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Cephas announces $325K state grant for roadway safety at the Cobbs Creek Golf Course

(Apr 21, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 21 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., today announced that a $325,000 state grant has been awarded to the Cobbs Creek Foundation to improve roadway safety along two public roads leading to the Cobbs Creek Golf Course, located in her legislative district. The announcement comes days after Cephas announced a $3 million state grant from the Multimodal Transportation Fund awarded to Saint Joseph’s University for increased safety for students, commuters and residents on and near the campus. Cephas, who represents the 192 nd Legislative District in West Philadelphia, said the latest funding, which also comes from the Multimodal Transportation Fund, will be used for primary improvements to two tunnels for golf carts to access both sides of the course on Lansdowne Avenue and Cardington Road. Other improvements include a raised crosswalk with a traffic signal at the driveway entrances to the clubhouse, installing speed bumps, stormwater culverts with associated drainage and guiderails along Lansdowne Avenue and Cardington Road. “In just days, our community has received a total of $3.3 million in state funding — all of which will be used toward improvements in our community,” Cephas said. “Residents and visitors will soon be able to safely enjoy the recreations and accessibility of the Saint Joseph’s University and the Cobbs Creek Golf Course.” Read more


Pedestrian safety at St. Joseph’s enhanced by PennDOT funding, Daley and Cephas announce

(Apr 20, 2021)

"I am proud to see this funding be used to bring this project to fruition. The safety of countless pedestrians relies on it.” Read more


Cephas, Klunk advance bipartisan sexual harassment bill through Labor and Industry Committee

(Apr 20, 2021)

HARRISBURG, April 20 – During the 20th anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month and falling in line with this year’s theme of “Creating Safe Spaces for All Communities,” state Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., today announced that her bill that would bolster protections against workplace sexual harassment for all employees in the commonwealth was unanimously approved by the PA House Labor & Industry Committee. House Bill 938, a bipartisan bill Cephas co-introduced with state Rep. Kate A. Klunk, R-York, would ban the requirement of nondisclosure agreements related to sexual harassment as a condition of getting a job. The bill, however, would not prohibit nondisclosure agreements if both parties voluntarily agree to participate. The bill also would clarify that nondisclosure agreements formed during the hiring process are to be considered involuntary, while those created during the settlement of a harassment case may be considered voluntary. Cephas and Klunk pointed to a range of social media activism campaigns (#MeToo, #ItsOnUs, #TimesUp and #EndRapeOnTheNightShift) that have raised awareness of widespread workplace sexual harassment in various career fields, and the devastating retaliation victims have faced for speaking out. “Recent events that have spurred these key movements shine a light on how under-protected Pennsylvanians are from workplace sexual harassment. However, our bill would provide all employees across our Read more


Cephas applauds Biden administration for highlighting national Black Maternal Health Week, reintroduces maternal health package

(Apr 13, 2021)

In an effort to raise awareness of the maternal health disparities in communities of color, President Joe Biden signed a proclamation to officially recognize this week as Black Maternal Health Week, an action applauded by Rep. Morgan Cephas, D- Phila. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus: Facts matter in discussion about abortion

(Apr 08, 2021)

“In an ideal setting, hearings like these would be better utilized to help usher critical legislation that places safety and body autonomy at the pinnacle all the while focusing on saving lives and bolstering access to quality health care.” Read more


Frankel, Women’s Health Caucus decry focus on abortion bans

(Mar 18, 2021)

Hearings a missed opportunity to improve Pa.’s maternal health Read more


Cephas introduces legislation to combat maternal mortality, calls on state leaders to pursue provision in American Rescue Plan

