Burns bill would require schools to provide student transportation in areas where registered sex offenders live

HARRISBURG, May 8 – State Rep. Frank Burns, D-Cambria/Somerset, has introduced legislation designed to improve safety precautions for Pennsylvania children.

Burns introduced H.B. 1242, which would require school districts to provide busing to any of their students if a registered sex offender is living in the school district.

"The state police say there are more than 12,000 registered sex offenders living in Pennsylvania," Burns said. "Given that large number, it's clear that many of them most likely live near our children's schools, bus stops and walking routes. I believe it is imperative that we start the process of enacting legislation to provide further safety to our children."

Burns' proposal would require districts to provide transportation to any student, whether he or she attends public or private school.

"This would ensure that our students are not forced to walk in the path of sex offenders, and offer the students' families some peace of mind," Burns said.

The bill has been referred to the House Education Committee.