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., announced his committee assignments for this legislative term. He will serve on the state House State Government, Commerce, Finance and Liquor Control committees. Kenyatta noted that his service on these committees is important to helping working families across Pennsylvania. “One of the biggest reasons I ran to be a state representative is to ensure our government works for working families. Each of these committees can play a critical role in making that happen,” Kenyatta said. “I look forward to continuing my work on these committees to ensure working families across Pennsylvania are well treated and represented.” Below are the functions for each committee on which Kenyatta will serve. State Government: Reviews legislation on issues ranging from voting and elections to campaign finance reform, the Right-to-Know Law, the Sunshine Act and the Procurement Code. It oversees the departments of State and General Services, the Independent Fiscal Office and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, as well as the Governor’s Office, State Athletic Commission, Independent Regulatory Review Commission, Joint Committee on Documents, the Public Employee Retirement Commission, State Employees’ Retirement Commission and the Pennsylvania Public Television Network. Commerce: Evaluates legislation Read more
HARRISBURG, March 9 – Members of the Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their endorsement of Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal, which he provided during an address to the General Assembly. The delegation said the spending proposal, that will cover the fiscal year 2023-24, displays a solid approach to the most critical issues facing the commonwealth. “We are greatly satisfied in being assured by the governor that our core priorities as a delegation are included in his plan and that the voices of our city are being heard,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “Improving educational outcomes by investing in K-12 funding and school buildings and reducing gun violence through the Neighborhood Infrastructure Initiative are among the most crucial needs of Philadelphia. We are confident that this budget will allow us to work on more efficient ways to eradicate the inequities and deficiencies in our city,” Cephas continued. State Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice chair of the delegation, emphasized the fact that the governor’s budget has innovation and development as two of its key words. “Shapiro’s budget pitch is for the benefit of every Pennsylvanian,” he said. “We are excited to see a 50% increase for the Manufacturing PA Innovation Program, which connects colleges and universities, the Industrial Resource Center and Read more
HARRISBURG, March 8 – Today, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency held a meeting where the commission approved a $1.8 million grant to Temple University. State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., represents the 181 st Legislative District which includes Temple University. Kenyatta applauded the grant which he supported and said he believes it can help address gun violence around Temple’s campus. It will be used for gunshot detection, license plate readers, retention and recruitment bonuses, training and CCTV cameras. “Sergeant Fitz’s life was tragically taken by a senseless, cowardly act of gun violence. Today in the Pennsylvania Senate I was honored to join Sen. Street along with Sgt Fitzgerald’s family to honor his life and sacrifice. Gun violence has been a problem around Temple’s campus for far too long and left families in the area grieving the loss of loved ones,” Kenyatta said. “I thank the PCCD and Lt. Governor Davis for awarding this grant to Temple University to increase public safety. Gun violence is at an all-time high in the city of Philadelphia, and it is my hope that this funding can help in some way keep Temple University students, staff and those living around the campus safe from this outrageous violence that’s already taken far too many lives.” Read more
HARRISBURG, Feb. 28 – The Philadelphia House Delegation today expressed their satisfaction for the election of Majority Leader Joanna McClinton as the new speaker of the House, a role previously held this session by state Rep. Mark Rozzi. “We are overwhelmed with joy; McClinton has started a new chapter in history. What a way to wrap up the festivities in honor of Black History Month! McClinton is an unwavering force who works with passion and integrity for the people of Pennsylvania,” said the delegation’s chair, state Rep. Morgan Cephas. “We know we will reach new heights under her brilliant leadership. We are confident that she will help us address the most critical issues affecting our people. The Philadelphia House Delegation is honored to see that one of us is now holding the gavel in the House. We are ready to fight along with her on behalf of all underserved communities of the state,” Cephas continued. “As a woman I also want to emphasize that McClinton continues being an inspiration to all women of the nation struggling to break barriers and stereotypes. This is a resounding reminder that it is possible to win, regardless the color of your skin or background, it is possible to succeed against all odds.” Rep. Danilo Burgos, vice-chair of the Delegation, trusts that McClinton’s work will help advance a transformational agenda in key sectors. Read more
Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta calls for a ban to copay accumulators, so that Pennsylvanians don't have to worry about loved ones passing away due to being unable to afford care or medication they desperately need. Read more
The Pennsylvania General assembly and the United States Congress must act and pass legislation to take big insurance companies to task and protect patients and consumers. Read more
Criminal laws and enhanced penalties are not the answer to the HIV epidemic. We must continue to repeal or modernize all HIV laws and invest in proper and dignified care and services for people living with HIV. Read more
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 15 -- State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, D-Phila., on Tuesday lead a rally under the Bell Tower on Temple University’s campus in support of the Temple University Graduate Students’ Association and the university’s hardworking graduate students. TUGSA members are currently on strike to receive a living wage, and the rally was to support their fight in the face of Temple's "union-busting” tactics, which include revoking student aid for the striking members. Kenyatta was joined by Philadelphia House Delegation Vice-Chair Rep. Danilo Burgos and other members of the PA House Democratic Caucus, as well as the American Federation of Teachers of PA, United Food & Commercial Workers, Coalition of Labor Union Women, and Service Employees International Union. Kenyatta is a Temple alum and has consistently worked as a state representative to provide fair and living wages to working people. He said the unfair wages and union busting happening to TUGSA hits close to home for him. “I love Temple University, the folks gathered here today love Temple University. What we don’t love is union busting, and working people not being able to pay their bills,” Kenyatta said. “This is a shameful day for Temple University. Temple can do better and must do better by providing TUGSA workers dignified and worthy wages.” Video from the rally can be found on Read more
We will do everything we can to ensure LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians have a voice in the halls of Harrisburg and a seat at the table directing our commonwealth’s future. Read more
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