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Brown commends recent efforts by police to crack down on illegal use of off-road vehicles on Center City streets

Brown Continues Efforts to #EndGunViolence

(Oct 04, 2022)

In a heartfelt opening statement to the Select Committee on Law and Order, Pa. state Rep Amen Brown says he’s qualified and willing to make the difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions necessary to keep Philadelphians safe from gun violence. On the hearing itself, Brown added that the committee gained valuable insight into areas where the Philadelphia District Attorney breached the core obligations of his office. Read more


Brown offers statement on mass shooting at Roxborough High School

(Sep 28, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 28 -- State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., said that he is exhausted, fed up, and saddened by yet another senseless shooting, this time at Roxborough High School, where five students were shot after a football scrimmage. Fourteen-year-old Nicholas Elizalde was killed in the shooting at Roxborough High and four teenagers were injured. “We need to realize what is actually happening here,” Brown said. “Every elected official has offered condolences to victims, something that happens every time one of these tragedies happens, but where are the real solutions that can be implemented now to have an impact that won’t take years? “While certain gun restrictions can have benefits, we cannot just focus on that. Most of the weapons used in these shootings are illegal weapons such as ghost guns and straw purchases,” Brown continued. Brown is adamant that holding people accountable and removing these illegal weapons from the streets is the way to start to mend the wounds caused by the gun violence epidemic. "We keep saying enough is enough, but we must put some real action behind those words,” Brown said. “Our communities deserve to feel safe; our youth deserve to live past the age of 18, and families deserve to not have to lose loved ones to senseless violence.” Brown has introduced legislation that would require identification to enter gun shows and is responsible for negotiating a historic Read more


Brown offers support of PA Marijuana Pardon Project

(Sep 01, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., said he applauds Gov. Tom Wolf’s new Marijuana Pardon Project. Under this project, people with minor non-violent marijuana convictions can apply for a pardon – entirely free and online. There is no limit for age of the conviction, and people with other convictions are not eligible. For eligibility, the conviction must have taken place in Pennsylvania and is for individuals who are charged with Possession of Marijuana or Marijuana, Small Amount Personal Use. “This is a step in the right direction in removing the stigma surrounding marijuana,” Brown said. “It’s not fair to people who have committed non-violent offenses and are still facing the repercussions from the possession of marijuana - including missed opportunities for employment, housing, education and more. I applaud this much needed effort and it’s a step in the right direction for the possible legalization of marijuana in the commonwealth.” Earlier this year, Brown held a policy hearing about the legalization of marijuana and has introduced legislation to legalize recreational marijuana in Pennsylvania. Applications will be accepted until Sept. 30. Read more


GRANT MEMO: Youth Agriculture, Urban Agriculture, and Watershed Cooperative Funding Opportunities

(Aug 30, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program (Funding Source: General Fund) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation, cooperatives or any other legal entity. Use : To support projects that grow agricultural infrastructure in urban food deserts to improve access to fresh, local food and provide opportunities for hands-on learning, community-building, and for people to become social entrepreneurs. Community gardens are eligible projects. Funds : $2,500 micro grants or up to $50,000 for collaboration grants. Application Deadline : September 16, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Funding/Farmbill/Pages/Urban-Ag-Grant.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Very Small Meat and Poultry Processor Reimbursement Grant Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : An individual, partnership, association, firm, corporation or any other legal entity. Use : To support the development and expansion of current or future very small meat and poultry processing operations. Funds : Grants are limited to no more than $100,000 per applicant. Application Deadline : September 26, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.agriculture.pa.gov/Funding/Farmbill/Pages/Very-Small-Meat-Processor-Grant.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: ?Agriculture and Youth Grant Program Read more


Brown Races with UYRS to Promote STEM

(Jul 28, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Amen Brown joined colleagues and professional NASCAR drivers in a go kart race to promote STEM education. Brown believes events like this show children in his district that there are many more options for them than just basketball and football. Read more


