Rep. Nelson applauds grants awarded to Cheltenham and Jenkintown

(Aug 16, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Aug. 16 – Improved intersections are coming to Cheltenham Township and Jenkintown Borough, state Rep. Napoleon Nelson announced. Under Pennsylvania’s Green Light-Go grants, Cheltenham was awarded $305,040 for updated signal equipment at Ashbourne Road and New Second Street. Meanwhile, Jenkintown was awarded $51,160 for updated signal equipment at Walnut Street and Runnymede Avenue. “Making our streets safer for motorists, passengers and pedestrians is one of the most important jobs of both state and local government,” Nelson said. “These grants help the state and local municipalities partner to help create improved safety at these two intersections.” Administered by PennDOT, the Green Light–Go Program is a competitive state grant program designed to improve the efficiency and operation of existing traffic signals located in Pennsylvania. The Green Light-Go Program is a reimbursement grant program and applicants are required to provide a minimum 20% match. Read more


Township Events for 09/20 Weekly Update

(Aug 11, 2023)

Upcoming township events can be found here! Read more


Budget Update, Senior Fair, and Township Events!

(Aug 04, 2023)

We have a budget… again… kind of… again. Read more


Summer Heat Precautions, Township Updates, and More!

(Jul 14, 2023)

Well, as the relentless heat and sun have indicated, summer is in full swing. Although there haven't been any heat advisories in effect, make sure you're taking the proper precautions when spending time outdoors, including taking breaks and staying hydrated. Read more


Office Closure, Legislative Update, July 4 Events, and More!

(Jun 30, 2023)

My email this week is going to be short. As this goes out, I am still in session fulfilling my duty to pass the budget ahead of today's deadline. This week has been a busy one for us in the House. We have passed a number of bills that will help many residents here in the 154th. Unfortunately, we've also had a number of Supreme Court rulings that will upend everyday life by reversing years of precedent. Read more


Legislative Update, Township Events, and More!

(Jun 23, 2023)

I am fairly sure that everyone remembers the COVID days. The pandemic seems to have redefined so much of our lives that pre-COVID practices are getting harder and harder to remember. There is one pre-COVID practice that is coming back in just a few months and I NEED you to be prepared for it. Read more


How I Voted, Real ID Update, and More!

(Jun 09, 2023)

I’m not really sure when summer starts. Some say that Memorial Day kicks off the season. The astronomical definition notes that the summer solstice (when the sun is at its highest) is June 21. I have kids and a wife who's an educator, so the summer starts on the last day of school for most of my house, which is typically mid-June. Given my job, June is our busiest month, and it just doesn’t feel like summer until we get the budget done, so I’m grinding all the way through June 30. Read more


Many Important Bills Were Considered Last Week. Here's a Rundown.

(Jun 02, 2023)

The last time we were in session (May 22-24), we voted on a number of important bills, set up a very busy first week in June, and moved three of my own bills out of committee. It was another busy week, yet not much has made it to the Governor's desk yet. Here's a rundown of some of the critical items from that session week. Read more


Alzheimer’s affects everyone. Especially the Black community.

(May 26, 2023)

It is an unfortunate but unsurprising reality that, according to the CDC, Black Americans are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s than white Americans in the U.S. The same can be said for cancer, diabetes and countless other diseases. Read more


Anti-hate crimes legislation clears Judiciary Committee, heads for House consideration

(May 24, 2023)

Nelson said, “This legislative package is of vital importance. As hate crimes increase across the country, we must protect those who are most vulnerable. Read more


Township Updates, Medicaid and CHIP Renewal, and More!

(May 12, 2023)

In this week's email, I provide township updates, information on Medicaid and CHIP renewal, and more! Read more


Policy roundtable explores link between historical preservation and economic development

(May 09, 2023)

The House Majority Policy Committee convened a roundtable discussion in Montgomery County Tuesday morning to explore how historical preservation can increase tourism and drive economic development. Read more


Schedule for Rep. Nelson's Third Annual Environmental Conference

(Apr 19, 2023)

Rep. Nelson's Third Annual Environmental Conference, to be held this Friday, April 21, from 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Gratz College, features a host of events focused on the environment and how we, as a community, can safeguard it.  Read more


Office Closure, Shred Event, Township Updates, and More!

(Apr 06, 2023)

As springtime blooms and the colors come out all over the 154th District, I paused today to reflect on renewal and the joy that comes from being together with family and friends. We’ve all been through a lot recently, but this time of year always makes me feel that our best days are just on the horizon. For all of those who are celebrating, we wish you a joyous Easter, chag Pesach sameach, and Ramadan Mubarak from my family and the entire staff to you. As we go forth into the warmer weather, let’s celebrate our diversity and remember what unites us. Please have a happy, meaningful, and safe holiday season! Read more


Budget Hearings, Environmental Conference, Township Updates, and More!

(Mar 31, 2023)

This legislative term has gotten off to a consequential, but admittedly slow start. As we wrap up the first quarter of 2023, the House has only advanced one piece of legislation over to the Senate, the expansion of the statute of limitations for victims of childhood sexual assault. That slow start has now given way to the very deliberative budget process that features a month of department hearings in front of the Appropriations committees of the House and Senate. Read more


Environmental Conference, Indigent Defense, Township Updates, and More!

(Mar 17, 2023)

An RSVP form for Rep. Nelson's Third Annual Environmental Conference is now live on his website. Click here to secure your attendance now. Read more


You're invited to two events TOMORROW, March 16!

(Mar 15, 2023)

I wanted to send you a special, mid-week email to remind you of two events taking place tomorrow, March 16, both of which you are encouraged to attend. Read more


Upcoming Press Conference, Town Hall, Township Updates, and More!

(Mar 10, 2023)

On March 18, 1963, the Supreme Court's decision in Gideon v. Wainwright solidified the centuries-old truth that having adequate legal defense in a criminal trial is not a luxury, but a necessity. Sixty years later, Pennsylvania is still woefully unprepared to represent indigent citizens who lack the funds to hire an attorney. In fact, Pennsylvania is the only state that fails to provide state funding for public defenders and uphold the decision rendered in Gideon. Read more


Town Hall, Township Updates, State-Related Programs, and More!

(Mar 03, 2023)

I know that we have posted the flyer for the last few weeks but do note our upcoming town hall meeting on the March 16. This is our first town hall event, but do not feel like you need to break your neck to get there. We will certainly be having more events like this going forward, where you can ask me questions or seek my support. They will come in large and small venues throughout the district. You might also see me or a member of my team show up at your door this summer to make sure you’re receiving the support you need. Read more


Town Hall, Township Updates, State-Related Programs, and More!

(Feb 24, 2023)

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in February, 1817… or maybe 1818. Nobody knows for sure. Those two great men, a President, an abolitionist, white, black, friends and founding fathers, are the inspiration for what became “Negro History Week” in February 1926. Read more