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State Rep. Chris Rabb to introduce resolution that would designate Pennsylvania as a Hidden Heroes state

As anti-Black Attacks Surge, Rep. Rabb reintroduces Emancipation Day Holiday Legislation

(Feb 03, 2025)

Rabb’s legislation seeks to highlight this history and acknowledge the ongoing struggle for Black liberation in a society that still poses threats and allows barriers to persist against the advancement of Black people and allied communities of struggle. Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 22, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Victims of Crime Act 2025-2027 Who May Apply: Agencies currently receiving federal Victims of Crime Act funding. Use: The federal VOCA guidelines classify eligible activities/costs into three categories: direct service costs, activities supporting direct services, and subrecipient administrative costs. The federal VOCA guidelines can be found in the Federal Register at: Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Program . Funds: This solicitation is for approximately $53.9 million in federal VOCA funds for the first year with year two amounts being determined at the November 2025 Victims Services Advisory Committee (VSCA) meeting. PCCD expects to fund approximately 157 grants. Applicants will be required to submit a continuation application for year two. Application Deadline: March 14, 2025 More information: PCCD Website Department of Health: WalkWorks Active Transportation Planning Program Who May Apply: Municipalities and metropolitan and rural planning organizations. Priority will be given to communities located in PA DOH State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) priority counties or with an overall percentile rating above 60 in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) PennEnviroScreen Tool. The 10 current SPAN target counties are: Clearfield, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, Northumberland, and Philadelphia. Use: Funds will be Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Jan 15, 2025)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Education: Dual Credit Innovation Grant Program Who May Apply: Public institutions of higher education. Use: Funding may be used to offer college coursework to high school students enrolled in eligible school entities. Funds: $14 million in state funding was allocated through the 2024 School Code. Application Deadline: February 10, 2025 More information: PDE Website Department of Environmental Protection: Abandoned Mine Land and Abandoned Mine Draining Grant Program Who May Apply: An authority, incorporated nonprofit, political subdivision, or conservation district. Use: Funds may be used for abandoned mine land reclamation and abandoned mine drainage treatment or abatement. Funds: $75 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: April 25, 2025. Applicants must contact DEP ( ) prior to applying for an initial project consultation. More information: DEP Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Integrated Health Solutions Who May Apply: Physical health care providers, hospitals, rural health centers, or federally qualified health clinics. Use: To promote full integration and collaboration in clinical practice between behavioral health care and primary physical health care. Funds: $3 million in funding is available from the Publicis Health Opioid Settlement. Application Deadline: January 24, 2025 More information: DDAP Website Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 30, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Recovery Housing for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Other Drugs Who May Apply: Community-based organizations, community action agencies, or public health programs that focus on assisting individuals in accessing recovery housing. Use: Personnel services, consulting services, subcontract services, patient services, equipment, supplies, travel, and other costs associated with assisting individuals access recovery housing. Funds: DDAP expects to award five grants totaling $500,000 each. Application Deadline: January 10, 2025 More information: DDAP Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Integrated Health Solutions Who May Apply: Community-based organizations, community action agencies, or public health programs that focus on assisting individuals in accessing recovery housing. Use: Personnel services, consulting services, subcontract services, patient services, equipment, supplies, travel, and other costs associated with assisting individuals access recovery housing. Funds: DDAP expects to award five grants totaling $500,000 each. Application Deadline: January 10, 2025 More information: DDAP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Dec 17, 2024)

Below are multiple grant programs that are currently open for applications. NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Community and Economic Development: Historically Disadvantaged Business Assistance Program Who May Apply: Community-based non-profit organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience, educational institutions, and non-profit economic development organizations with a history of at least 3 years operating experience. Use: Creation or support of a Business Assistance Service Center for the purpose of serving small, historically disadvantaged businesses. Funds: $20 million in funding was appropriated in the 2024/25 state budget. Application Deadline: January 22, 2025 More information: DCED Website Council on the Arts: Entry to Arts Organizations and Arts Programs (EAOAP) Who May Apply: Non-profit agencies with a history of at least two years of consistent arts programming in Pennsylvania and an annual average arts revenue over $200,000. Use: Entry track is the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts’ (PCA) point of entry for organizations or programs to the AOAP. Applicants must apply in Entry track until recommended for AOAP, which is based on panel review and assessment totals Funds: Grants totaling $5,000 will be awarded. Application Deadline: February 15, 2025 More information: Arts Website Council on the Arts: Arts Read more