Brown supports 76ers stadium construction in Center City

(Jul 27, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., said that a new stadium built by the Sixers organization would be a chance for significant economic revival and transformational change for the City of Philadelphia. Brown said that the new building, designated for construction at 10th/11th and Market streets, would be a huge investment into the future of Philadelphia, but that the plans cannot impede on the lives of community members or other business owners in the area. "This is a great step in the right direction for the long-term goal to underscore Philly as a true gateway city,” Brown said. “The potential impact, if executed thoughtfully, will ripple for generations to come. "The opportunity to bring this level of vibrancy and passion to Market East will not only enhance public safety but will reinvent how the community plugs into opportunity. Community partnership is currency for both POC and stakeholders like the Sixers.” The Sixers’ $1.3 billion proposed arena will be privately funded and is not requesting city or state subsidies. “Though privately funded, I believe leadership from both the state and the city should do all that they can to create the right public-private partnership,” Brown said. “This is an opportunity where the right collaboration and creative thinking could yield the greatest results for the people of Philadelphia. Let’s get this right.” Read more


State programs now open for applications

(Jul 25, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Office of the Budget: Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) (Funding Source: General Obligation Debt) Who May Apply : Entities that have a project itemized in a Capital Budget Itemization Act from the past 10 years. List of eligible projects can be found here: Itemized Project Eligible for Funding . Use : The acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects that have a regional or multi-jurisdictional impact and generate substantial increases or maintain current levels of employment, tax revenues, or other measures of economic activity. RACP projects are state-funded projects that cannot obtain primary funding under other state programs. Funds : Projects must have a $1 million minimum project cost and a 50% match (state funds cannot be used as match). Application Deadline : August 19, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.budget.pa.gov/Programs/RACP/Pages/Main%20Page.aspx . UPCOMING APPLICATION DEADLINES: DDAP Pregnancy Support Services Grant: July 29, 2022 (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Any entity that is able to serve pregnant or postpartum women in recovery from SUD. - To provide support services to pregnant women and postpartum women in recovery from Substance Use Disorder Read more


Brown calls for SEPTA to increase police presence

(Jul 14, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., has called for a dramatic increase in uniformed police presence at all high-speed SEPTA stations, in addition to the creation of specialized anti-crime units, following the shooting of a 19-year-old at the 15th Street Station on the Market-Frankford Subway/Elevated Line, which resulted in chaos as police chased suspects through the City Hall courtyard. Brown is calling on SEPTA’s acting chief of police, Charles Lawson, to implement increased security measures, with priority given to rapid transit, including the subway, elevated, and light-weight rail trolleys. “All SEPTA buses should be equipped with silent panic buttons where bus operators can alert police to their location via GPS in real time,” Brown said. Brown said there have been several violent attacks on SEPTA in recent months, including multiple stabbings and a woman sexually assaulted in a train car full of riders. “Some people have no choice but to ride on SEPTA,” Brown said. “People are scared to ride; there needs to be police protection offered for riders and SEPTA employees. The conditions on the train are horrible, from trash to drug paraphernalia and consumption, to incredibly violent and senseless attacks. Public transportation is needed in large cities, and it’s beyond time to make it safe to ride again.” According to Brown, although fewer people are riding, violent Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown calls on Mayor Kenney to step down

(Jul 05, 2022)

After statements made by Mayor Jim Kenney regarding the shooting at the Welcome America festival, state Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., is demanding that the mayor step down because of dereliction of duty. “As someone who made the decision to run for office and be elected by the people, it is his responsibility to do all he can to address the issues plaguing our communities.” Brown said. In an interview after the shooting at the Welcome America festival, Kenney stated that he “can’t wait until he’s not mayor anymore.” Brown said that if the mayor feels that way, he should step down immediately. “Philadelphia is in a state of chaos and lawlessness,” Brown said. “Not everyone has the luxury or privilege to just pick up and leave and go enjoy some stuff. His statement was beyond tone deaf and a slap in the face to the families and communities that have been impacted by gun violence. And, if Mayor Kenney doesn’t want to do his job and lead this city, then he should resign and let someone take the lead that actually cares about what’s happening to our people and wants to see and be a part of change.” Brown maintained that no matter how little time Kenney has left in his term, he should remain dedicated until the end of it. “We need a leader who cares about us, not one who is checked out and lacking empathy.” Brown said. “He Read more