(Mar 18, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 18 – Continuing her efforts to quell maternal morbidity, state Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., has recently introduced several bills that would make maternal health care in Pennsylvania more equitable across racial and socioeconomic lines. The bill introductions come in the wake of the U.S. House of Representatives passing the American Rescue Plan, which allows states to extend Medicaid to up to 1-year postpartum. Cephas, who serves as vice-chair of the PA Women’s Health Caucus and treasurer of the Women’s Caucus, has been at the forefront in the fight to combat maternal mortality across Pennsylvania, said health care is the most disparate it has ever been, with race-based and class-based implicit biases and discrimination that results in compounding the effects of iniquity felt by marginalized and underserved patients. “Women of color are still three times as likely to die giving birth than other women -- this is racism in medicine at play and it’s unacceptable,” Cephas said. “Access to quality and affordable care should never be based on skin color, income or Zip code, and my legislation would help abolish these discriminatory practices that result in highly fatal outcomes from our medical systems. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the administration to ensure that we take advantage of the opportunity presented to us so that Pennsylvania’s women have access to Read more


Cephas introduces legislation to combat maternal mortality, calls on state leaders to pursue provision in American Rescue Plan

(Mar 18, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 18 – Continuing her efforts to quell maternal morbidity, state Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., has recently introduced several bills that would make maternal health care in Pennsylvania more equitable across racial and socioeconomic lines. The bill introductions come in the wake of the U.S. House of Representatives passing the American Rescue Plan, which allows states to extend Medicaid to up to 1-year postpartum. Cephas, who serves as vice-chair of the PA Women’s Health Caucus and treasurer of the Women’s Caucus, has been at the forefront in the fight to combat maternal mortality across Pennsylvania, said health care is the most disparate it has ever been, with race-based and class-based implicit biases and discrimination that results in compounding the effects of iniquity felt by marginalized and underserved patients. “Women of color are still three times as likely to die giving birth than other women -- this is racism in medicine at play and it’s unacceptable,” Cephas said. “Access to quality and affordable care should never be based on skin color, income or Zip code, and my legislation would help abolish these discriminatory practices that result in highly fatal outcomes from our medical systems. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the administration to ensure that we take advantage of the opportunity presented to us so that Pennsylvania’s women have access to the care they need and Read more


PA Women’s Health Caucus urges Biden administration to restore Title X mandate

(Mar 04, 2021)

The letter from WHC co-chairs Rep. Mary Jo Daley, D-Montgomery, Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., Sen. Amanda Cappelletti, D-Montgomery/Delaware, and Sen. Judy Schwank, D-Berks, strongly supports reinstatement of the regulations that governed the Title X program before 2019. Read more


Cephas commends collaborative effort between District Attorney Larry Krasner, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw to bring justice to shooting victims

(Mar 02, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas is applauding an investigation by the city of Philadelphia’s Gun Violence Task Force that led to several arrests in a series of retaliatory shootings that happened in 2018 and 2019 across West and Southwest Philadelphia. She released the following statement today: “Families are hurting, and neighborhoods are suffering due to the senseless gun violence taking place in our communities. I want to thank the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, the Philadelphia Police Department, community leaders and members for working together in this effort. I look forward to continuing to collaborate to ensure that we get justice for our communities by connecting them to resources and eliminating barriers, so they have alternatives to the activities that drives this very gun violence. “As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am part of the state budget negotiations, and one of my top priorities is making sure ample investments are made in efforts to stop these senseless killings from happening in the future. Thankfully, Governor Tom Wolf shares my commitment to protect the commonwealth from further bloodshed. I'm dedicated to working with him and my colleagues to see to it that we strategize effective ways to secure state resources that help build on initiatives like the one announced by the district attorney's office, stop the shootings, and Read more


Cephas, Krajewski introduce legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes

(Feb 23, 2021)

Holding fast to their belief that housing is a human right, state Reps. Rick Krajewski and Morgan Cephas, both D-Phila., have introduced legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes. "With COVID-19 still very much a threat, people should be staying home unless they must go out. However, there are too many individuals who don't have a place to call home," said Cephas, D-Phila. "In many cases, it's at no fault of their own but because the virus has left them unemployed and unable to make rent or mortgage payments. This legislation is just one way we're fighting to keep a roof over our most vulnerable and help Pennsylvanians get through this pandemic safely." “Shelter is a necessity,” Krajewski said. “A person’s ability to keep a roof over their head, over their children’s heads, is tied directly to their ability to stay safe, to stay healthy. People who are struggling to make ends meet should not have to forfeit their home and with it their health and safety. And that’s why I’m introducing this legislation, so that homeowners have another option to stay in their homes, even in financially trying times.” The legislation, which they also introduced with state Rep. Jared Solomon, D-Phila., would allow a mortgage modification to be finalized in advance of the payment of municipal liens assessed on a property. Current state law requires lien satisfaction before a mortgage Read more