Rabb: Finding Family History with Government Resources

(Nov 15, 2024)

Because of slavery, it is often difficult for Black Americans to trace their ancestry. Having spent much of the last 30 years of his life researching his own ancestry in America, PA state Rep. Chris Rabb is now working to help other families uncover their heritage. Rabb assembled genealogists and historians to connect people with available government resources to help them on their journies of discovery. Read more


National Popular Vote Introduced in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

(Nov 12, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 12 – A group of Republican and Democratic legislators introduced the National Popular Vote bill (H.B. 2662) in Harrisburg today. The bill would include Pennsylvania in the growing number of states who want to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who wins the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The bill is called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. “As the lead author of the National Popular Vote bill, I think it is imperative to work across party lines and am grateful my Republican colleagues are lending their voice and support to this effort,” said state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila. “Every voter, of every party, should have an equal voice in every presidential election and the National Popular Vote bill is the only plan that credibly delivers on that promise.” The National Popular Vote bill has been enacted in 17 states and the District of Columbia, totaling 209 electoral votes. The bill guarantees the presidency to the candidate who wins the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and takes effect when states with 270 electoral votes have passed the bill. The legislation has passed Republican- and Democratic-controlled chambers in seven additional states with 74 electoral votes, more than the 61 required for the bill to be in place for the 2028 presidential elections. “One-person, one-vote is not a Read more


Local Business Resource Newsletter November/December 2024

(Nov 08, 2024)

Local Business Resource Newsletter Read more


Rep Rabb highlights wide-ranging legislation focused on honoring Native American culture

(Nov 01, 2024)

PHILADELPAHIA, Nov. 1 -- In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., is highlighting a series of wide-ranging legislation focused on honoring Native American culture and history while protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples. In 2021, Rabb authored a resolution that would have amended the rules of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to include a formal land acknowledgment at the beginning of each legislative week. He will be reintroducing the resolution in this upcoming legislative session. “Symbolism matters -- particularly when it’s tethered to substantive action around land back measures and other related matters. That’s why rhetoric must be followed by redress,” Rabb said. Last week, President Joe Biden formally apologized to the Native peoples for the U.S. policy that forced Native children into federally backed boarding schools where they were ethnically cleansed and forced to assimilate to American culture, a first for a U.S. President. The most flagship example of one of these schools was located in Carlisle, PA, just over 20 miles from the Capitol. Rabb says now is the time to push harder than ever for legislation that would enhance the rights of Native peoples and their culture. Rabb recently reintroduced legislation to protect Native American trademarks by preventing the use of Pennsylvania state Read more


Rabb condemns Penn’s use of police to raid students; calls for investigation

(Oct 31, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 31 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., release the following statement on the University of Pennsylvania’s recent use of the university police force to raid the homes of students: “As a Penn alumnus, I was horrified to learn that such a shocking and aggressive display of force occurred on Oct. 18. “I stand firmly in support of a formal and public investigation into the actions taken by the Penn Police, particularly those of Kathleen Shields Anderson, vice president of the Division of Public Safety, Detective Paul Guercio, and the officers involved in the raid. The alarming use of excessive force against these students is unacceptable and demands accountability. “The escalation to armed tactical units in a situation involving nonviolent student protestors is deeply concerning to me, especially as this police brutality seems to have been authorized due to ideological motives. As we near the 40-year anniversary of the tragic MOVE bombing -- where excessive force and a lack of accountability led to devastating consequences for the West Philadelphia community -- we must learn from the misdeeds and missteps of the past to inform appropriate policies and protocols that protect all those who wish to express their First Amendment rights without fear of reprisal. “We must ensure that our law enforcement agencies operate with transparency, oversight and respect for the community they Read more


Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District

(Oct 29, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: Mixed-Use Housing Development Pilot Program Who May Apply: Municipalities, Economic Development Organizations, Redevelopment Authorities, Municipal Authorities, Industrial Development Authorities, For-Profit organizations. Use: Mixed-use site development, conversion projects, rehabilitation projects, a combination of the three afore-mentioned projects. Funds: $10 million in PA Sites funding has been allocated for this program. There is no limit on the amount of grant funding that may be awarded to an applicant. Application Deadline: December 6, 2024 More information: DCED Website Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs: Recovery Support Services (RSS) Who May Apply: Applicant must have at least two years of experience as of July 1, 2024, providing RSS and demonstrate the capacity to provide RSS to individuals in recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD) and other concurrent substance use disorder (SUD). Use: Expand or enhance RSS to individuals in recover from OUD and other concurrent SUD. Funds: Approximately six grants totaling $1,500,000 each will be awarded. Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 More information: DDAP Website PROGRAMS OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic Read more


Rabb highlights Indigenous-centered legislation in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day

(Oct 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 11 – In honor of the upcoming Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., is highlighting a series of wide-ranging legislation focused on honoring Native culture and history while protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples. In 2021, Rabb authored a resolution that would have amended the rules of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to include a formal land acknowledgment at the beginning of each legislative week. He has reintroduced the resolution this session. “Symbolism matters — particularly when it’s tethered to substantive action. That’s why rhetoric must be followed by redress,” Rabb said. He has introduced legislation that would abolish Columbus Day and designate the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day , provide tuition waivers for Indigenous students at the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education universities and honor the National Day of Mourning . Rabb has reintroduced legislation this session to protect Indigenous American trademarks by preventing the use of Pennsylvania state trademarks by non-Native groups to claim Indigenous patterns and tribal names as well as other cultural heritage and intellectual property. He is also drafting legislation that would establish an independent, autonomous commission on Indigenous affairs that has the Read more


Rabb heartened by progress on voting rights in jails, work remains to be done

(Oct 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 9 – State Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., released the following statement on today’s voting rights in jails news conference held in the state Capitol East Wing Rotunda by the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus and statewide voting rights advocates: “Progress in legislating is often measured over the course of months and years. In the moment, despite an immense amount of tireless work and long hours, very little seems to be happening. It’s only when, given the benefit of distance and perspective, change becomes apparent. “But every now and then, there’s a bright and brilliant moment where something substantial and meaningful breaks free from the morass. Hard work is vindicated in an instant. Today was one of those days. “I was so proud to stand with my colleagues and voting rights advocates from across the commonwealth and celebrate the Department of State’s first-ever official guidance on voting practices in jails . “Voting rights and fixing our decrepit election system has been one of my top priorities for years. Back in 2022, I introduced legislation ( H.B. 2718 and H.B. 2719 ) that would require jail officials to make Pennsylvanians being held pre-trial or who are incarcerated for a misdemeanor aware of their eligibility to vote. That legislation now lives on in the capable hands of Representatives Rick Krajewski and Read more


Rabb disappointed at lack of perceptible change in Juvenile Justice Task Force-informed legislation

(Oct 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 9 – Yesterday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed S.B. 169 , which would accept certain recommendations put forth by Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice Task Force that state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., said represent little to no real change when compared to the breadth and scope of the task force’s full recommendations . The bill would require courts to hold disposition review hearings at least every three months for the purpose of ensuring that each child committed to out-of-home placement is receiving necessary services and treatment. “I can’t help but to feel like this legislation represents reform in only the most minimalist of ways,” Rabb said. “The Juvenile Justice Task Force put forth recommendations that would represent substantial change to the commonwealth’s juvenile legal system. We must act as a legislative body to enact the more substantive proposed reforms in service of justice for adjudicated youth of Pennsylvania.” Recommendation 9 from the task force, which stated that the commonwealth should narrow the criteria for trying youth as adults by eliminating statutory exclusion — also known as “direct file” — from juvenile court, echoed part of legislation, H.B. 1551 , that Rabb introduced this session that would end the charging of youths as adults. That legislation is Read more