Brown demands mandatory ID requirement at gun shows to curb unregulated ghost gun sales

(Jun 27, 2022)

HARRISBURG, June 27 -- State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., has called for all attendees to present valid government-issued identification to enter gun shows in Pennsylvania. Brown has proposed this change in the wake of recent mass shootings and the proliferation of unregulated “ghost guns,” such as the one used in the mass shooting on South Street on June 4. The proposal also comes in response to the nonstop gun violence happening in Philadelphia that has been ravaging communities. “I have attended these gun shows, and all the components are available to leave and assemble an unregistered firearm,” Brown stated after attending last week’s gun show in Allentown. “Contrary to what vendors of ghosts gun kits at guns shows say, these are not adult Legos. These ghost guns have a deadly impact on our community, and something needs to be done.” According to Brown, unlike normal handguns, ghost gun kits are unregistered, and can be sold to anyone without any ID. Purchasers assemble the parts themselves. Brown has introduced legislation that would require all attendees at Pennsylvania gun shows to provide ID prior to entry and to require show operators to maintain records of attendees for at least five years. Under Brown’s bill, the records would be made available for review to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office, as well as to any country prosecutor or municipal police department upon request of the Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown decries vandalism at Historic Shofuso House in Fairmount Park and calls for restoration of police district in Fairmount Park

(Jun 20, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., has called for Mayor Kenney to immediately work with Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw to restore the 90th and 92nd Police Districts in East and West Fairmount Park. According to Brown, these districts were eliminated as part of a package of severe budget cuts during the financial crisis of 2008 by then-Mayor Michael Nutter, which also included eliminating libraries and recreation centers. Brown said the time has come for these districts to be restored. "Fairmount Park had dedicated policing and security since the original Park Guard was created in 1868 and consolidated into the Philadelphia Police Department in 1972," Brown said. "These dedicated police patrolled the largest urban park in America and maintained it as an urban oasis for all Philadelphians until severe budget cuts forced the elimination of these Park Police Districts. “The time has come to restore them,” Brown said. Brown said that police were consolidated into neighboring high crime districts, including the 16th and 19th in West Philadelphia, and the 22nd, 23rd and 39th in North Philadelphia, which have no officers to spare for park patrols. This has left the park without any police. "With the elimination of the Park Police Districts, I am not surprised that even after they called to report a $2 million vandalism and burglary, there was no police response,” Brown said. Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown calls for state of emergency in Philadelphia

(Jun 06, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., has called for Mayor Jim Kenney to immediately convene the Emergency Management Council, along with leaders of Philadelphia City Council, for an emergency session on gun violence to be held at the Delaware Valley Intelligence Center with all state and federal partners. "The mass shooting of this weekend, resulting in three deaths and 12 injured, is only the most recent incident in a year of record bloodshed," Brown said. "Philadelphians fear for their children going to school. Seniors are scared to ride SEPTA or even sit on their front porch. Violence is exploding and quality of life is quickly declining. Leaders need to lead. It's time to take real action to protect our youth, neighbors, family members and friends." Brown stressed that addressing this violence is going to take a multi-effort approach, which includes addressing systemic issues by providing such resources to the community as increased summer camps and after-school programs, as well as properly funding public libraries and recreation centers. With the city in crisis, Brown said enforcement is needed and essential to regain order in our communities, including quality-of-life crimes. In 2022, 54% of crimes involving illegal firearms were dismissed. Brown said this is unacceptable. "My constituents want to see accountability for the murder of the youth in our neighborhoods and loved ones. They don't Read more


Brown: Gun Violence Prevention at Schools

(Jun 03, 2022)

