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Cephas announces grant for Overbrook Park enhancements

State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications

(Dec 21, 2020)

STATE GRANT PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs: Veterans’ Trust Fund Grant Program (Source of Funding: Veterans’ Trust Fund) Who May Apply : 501(c)(3) nonprofits with a mission of serving veterans, 501(c)(19) veteran service organizations, and county directors of veterans affairs. Use : Up to $150,000 in grant funding is available for new, innovative or expanded programs or services operated by the county directors of veterans’ affairs or the Pennsylvania Association of County Directors of Veterans Affairs. The areas of emphasis for applicants in this category are veterans’ outreach and veterans’ court programs. Up to $650,000 in grant funding is available to veteran service organizations and non-profit organizations with a mission of serving Pennsylvania veterans. Funding priorities for applicants in this category are homelessness, behavioral health initiatives and veterans’ courts. Funds : A total of $800,000 will be awarded statewide. Application Deadline : January 27, 2021 at 2 p.m. More Information : Click on https://www.dmva.pa.gov/veteransaffairs/Pages/Programs%20and%20Services/Veterans%27%20Trust%20Fund/VeteransTrustFundGrantProgram.aspx . UPCOMING APPLICATION DEADLINES: DEP Driving PA Forward Onroad Rebate Program – Trucks and Buses: Read more


Check Out Cephas' Latest Newsletter

(Dec 17, 2020)

From COVID-19 resources and legislative updates to local projects happening in her community, it's all in state Rep. Morgan Cephas' latest newsletter. Read more


Cephas joins Brown, Jones, and nonprofits to distribute over 500 food boxes and other COVID-19 resources to local neighbors

(Dec 07, 2020)

With a record number of COVID-19 cases being reported, state Rep. Morgan Cephas continues working with local organizations and leaders to secure and connect safety resources to her most vulnerable neighbors. "The constant uptick in confirmed COVID-19 cases is proof that this virus is still spreading at an alarming rate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the rest of the country," said Cephas, D-Phila. "I have a responsibility to not only protect but provide the people I serve with updated information and the proper materials to help them survive this pandemic. This Community Grab-N-Go event is just another example of how we're putting the health and well-being of our neighborhoods first." Cephas teamed up with state Rep.-elect Amen Brown, D-Phila., and Councilmember Curtis Jones Jr., along with the nonprofit groups, Pull Up Neighbor, the Players Alliance and Philabundance this past Friday at the Parkside Shopping Center to give away more than 500 food boxes as well as free personal protective equipment, including masks and hand sanitizer. "Since the beginning of this health crisis, my office staff and I have been fortunate to have community partners who share our passion for public service. This event would not have been possible without all of the players involved," Cephas explained. "Moving forward, I will keep instilling in my constituents the Read more


Cephas, Davis and Jones renew bipartisan effort to restore dignity to incarcerated women during virtual roundtable discussion

(Dec 03, 2020)

With the new 2021-22 legislative about to start, state Reps. Morgan Cephas, Tina Davis and Mike Jones are renewing their bipartisan efforts to restore dignity to incarcerated women. "The number of incarcerated women has skyrocketed in Pennsylvania over the last three decades, and too many of them are still being denied basic human rights," said Cephas, D-Phila. "A large number of them are mothers and primary caregivers forced to leave their children behind, and we have a responsibility to help not hinder their efforts to rehabilitate. Our bipartisan plan is meant to build on the support already put in place by the state Department of Corrections in hopes of preventing further trauma and instead providing these women with the resources they need to serve their debt to society and get back to their loved ones safely." The three joined the advocacy group Ardella's House, #cut50, the American Conservative Union and York County District Attorney David Sunday for a virtual roundtable discussion yesterday, focusing on a bill they introduced in the 2019-20 legislative session and plan on reintroducing in the new session that would: Update current restraint laws to better document restraint use and protect the mental and physical well-being of pregnant women and their children. Prohibit restrictive housing for pregnant or postpartum women and detainees. Require all correctional institution employees who have contact with pregnant, Read more


As COVID-19 Cases Reach Critical Levels, Wolf Admin Announces New Mitigation Efforts

(Nov 23, 2020)

With new modeling projecting 22,000 new COVID-19 cases per day in Pennsylvania in December, Gov. Tom Wolf and Sec. of Health Dr. Rachel Levine announced new targeted mitigation measures to help stop the spread during this critical time. Read more


Cephas teams up with Independence Blue Cross to deliver more than 250 free turkeys, PPE to seniors in need

(Nov 23, 2020)

