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Sanchez announces $45K grant awarded to Manor College

JENKINTOWN, Oct. 11 – State Rep. Ben Sanchez, D-Montgomery, today announced that Manor College received a $45,000 grant to help students and the public achieve career readiness goals and strengthen job search training.

Funding, which comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, will benefit the Manor College Digital Literacy program. The program consists of training, facilitated coaching from faculty, career counseling services and dedicated library hours for job search availability.

“This grant will help ensure that local jobseekers can confidently apply digital-literacy skills in both the application process and on the job. It’ll also help retain top-notch faculty members who make this program possible and connect people to promising career opportunities,” Sanchez said. “Manor College’s Digital Literacy program gives its participants a competitive edge and helps them sharpen skills that they can utilize for several years to come.”

“Manor College is ecstatic that our students will have this opportunity,” said Dr. Jonathan Peri, president of Manor College. “We cannot thank Representative Sanchez, the governor and secretary of L&I Jennifer Berrier, enough. Because of them, this is going to directly foster student success.”

Addressing the ongoing digital-literacy barrier, the Digital Literacy and Workforce Development Grant subsidy was created to support local programs that provide digital-literacy training for individuals to develop and maintain the skills needed to acquire high-quality jobs. DLWDGs are 100% federally funded by federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Statewide Activity funding. WIOA Statewide Activity funding can be used to help job seekers and workers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the labor market. 

For more information, contact Sanchez’s office at 215-517-6800.