Summer 2020 Newsletter

(Aug 15, 2020)

Includes: Honoring a true hero from Abington ... Continued pursuit of social justice ... COVID-19 timeline and resources ... Ways to give back to the community ... Education during a pandemic ... Ways my district office can assist Read more


Aug. 14 update: Squashing the spotted lanternfly

(Aug 14, 2020)

Stepping away from the ongoing pandemic for a moment, I wanted to highlight a much smaller terror in this week’s email: the spotted lanternfly. Read more


Aug. 7 update: Programs & Services to Assist Families; PPP reminder; Apply for Mail-in Ballot Today

(Aug 07, 2020)

As the pandemic drags on, summer flies by and parents are faced with decisions for fall schooling, I hope it can be of some comfort to know that we are all in this together and that, in a situation like this, there is no wrong way to go about it. Read more


July 31 update: Rising Case Counts Among Youth; the Scourge of Domestic Violence

(Jul 31, 2020)

As the positive case counts continue to steadily rise again throughout Pennsylvania, it’s appropriate to address the resurgence that data shows is especially prevalent among younger people, particularly those being careless about adhering to guidance and safety precautions. Read more


July 24 update: A Demand for Rational Discussion on Reopening Schools

(Jul 24, 2020)

With the start of the 2020-21 academic year around the corner, school administrators, teachers, legislators, epidemiologists and parents are still trying to figure out what’s best for kids and faculty. There are no easy answers. Read more


Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers

(Jul 20, 2020)

"I applaud this important recognition of our frontline workers and will continue to fight for fair compensation and safety in the workplace for all Pennsylvanians.” Read more


July 17 update: Slowing the Resurgence, Rewarding Front-Line Workers, and Improving Social Justice

(Jul 17, 2020)

One factor of living through a pandemic is there is never a shortage of news.This week was no different, with Governor Wolf announcing targeted mitigation efforts in response to recent COVID-19 increases, hazard pay being granted to front-line workers in life-sustaining industries, and two police reform bills being signed into law. Read more


July 10 update: Looking out for each other during this COVID-19 pandemic

(Jul 10, 2020)

The depth at which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our lives is impossible to measure. It’s affected our health – both physical and mental – as well as our economy. It’s changed the way we think, the ways we learn and teach, the ways we unwind and relax, the ways we love and connect. Read more


July 2 update: Striving for true freedom & justice as we celebrate Independence Day

(Jul 02, 2020)

Over this unique Fourth of July holiday weekend, instead of the parades and fireworks shows that were cancelled by the pandemic, let’s take time to remember the values that this country was founded upon, the hard-fought battles it took to get us here, and the never-ending work that lies ahead and will always be present as we strive for true freedom and justice. Read more


June 26 update: A new phase, and continuing the fight for social justice

(Jun 26, 2020)

Today, our county officially moved to the “green phase” in Governor Tom Wolf’s multi-phased reopening plan. Read more


Small Business Assistance grants available

(Jun 25, 2020)

Applications are expected to be available June 30 for a new program aimed at providing critical funding to local businesses hurt by the coronavirus. Read more


Sanchez lauds unanimous passage of three reform bills

(Jun 24, 2020)

“These bills, I'm proud to say, passed unanimously today and should soon become law. It was a great day to be a state representative, and please know that I will continue to work with colleagues from both sides of the aisle to ensure that all citizens of this great state are treated fairly and equally. There is much work that still needs to be done.” Read more


June 19 update: Celebrating Juneteenth

(Jun 18, 2020)

Black people across the country have celebrated the anniversary for more than 140 years, making it the oldest African American holiday observance in the U.S. Read more


June 12 update: Reform is a crucial start, but we must continue to push

(Jun 12, 2020)

Growth isn’t simply physical. It’s mental. It’s emotional. It’s logical. It’s essential. We must always be willing to learn, willing to improve ourselves. That goes for the individual and for the collective. It’s crucial for our society, for our country. Read more


