Allegheny House Dems: $65.7 million awarded for schools and renovations

New state grants support 173 projects across Allegheny County

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 24 – Members of the Allegheny County House Democratic Delegation announced today over $65.7 million in state grants have been awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority to support school renovations and restoration projects in communities throughout the county.

“Our members fought hard alongside our partners in the Senate to win these significant state investments for Allegheny County,” said delegation chair state Rep. Nick Pisciottano. “We’re excited to see these projects come to fruition and create better lives for the families and individuals we represent.”

More than $22.3 million was awarded to 20 projects at local schools through the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program, created to provide grants to public school districts and area career and technical schools for eligible facility improvement projects. The program is administered by the state Department of Community and Economic Development under the direction of the CFA.

Over $43.4 million was awarded to 153 development projects in the county through the Statewide Local Share Account, funding that comes from the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act, which provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the CFA to support projects in the public interest in Pennsylvania.

Information on specific projects is available on the delegation’s website.

In addition to Pisciottano, the Allegheny County Delegation comprises state Reps. Aerion A. Abney, Jessica Benham, Dan Deasy, Dan Frankel, Matthew Gergely, Emily Kinkead, Anita Kulik, Brandon Markosek, La’Tasha D. Mayes, Joe McAndrew, Dan Miller, Lindsay Powell, Abigail Salisbury, Mandy Steele and Arvind Venkat.