Burns: PA budget provides $12 million boost for Cambria Co. schools

Bipartisan work yields $74 million more for state police; cuts taxes, costs

EBENSBURG, July 12 – Noting that compromise was once again the order of the day to get something done in Harrisburg, state Rep. Frank Burns said he supported the $47.6 billion state budget approved Thursday because of its centrist, bipartisan appeal.

Burns, D-Cambria, said once Republicans and Democrats in the state House and Senate, in conjunction with the governor, hammered out their differences, neither side got exactly what they wanted – but acceptable middle ground was found.

“It takes a lot of hard work to get any state budget passed, and this year was no different,” Burns said. “The key is not to get something done fast, but to get it done right, in a thoughtful, methodical way.

“The new state budget provides more than $12 million in additional funding for Cambria County schools, boosts state police funding by $74 million, cuts taxes and costs, and provides tax breaks for small businesses. Those are some of my top, longstanding priorities – and the fact that they were addressed in such a positive way provided the impetus for my ‘Yes’ vote.”

Burns said he doesn’t see how anyone can quibble with his decision to support a state budget that invests more in students, makes communities safer through added police protection, sets the stage for business growth, and helps people keep more money in their pockets.

“As an elected official who spends a considerable amount of time on the ground meeting and interacting with the people in the communities throughout the district I represent, I know these are some of their top concerns,” Burns said. “And my budget vote reflects the input I receive from them.”