Cephas’ town hall connects with more than 1,500 residents concerned about COVID-19 vaccine distribution in 19131, 19139 and 19151 Zip codes

(Feb 17, 2021)

After hearing countless calls for help from the communities she serves regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and testing, state Rep. Morgan Cephas welcomed more than 1,500 residents to her telephone town hall Tuesday night to answer their questions and address their concerns about the issue. “Right now, our priority must be to make the COVID-19 vaccine and testing not only available but accessible to those who need it most, especially individuals in our Black and Brown neighborhoods,” said Cephas, D-Phila. “It’s no secret that our communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by the virus since the very beginning of this pandemic. I won’t just sit by idly and let my neighbors be overlooked when it comes to critical resources aimed at protecting them during this health crisis.” Cephas cited statistics released by the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium that shows neighborhoods in the Carrol Park, Haddington, Overbrook, Overbrook Park and Wynnefield sections of her legislative district have recorded some of the highest number of cases and deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. “The numbers don’t lie. My sections of Philly are among the hardest hit by COVID,” explained Cephas. “Moving forward, I am committed to working with community groups like the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium to provide ample doses of the coronavirus vaccine along with testing opportunities to West Read more


Miss my Telephone Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.

(Feb 17, 2021)

Find our what our friends and neighbors had to say about the issues that matter to you. Read more


Pa. Dems were right: It’s time for lawmakers to prioritize women’s, family health | Opinion

(Feb 16, 2021)

It is time to prioritize the health of Pennsylvania residents by passing proactive bills that will positively impact their lives and guarantee access to affordable birth control and information and medical care for all reproductive health options. Read more


Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22

(Feb 11, 2021)

In the Women’s Health Caucus, we listen to women. We know that whether Republican, Democrat, Independent or other; whether wealthy, poor or middle class; whether residing in the city, the suburbs or rural Pennsylvania; whether young or old; there are real issues affecting women’s free choice, financial well-being and life itself. Read more


Cephas participates in joint policy hearing on maternal mortality

(Feb 11, 2021)

At the request of PA Women’s Health Caucus chairs Sen. Judy Schwank (D- Berks), Sen. Amanda Cappelletti (D- Delaware/Montgomery), Rep. Mary Jo Daley (D- Montgomery), and Rep. Morgan Cephas (D- Philadelphia), the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee joined the House Democratic Policy Committee held a virtual public hearing to discuss maternal health amidst COVID-19. “Since the beginning of this pandemic, I have been deeply concerned about both the physical and mental health of mothers and families experiencing childbirth and caring for babies in the shadow of COVID-19,” Schwank said. “We must ensure that mothers and babies are receiving the best care possible and are receiving the support and services they need to maintain a healthy life during and after this pandemic.” Cappelletti continued, “Women, particularly women of color, have been the most detrimentally impacted by this pandemic. Not only must they navigate health and safety for themselves, but they are often tasked as the primary caregivers and providers for their children and family. As we discuss all aspects of healthcare and the impact COVID-19 has had on women, we must ensure that women’s health and the health of their children are not left out of this conversation.” Dr. Richard Beigi, an OB-GYN practitioner and president of UPMC Magee-Women’s Hospital, spoke about the many concerns that pregnant women have had about getting the COVID-19 Read more


PA Women's Health Caucus chairs respond to Joint Policy Hearing on Maternal Health

(Feb 10, 2021)

"I look forward to working alongside my colleagues in the House and Senate to take what we discussed in today’s hearing and turn it into substantial reforms that improve maternal health outcomes across the commonwealth." Read more


Beware of scammers

(Feb 09, 2021)

