The Pennsylvania Constitution is absolutely clear:

“The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of the Commonwealth.”

But for too long we haven’t been living up to our moral and constitutional obligation. It was so bad under decades of Republican majorities in the House and Senate that school districts sued the state – and won. The courts said the legislature was underfunding our schools, overburdening local taxpayers – and leaving kids behind.

Until now. Democrats are now in the majority in the House and have listened to schools, families and the courts. The PA House passed a bill to provide equity to every student and to reduce the burden on taxpayers.

Our plan delivers more than $5 billion in targeted investments over 7 years to address inequities in funding.

Our plan delivers equity and predictability for all schools with at least an additional $1.4 billion in dedicated basic education funding -- $200 million per year for seven years.

Our plan ensures transparency and accountability for Pennsylvania’s cyber charter schools and provides $3.2 billion in savings to taxpayers over 7 years to public schools.

Our plan reduces the burden on taxpayers, providing a billion-dollar tax cut over 7 years. 

Now, it’s up to the Senate Republican Leaders to do the right thing and fight for every kid.

Your message will be sent to:
Senator Jay Costa; Senator Joe Pittman; Senator Kim Ward; Senator Scott Martin; Senator Vincent Hughes; Your Senator.

Subject line:
I want you to fight for every kid in every school

Email Body:

Our kids are our future – and it’s time to pass school funding that makes sure every kid gets the same chance to succeed no matter where they live.

I am calling on you to pass House Bill 2370, a complete reimagining of how we fund schools in Pennsylvania to finally live up to our moral and constitutional obligation. I support this plan to deliver billions in new funding for kids and a billion dollars in property tax cuts.  

We owe it to our kids. There’s nothing more American than a good public school where every kid has a chance to succeed. It’s our constitutional and moral obligation to build a better tomorrow – for all of us. Please, live up to the ideals of America and our state constitution and vote for this plan.

 2024/25 Increases:

  • $735 million for chronically underfunded schools
  • $455 million in cyber charter savings
  • $200 million so every school district receives an increase
  • $137 million in property tax relief

 7-Year Totals:

  • $5.1 billion for chronically underfunded schools
  • $3.2 billion in cyber charter savings
  • $1.4 billion through the fair funding formula for all public schools
  • $956 million in property tax relief

Every school district benefits under this plan. No school is left behind because no school loses a dime. This plan is more than a piece of legislation - it provides a roadmap to a better future of our kids.

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