Rabb, Flick call for bipartisan study of problem-solving courts in PA
Study would look at problem-solving court usage across the commonwealth
Rep. Christopher M. Rabb March 19, 2025 | 11:06 AM
HARRISBURG, March 19 – Over the last several decades ‘problem-solving courts’ have arisen across the commonwealth as a community-based alternative to incarceration to reduce recidivism and help rehabilitate participants.
There are 136 of these courts in Pennsylvania, which are grouped into five types: veterans courts, drug courts, DUI courts, juvenile drug courts and mental health courts. They aim to divert offenders away from the prison system through a holistic approach that may improve the education, employment, and financial stability of the most vulnerable.
Despite their proliferation, there are currently no certification requirements for starting a problem-solving court, and of the 136 in Pennsylvania, only 33 are accredited.
In a bipartisan call to study how problem-solving courts are being used across the commonwealth, state Reps. Chris Rabb, D-Phila., and Jamie Flick, R-Lycoming/Union, have introduced a resolution (H.R. 133) to authorize the Joint State Government Commission to research and produce a comprehensive analysis of this matter.
“While problem solving courts may be more humane and help people get help instead of being incarcerated, the proliferation of these courts across our commonwealth, along with little to no oversight, means that we cannot say for sure that they are helping or working as intended,” Rabb said. “This study will help us glean insight into how these courts operate, what best practices they should be following and make sure they are operating in the best interests of our commonwealth.”
“I am pleased to co-sponsor this resolution to further study the impacts of problem-solving courts in our commonwealth,” said Flick. “I’ve seen how problem-solving courts are positively impacting the participants in Lycoming County, which boasts recidivism rates lower than the state’s overall rates in the last three years and graduate an impressive average of 63% of participants in the four problem-solving courts operated here. Studying best practices in the commonwealth, and across the nation, the goal is to agree on and set consistent standards for all problem-solving courts in the commonwealth and benefit from the eventual cost savings.”