Sanchez bill would add permit extension provisions during emergency declaration

(Jun 11, 2020)

Proposed in late May and officially filed this week, H.B. 2586 would give local governments and authorities the ability to delay the expiration of existing permits issued before a disaster declaration took effect. Read more


State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children

(Jun 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency awarded two Montgomery County programs a total of $247,007 to meet the needs of Montgomery County children and parents affected by domestic violence, substance abuse and crime. Family Services of Montgomery County, in partnership with the Montgomery County Reentry Initiative, was awarded $147,010 in Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program funding to expand the Positive Parenting Program helping parents who are recently released from incarceration. Montgomery County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Mission Kids program will receive $99,997 to continue family advocacy work, particularly to accompany children to medical evaluations court appearances. “In addition to providing direct support to returning parents, this money also supports a key position at Mission Kids,” said state Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery. “With the increased demands for these services, Mission Kids needs a family advocate who can appropriately support the needs of our communities.” "In my role as a state representative – specifically with regard to my position on the Children and Youth Committee – and most importantly in my role as a parent, the safety and wellness of children and families will always be my top priority,” said state Rep. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery. “That is why I am grateful for this opportunity to improve Read more


June 5 update: Black Lives Matter

(Jun 05, 2020)

Black Lives Matter. Black Americans Matter. Black Children Matter. Black Ideas Matter. Black Opinions Matter. Read more


May 29 COVID-19 update: A week filled with outrage

(May 29, 2020)

From COVID-19 exposure at the Capitol to a senseless killing in Minnesota, and passing a stop-gap budget, it's been a tough week. Read more


May 22 COVID-19 update: Moving to “Yellow” phase June 5

(May 22, 2020)

This news today means we’re on the right path. If we refrain from rushing too quickly into life from our not-so-distant memories, and instead embrace the cautious approach to the new world, our society can emerge this better than when we went into it. Read more


May 15 COVID-19 update: Highlighting the importance of staying the course

(May 15, 2020)

This week, Governor Wolf reminded all of us why it is so important to “stay the course,” Attorney General Shapiro announced he’s taking a look into issues at nursing homes, and hospitals in our area began receiving a new drug to help combat COVID-19. Read more


Summer 2020 Newsletter
Aug 15, 2020

Aug. 14 update: Squashing the spotted lanternfly
Aug 14, 2020

Aug. 7 update: Programs & Services to Assist Families; PPP reminder; Apply for Mail-in Ballot Today
Aug 07, 2020

July 31 update: Rising Case Counts Among Youth; the Scourge of Domestic Violence
Jul 31, 2020

July 24 update: A Demand for Rational Discussion on Reopening Schools
Jul 24, 2020

Hazard pay grants now available to support frontline workers
Jul 20, 2020

July 17 update: Slowing the Resurgence, Rewarding Front-Line Workers, and Improving Social Justice
Jul 17, 2020

July 10 update: Looking out for each other during this COVID-19 pandemic
Jul 10, 2020

July 2 update: Striving for true freedom & justice as we celebrate Independence Day
Jul 02, 2020

June 26 update: A new phase, and continuing the fight for social justice
Jun 26, 2020

Small Business Assistance grants available
Jun 25, 2020

Sanchez lauds unanimous passage of three reform bills
Jun 24, 2020

June 19 update: Celebrating Juneteenth
Jun 18, 2020

June 12 update: Reform is a crucial start, but we must continue to push
Jun 12, 2020

Sanchez bill would add permit extension provisions during emergency declaration
Jun 11, 2020

State legislators: PCCD grants will help at-risk parents and children
Jun 10, 2020

June 5 update: Black Lives Matter
Jun 05, 2020

May 29 COVID-19 update: A week filled with outrage
May 29, 2020

May 22 COVID-19 update: Moving to “Yellow” phase June 5
May 22, 2020

May 15 COVID-19 update: Highlighting the importance of staying the course
May 15, 2020