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) has become aware of multiple attempts by fraudsters to obtain individuals’ personal and confidential information through fake Facebook pages and is reminding Pennsylvanians to never provide their information to anyone over social media. Important tips L&I’s Facebook page has a blue check box next to the name that identifies it as a verified page. Comments by the legitimate L&I page also have a blue check box next to them indicating it as a verified page. If a comment or page does not have this check box, it is a fraudster posing as L&I. L&I does not post responses directly to claimants, send private messages, or ask for a private message to be sent. L&I also will not ask individuals to call or text a phone number. The only phone numbers for unemployment are: 1-888-313-7284 (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). 1-855-284-8545 (for PUA claimants). L&I will not ask for individuals to send an email. The only email addresses for unemployment are: uchelp@pa.gov (for UC/PEUC/EB claimants). ucpua@pa.gov (for PUA claimants). Read more


Cephas joins fight to reopen Philly school buildings when it’s safe for teachers and students

(Feb 08, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas joined the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, city council members and other local leaders today to continue her fight to put the safety of students and teachers first amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “Fears of mold, asbestos and lead living in our classrooms were fears we had as kids, and it’s the same fears we’re dealing with decades later,” said Cephas, D-Phila. “Adding a pandemic on top of these concerns has only exacerbated the issue. While I understand the urge to resume in-person learning, it’s wrong to ask teachers, families and students to go back inside these school buildings that have not been properly taken care of and put their health at risk.” As part of their Day of Action for Safe Schools, Cephas stopped at several school buildings, including Gompers Elementary which she attended as a child, where she stressed the need to secure funding to complete environmental remediation and make the necessary updates to rid Philadelphia schools of dangerous toxins before talks of reopening school buildings can resume. Cephas added that this is just another example of why she supports requiring 100% of state funds be distributed through the fair funding formula to ensure every child across the commonwealth receives the same opportunities to succeed, which Gov. Tom Wolf included in his 2021-22 state budget proposal . “It’s unacceptable that young people on our side of Read more


Cephas hosts Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall

(Feb 05, 2021)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas hosted her Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall to highlight the programs and resources available to older Pennsylvanians. She was joined by officials with Independence Blue Cross and the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging. Those who weren't able to participate can get the information discussed by watching the video above for a recap of the event. Read more


Cephas announces $325K state grant for roadway safety at the Cobbs Creek Golf Course
Apr 21, 2021

Pedestrian safety at St. Joseph’s enhanced by PennDOT funding, Daley and Cephas announce
Apr 20, 2021

Cephas, Klunk advance bipartisan sexual harassment bill through Labor and Industry Committee
Apr 20, 2021

Cephas applauds Biden administration for highlighting national Black Maternal Health Week, reintroduces maternal health package
Apr 13, 2021

Women’s Health Caucus: Facts matter in discussion about abortion
Apr 08, 2021

Frankel, Women’s Health Caucus decry focus on abortion bans
Mar 18, 2021

Cephas introduces legislation to combat maternal mortality, calls on state leaders to pursue provision in American Rescue Plan
Mar 18, 2021

Cephas introduces legislation to combat maternal mortality, calls on state leaders to pursue provision in American Rescue Plan
Mar 18, 2021

PA Women’s Health Caucus urges Biden administration to restore Title X mandate
Mar 04, 2021

Cephas commends collaborative effort between District Attorney Larry Krasner, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw to bring justice to shooting victims
Mar 02, 2021

Cephas, Krajewski introduce legislation to help struggling families stay in their homes
Feb 23, 2021

Cephas’ town hall connects with more than 1,500 residents concerned about COVID-19 vaccine distribution in 19131, 19139 and 19151 Zip codes
Feb 17, 2021

Miss my Telephone Town Hall? Listen to the discussion here.
Feb 17, 2021

Pa. Dems were right: It’s time for lawmakers to prioritize women’s, family health | Opinion
Feb 16, 2021

Let’s work for – not against – women’s health in 2021-22
Feb 11, 2021

Cephas participates in joint policy hearing on maternal mortality
Feb 11, 2021

PA Women's Health Caucus chairs respond to Joint Policy Hearing on Maternal Health
Feb 10, 2021

Beware of scammers
Feb 09, 2021

Cephas joins fight to reopen Philly school buildings when it’s safe for teachers and students
Feb 08, 2021

Cephas hosts Zooming with Seniors Virtual Town Hall
Feb 05, 2021