Hanbidge: If We Fail to Act on Behalf of Women’s Reproductive Rights, Pa. will Become the Next Texas

(Sep 15, 2021)

We are closer to being like Texas than you can imagine. It’s up to all of us to ensure we don’t end up there, which we can do by demanding our elected state officials protect our rights. Read more


Hanbidge earns appointment to Task Force on Child Pornography

(Sep 14, 2021)

“As a child advocate, I witnessed the incredible power of working with a diverse group of professionals and experts united in the goal of making sure every child is safe. I look forward to working with and learning from the other members of the task force to ensure that every child in the commonwealth is safe from exploitation and victimization." Read more


Sept. 10 update: Stressing safety & unity as children return to school

(Sep 10, 2021)

Also, reflecting on the events of 9/11, a final reminder on a shredding event, help with Hurricane Ida recovery, and more. Read more


Sept. 3 update: Protecting our kids from COVID-19

(Sep 03, 2021)

Weekly email also provides Hurricane Ira flood resources, thanks our amazing first responders, reminds about federal unemployment benefits ending, and much more. Read more


Bullock, Hanbidge legislation to require masks for PA schools, daycare centers

(Aug 31, 2021)

According to the CDC, multiple studies have shown that transmission rates within school settings – when prevention strategies are in place – are typically lower than community transmission levels. Read more


Aug. 27 update: Better Negotiating and Crisis Management

(Aug 27, 2021)

Weekly email also promotes an upcoming FREE shredding event, COVID-19 booster shots for the immunocompromised, the need for blood donations, and more. Read more


Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefit Programs Ending Sept. 4

(Aug 25, 2021)

Job search assistance and non-unemployment assistance is available to help those in need. Read more


Aug. 20 update: The Delta Variant and Montgomery County

(Aug 20, 2021)

As we see the effects from an increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases across the country, and pleas from doctors and hospital systems for people to be vaccinated and to wear masks, Montgomery County has again become an area of “high” level community transmission per the CDC. Read more


Summer 2021 Newsletter

(Aug 20, 2021)

Read Rep. Hanbidge's summer 2021 legislative newsletter Read more


Aug. 13 update: Voting Rights: Why they matter now more than ever

(Aug 13, 2021)

Fundamentally, when it comes to voting, voting districts and voting rights, we should all meet on a level playing field, and no politician should ever get in the way of a certain group of people or party’s access to vote. Read more


Aug. 6 update: CDC updates COVID recommendations

(Aug 06, 2021)

The CDC recommends that fully vaccinated individuals wear a mask in public indoor settings in counties that have substantial or high COVID transmission rates. Read more


July 30 update: World Breastfeeding Week Begins Sunday

(Jul 30, 2021)

Plus info on a land preservation program, the ADA anniversary, National Buffalo Soldier Day, and more. Read more


July 23 update: Highlighting the critical importance of community support

(Jul 23, 2021)

Noting the importance of charitable organizations, highlighting a nonprofit resiliency grant program, reporting UC fraud, and saluting the Montco Chamber of Commerce. Read more


July 16 update: A Day Devoted to Animals

(Jul 16, 2021)

Plus news on the Child Tax Credit, National Parks & Rec Month, pet safety, and, of course, ice cream! Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 9): Constitutional Amendments Shouldn't Replace the Legislative Process

(Jul 09, 2021)

I recently shared my concerns over HB1300, the voter suppression bill, and later shared that Governor Wolf vetoed it. In his veto, Governor Wolf cited the unconstitutional and onerous ID rules, that it limited mail-in voting and drop boxes, and that it created the most restrictive voter registration deadline in the country. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 1): Budget signed into law, but misses opportunities to help those in need

(Jul 01, 2021)

Last week I touched briefly on my hopes for a budget that reflects our values, our priorities, and a true investment in the future of the Commonwealth. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 25): Waiting for a budget amidst distractions

(Jun 25, 2021)

As I write this email I continue to wait for a draft of the proposed budget. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 17): Legislative updates from Rep. Hanbidge

(Jun 17, 2021)

While this past week was another session week, we had fewer contentious bills before the full House than we did last week, although several contentious bills did move through their respective committee. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 11): House Republicans continue to play politics with Pennsylvanians' lives

(Jun 11, 2021)

This week was a very busy one for the House. Typically, the entire month of June is filled with heavy voting days as we finalize the annual budget. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 4): Standing up for women's rights

(Jun 04, 2021)

Three bills regarding reproductive rights and medical decision-making are expected to run on the House floor this week. Read more


Hanbidge: If We Fail to Act on Behalf of Women’s Reproductive Rights, Pa. will Become the Next Texas
Sep 15, 2021

Hanbidge earns appointment to Task Force on Child Pornography
Sep 14, 2021

Sept. 10 update: Stressing safety & unity as children return to school
Sep 10, 2021

Sept. 3 update: Protecting our kids from COVID-19
Sep 03, 2021

Bullock, Hanbidge legislation to require masks for PA schools, daycare centers
Aug 31, 2021

Aug. 27 update: Better Negotiating and Crisis Management
Aug 27, 2021

Federal Pandemic Unemployment Benefit Programs Ending Sept. 4
Aug 25, 2021

Aug. 20 update: The Delta Variant and Montgomery County
Aug 20, 2021

Summer 2021 Newsletter
Aug 20, 2021

Aug. 13 update: Voting Rights: Why they matter now more than ever
Aug 13, 2021

Aug. 6 update: CDC updates COVID recommendations
Aug 06, 2021

July 30 update: World Breastfeeding Week Begins Sunday
Jul 30, 2021

July 23 update: Highlighting the critical importance of community support
Jul 23, 2021

July 16 update: A Day Devoted to Animals
Jul 16, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 9): Constitutional Amendments Shouldn't Replace the Legislative Process
Jul 09, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (July 1): Budget signed into law, but misses opportunities to help those in need
Jul 01, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 25): Waiting for a budget amidst distractions
Jun 25, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 17): Legislative updates from Rep. Hanbidge
Jun 17, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 11): House Republicans continue to play politics with Pennsylvanians' lives
Jun 11, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (June 4): Standing up for women's rights
Jun 04, 2021