Friel pleased with $900,000 in state road funding for Phoenixville

HARRISBURG, Aug. 20 – State Rep. Paul Friel announced today that PennDOT has awarded $900,000 in competitive state Multimodal Transportation Funds for an improvement project in his legislative district.

The money will go to Phoenixville Borough for improvements to Bridge and Starr streets, including the extension of Starr Street North, to provide an additional exit for Ashland Street, and to improve SEPTA access.

“I’m thrilled to announce that we are continuing to invest in infrastructure projects in Chester County,” said Friel, D-Chester. “This funding will address some key safety, traffic flow and public transportation needs in Phoenixville benefiting the whole community.

“This infusion of state funding is a wise use of our resources, helping to keep costs down for local taxpayers while improving the quality of life for those who live, work and travel in Phoenixville.”

The grant is part of 66 projects funded in 32 counties across Pennsylvania totaling $51 million.

The program is intended to provide financial assistance to municipalities, councils of government, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, and ports and rail freight entities to improve transportation assets that enhance communities, pedestrian safety, and transit revitalization.