With less than a week until Thanksgiving, state Rep. Morgan Cephas teamed up with Independence Blue Cross to distribute more than 250 free turkeys along with reusable masks and hand sanitizer to West Philadelphia residents in need, with a majority of recipients being seniors. "As COVID-19 cases rise to record levels in the city and across Pennsylvania, my office and I are working to ensure our neighbors have the resources they need to have a happy and safe Thanksgiving this year," said Cephas, D-Phila. "I am blessed to have community partners like Independence Blue Cross who share my commitment to put people first by not only securing this critical food and personal protective equipment, but taking the precautionary steps necessary to connect these materials to those who need it most in a safe manner." As part of her Turkey Drive and Drop event on Saturday, Cephas said the group distributed the turkeys and PPE outside of Monte Vista apartments and at the Wynnefield Place Apartments before personally delivering the rest to a number of recipients at their homes, all while following CDC guidelines, which included wearing masks, social distancing and washing their hands frequently. "I understand avoiding traveling, large groups and in-person gatherings is frustrating, especially during the holidays, but it's what we must do Read more


Cephas reschedules event to help seniors through COVID-19 safely to Tuesday, Nov. 24

(Nov 17, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas announced she is moving her Zooming with Seniors telephone town hall event that was scheduled for Nov. 18 to Tuesday, Nov. 24 from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m . Participants will receive information, resources and services available to help seniors get through the COVID-19 pandemic safely. Individuals can join the conversation by calling in at +1 929 205 6099 or online by clicking here and entering: Meeting ID: 824 7721 0791 Passcode: 197124 Read more


Cephas announces more than $43,000 in grants to help strengthen safety at Ad Prima Charter School

(Nov 17, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas announced today that $43,500 in safe school grants has been awarded to Ad Prima Charter School in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Department of Education awards the competitive grants to prevent and reduce violent incidents, to purchase safety and security-related equipment, and to provide for training and compensation for school resource and police officers. "Whether students are learning from home or in the classroom, providing them with a safe learning environment must always be a top priority," said Cephas, D-Phila. "This funding is critical in helping Ad Prima Charter School strengthen its overall safety while still offering its young people a quality education." Ad Prima Charter School is to receive $25,000 in equipment grants, plus $18,500 in program grants. For more information on safe school grants, visit the state Department of Education website . Read more


Cephas announces office closure starting Nov. 18 amid rising cases of COVID-19

(Nov 17, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas announced she is closing her district office starting Wednesday, Nov. 18 until further notice following the city’s most recent guidelines announced i n response to the record number of reported COVID-19 cases. "The health and well-being of my neighbors is my top priority right now, especially as we see a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases across the city and state," said Cephas, D-Phila. "Closing my office to foot traffic is not ideal but is what's needed to help flatten the curve, stop the spread, prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed and, ultimately, save lives." Cephas said her office will still be open on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. by appointment only for document drop-off and pick-up. She added that her office staff will still be assisting constituents with state-related matters by: Phone: (215) 879-6625. Email: RepCephas@pahouse.net . Social media: facebook.com/RepCephas and @RepCephas . Read more


Philadelphia announces new “Safer at Home” restrictions to fight rising COVID-19 cases

(Nov 16, 2020)

In response to rising COVID-19 cases in Philadelphia, the City and Department of Public Health have announced changes to restrictions on businesses, events and gatherings, and other activities to help flatten the epidemic curve, prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, and reduce the number of COVID-19 deaths. Read more


In response to West Philadelphia police-involved shooting, Cephas will introduce legislation that would require local police departments to establish Behavioral Health Crisis Response Units

(Oct 30, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., will soon introduce legislation that would require police departments across the commonwealth to establish Behavioral Health Crisis Response Units that could respond to emergency calls in lieu of or as a complement to law enforcement when the nature of the call is related to a behavioral health issue.  Read more


Cephas and Ortitay introduce bipartisan legislation to ‘ban-the-box’ on applications for public colleges and universities

(Oct 21, 2020)

In their ongoing efforts to eliminate obstacles and create higher education opportunities to those who need them most, state Reps. Morgan Cephas, D-Phila., and Jason Ortitay, R-Allegheny/Washington, today introduced legislation to “ban-the-box” on applications for public colleges and universities. “How do we expect those who paid their debt to society to move forward and better themselves if we allow their criminal past to dictate their future? This reality is especially true in our Black and brown communities,” Cephas said. “Banning the box adds to my fight for real criminal justice reform. It would encourage not discourage formerly incarcerated individuals from wanting to go to college, earn a degree, and enter the workforce with the skills they need to land a good-paying job to support themselves and their family, while significantly decreasing their chances of recidivism.” During a virtual news conference, Cephas and Ortitay discussed their bipartisan effort (H.B. 2952) that would prevent public colleges or universities in Pennsylvania from inquiring about a student's criminal history, with the exception of certain criminal offenses, on the initial applications or at any other time during the admissions process. Under their legislation, after a student has been accepted, the university may make such inquiries for the purpose of offering supportive counseling and services, Read more