On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Pa. state Rep. Amen Brown held a press conference outside Morton McMichael a week after a shooting took place there, raising awareness for gun violence prevention measures. He is calling for additional school funding to put safety measures and a plan in place. He says that safety is a major concern for everyone. Read more


Home and community-based services, crisis intervention, and archival records care funding opportunities

(Jun 01, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Quality Improvement Program (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : An entity enrolled with the Department’s OLTL as a Medical Assistance provider type 59 and have a signed OLTL-HCBS Waiver Agreement and be actively rendering services to participants in the CHC or OBRA waiver programs or both as of the date of May 1, 2022. Use : To help HCBS providers implement projects to improve the quality of services provided to individuals in the CHC and the OBRA waiver programs. Funds : Up to $40,000 in funding. Application Deadline : December 31, 2022 or until funds are expended. More Information : Click on https://www.dhs.pa.gov/providers/Providers/Pages/Long-Term-Care-Providers.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Human Services: Work Force Support Grant (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Certified child care providers. Use : To support the work force of DHS certified child care providers. Funds : Amounts vary by award. Application Deadline : June 17, 2022. More Information : Click on https://www.pakeys.org/workforcesupportgrants/ . Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: 2022 Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy and Implementation Program Read more


Brown: We Need Real Solutions

(May 25, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Amen Brown has two young children in elementary school, and today parents asked him what he was going to do to protect their children. He is asking his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to solve these problems. Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown applauds state funding for Arch Street Presbyterian Church

(Apr 26, 2022)

State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila., lent his support for a $1 million grant awarded to Arch Street Presbyterian Church and applauds Gov. Tom Wolf for awarding this historical landmark with funding for much needed restoration. “Arch Street Presbyterian Church is a historic landmark – many important people throughout its history have prayed at this church, and I am proud to lend my support for the restoration of this institution that has done so many great things for Philadelphia,” Brown said. The funding will be used for needed renovation and repairs throughout the building including repairs on the dome that graces the top of the building. The funds were awarded through the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program , a commonwealth grant program overseen by the Office of the Budget to assist with regional cultural, economic, civic and historical projects that improve a community’s economic growth by creating jobs and opportunities. Read more


Now open for applications: Environmental funding opportunities

(Apr 25, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Growing Greener Plus Grants (Funding Source: Environmental Stewardship Fund) Who May Apply : Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of government, educational institutions, and other authorized watershed organizations. Use : To support watershed restoration and protection, abandoned mine reclamation, and abandoned oil and gas well plugging projects. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : June 24, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/GrantsLoansRebates/Growing-Greener/Pages/default.aspx . Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection: Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Grants (Funding Source: Federal Funding – US EPA) Who May Apply : Counties, municipalities, municipal authorities, county conservation districts, watershed organizations, councils of government, educational institutions, and other authorized watershed organizations. Use : To improve and protect Pennsylvania’s waters from nonpoint source pollution associated with AMD, energy resource extraction, agricultural activities, stormwater runoff, streambank, and shoreline degradation, along with verifying and demonstrating efficacy with enhanced data collection Read more


Now open for applications: Transportation, recovery housing, and public health funding opportunities

(Apr 05, 2022)

STATE PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT): Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Program (Funding Source: State, Federal, & Private Funding) Who May Apply : Private companies. Use : To develop innovative ways to deliver transportation projects across a variety of modes including roads, bridges, rail, aviation, and ports. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : April 30, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.penndot.pa.gov/projectAndPrograms/p3forpa/Pages/default.aspx . FEDERAL PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Navigator Program for Racial Ethnic Minorities (Funding Source: Federal Funding) Who May Apply : Public and private non-profit entities . Use : To provide training and education around the risks of substance use and HIV/AIDS, as well as the integration of a range of services for individuals with HIV/AIDS. Funds : Varies by award. Application Deadline : May 2, 2022 More Information : Click on https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sp-22-002 . Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)/Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED): Pennsylvania’s Recovery Housing Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown calls for increase in funding for Office of Forensic Science

