Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Matzie casts ‘yes’ vote for new budget, says new plan will boost public schools, job creation

Matzie casts ‘yes’ vote for new budget, says new plan will boost public schools, job creation

HARRISBURG, July 12 – State Rep. Rob Matzie cast a “yes” vote Thursday for the 2024-25 Pennsylvania budget, saying the new spending plan makes critical investments in the state’s public schools and in programs to boost jobs and economic growth.

“This is a very important budget, and one we have been talking about for quite some time,” Matzie said. “The new plan invests $1.3 billion in public education and an additional half a billion to address decades of underfunding that has left students in less-affluent ZIP codes – including many students in our district – trying to compete on an uneven playing field. Every student deserves the same resources needed to navigate a successful future – and contribute to our workforce and economy.

“The new spending plan brings us closer to that goal, with across-the-board increases for our school districts and extra funding for schools that have faced chronic underfunding. It’s time for us to make the investment our public schools need – and time to start easing the property tax burden on local residents.”

Matzie said strategic investments in jobs and economic development were also key to his support for the new spending plan.

“The new budget increases funding for programs that support workforce development and industry innovation, expand ‘shovel-ready’ sites for new and expanding businesses and continue to revitalize our downtown centers to attract new residents, businesses and investors,” Matzie said. “That means more jobs and more activity to stimulate our local economy.

“Finaly, it’s important to note that the new budget includes no new taxes of any kind. While no budget is perfect, the new plan makes smart, strategic investments that will move us in the right direction. I’m grateful for our leadership and the members coming together to come through with this bipartisan effort and get it across the finish line.”