Philly Restaurants Increase Indoor Capacity, SEPTA Changes & Other Updates

(Oct 02, 2020)

Check out my latest update for information about how COVID-19 cancelled legislative session and to ensure your mail-in ballot is counted. Read more


Cephas, Hughes and Jones team up to help get Philly counted, improve response rate

(Sep 29, 2020)

With a clear understanding of the importance of being counted, state Rep. Morgan Cephas is ramping up her efforts to improve Philadelphia's response rate to the 2020 Census. "With Philadelphia's response rate hovering just above 55%, we must act now to sound the alarm to our neighbors about not only filling out the census but making sure they understand why being counted is so critical to the 192nd Legislative District and the city of Philadelphia," explained Cephas, D-Phila. "This is about securing federal funds and investing in our priorities, like education, health care and assistance programs, while ensuring our neighborhoods are represented fairly in Harrisburg and Washington." Cephas teamed up with state Sen. Vincent Hughes and city Councilmember Curtis Jones Jr. along with Philly Counts and the U.S. Census Bureau this past Saturday at Overbrook Plaza to assist people in completing the 2020 Census. "We must work together on all levels of government to capitalize on this opportunity to strengthen our communities, move our neighborhoods forward and put people first because this chance won't come for another 10 years," said Cephas. Cephas added this event would not have been possible without: Absalom Jones Foundation: donated masks to distribute. SHARE Food Program and Overbrook West Neighbors, Hestonville Civic Association: handed out 250 boxes food. Shred Read more


Cephas helps more than 80 people complete 2020 Census, set to host similar events this week to ensure communities are counted

(Sep 21, 2020)

With Philadelphia reporting a low response rate, state Rep. Morgan Cephas is hosting another free event to help her neighbors complete the 2020 Census ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 22 outside her district office at 5921 Lancaster Ave in Philadelphia. "This opportunity only comes once every 10 years and time is running out for people to make sure they are counted," said Cephas, D-Phila. "At last check, Philadelphia's census response rate was around 55%, which is well less than Pennsylvania's rate of approximately 68%. I'm holding these free, accessible events to not only help my constituents fill out the form but educate them on what's at stake for every person that does not participate." Cephas applauded the more than 80 individuals who came out to Carroll Park to be counted this past Saturday for a similar census event she put together with state Sen. Vincent Hughes and Councilmember Curtis Jones Jr. "When everyone is counted, we all benefit," Cephas explained. "I am proud to team up with community leaders on the federal, state and local levels to make sure Pennsylvanians don't miss out on our fair share of federal dollars to invest in schools, roads, health care, food security and assistance programs that so many families Read more


Cephas, Davis and Jones introduce bipartisan legislation to restore dignity for incarcerated women

(Sep 17, 2020)

State Reps. Morgan Cephas, Tina Davis and Mike Jones introduced bipartisan legislation today aimed at restoring dignity for incarcerated women across the commonwealth. “Everyone has rights, and this legislation is meant to strengthen the safety precautions and supports that the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections already has for incarcerated individuals by making sure these policies stay in place for years to come,” said Cephas, D-Phila. “While we continue the conversation and action around criminal justice reform, we must remember our women and girls within the system. Many of our incarcerated individuals are mothers or expectant mothers who are the primary providers for their family. Restoring their dignity means ensuring they have the resources they need to take care of themselves, rehabilitate and get back to their loved ones. This bipartisan effort to protect lives is one we all should agree on.” The legislation ( H.B. 2875 ) would: Update current restraint laws to better document restraint use and protect the mental and physical wellbeing of pregnant women and their children. Prohibit restrictive housing for pregnant or postpartum women and detainees. Require all correctional institution employees who have contact with pregnant, incarcerated individuals to undergo comprehensive, professional training related to pregnancy, post-partum, and trauma-informed care. Create an Read more


Cephas Discusses Fight to Pass Safe At Home Bills on CBS 21's Face the State

(Sep 14, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas discussed her fight to pass Safe At Home legislation to protect homeowners, renters and small mom and pop landlords on CBS 21's Face the State. Read more


Philly Courts Temporarily Halt Evictions

(Sep 11, 2020)

As House Democrats fight to pass their Safe at Home legislation to help protect homeowners, renters and small "mom and pop" landlords, court officials in Philadelphia have put a hold on residential evictions in the city until Sept. 23. Read more


