As of today, Friday March 13th, my office will be closing for walk-in services. Staff will be available by phone, email, and social media. Read more
SPRINGFIELD, March 11 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara today announced that two community faith-based organizations received grants from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to enhance their safety and security measures. Temple Sholom in Broomall received a $50,000 grant and Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid received a $29,407 grant. Funds may be used toward safety and security planning, purchase of security-related technology such as metal detectors, surveillance equipment and theft control devices, threat awareness and response training and any other safety or security-related project. “Houses of worship are known for being a place of sanctuary, peace and serenity for those of faith. No one should ever feel unsafe, afraid or worry when they are within these walls,” O’Mara said. “The duty of public servants, such as myself, is to ensure that every individual seeking to worship safely, with peace of mind, can do so during these trying times. Grants like these ensure that Pennsylvania’s places of faith are also places of safety.” The grants are provided through PCCD’s Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program following the passage of Act 83 of 2019 . The act directs PCCD to administer grants to nonprofit organizations that have been or that are likely to be targets for hate crimes, according to the FBI’s 2017 Hate Crime Statistics publication. Priority consideration for funding was given to Read more
SPRINGFIELD, March 5 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara today announced that the Delaware County Workforce Development Board received a $137,463 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry to provide summer internship opportunities through the State/Local Internship Program. SLIP is funded through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and helps young adults develop workforce preparation skills by providing participants with their first work experience. “Often times, the high cost of pursuing higher education in Pennsylvania, whether from a trade school or university, can hinder people when it comes to securing well-paying, sustainable, full-time work,” O’Mara said. “Pennsylvania is facing a shortage of skilled workers, and programs like SLIP help fill that void without contributing to the student debt crisis.” The 2020 SLIP will operate for an eight-week period between May 1 and August 28. The program will offer wages at a minimum of $10.35 an hour for young adults between 16 and 24. For more information about pursuing an education and career in Pennsylvania at any stage of life, visit . Read more
Delaware County state Reps. Margo Davidson, Jennifer O’Mara and Brian Kirkland today announced a grant has been approved for the Delaware County Historical Society for $4,000 through the Cultural and Historical Support Grant Program. Read more
My discussions with you throughout last week at our student debt, 2020 census, and telephone town halls have been so insightful and enriching for my staff and me. It was also a pleasure sitting down with you at our senior breakfast in Radnor this past Friday. Read more
Find out what our friends and neighbors had to say about the issues that matter. Read more
SPRINGFIELD, Feb. 13 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara will host a telephone town hall meeting with constituents of the 165th Legislative District at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20. Residents of the district will automatically receive a call on their landlines at the start of the meeting. Those who wish to participate or just listen in can simply stay on the line. Those who would like to sign up to receive the call on their cellphones can register here: The meeting will consist of a live legislative update touching on major issues in the district and Harrisburg, as well as a question-and-answer period. “This is a great and convenient way to connect with your legislator and to ensure that I hear your thoughts and concerns regarding issues within state government,” O’Mara said. “Even if you don’t have any specific questions or concerns to address, I still encourage residents to participate because I’ll be providing an update on what’s happening in Harrisburg and how it impacts our community.” Questions may be directed to O’Mara’s office by calling 610-544-9878 or emailing . Read more
Have you recently visited the libraries throughout our district with your children? You may have noticed the large, green Mailboxes to Rep. O’Mara my office installed at the Springfield Library, Marple Public Library, Radnor Memorial Library, and Morton Borough Hall. Read more
Read Rep. O'Mara's Winter 2020, 2-page newsletter Read more
RADNOR, Feb. 5 – State Rep. Jennifer O’Mara will host an informational event on REAL ID from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13 at the Radnor Township Building, 301 Iven Road in Wayne. O’Mara will be accompanied by REAL ID experts from PennDOT. They will address what REAL ID is, its cost and how and where to obtain one. Attendees will have opportunities to ask questions to help determine if REAL ID would be right for them. “Obtaining a REAL ID could be a daunting, but highly beneficial process,” O’Mara said. “My office is here to help those interested to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. If you’d like a REAL ID but cannot attend my event, residents can call or stop by my office at any time to learn more about Pennsylvania’s newest form of ID.” For more information, questions may be directed to O’Mara’s office by calling 610-544-9878 or emailing . Read more
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26 E. 4th StreetMedia, PA 19063-3042
P*: (610) 544-9878
F*: (484) 200-8270
Hours of Operation - Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on weekends by appointment only.
Springfield Library, Adult Section Quiet Room70 Powell RoadSpringfield, PA 19064-2446
Hours of Operation - Every Tuesday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
217 Irvis OfficeP.O. Box 202165Harrisburg, PA 17120-2165
P*: (717) 783-4090
F*: (717) 772-2284