(Jan 07, 2025) Rep. Robert F. Matzie
HARRISBURG, Jan. 7 – State Rep. Rob Matzie took the oath of office today at the state Capitol to begin his ninth term representing Pennsylvania’s 16 th Legislative District. As he joins his colleagues to begin the 2025-26 legislative term, Matzie said he is looking forward to his new leadership role as chairman of the House Majority Caucus. “I’m ready to start the new term and my new leadership role with the caucus,” Matzie said. “We have important work ahead and real issues that need addressed for everyday folks. “We’ll be focusing on jobs, schools, health care – the priorities that matter to the people of Beaver County. As caucus chair, I will be working to ensure that those issues remain front and center in our legislative efforts. “Most importantly, I will continue to bring state dollars back home to Beaver County, making sure we get our fair share and more.” Last term, Matzie brought tens of millions of dollars in funding back to Beaver County and introduced more than 35 bills and resolutions. Under his leadership as majority chairman of the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee, the committee advanced – and the governor signed – multiple consumer protection laws, including a motorcycle Lemon Law, the Solar for PA Schools Act, the Max Manufacturing Act to boost industry, and Matzie’s bill Read more