Rabb lauds passage of consumer protection legislation tackling utility reconnection fees

(Oct 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – Legislation ( H.B. 675 ) introduced by state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., that would better protects consumers in danger of having their utilities shut off was included in a bill ( H.B. 1077 ) passed by the PA House today. The legislation would reauthorize Chapter 14 and protect consumers with lower incomes from public utility reconnection fees by prohibiting reconnection fees for customers below 250% of the federal poverty level and requiring a provision for fees paid by consumers between 250% and 400% of the federal poverty to be applied to any arrearage they have. “This win for consumers is a result of diligent work, tireless effort and constant communication with the House Consumer Protection, Technology and Utilities Committee,” Rabb said. “It’s not perfect, but it will help a lot of folks. I am thrilled that legislation I’ve been continuously fighting for years for could play a part in getting this process underway.” The PA House-passed bill will now go to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


Rabb “Greenwashing” Bill Moves Forward

(Oct 02, 2024)

PA state Rep. Chris Rabb’s legislation that would prohibit “greenwashing,” environmentally deceptive marketing claims, passed in the #PAHouse Judiciary Committee. Corporations have taken advantage of environmentally conscious consumers with false claims like “net zero” or “low carbon” with no evidence to back up those claims. Rabb says, as we increasingly experience the drastic effects of the climate crisis, such as more intense storms, floods, droughts and wildfires, the last thing Pennsylvania consumers need is to be lied to as they try to make informed purchasing decisions. To get involved click this link to join the PA Good Fight rapid Response Crew: Read more


Rabb highlights legislation to remedy wrongful convictions on International Wrongful Conviction Day

(Oct 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – On this International Wrongful Conviction Day, state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., highlighted legislation ( H.B. 987 ) that would compensate people who have been wrongfully convicted in Pennsylvania. “When the state unjustly takes a person’s liberty, it has a responsibility to help repair the damage,” Rabb said . “Pennsylvania, as one of 15 states that does not have a law to compensate the wrongfully convicted, is not upholding its responsibility to exonerees who have lost years of their lives to wrongful imprisonment.” This legislation would help exonerees re-enter society by: Providing monetary compensation to those wrongfully convicted and those wrongfully imprisoned. Providing additional monetary compensation to those wrongfully placed on the state sex offender registry, on parole or on death row. Establishing a mechanism for additional supports, including education, housing and reasonable reintegrative mental and physical health services. This legislation would also establish the Exoneree Community Trust Fund, a restricted fund housed in the Office of the State Treasurer. Staff would be responsible for creating an investment policy statement, managing these investments and reporting to members of the fund’s investment advisory board, some of whom may be exonerees themselves, Rabb said. “This bill is the result of extensive conversations with, Read more


Rabb ‘greenwashing’ legislation passes Pa. House Judiciary Committee

(Oct 02, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 2 – Legislation, H.B. 2525 , introduced by state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., that would prohibit corporations from engaging in the deceitful and manipulative practice of “greenwashing” in the commonwealth passed out of the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee today. This legislation would ensure that there is truth in marketing by amending the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law to explicitly prohibit deceptive environmental marketing claims. “For decades now, corporations have taken advantage of environmentally conscious consumers by intentionally marketing their products in a manner that makes them appear better for the planet than they really are. This devious and manipulative practice is known as ‘greenwashing.’ You often see it when companies use terms such as ‘net zero,’ ‘low carbon’ or ‘cleaner energy,’ even if those claims are not based in reality or are aspirational at best,” Rabb said . “As we increasingly experience the drastic effects of the climate crisis, such as more intense storms, floods, droughts and wildfires, the last thing Pennsylvania consumers need is to be lied to as they try to make informed purchasing decisions.” Rabb, a four-term lawmaker representing four neighborhoods in northwest Philadelphia, is a founding member of the PA Climate Caucus and serves on the Read more


Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities

(Oct 01, 2024)

NEWLY LISTED PROGRAMS Department of Community and Economic Development: PA SITES Who May Apply: Municipalities, economic development organizations, redevelopment authorities, municipal authorities, industrial development agencies, and for-profit organizations. Use: To develop competitive sites for businesses to relocate or expand within Pennsylvania. Funds: $400 million in funding is available. Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and approved on a quarterly basis More information: DCED Website Department of Transportation: Multimodal Transportation Fund (MTF) Who May Apply: Municipalities, councils of government, businesses, economic development organizations, public transportation agencies, ports and rail freight entities. Use: To improve transportation assets that enhance communities, pedestrian safety, and transit revitalization. Funds: The MTF requires a 30% match of the amount award. Awards are available for projects with a minimum cost of $100,000 and no more than $3,000,000. Application Deadline: November 5, 2024 More information: PennDOT website Office of the State Fire Commissioner: Unconventional Gas Well Fund Who May Apply: Volunteer and career fire, EMS, and rescue companies in counties where unconventional gas well drilling is permitted and counties that directly border permitted counties and respond to related emergencies. Use: Funds may be used for certification, equipment, and Read more


Rabb highlights bold legislation to crack down on school book bans during Banned Book Week

(Sep 25, 2024)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 25 – In line with National Banned Books Week , state Rep. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., is highlighting legislation he reintroduced in 2023 that would establish procedures to protect public school students’ right to read and learn. “Book bans are an attempt to censor educators and restrict the information and educational materials that students can have access to in school,” Rabb said. “In addition, these effectively unilateral decisions made by school boards are extremely harmful to LGBTQ+ youth and students of color, given that the subjects discussed in these so-called ‘inappropriate’ and ‘explicit’ books often discuss many serious and real issues impacting these communities.” Efforts taken to ban books are often unpopular among both teachers and students, Rabb said. However, misinformed, politically motivated members of school boards continue to run roughshod despite protests by education professionals and students themselves. Pennsylvania has the dubious distinction of being the state with the second highest number of books banned from school libraries and curriculum by school boards. And at a time when the prospects of right-wing censorship efforts loom large, such initiatives as Project 2025 would force librarians and teachers to be registered as sex offenders for making available and teaching books that extremists simply don’t Read more


As anti-Black Attacks Surge, Rep. Rabb reintroduces Emancipation Day Holiday Legislation
Feb 03, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 22, 2025

Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Jan 15, 2025

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Health, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 30, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Dec 17, 2024

Rabb: Finding Family History with Government Resources
Nov 15, 2024

National Popular Vote Introduced in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Nov 12, 2024

Local Business Resource Newsletter November/December 2024
Nov 08, 2024

Rep Rabb highlights wide-ranging legislation focused on honoring Native American culture
Nov 01, 2024

Rabb condemns Penn’s use of police to raid students; calls for investigation
Oct 31, 2024

Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities For Your District
Oct 29, 2024

Rabb highlights Indigenous-centered legislation in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day
Oct 11, 2024

Rabb heartened by progress on voting rights in jails, work remains to be done
Oct 09, 2024

Rabb disappointed at lack of perceptible change in Juvenile Justice Task Force-informed legislation
Oct 09, 2024

Rabb lauds passage of consumer protection legislation tackling utility reconnection fees
Oct 02, 2024

Rabb “Greenwashing” Bill Moves Forward
Oct 02, 2024

Rabb highlights legislation to remedy wrongful convictions on International Wrongful Conviction Day
Oct 02, 2024

Rabb ‘greenwashing’ legislation passes Pa. House Judiciary Committee
Oct 02, 2024

Grant Memo: Agricultural, Environmental, Public Safety, Redevelopment and Additional Grant Opportunities
Oct 01, 2024

Rabb highlights bold legislation to crack down on school book bans during Banned Book Week
Sep 25, 2024