Stop stalling! The time for passing legislation to protect animals is now!

(Mar 07, 2022)

It’s time for stepping it up and doing more than just smiling and posing for pictures while proclaiming to be against animal cruelty. Read more


Deasy: Liquor privatization 'plan' doesn’t add up

(Mar 07, 2022)

In states that have privatized liquor sales, taxes and fees went up, costing consumers more. Read more


Howard: Let’s keep no-excuse mail-in voting

(Mar 07, 2022)

The validity and constitutionality of these ballots should not be in question, and I hope that our Supreme Court will find the same. Read more


Governor urges lawmakers to support Matzie bill to aid Ukrainian refugees

(Mar 07, 2022)

Matzie, D-Beaver/Allegheny, said the soon-to-be-introduced legislation would allow the commonwealth to fast-track aid to thousands needing it immediately. Read more


Now open for applications: Student mental health and wildlife funding opportunities

(Mar 07, 2022)

Included inside are several grant programs that recently opened for applications. Read more


SERS Board Cuts All Financial Ties with Russia

(Mar 04, 2022)

Rep. Dan Frankel, who represents the House Democratic Caucus on the SERS board, requested the change as both a statement against the brutal actions of a reckless regime and as a move to insulate the pension system against instability. Read more


Policy Hearing: Supporting Local Agriculture

(Mar 02, 2022)

“Pennsylvania has a tremendous opportunity to use our local agriculture to address issues like food insecurity and the prevalence of food deserts in our communities,” said Rep. Emily Kinkead. Read more


Small marijuana convictions cost time, money and livelihoods

(Mar 02, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Amen Brown does not want small marijuana convictions to keep anyone from accessing affordable housing, the federal or state programs they pay into, or take away their chances at a job. Read more


Trans Children Need Support not Suppression

(Mar 01, 2022)

As waves of anti-trans bills are considered in state legislatures across the nation, we hope that here in Pennsylvania it is long past time that elected officials stop using their power to attack trans youth and instead choose to make our commonwealth safe—no matter one’s age, race, ability or gender—for all Pennsylvanians, especially our kids. Read more


Burns calls on Biden to restart construction on Keystone XL Pipeline

(Mar 01, 2022)

“Time and again history has shown that we cannot rely on foreign countries for the resources we need. It’s time we finally learned that lesson, get this pipeline done, and get America off Russian oil – before it’s too late.” Read more


Cannabis and Social Justice: The Impacts of Criminalization

(Mar 01, 2022)

“If we are going to talk about legalization of adult-use cannabis, we must carefully examine the history of criminalization on our communities of color. My hope with this hearing is that we can learn how to save time, money, and resources by legalizing adult-use cannabis.” Read more


Cephas: We cannot delay addressing the student loan crisis; it's time to act

(Feb 28, 2022)

With the anticipation of inflation and the rising cost of goods and services, the time has never been more critical for the student loan crisis to be addressed by our colleagues in Washington. Read more


PA Women’s Health Caucus Applauds Medicaid Coverage Extension for Postpartum Individuals

(Feb 25, 2022)

“Along with my colleagues in the Women’s Health Caucus, I am grateful that Pennsylvania is taking this important step in the right direction by extending postpartum coverage for Medicaid patients from the current 60 days to a full 12 months,” said Representative Mary Jo Daley (D-148 Montgomery) and co-chair of the Women’s Health Caucus. Read more


McNeill calls on legislature to move animal rights legislation

(Feb 25, 2022)

“As elected officials, we have an ethical obligation to serve all of our constituents, human or not,” said McNeill. “It’s time leadership moved on these pieces of legislation, and I encourage those who agree to connect with their elected representatives and insist movement on these bills in the coming weeks.” Read more


Harkins: For a stronger public safety response, is it time to combine forces?

(Feb 24, 2022)

Because the stakes involved – protecting the lives of our most vulnerable residents – are so high, it’s critical that we get this right. Read more


Kenyatta Issues Statement on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

(Feb 24, 2022)

Kenyatta said that he has drafted a resolution to condemn Putin’s actions and is asking that it be passed swiftly to “show our solidarity for the people of Ukraine.” Read more


Schlossberg: Our fates are bound together. Let’s govern like it

(Feb 21, 2022)

From our investments in health care, job creation centers, early childhood education and more — this budget recognizes a fundamental truth: We all have an obligation to each other. We all need each other to be successful because your success will positively impact mine. Read more


Miller named to state Employment First Oversight Commission

(Feb 18, 2022)

Commission to promote employment, competitive wages for people with disabilities Read more


Advocates urge lawmakers to get proactive about making Pennsylvania schools safer

(Feb 16, 2022)

Max Schachter and Tony Montalto, two parents who lost children to the Parkland school shooting, shared their personal stories and research about what other states are doing to make schools safer. Read more


Stop stalling! The time for passing legislation to protect animals is now!
Mar 07, 2022

Deasy: Liquor privatization 'plan' doesn’t add up
Mar 07, 2022

Howard: Let’s keep no-excuse mail-in voting
Mar 07, 2022

Governor urges lawmakers to support Matzie bill to aid Ukrainian refugees
Mar 07, 2022

Now open for applications: Student mental health and wildlife funding opportunities
Mar 07, 2022

SERS Board Cuts All Financial Ties with Russia
Mar 04, 2022

Policy Hearing: Supporting Local Agriculture
Mar 02, 2022

Small marijuana convictions cost time, money and livelihoods
Mar 02, 2022

Trans Children Need Support not Suppression
Mar 01, 2022

Burns calls on Biden to restart construction on Keystone XL Pipeline
Mar 01, 2022

Cannabis and Social Justice: The Impacts of Criminalization
Mar 01, 2022

Cephas: We cannot delay addressing the student loan crisis; it's time to act
Feb 28, 2022

PA Women’s Health Caucus Applauds Medicaid Coverage Extension for Postpartum Individuals
Feb 25, 2022

McNeill calls on legislature to move animal rights legislation
Feb 25, 2022

Harkins: For a stronger public safety response, is it time to combine forces?
Feb 24, 2022

Kenyatta Issues Statement on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Feb 24, 2022

Now Open for Applications: Workforce Development, Substance Use Prevention, and Volunteer Fire Assistance Funding Opportunities
Feb 22, 2022

Schlossberg: Our fates are bound together. Let’s govern like it
Feb 21, 2022

Miller named to state Employment First Oversight Commission
Feb 18, 2022

Advocates urge lawmakers to get proactive about making Pennsylvania schools safer
Feb 16, 2022