Cephas, Daley announce $23,518 grant to help St. Joseph’s University curb underage and dangerous drinking

(Sep 09, 2020)

State Reps. Morgan Cephas and Mary Jo Daley announced today that a $23,518 grant is going to help Saint Joseph's University reduce underage and reckless drinking. "Just like in our efforts to shut down stop-and-gos, curbing underage and reckless drinking can save lives and rid our neighborhoods of the violence that can come with it," said Cephas, D-Phila. "I will keep fighting to secure critical resources like this, which invest in educating our young people about the real-life risks of abusing alcohol and the need to set a responsible example for this generation and generations to come." The state funding is part of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board's 2020-22 Alcohol Education Grant Program and, according to Cephas, will go toward a number of prevention initiatives, including: Social norms campaign. EVERFI AlcoholEdu. e-CHUG. e-TIPS University. PLCB conference. Safety App. "While it's inevitable that young adults in college test newly discovered freedoms, there are ways to do it safely, and programs like these at St. Joseph's help educate students to be more responsible in their actions," said Daley, D-Montgomery, who added that Plymouth Township Police Department and the CTC Wellness Foundation in Conshohocken each received $40,000 in PLCB grants Read more


Cephas helps community members complete the 2020 Census in ongoing effort to ensure everyone is counted

(Sep 09, 2020)

In her ongoing efforts to ensure everyone in her communities is counted, state Rep. Morgan Cephas on Tuesday helped local residents complete the 2020 Census ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline. "It's not just about showing people how to fill out the form but also educating them about what's at stake if they don't," said Cephas, D-Phila. "Census data is used to decide how billions in federal dollars are spent each year and, for every person who isn't counted, Pennsylvania stands to lose about $2,000 per person, per year. These are critical funds to invest in improving schools, roads, health care, food security and other assistance programs and services that so many of our most vulnerable neighbors rely on to live." According to Cephas, individuals came out to her West Philadelphia office to fill out their census form and get their questions answered, as well as receive free masks, hand sanitizer and important information about state-related programs. "This opportunity only comes once every 10 years and participation is paramount," explained Cephas. "At last check, the census response rate for our section of Philadelphia was just over 45%, which is extremely low. We must do better to ensure the 192nd Legislative District doesn't miss out on its fair share of resources that our communities need and deserve Read more


State Grant Programs Now Open for Applications
Dec 21, 2020

Check Out Cephas' Latest Newsletter
Dec 17, 2020

Cephas joins Brown, Jones, and nonprofits to distribute over 500 food boxes and other COVID-19 resources to local neighbors
Dec 07, 2020

Cephas, Davis and Jones renew bipartisan effort to restore dignity to incarcerated women during virtual roundtable discussion
Dec 03, 2020

As COVID-19 Cases Reach Critical Levels, Wolf Admin Announces New Mitigation Efforts
Nov 23, 2020

Cephas teams up with Independence Blue Cross to deliver more than 250 free turkeys, PPE to seniors in need
Nov 23, 2020

Cephas reschedules event to help seniors through COVID-19 safely to Tuesday, Nov. 24
Nov 17, 2020

Cephas announces more than $43,000 in grants to help strengthen safety at Ad Prima Charter School
Nov 17, 2020

Cephas announces office closure starting Nov. 18 amid rising cases of COVID-19
Nov 17, 2020

Philadelphia announces new “Safer at Home” restrictions to fight rising COVID-19 cases
Nov 16, 2020

In response to West Philadelphia police-involved shooting, Cephas will introduce legislation that would require local police departments to establish Behavioral Health Crisis Response Units
Oct 30, 2020

Cephas and Ortitay introduce bipartisan legislation to ‘ban-the-box’ on applications for public colleges and universities
Oct 21, 2020

Philly Restaurants Increase Indoor Capacity, SEPTA Changes & Other Updates
Oct 02, 2020

Cephas, Hughes and Jones team up to help get Philly counted, improve response rate
Sep 29, 2020

Cephas helps more than 80 people complete 2020 Census, set to host similar events this week to ensure communities are counted
Sep 21, 2020

Cephas, Davis and Jones introduce bipartisan legislation to restore dignity for incarcerated women
Sep 17, 2020

Cephas Discusses Fight to Pass Safe At Home Bills on CBS 21's Face the State
Sep 14, 2020

Philly Courts Temporarily Halt Evictions
Sep 11, 2020

Cephas, Daley announce $23,518 grant to help St. Joseph’s University curb underage and dangerous drinking
Sep 09, 2020

Cephas helps community members complete the 2020 Census in ongoing effort to ensure everyone is counted
Sep 09, 2020