More than a million people ride mass transit every single day.

It’s how students get to class, it’s how seniors get to the store or to the doctor. Transit keeps tens of thousands of cars off our already-overcrowded roads and helps fight the climate change crisis impacting everyone.  

That already makes transit an economic powerhouse, but there’s more. Transit systems employ thousands of people in direct jobs, tens of thousands of people working for the companies that supply and support transit systems, and hundreds of thousands of people who depend on those riders as customers.

Transit is an investment, not an expense, and a major component of our plan to make everyone’s commute safer, smoother and swifter by funding transit and making sure we fix bridges, repair roads, and expand capacity everywhere – creating direct jobs you can’t outsource and creating thousands more jobs with the economic growth infrastructure improvements bring.

We made a down payment on transit funding with the state budget, and the PA House has passed transit funding twice already – while the PA Senate sits and waits.

The House Transportation Committee traveled the state hearing from business leaders, government officials and real people. Everywhere we went, people agreed: transit means a better present and a better future.

News Coverage from recent Transportation Hearings

Join us and demand action for a better tomorrow.

Deadline for the Senate to Fund PA Transit

Your message will be sent to:
Senator Camera Bartolotta; Senator Christopher Gebhard; Senator Cris Dush; Senator Daniel Laughlin; Senator David Argall; Senator Devlin Robinson; Senator Doug Mastriano; Senator Elder Vogel; Senator Frank Farry; Senator Gene Yaw; Senator Jarrett Charles Coleman; Senator Jay Costa; Senator Joe Pittman; Senator John Disanto; Senator John Sabatina; Senator Judith Ward; Senator Kim Ward; Senator Kristin Phillips - Hill; Senator Lisa Baker; Senator Lynda Culver; Senator Michelle Brooks; Senator Mike Regan; Senator Patrick Stefano; Senator Rosemary Brown; Senator Ryan Aument; Senator Scott Hutchinson; Senator Scott Martin; Senator Tracey Pennycuick; Senator Wayne Langerholc; Senator William Rothman; Your Senator.

Subject line:
Fund Our Transit and Keep PA Moving!

Email Body:

Dear Senator,

Buses, trains and rideshare are a lifeline to my community and every community in the commonwealth.

It’s how workers get to the job, students get to class, and older people get to the store or the doctor. More than a million people ride transit every day, keeping tens of thousands of cars off our roads.

The funding for transit as part of a comprehensive transportation plan in this year’s budget was not enough to support this massive economic driver – I know you and your leaders promised to return to the negotiating table and continue the discussion.

I am writing to respectfully ask you to keep this promise and get the facts about the incredible financial, social, and environmental impact of transit.

When you do, I’m sure you’ll see transit is not an expense – it’s an investment that pays off for the entire commonwealth many times over, and a major component of a transportation plan that also fixes bridges, repairs roads, expands capacity, and creates jobs.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing good news about transit funding before the end of the legislative session in November.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

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