Munroe bill to address teacher, police and nurse shortages passes PA House
Rep. Brian Munroe June 20, 2023 | 4:06 PM
HARRISBURG, June 20 – A bill that would help address Pennsylvania’s shortage of nurses, teachers and police officers was passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today by a vote of 137-66.
Sponsored by state Rep. Brian Munroe (D-Bucks), H.B. 1249 would create a tax credit of $2,500 per year for three years for Pennsylvania residents who are newly certified as a nurse, teacher or police officer and secures employment in Pennsylvania within their profession; or are certified as a nurse, teacher or police officer in another state, moves to Pennsylvania and secures employment in Pennsylvania within their profession.
Munroe said one in four nursing jobs in the commonwealth are unfilled, municipalities need at least 1,200 more police officers, and many public schools are having a hard time filling teaching positions.
Munroe, a retired police officer, said his bill would give Pennsylvania another tool to help solve the shortages.
“Nurses, teachers and police officers are three of the most vital professions to the quality of life in Pennsylvania,” Munroe said. “This bill helps to remedy the shortages and understaffing situation.”
The measure now moves to the Senate for consideration.