(Mar 30, 2022)

HARRISBURG, March 30 -- State Rep. Amen Brown is calling on the City of Philadelphia, Mayor Jim Kenney and the Philadelphia Police Department to increase funding for the Office of Forensic Science to alleviate a backlog of evidence used to solve crimes. Brown said he stands firm in his belief that the Office of Forensic Science is the key to solving crime in the city and putting away dangerous criminals, and that an increase of at least $30 million is needed for relocation of the facility, staffing issues and better security procedures. “The people who work at the OFS are committed to providing objective and reliable forensic results to exonerate the innocent, identify perpetrators of crime, and reveal crime patterns to allow the PPD to solve and prevent crime,” Brown said. “They are performing above the national average but simply are understaffed and don’t have the funding they need to succeed in solving crimes and getting criminals off the streets. My office is committed to working with the city and administration to identify funding for expansion and maintaining a new facility. It is time for a major city and state collaboration that benefits the entire city and especially our men and women in blue who deserve better.” As there has already been a 3% increase in homicides in Philadelphia from 2021-2022, Brown said the time to do this is now. Read more


State Rep. Amen Brown calls on legislature to increase funding for attorney general to combat gun violence

(Mar 24, 2022)

HARRISBURG, March 24 -- State Rep. Amen Brown, D-Phila, is calling on the PA General Assembly to increase funding for two programs in the state Attorney General’s office: the Gun Violence Task Force and the Strategic Response Team. “The Philadelphia Police Department has experienced unprecedented staff shortages, and this has led to criminals using this to their advantage – we need more officers on the street to get rid of the guns and violence,” Brown said. The Gun Violence Task Force is a coalition between The Office of the Attorney General, the Philadelphia Police Department and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, which investigates the origin of guns used in crimes and traces them to prevent future crimes. More than 3,000 guns have been seized since the task force’s inception. The Strategic Response Team is responsible for taking down drug operations that also use firearms. Since July, this effort led to a 46% decrease in shootings in the 18th police district and a 18% decrease in the 19th police district, and agents and officers have seized 63 guns and made 178 arrests since the program launched earlier this year, according to the attorney general’s website. “These operations clearly work, and they need more funding so then can spread the vital work they do across the city,” Brown said. “Right now, they can only work in one Zip Code at a time. That is why I am calling on my colleagues to invest Read more


Brown Continues Efforts to #EndGunViolence
Oct 04, 2022

Brown offers statement on mass shooting at Roxborough High School
Sep 28, 2022

Brown offers support of PA Marijuana Pardon Project
Sep 01, 2022

GRANT MEMO: Youth Agriculture, Urban Agriculture, and Watershed Cooperative Funding Opportunities
Aug 30, 2022

Brown Races with UYRS to Promote STEM
Jul 28, 2022

Brown supports 76ers stadium construction in Center City
Jul 27, 2022

State programs now open for applications
Jul 25, 2022

Brown calls for SEPTA to increase police presence
Jul 14, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown calls on Mayor Kenney to step down
Jul 05, 2022

Brown demands mandatory ID requirement at gun shows to curb unregulated ghost gun sales
Jun 27, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown decries vandalism at Historic Shofuso House in Fairmount Park and calls for restoration of police district in Fairmount Park
Jun 20, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown calls for state of emergency in Philadelphia
Jun 06, 2022

Brown: Gun Violence Prevention at Schools
Jun 03, 2022

Home and community-based services, crisis intervention, and archival records care funding opportunities
Jun 01, 2022

Brown: We Need Real Solutions
May 25, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown applauds state funding for Arch Street Presbyterian Church
Apr 26, 2022

Now open for applications: Environmental funding opportunities
Apr 25, 2022

Now open for applications: Transportation, recovery housing, and public health funding opportunities
Apr 05, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown calls for increase in funding for Office of Forensic Science
Mar 30, 2022

State Rep. Amen Brown calls on legislature to increase funding for attorney general to combat gun violence
Mar 24, 2022