Shusterman announces $1 million in grants to Paoli Memorial Hospital

PAOLI, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Melissa Shusterman, D-Chester, is proud to announce that $1 million has been awarded in RACP grants to Paoli Memorial Hospital.

Specifically, the funds will go toward the renovation of 3 South Building into a patient care unit to accommodate increased patient volume. With this renovation, the hospital will be able to gain more private patient rooms.

"Our region has faced unexpected hospital closures, resulting in increased pressure on our community's health care resources,” Shusterman said. “This essential grant will allow Paoli Hospital to expand its services and maintain a high standard of care for a larger number of residents. These funds are crucial to address both current and future demand.”

The funds came from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, a Pennsylvania grant program for the design, acquisition, and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects. RACP projects have a regional impact and generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity. RACP projects are state-funded projects that cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs.