Dear Neighbor,
I was in Harrisburg this week for House session, where we voted on important legislation that now moves to the Senate. We passed a bill to stop discrimination solely on the basis that a prospective health care insurance customer obtained an opioid overdose reversal agent such as naloxone. We also passed one to extend VA benefits to Korean-American Vietnam veterans and another to establish a Rural Health Care Grant Program, subject to future appropriations, to help hire medical practitioners in places designated as rural or medically underserved.
I’m also proud to report that a few of my colleagues and I have introduced legislation to impose penalties on insurers who repeatedly and wrongly deny reimbursement for medically necessary health care claims. Specifically, the legislation would require health insurers to report to the public their rates of denials overturned on appeal and pay escalating monetary penalties if more than 50% of their claim denials are overturned on appeal.
More individuals now know that they can appeal denied health care claims to their insurer and, subsequently, the Insurance Department, but the process for such appeals can be time-consuming and burdensome, with many individuals foregoing such appeals simply due to their administrative requirements. Shockingly, nearly 50% of denials are overturned on appeal, either internally or externally, meaning insurers shouldn’t have denied payment for the care in the first place.
It is time we hold these repeat offenders responsible. The risk of escalating monetary penalties for an established pattern of claims denials being overturned ensures that insurers will be more cautious in their claims evaluation process and that they respect the rights of their policyholders.
I also continue to work on moving my Food Processing Residue bill through the House. Guardrails for FPR are critical to ensure that farms can use food processing waste in a safe and sustainable way and to ensure that waste producers and other large companies aren't using loopholes to take advantage of farms and rural communities in Pennsylvania.
Learn more here:
Contact my office if you need help with state government
My district office is here to help you with state government services. My staff is prepared to assist with PennDOT work, senior SEPTA passes, Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program, Unemployment Compensation and much more.
Our office is located at 68 Glocker Way, Pottstown, PA 19465, and although not necessary, you can always call (610) 427-8782 for an appointment between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can also email my office anytime at
We also keep weekly satellite hours in:
- Phoenixville on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Phoenixville Recreation Center at 501 Frankin Ave., Phoenixville, PA 19460.
- Elverson on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. That office is located at 60 E. Main St., Elverson, PA 19520.
We suggest that you call us at (610) 427-8782 ahead of your visit so we can review any paperwork or documentation you might need to bring with you.
Helping you claim what’s yours!
Exciting news! Our office has been working hard to help constituents retrieve thousands of dollars in unclaimed property right here in Pennsylvania. If you think you might have unclaimed money or assets, reach out to us – we’d love to assist you in the process!
Treasury is working to return more than $4.5 billion in funds and property that is owed to more than 1 in 10 Pennsylvanians. The average value of a claim is about $1,600. This money can belong to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, local government entities and other organizations.
Anyone can search for unclaimed property online at My office is also always happy to help you search for and claim unclaimed property.
As always, we appreciate your engagement and look forward to connecting with you soon.
Veterans Breakfast is March 28
RSVP at for my Veterans Breakfast on Friday, March 28 at the Phoenixville Country Club - 355 Country Club Road, Phoenixville.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m., and a breakfast buffet will be served at 9 a.m. I hope to see you there!
My next Town Hall is May 1
You’re invited to my Town Hall meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 1. I will discuss legislative updates, services provided by my office and answer your questions.
If you have a question you’d like to submit beforehand, email and use the subject line, “Town Hall Question.”
Save the date for a June paper shredding event
Our next paper shredding/e-waste recycling event is scheduled!
Date: Saturday, June 7
Time: 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Place: Coventry Mall Parking Lot, near Dick’s Sporting Goods
Pennsylvania State Capitol
123-A East Wing
Harrisburg, PA 17120
(717) 772-1411
District Office
68 Glocker Way
Pottstown, PA 19465
(610) 427-8782