Burns issues special alert: 'Don’t fall for out-of-town companies charging to process your rent rebate when my office does it for free'

HARRISBURG, Oct. 21 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria/Somerset, said he wanted to remind area homeowners and renters that his staff provides free help with applying for the state's Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program.

"Several homeowners have come into my office asking about a letter they received from the Senior Advisory Center offering to help them fill out the Property Tax/Rent Rebate application for $39," Burns said. "Please ignore this letter. Save your money and visit one of my offices. My staff and I can help you apply for free."

Burns said the state does not charge a processing fee for this program, unlike the private, California-based company that sent out the letter.

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program provides rebates of up to $650 to income-eligible senior citizens, widows or widowers 50 or older and those 18 or older with a permanent disability. Applicants need only count half of their Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits.

The deadline to apply for a rebate on last year's property taxes or rent is Dec. 31.

Burns said applications for the program and help applying can be obtained by contacting one of his constituent service offices: 535 Fairfield St., Johnstown, 814-536-8400; or 119 S. Center St., Ebensburg, 814-472-8021.